Att tankens kraft är stor visar om inte annat dessa behandlingar som i realiteten handlar om att ändra sitt tänkande och självbild i det undermedveta mha hypnos.
Psoriasis som anses vara en obotlig sjukdom har i dessa behandlingar av en av Englands främsta hypnos terapefter givit rätt anmärkninskvärda resultat. Eller vad sägs om nästan 30% av de med hypnos behandlade patieterna som i stort sett helt och hållet blivit av med sin psoriasis? Inte illa för en obotlig åkomma - eller hur?
När det sedan visar sig att ytterligare ca 30% sett sina psorisasis besvär reduceras med 50% ställer man sig frågan varaför inte fler psoriasis patienter bahandlas med denna metodik.
Mindre än hälften av de behandlade såg visserligen i stort sett inga effekter av behandlingen men det borde väl ändå vara värt att ta changsen?
Is Psoriasis an angry mans’ game?
During the study it came to my attention that there were three distinct personality traits that many of the participants shared. The most significant being anger. The anger was very common. I would say over 90% of the participants had this deep routed and very noticeable anger. However, the anger was surprisingly not always about the Psoriasis. Sometimes the anger was directed towards themselves, as if they had done something so wrong that the Psoriasis was a kind of punishment.
The belief that they had done something wrong and hence deserved their Psoriasis is of course a fictitious belief. Generally most of them have had a perfectly normal life; although there was nearly always some drama or trauma in their childhood that helped to form a significant portion of the hypnotherapy work that was done during the study.
It is my belief that eradicating, lessening or coming to terms with this anger is an important part of the change needed to affect the Psoriasis. Any intervention that does not take this issue into account is doomed to fail.
Brief Hypnotherapy study results. 28% achieved a 95% reduction in their Psoriasis. A further 29% obtained over 50% reduction. 43% saw little or no reduction at all. However ALL participants in the hypnotherapy study reported a completely different attitude to their Psoriasis.
In my previous article "Psoriasis an angry man's game" I described the study, the results and another trait common to a Psoriasis client, anger. However in this article I want to discuss a common belief amongst Psoriasis clients and that is that "I'm not good enough". This is a common belief that virtually all Psoriasis clients, which I have worked with over the years, have. They believe, deep down at a sub-conscious level, for one reason or another, that they have done something wrong. This develops into a belief that "I'm not good enough", which is eventually translated into the belief that they deserve the condition. To an outsider looking in this would appear to be bizarre. However, consider the small child, say a five year old girl, whose parents split up and her daddy is suddenly taken away. What does that child think? It's a fair bet that she will be very upset and in trying to understand what has happened to her world, (given her limited understanding of the world and its complexities), she may feel that SHE has done something wrong, which is why daddy left. In turn, this leads to feelings of guilt and low self-worth. Hence, the "I'm not good enough" syndrome is born.
Hypnotherapy is really the most direct and influential way of changing subconscious thinking; within therapy patterns thinking and behaviour can be improved to facilitate beneficial resolutions. Often this process is both surprising to, and effortless for, the client.!&id=1651288
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