tisdag 13 januari 2009

Positiva råvarusignaler

Scoris skriver i sitt senaste inlägg om ev botten formationer som kan börja skönjas för vissa råvaror en genomgång av dessa samt mer om inflation.

Speciellt belysande annars tycker jag är dessa citat som Scoris tagit från Don Cox:

"Q: Have you ever seen the global economy in worse shape?

A: Yes, I have seen the economy in worse shape. I got into this business in 1972 and I can tell you that the economy was in worse shape in 1974 and 1975. The early ´80s, when former U.S. Federal Reserve governor Paul Volcker had to end the inflation spiral and interest rates got to 20%, was also a very bad time. Those were two scary times, and I am a survivor of both. These days I find myself spending a great deal of time dealing with people who, coming into the business much later than I did, think the only comparison now is with the Great Depression."

Volkers eran har vi ju skrivit om ett antal gånger på denna blogg och alltid lika viktigt att påminna om vad denne tidigare FED chairman åstakom och vilka hans metoder var som jag fö är övertygad om vi återigen kommer se implementeras framöver. Han är ju som bekant idag rådgivare till Obama, över 80 år still going strong. Obama står ju annars för Change anses det vilket sannerligen är högst märkligt med tanke på alla de gamla bekanta ansikten runt omkring honom som ständigt poppar upp.

Nedanstående Cox citat är annars en mycket illustrativ beskrivning av vad som just nu pågår:

" The governments and central banks of the OECD countries are implementing the strategies recommended by the two greatest economists of the 20th century, both of whom didn´t agree on anything. What you have are the monetary policies of Milton Friedman blended with budget deficits and pump-priming strategies of John Maynard Keynes. Everything being offered by the great economists is being tried at the same time, therefore, you have to assume we are going to get out of this mess. However, the fact that these two economists disagreed with each other, largely because of the implication of their theories on inflation, leads me to believe that when we get out of this current mess, we are going to be faced with another severe inflation challenge two or three years from now."


Positiva råvarusignaler

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