lördag 20 mars 2010

STP.V - 100% working interest in all its McKay lands

Detta betyder att STP - med vinterns borrprogram i området - nu vet att det finns mer grejer att hämta i McKey, utöver det redan planerade 12.000 pbd projektet. Ser ut som om även McKey south kan bli en rejäl hit. Börjar nu dra ihop sig för att bolaget snart kommer att redovisa resultaten från vinterns borrningar.

"The acquisition of Bounty’s working interest at McKay results in Southern Pacific having an undivided 100% working interest in all its McKay lands, including the 10.5 sections within the Company’s STP-McKay Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (“SAGD”) project."

"Within the Acquisition, Southern Pacific also acquired a 20% working interest in 32 sections of land formerly operated by Patch International Ltd., and known as Ells."

"There are 12 sections of these lands directly adjacent to Southern Pacific’s 18-section MacKenzie block (100% working interest). These 12 sections have had coreholes drilled and contingent resource has been assigned by an independent reserves auditor."

New updated land presentation

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