måndag 12 oktober 2009

Record sales month for GM across China

Inte direkt någon kris här inte..och dessutom den här iden om att Kina skulle tjäna på att ersätta fossildrivna bilar till eldriva är liksom inte direkt genomtänkt. Inte så länge som Kinas el produktion till över 70% genereras från stenkol. Allt detta gör istället är att så länge vi har vår vettlösa svenska energipolitik att detta i så fall kommer driva upp våra inhemska elpriser ända in i absurdum..

Hummer deal nod likely soon
Tengzhong signed a previously announced deal with General Motors (GM) on Friday in Detroit to purchase Hummer, a deal Yang says is likely to get Chinese government approval this year or early next year.

Record sales month for GM across China
Analysts said GM has benefited considerably from China's incentive policies in the vehicle market. In January, the government slashed the purchasing tax on vehicles with engine capacity of less than 1.6 liters to 5 percent. It was previously 10 percent.

Wale predicted that GM's 2009 sales in China would grow by at least 40 percent from almost 1.1 million units last year. This would see China's entire vehicle market reaching between 11.5 million to 12 million units, compared to 9.1 million units last year.

At the end of last month, GM launched a wholly-owned science lab in China, the first of its kind in the country to be established by a global carmaker. This is intended to strengthen the company's local research and development capabilities.


Kinas energipolitik och svenska elpriser

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