Här har vi nu lite positiva nyheter från Island gällande denna gång energi. Utgångspunkten är att Island tänker utnyttja sin världsledande geotermiska expertis för att exportera värme via rör förbindelse till andra länder.
"Iceland is doing a feasibility study into building a 1,170- kilometer (727-mile) power cable to Scotland to send some of its untapped potential of 18 terawatt-hours of geothermal and hydropower -- that’s enough for 5 million European homes. The project has the backing of the government, Industry Minister Katrin Juliusdottir said in an interview. "
Skulle vara kanon för Island om man på detta sätt skulle kunna inte bara för egen del nyttja geotermisk värme utan man även kan exportera denna och på detta sätt ge bidrag till statskassan.
Det är ju ungeför samma sits vi har i sverige med den miljövänliga och billiga vattenkraften. Den överskottsenergi vi producerar är det tänkt, skall vi kunna exportera med förtjänst till kontinenten.
Här börjar nu det bli dags att varna alla islänningar. Om ni tillåter era politiker att skapa samma "avregerade" idiot system för er energimarknad så som vi har gjort här kommer detta att sluta på samma sätt som vi nu har det i sverige. I sverige så genom vår iver att ansluta oss till kontineten och samtidigt avreglera (konstigt namn avreglerat förresten, när det inte är tillåtet att själv importera el eller när staten alltid även för din egen producerade el skall ta ut skatt) våra inhemska elpriser rusat i höjden på ett fullständigt okontrollerat sätt.
Sedan spelar det ingen roll om man sitter på en sk komparabel fördel, i detta vårt svenska fall genom vår miljövänliga vattenkraft, vi tvingas att betala en avgift för det faktum att vi anslutit oss till kontinenten genom en fullständigt hispig prisbildningsmekanism där, och lyssna nu noga - ALL VÅR EGEN MILJÖVÄNLIG BILLIGA EL SOM KONSUMERAS I LANDET PRISSÄTTS PÅ MARGINALEN GENOM DEN FÖRSUMMBARA OCH RINGA DEL AV DENT MILJÖVIDRIGA KOL KRAFTS GENERERADE EL SOM VI IMPORTERAR.
Ja vet man tror inte detta är sant - hur är det möjligt. Jo allting går tydligen. Och samtidigt för att göra denna story ännu mer fantastisk så har Vattenfall, dvs det bolag som äger och driver alla våra miljövänliga vattenkraftverk lyckats med konststycket att öka sin fossilbaserade el produktion från ca 1% till idag över 50%. Detta genom vettlösa inköp av kol (jo ni hörde rätt) kolkraftverk på kontinenten. Ännu mer obegripligt då detta bolag under samma tid haft som mål att vara DET miljö ledande energi bolaget.
Samtidigt med "avregleringen" så avskaffades dessutom ALL övervakning av elpriserna. Känner ni igen mönstet från finansmarknaden som ju hävdar att man skall ha så lite av regler och översyn som möjligt? Vart detta synsett lett oss ser vi nu resultatet av i den världsomfattande finansiella härdsmälta nu allt fler inser vi inte kommer att kunna komma ur, utan enorma uppoffringar och fantastiks förmögenhets omfördelning och kapital förstörelse.
Kvar idag finns bara en övervakning av el leverantörernas elnätsavgifter. Den myndighet som hanterar detta är Energimarknads inspektionen. Hur väl de lyckas med denna granskning av denna marknad framgår med all önskvärd tydlighet när man läser följande:
Eon och Vattenfall har chockhöjt sina elnätspriser med över 30 procent de senaste tre åren. Det är mer än dubbelt så mycket som resten av elbolagen i Sverige. Nu får den inspektion som ska granska elnätsföretagen kritik.
Samtidigt har vinsten för de båda eljättarna dragit i väg. Under perioden 2007-2009 mer än tredubblade Vattenfall sin vinst till 805 miljoner kronor och Eon nästan femdubblade vinsten till drygt 1,8 miljarder kronor
Själva anser dock denna myndighet att allt är i sin ordning:
"Energimarknadsinspektionen tillbaka visar dock anklagelserna från Fastighetsägarna och menar att Eons och Vattenfalls prishöjningar varit skäliga.
