måndag 15 mars 2010

The sleeping giant has awaken

Studera särskilt bild no 2 "the sun raises again"" och se hur den nu pågående kriset escalerar gapet mätt i "purchasing power parity" mellan de väst baserade och de Asiatiska ekonomierna. Detta samtidigt som världesn efinansiella centra ny flyttas från Wall Street och London till Asien.

Many Western firms are more interested in Asia’s capital spending than its consumption, and here Asia is undoubtedly the giant. In 2009, 40% of global investment (at market exchange rates) took place in Asia, as much as in America and Europe combined. In finance, Asian firms launched eight of the ten biggest initial public offerings (IPOs) in 2009 and more than twice as much capital was raised through IPOs in China and Hong Kong last year as in America.

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