tisdag 10 juli 2012

Petrus Romanus Prophecy of the Popes with Tom Horn (June 3, 2012)

Author and publisher with a specialty in End Times and prophecy, Tom Horn, discussed his new research on the prophecy of the Popes, and how 2012 will be the fulfillment of St. Malachy's prediction that the Catholic Church will see one final Pope before its destruction. Almost 900 years ago, the Irish seer, St. Malachy, came to Rome and "suddenly had this frenzied vision in which he wrote down the descriptives of every Pope that would ever exist from his day to the final Pope," Horn reported. According to Malachy's prophesied list, the next Pope after the current one (Pope Benedict) will be the last one, #112. This final Pope, Petrus Romanus (or Peter the Roman) will lead the Church into the great tribulation period and the destruction of Rome. Some Catholic mystics believe he will be an infiltrator under Satanic control. Evangelical prophecy refers to this person as the "False Prophet" who helps to usher in the Antichrist, Horn continued.

If an Italian is voted in as the next Pope, that could be the fulfillment of Malachy's prophecy, Horn noted, adding that a number of church scholars going back hundreds of years have cited 2012 as the year when the False Prophet emerges. This timing coincides with other prophetic material such as from the Mayans, and Cherokee, as well as the Kabbalah's Zohar book, which named 2012 as the year when the Messiah returns, he detailed. Further, in 1951, a French Jesuit named Rene Thibaut, a codebreaker and mathematician, verified the accuracy of Malachy's predictions, and calculated that Petrus Romanus would arrive in 2012.

Horn also spoke about the late Father Malachi Martin's warning of a secret plan by the "Illuminati/Freemasons" to infiltrate the Vatican and use it to bring about a New World Order. A friend of Martin's, Father Alfred Kunz, was murdered, and Martin believed he was killed by Satanists at the Vatican. The case is still unsolved, and Horn has investigated the possible conspiracy.


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