-Elbolag som har höjt sina nätavgifter har legat still tidigare, förklarar Caroline Törnqvist på Elmarknadsinspektionen.
Höjningen är också motiverad, enligt Caroline Törnqvist, eftersom det handlar om att se till att elnätet fungerar i dag och om femton, tjugo år."
Allt detta är inget annat än en handbok för hur man skapar man en ideal oliogopl marknad som passar som hand i hanske för privatiserade bolag ägda av oligarker. Utan insyn och konkurrens vär namnet kan man sätta vilka priser man vill och ta ut vilka övervinster som helst utan att någon gör något åt saken.
Vi kan ju passa på att konstatera att det som nu miljadärs bröderna Koch i USA försöker att komma åt, inte minst genom att attakera och nedmontera den amerikanska medel och arnetarklassen i Wisconsin, är just det som idag är det allmännas energibolag.
I Sverige har Investor, ägda av Wallenberg, aggresivt börjat att köpa in sig och lägga under sig allt mer av vård och omsorgsapparaten. Ytterligare ett konjungtur okänsligt område som det är mumma att äga och som man kan tjäna pengar på även under den värsta ekonomiska härdsmälta.
Om inte annat så kanske det kan bli dags att fundera på denna tingens ordning den dag du själv hamnar på ett vinstoptimerande, Wallenbergs ägt ålderdomshem. Då kommer du själv som 90-åring själv antagligen tvingas städa ditt rum och tvätta dina käder för att kunna ha råd att betala el och vård räkningen. Det är så nämligen oligarker vill ha det visar historien.
How Iceland Was Bankrupted ! Confessions of An Economic Hitman!
- Reporting from a fractal universe, fighting oligarchy. About changing the world - "a single human being can change the entire world as long as she don’t care about who takes the credit." - "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
måndag 28 februari 2011
Dollar getting slammed, Silver and Gold surging toward new highs
"Hillary Clinton in her speech today to the UN’s Human Rights Commission, stumbles on the Iran issue. She completely ignores the human rights abuses of Sunni Saudi Arabia, blows a kiss in the direction of Israel, and picks on Shia Iran. This kind of sectarian favoritism exacerbates tensions in the region instead of easing them. Sitting at a cafe here in Beirut, watching Hillary, my impression is that Hillary is struggling to get a grip on the reality on the ground here in the Middle East. She refuses to break out of the Saudi Arabian/Israeli narrative for the story.
The Dollar is not attracting ‘flight to safety’ support and this is surprising a lot of money professionals. I just heard Hillary’s speech in front of the UN and felt as if she was still reading from the old playbook written by Saudi Arabia and Israel decades ago. She sounded out of key as do all of the knee-jerk analysts ‘surprised’ by the dollar’s weakness. Silver is to the dollar – what the revolutions in N. Africa are to the dictators there. We are witnessing huge shifts in political and economic trends. The old dictators, including the US dollar – as world reserve currency – are being chased out of town by a global insurrection against the banker occupation. "
Max Keiser
The Dollar is not attracting ‘flight to safety’ support and this is surprising a lot of money professionals. I just heard Hillary’s speech in front of the UN and felt as if she was still reading from the old playbook written by Saudi Arabia and Israel decades ago. She sounded out of key as do all of the knee-jerk analysts ‘surprised’ by the dollar’s weakness. Silver is to the dollar – what the revolutions in N. Africa are to the dictators there. We are witnessing huge shifts in political and economic trends. The old dictators, including the US dollar – as world reserve currency – are being chased out of town by a global insurrection against the banker occupation. "
Max Keiser
BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | William K. Black on Fraud | PBS
As President Obama makes the case for strong financial reform, Bill Moyers sits down with veteran regulator William K. Black, who says Wall Street is already been breaking current rules.
