fredag 28 november 2008

the road to hell is paved with good intentions - eller?

Kommentarerna nedan är mina egna men på Engelska. Kanske bemödar mig att översätta dessa senare. men inte i kväll. God natt.

Some "facts" fun to accnowledge whilst watching the finance debacle as it unfolds:

- Between 1937 and 1987 there were no bubbles, but Greenspan helped to create two bubbles in ten years - in stocks and then in real estate - by holding interest rates too low, punishing savers. He helped to make the American people worse off by redistributing wealth to the rich, the bubbles' boosters and sponsors.
- In 2001-03, housing `saved' the US economy from the aftershock of the stock bubble. De-regulation led to lower lending standards with more `creative' financial instruments, like the $500 trillion worth of derivatives, which Warren Buffett described as `financial instruments of mass destruction'. - as a result derivates today represents a value 10 times larger that the entire value represented in the real world.
- "US Subprime issues now contained" Mr Bernanke one year ago - "the US economy is the strongest economy I have ever seen" Mr Paulsson some months ago whilst on a European round trip - now they say give us more money and we'll fix the problem...
- "The business of taking deposits and lending by banks had been split during the Great Depression from the business of underwriting and selling stocks and bonds—investment banking—by an act of Congress, the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. The law was passed amid the collapse of the banking system in the United States following the bursting of the Wall Street stock market bubble in October 1929. That Glass-Steagall act was a prudent attempt by Congress to end the uncontrolled speculative excesses of the Roaring Twenties by New York finance. It established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to guarantee personal bank deposits to a fixed sum that restored consumer confidence and ended the panic runs on bank deposits. In November 1999, after millions spent lobbying Congress, the New York banks and Wall Street investment banks and insurance companies won a staggering victory. The US Congress voted to repeal that 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. President Bill Clinton proudly signed the repeal act with Sandford Weill, the chairman of Citigroup. " Now as CEO of Goldman & Sachs Mr Paulsson today US Treasury Secretary played a key role representing the investment banks making this happen. So this guy is now supposed to be able to fix it. His solution take the money from the taxpayes the same pople that defauled on thier morgage and thus have to leave their homes and give this money to the Investment bankers.

Combine this with the Greenspan FED era where for decades a totally irresponsable policy that has allowed money growt to an unprecidented extent to take place. Then add some socialistic ideology and measures in to the fire: - Barack Obama's rise has left many Americans asking themselves that question. Here's a big part of the answer: Community organizers intimidate banks into making high-risk loans to customers with poor credit. In the name of fairness to minorities, community organizers occupy private offices, chant inside bank lobbies, and confront executives at their homes - and thereby force financial institutions to direct hundreds of millions of dollars in mortgages to low-credit customers. In other words, community organizers help to undermine the US economy by pushing the banking system into a sinkhole of bad loans. And Obama has spent years training and funding the organizers who do it.

So Obama played a key role in staring this subprime mess in the first place. He's now wall streets choice as the streed supportes hime some 10 times more with funding as it does to McCain. Question you need to ask why do they the wall streetr bankers so desperately want Obama? Could it be so that he and he aloe would be able to bring an impression "representing the masses" and this making legimite drastic socialistic measures? Remember for the bankers aiming at control a socialistic fascistic state is the best possible way to comtrol the masses and under the false impression of democrasy implement a polis state. Just like a frog getting boiled without it notesing it as the water is allow to just gradually heat up.

A war on terror really comes in handy in this regard. Order out of caos - who ever was it that used to say this? add to this pot also some Brzezinski and it starts go get real explosive: Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the real power behind an Obama throne

the guy who really created the muslim threat: The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon.

Bottom line the US is heading full speed towards engineered civil unrest and socialistic fascist state. It all about controll over the middle class and with these economic measures the US middleclass will soon be history as it will see its welth vaporate at unimaginable speed with hyperinflation a la Germany. In the process you'll need some drastic measures under the impression it's the peoples choise to be implemented to guarante at least some minimum levels left of a functioning society. At least this will be the case with Obama as the president trying to fix the american economy. No way these people are so incompetent first impression might give. 90% of all derivates relates to Citygroup, Bank of Amerika och JP Morgan Chase .JP Morgan the single largest of them all by far. Now it's these three banks that are allowed to grow significantely as a result of the finance debacle. The worlds Welth already concetrated to a few hands is in this process going on now gettng concentrated to even fewer hands. In times like these real welth e.g. hard assets, factories etc is not destroyd) it simply is transfreed and replaces paper debt based worthless junk and given to fewer hands.

Remember key in all of this is to oppose the FED (close it down ASAP, oppose every president candidate promoted by wall street and the bankers and make sure to protect your welt. Buy oil as it is the ultimate currency and as it only will increase in value going forward. Oil in the ground is where it's at whilst fiat currency only will decrease in value as inflation takes its toll going forward. The US money printing machine is now working overtime and last month alone FEDs balansheet incresed some staggering 67%!! But this is only the beginning.

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