torsdag 13 augusti 2009

The observer effect and deliberate creation

"If you think you understand quantum physics you probably don't" är ett statement som på ett målande sätt beskriver problematiken med att få oss människor att förstå det vi uppfattar som vår verklighet.

I denna synnerligen intressanta intervju med Lynn McTaggard så beskrivs bla det forskare idag diskuterar på fullaste allvar och som kallas "The observer effect". Endast när vi genom vår tanke fokuserar på något så existerar det är vad det går ut på. Allt i univrsum är vibrationer som i sin minsta beståndsdel är strängar av vibrationer och när inget fokus (attention) läggs på dessa existerar de i sin ursprungs form som just vibrerande strängar. När fokus (tanke/attention) däremot läggs på dessa så formas dessa till till det vi tänker på och blir till materia.

Just nu håller jag på att läsa (om och om igen) en bok jag rekommenderar till alla att läsa. Det är "Money and The Law of Attraction - Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness" där en av grund beståndsdelarna är den sk "Law of attraction" som säger att det du fokuserar på att det som attraheras/skapar din verklighet.

här ett video utdrag av det som till boken bifogas som CD (dock ej bild) till denna bok.

Här ett utdrag ur boken som kanske kan vara intressant att ta del av denna gång relaterat till karriär och det som kallas "deliberate creation" men applicerbart i realiteten på eg allt:

"Often there are things in your work environment that are not conductive to feeling good. And often you believe that your only chance of ever really feeling good is to get away from these negative influences. But the idea of quitting and leaving does not feel good either because that could cause a lapse in your income when things are already financially tight, so you continue on, unhappily and feeling trapped.

If you could stand back a little bit and see your career not as work that you are doing in exchange for money but as the expenditure of your life experience in return for your joyful experience, then you would realize that many of the thoughts you think and the words your speak are not in alignment with that quest for joy. If you say, “Nothing is more important than that I feel good”, you will find yourself guiding yourself to different thoughts, words and behaviors.

The simple exercise of deliberately looking for positive aspects of your current work and the people who work there with you will give you an immediate feeling of relief. And that relief will indicate a shift in your vibration, which means your point of attraction, has shifted. Once that occurs the law of attraction will cause you to rendezvous with different people and will even cause you to have different experiences with the same people. It is a sort of creating from the inside out, rather than the outside-in, action version that never works. From your simple but powerful premise of deciding that you want to feel good, things will begin to improve in dramatic ways.

People often move from job to job, profession to profession, employer to employer, only to find the next place no better than the last – and the reason for that is, they take themselves everywhere they go.

When you go to a new place and you continue to complain about what was wrong with your last position in order to explain why you came to your new position, the same vibrational mix of resistance goes with you and continues to prevent the things you want from coming to you.

Therefore the best way to accomplice an improved work environment is to focus on the best things about where you currently are until you flood your own vibrational patterns of thought with appreciation, and in that changed vibration, you can then allow the new-and-improved conditions and circumstances to come in to your experience.

Some worry that if they follow our encouragement to look for god things about where they are, it will only hold them longer in an unwanted place, but the opposite is really true: In your state of appreciation, you lift all self-imposed limitations (and all limitations are self imposed) and you free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things.

Appreciation is the vibration of alignment with who- you –are. It is the absence of resistance. It is the absence of doubt and fear. It is the absence of self denial or hatred towards others. Appreciation is the absence of everything that feels bad and the presence of everything that feels good. When you focus on what you want – then you tell the story of how you want life to be –you will come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation and when you reach it , it will pull you toward all things that you consider to be good in a very powerful way. Love and appreciation are identical vibrations.

An example of my “old” story about my career

I’ve always worked hard in every job I’ve had, but I never really been appreciated. It seems to me that employers always take advantage of me, getting everything from me that they can and giving as little in return as they can get away with. I’m tired of working so hard for so little. I’m going to start holding back, too – no point in my knocking myself out when no one else notices. Many of the people around me at work know less than I know. Works less that I work, and make more money than I make. That’s just not right.

An example of my “new” story about my career
I know that I will not always be right here in this place doing this same work. I like understanding that things are always evolving, and it’s fun to anticipate where I am headed. While there are many things that could be better where I am, it is not really a problem because “where I am” is constantly changing to something better. I like knowing that as I look for the best things around me where I am, those things become more prevalent in my life experience. It is fun to know that things are always working out fine for me, and I watch for the evidence of that… and I see more evidence of that every day.

If you will let your dominant intention be to revise and improve the content of the story you tell every day of your life, it is an absolute promise to you that your life will become that ever improving story.

If you are feeling shortage of time or money, your best effort would be to focus upon better feeling thoughts, to make long lists of positive aspects, to look for reasons to feel good when you do them.

It is NOT your job to transform the world for others – but it is your job to transform it for YOU."

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