söndag 1 mars 2009

Global MindShift Community

"Dear Global MindShift Community,

In our last newsletter, we said that everything we offer here would tie back to our three core principles:

-All is one.We are all part of one interdependent and interconnected whole; what we do to others, we do to ourselves.
-Love is the action.
-In a world where all is one, love is the only rational response.Our challenge now is to discover how to love in every situation.

Becoming "present, authentic, inclusive and responsible" is an educational process for discovering how to love.How we define and understand these words, however, is always evolving,enriched by each individual’s knowledge and experience.

In this newsletter, you’ll find opportunities to explore what it means to Be Present, and what it has to do with discovering how to love.

Being Present: An evolutionary perspective

Our sense of presence begins with an awareness of who and where we are. The energy of the sun that grows our food and courses through our bodies is the energy of the universe, present now, in us. It is as if the universe wants to be present to itself in the experience we call “being human.”

Watch the video, and then share your impressions and insights with the community on the Global MindShift blog. Does what you heard give you new insights into what it means to love?

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