American Monetary Institute Conference - William Black Pt8
Pt 1/8 William Black's introduction and speech from the 2009 American Monetary Conference. Please follow AMI for news and updates and sign up for the 2010 conference at: http://www.monetary.org/ Here is also a link to Steven Zarlenga's book The Lost Science of Money. http://www.monetary.org/lostscienceof... Thank You.
Access the rest of this talk, along with videos of the entire conference at http://www.monetary.org/2010videos.pdf
Only $2.00 a speaker, or $34.00 to view the entire conference!
On the Edge with Max Keiser . . . and William K. Black
Access the rest of this talk, along with videos of the entire conference at http://www.monetary.org/2010videos.pdf
Only $2.00 a speaker, or $34.00 to view the entire conference!
On the Edge with Max Keiser . . . and William K. Black
iShares Silver Trust (SLV) scam exposed
SLV scam exposed. Investment fraud, stock market scams, economic collapse, inflation, deflation, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers, Robert Prechter, Alex Jones, Charlie Sheen, Michael Savage, Max Keiser, silverfuturist, visionvictory, Mike Maloney,Gadaffi, gold, silver, hyperinflation, bank holiday, bank run.
Why People Don't Buy Gold
Why People Don't Buy Gold
Fiat Currency,
With the recent general election in Ireland, Goldman Sachs and the corporate elite have completed their economic and political take over of the Republic of Ireland.
Peter Sutherland, chairman of Goldman Sachs International, is a major player in the newly elected Fine Gael party.
“He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, a chairman of the Trilateral Commission and vice chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists.”
Peter Sutherland, chairman of Goldman Sachs International, is a major player in the newly elected Fine Gael party.
“He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, a chairman of the Trilateral Commission and vice chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists.”
The Secret of Secrets Carbon 666
An analysis of recent events and a staggering Revelation!
See how the Sun's effect on Radioactive decay on Earth is related to the coming shift in Consciousness.
See how the Sun's effect on Radioactive decay on Earth is related to the coming shift in Consciousness.
söndag 27 februari 2011
George Carlin -"Who Really Controls America"
"They are coming to get your pension money so that they can pay back their criminal rich friends on Wall-Street"
after The Fed’s creation, from 1913 to 2008 (95 years), the value of the dollar, relative to the Consumer Price Index, decreased by 95%. A dollar could buy 95% fewer goods in 2008 than in 1913. Thus, if in 1913, you sat on your savings pile of $1,000,000 for 95 years, it would then be worth only $50,000 in purchasing power (it will have depreciated in value by 95%). One would now need to pay about 20X more than J.P. Morgan for one’s bread. Ask my mother how much the price of milk has increased just in the last ten years alone.
In other words, the value of the dollar remained extremely stable for 150 years, then The Fed was created in order to "stabilize the value of the dollar" and the result has been a 95% devaluation of the dollar in less than 100 years following its creation. Below is a graph of this history, which I’ve marked with the year 1913 so you can see the change. The graph is also marked with the years of decoupling from the gold standard, as no examination of dollar value would be sound without such mention.
after The Fed’s creation, from 1913 to 2008 (95 years), the value of the dollar, relative to the Consumer Price Index, decreased by 95%. A dollar could buy 95% fewer goods in 2008 than in 1913. Thus, if in 1913, you sat on your savings pile of $1,000,000 for 95 years, it would then be worth only $50,000 in purchasing power (it will have depreciated in value by 95%). One would now need to pay about 20X more than J.P. Morgan for one’s bread. Ask my mother how much the price of milk has increased just in the last ten years alone.
In other words, the value of the dollar remained extremely stable for 150 years, then The Fed was created in order to "stabilize the value of the dollar" and the result has been a 95% devaluation of the dollar in less than 100 years following its creation. Below is a graph of this history, which I’ve marked with the year 1913 so you can see the change. The graph is also marked with the years of decoupling from the gold standard, as no examination of dollar value would be sound without such mention.
Fiat Currency,
Press Release: #OpWisconsin
It has come to our attention that the brothers, David and Charles Koch--the billionaire owners of Koch Industries--have longattempted to usurp American Democracy.
