lördag 14 juli 2012

Panspermia - Life and Intelligence

Panspermia - Life

PanSpermia - Intelligence

High Times: From your writings I have gleaned that you subscribe to the notion that psilocybin mushrooms are a species of high intelligence — that they arrived on this planet as spores that migrated through outer space, and are attempting to establish a symbiotic relationship with human beings. In a more holistic perspective, how do you see this notion fitting into the context of Francis Crick’s theory of directed panspermia, the hypothesis that all life on this planet and its directed evolution has been seeded, or perhaps fertilized, by spores designed by a higher intelligence?

Terence McKenna: As I understand the Crick theory of panspermia, it’s a theory of how life spread through the universe. What I was suggesting — and I don’t believe it as strongly as you imply — is that intelligence, not life, but intelligence may have come here in this spore-bearing life form. This is a more radical version of the panspermia theory of Crick and Ponampurama. In fact I think that theory will probably be vindicated. I think in a hundred years if people do biology they will think it quite silly that people once thought that spores could not be blown from one star system to another by cosmic radiation pressure. As far as the role of the psilocybin mushroom, or its relationship to us and to intelligence, this is something that we need to consider. It really isn’t important that I claim that it’s an extraterrestrial, what we need is a body of people claiming this, or a body of people denying it, because what we’re talking about is the experience of the mushroom. Few people are in a position to judge its extraterrestrial potential, because few people in the orthodox sciences have ever experienced the full spectrum of psychedelic effects that are unleashed. One cannot find out whether or not there’s an extraterrestrial intelligence inside the mushroom unless one is willing to take the mushroom.

Terence McKenna on Mushrooms

And quite interresting is the fact that there is this collabolarion between mushrooms and bacteria since the beginning of the creation of our earth that has survived so far at least some 6 exstintions of live on this planet:

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