Står vi inför ett nytt teknologiskt genombrott som kan komma att påverka mänskligheten på samma sätt eller bli tom ännu mer omvälvande än vad ex kunskapen om elektroner, elektromagnetism givit oss?
Nästan allt idag i vår vardag har någon form av anknytning på ett eller annat sätt till elektroner och magneter. Allt ifrån datorer, TV, radio, elektrisitet för att värma, koka, transportera, spida ljus, brödrostar, kylksåp osv osv.
Det var bara för 200 år sedan som man inte bara inte hade någon ting alls av allt detta utan man saknade dessutom fullständigt den vetenskapliga förklaringsmodellen till det som ligger till grund för dessa tillämpningar. Elektrisitet skulle inte ha uppfattats som något annat än ren magi och trolleri för en 1700 tals människa och förutom att vara total oförklarligt och obegripligt dessutom rent skrämmande. Idag använder vi alla dessa teknologier dagligen men ytterst få av oss förstår egentligen hur detta fungerar.
Så vilka genombrott rent teknologiskt står männskligeten inför denna gång och kommer detta tom att kunna bli mer omvälvade än det vi bevittnat senaste 200 åren? Vissa hävdar att så är fallet och att det som nu står inför dörren är det som i dagligt tal benämns som Torsion Fields.
Att detta är ett synnerligen känsligt område inser man direkt när man börjar att söka information i ämnet. Man får i sanning sålla bland materialet ex på internet där under denna rubrik den ena mer enastående konspirations teorin efter den andra dyker upp.
Men för oss lite mer "luttrade" som inte längre förvånas av detta utan har noterat hur "experter" och professorer och ett etablisemang tom kan lyckas övertyga gemene man och med dennes skattepengar dessutom finnaniera budskap som går ut på att vår naturliga föda är farlig för oss avskräcker detta inte.
Här några exempel på hur denna nya teknologi skulle kunna tillämpas:
"Today we use an electrical motor and a compressor to run freezers and refrigerators to preserve food, specimens and other things like genetic material. Freezing and refrigeration slows down bacterial processes that spoil food by lowering the temperature. A stasis chamber using a torsion generator would put the food or other material in a much slower time in relation to our time. Perhaps only seconds would elapse with the material in the chamber while days; months years would have passed outside of the chamber. So the food or other material would stay fresh in relation to our time and our activities."
"How about transportation technologies? In a few decades we could be looking back at cars and airplanes like we think about horses and buggies. Atmospheric craft and spacecraft would be lifted and propelled by torsion propulsion systems around the globe and into the vastness of space. There would be no expensive infrastructure of roads and bridges to build and maintain and no environmentally damaging expensive fossil fuels to burn for propulsion. With less materials needed for infrastructure, and better and more efficient recycling of materials, there would be less need for mining of the earth.
How about trash disposal? That which was not recycled could be simply destroyed or decomposed by torsion field generators into manageable recycled products. How about creating new alloys, fabrics, composite materials through use of torsion fields? Think of the advancements in materials technology. Torsion fields and time compression can make normally opaque substances transparent so this would open up huge opportunities into seeing through normally opaque objects or even into the earth itself.
The greatest impact that torsion field generators may have on our civilization initially would be to make the environmentally destructive fossil fuels industry obsolete almost overnight. Torsion field generators would replace expensive polluting fossil fuels with cheap, efficient non-polluting energy and so free up huge economic resources for the feeding and housing of our ever expanding population. We could end global warming very quickly.
Communication technologies would make a quantum jump in range and speed making today's communications seem like that of the telegraph. Torsion Physics even begins to explain telepathy and even consciousness.
Torsion technologies can be truly be called the technology of the gods."
Här en kort summering:
"Torsion fields have been studied by several groups of Russian scientists for at least three decades and most of that time in secret. What are torsion fields? The torsion field and its emanations are subtle energy fields. They are separate and distinct from classical Electric, Magnetic, and Gravity fields. Generators for these fields can be shielded against electro-magnetic fields and the torsion field still manifests itself through such shielding. Torsion fields can be generated, detected, switched on and off (such as for communication purposes), and are a distinct type of energy field heretofore not included in today’s classical physics.
Torsion field can travel at velocities at least as high as 109 times the speed of light.
“Like Einstein has said that there’s an area beyond our human mind which is called as Torsion Area. And all the truths, absolute truths are known when you enter into that Torsion Area. This Torsion Area has different names. For example in Sanskrit it’s called as Paramchaitanya. In the Koran it’s called as Ruh. In every religion it has been described. But as you know religion also what it has taken in many different shapes in the hands of human beings. Human beings have a speciality of spoiling everything.” – Shri Mataji
Vill man trots detta ändå försöka att sätta sig in i ämnet rekommenderar jag bla nedanstående länk:
Short Introduction for Humanist
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