Their actions to undermine the legitimate political process in Wisconsin are thefinal straw. Starting today we fight back. Koch Industries, and oligarchs like them, have most recently started to manipulate the political agenda in Wisconsin.
Governor Walker's union-busting budget plan contains a clause that went nearly un-noticed. This clause would allow the saleof publicly owned utility plants in Wisconsin to private parties (specifically, Koch Industries) at any price, no matter howlow, without a public bidding process.
The Koch's have helped to fuel the unrest in Wisconsin and the drive behind the bill toeliminate the collective bargaining power of unions in a bid to gain a monopoly over the state's power supplies. The Koch brothers have made a science of fabricating 'grassroots' organizations and advertising campaigns to support them inan attempt to sway voters based on their falsehoods.
Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth and Citizens United are justa few of these organizations. In a world where corporate money has become the lifeblood of political influence, the labor unions are one of the few ways citizens have to fight against corporate greed.
Anonymous cannot ignore the plight of thecitizen-workers of Wisconsin, or the opportunity to fight for the people in America's broken political system. For thesereasons, we feel that the Koch brothers threaten the United States democratic system and, by extension, all freedom-lovingindividuals everywhere. As such, we have no choice but to spread the word of the Koch brothers' political manipulation, their single-minded intent and the insidious truth of their actions in Wisconsin, for all to witness.
Anonymous hears the voice of the downtrodden American people, whose rights and liberties are being systematicallyremoved one by one, even when their own government refuses to listen or worse - is complicit in these attacks.
We areactively seeking vulnerabilities, but in the mean time we are calling for all supporters of true Democracy, and Freedom of The People, to boycott all Koch Industries' paper products.
We welcome unions across the globe to join us in this boycottto show that you will not allow big business to dictate your freedom.
Koch Brothers Behind WI Governor Walker's Union Busting
Cenk Uygur speaks with Lee Fang of ThinkProgress.org on how the billionaire Koch Brothers were Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's fourth largest campaign contributor and how they're backing his current anti-union campaign.
The BEAST's Ian Murphy calls Walker, posing as archconservative moneybags David Koch, and they casually discuss crushing all public unions.
Koch Whore: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
Part 1
Part 2
Silver Vigilantes Vs Oligarchy (JP Morgan)
Their actions to undermine the legitimate political process in Wisconsin are thefinal straw. Starting today we fight back. Koch Industries, and oligarchs like them, have most recently started to manipulate the political agenda in Wisconsin.
Governor Walker's union-busting budget plan contains a clause that went nearly un-noticed. This clause would allow the saleof publicly owned utility plants in Wisconsin to private parties (specifically, Koch Industries) at any price, no matter howlow, without a public bidding process.
The Koch's have helped to fuel the unrest in Wisconsin and the drive behind the bill toeliminate the collective bargaining power of unions in a bid to gain a monopoly over the state's power supplies. The Koch brothers have made a science of fabricating 'grassroots' organizations and advertising campaigns to support them inan attempt to sway voters based on their falsehoods.
Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth and Citizens United are justa few of these organizations. In a world where corporate money has become the lifeblood of political influence, the labor unions are one of the few ways citizens have to fight against corporate greed.
Anonymous cannot ignore the plight of thecitizen-workers of Wisconsin, or the opportunity to fight for the people in America's broken political system. For thesereasons, we feel that the Koch brothers threaten the United States democratic system and, by extension, all freedom-lovingindividuals everywhere. As such, we have no choice but to spread the word of the Koch brothers' political manipulation, their single-minded intent and the insidious truth of their actions in Wisconsin, for all to witness.
Anonymous hears the voice of the downtrodden American people, whose rights and liberties are being systematicallyremoved one by one, even when their own government refuses to listen or worse - is complicit in these attacks.
We areactively seeking vulnerabilities, but in the mean time we are calling for all supporters of true Democracy, and Freedom of The People, to boycott all Koch Industries' paper products.
We welcome unions across the globe to join us in this boycottto show that you will not allow big business to dictate your freedom.
Koch Brothers Behind WI Governor Walker's Union Busting
Cenk Uygur speaks with Lee Fang of ThinkProgress.org on how the billionaire Koch Brothers were Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's fourth largest campaign contributor and how they're backing his current anti-union campaign.
The BEAST's Ian Murphy calls Walker, posing as archconservative moneybags David Koch, and they casually discuss crushing all public unions.
Koch Whore: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
Part 1
Part 2
Silver Vigilantes Vs Oligarchy (JP Morgan)
Love Generation - Dance Alone
Vet inte varför men själv tyckte jag detta var gårdagens behållning. Kanske hade mer med trikåerna att göra snarare än själva musiken.. eller?
Turk - Dollar Ready to Collapse, Silver Squeeze to Continue
“The dollar right now is hanging on the precipice. If we break below 77 on the dollar index, look out below. I don’t think people really appreciate how scary the dollar chart is here, or how ominous the implications really are. There’s no predicting how far the dollar could plunge if confidence breaks.”
Fiat Currency,
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Massive Rout in Irish Elections; Collision Course with the EU
The voting is over in Ireland and in this writer's eyes, quite anticlimactic. Fianna Fail, the party that agreed to enormously unpopular austerity measures to bail out UK, German, French and US banks, was blasted to smithereens. The vote was both expected and well deserved.
The real fun begins now, and it is not at all certain what that outcome is. My choice is for default, but I do not get to vote. However, if common sense prevails, the EU and ECB is in for a rude shock.
The real fun begins now, and it is not at all certain what that outcome is. My choice is for default, but I do not get to vote. However, if common sense prevails, the EU and ECB is in for a rude shock.
BREAKING: Wisconsin Police Have Joined Protest Inside State Capitol
“Hundreds of cops have just marched into the Wisconsin state capitol building to protest the anti-Union bill, to massive applause. They now join up to 600 people who are inside.”
lördag 26 februari 2011
There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations. This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.
Emergency! Pathogen New to Science Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops
An open letter appeared on the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance founded and run by Judith McGeary to save family farms in the US [1, 2]. The letter, written by Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University, to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, warns of a pathogen “new to science” discovered by “a team of senior plant and animal scientists”. Huber says it should be treated as an “emergency’’, as it could result in “a collapse of US soy and corn export markets and significant disruption of domestic food and feed supplies.”
The letter appeared to have been written before Vilsack announced his decision to authorize unrestricted commercial planting of GM alfalfa on 1 February, in the hope of convincing the Secretary of Agriculture to impose a moratorium instead on deregulation of Roundup Ready (RR) crops.
The new pathogen appears associated with serious pervasive diseases in plants - sudden death syndrome in soybean and Goss' wilt in corn – but its suspected effects on livestock is alarming. Huber refers to “recent reports of infertility rates in dairy heifers of over 20%, and spontaneous abortions in cattle as high as 45%.”
This could be the worst nightmare of genetic engineering that some scientists including me have been warning for years [3] (see Genetic Engineering Dream or Nightmare, ISIS publication): the unintended creation of new pathogens through assisted horizontal gene transfer and recombination.
Huber writes in closing: “I have studied plant pathogens for more than 50 years. We are now seeing an unprecedented trend of increasing plant and animal diseases and disorders. This pathogen may be instrumental to understanding and solving this problem. It deserves immediate attention with significant resources to avoid a general collapse of our critical agricultural infrastructure.”
The complete letter is reproduced below.
The letter appeared to have been written before Vilsack announced his decision to authorize unrestricted commercial planting of GM alfalfa on 1 February, in the hope of convincing the Secretary of Agriculture to impose a moratorium instead on deregulation of Roundup Ready (RR) crops.
The new pathogen appears associated with serious pervasive diseases in plants - sudden death syndrome in soybean and Goss' wilt in corn – but its suspected effects on livestock is alarming. Huber refers to “recent reports of infertility rates in dairy heifers of over 20%, and spontaneous abortions in cattle as high as 45%.”
This could be the worst nightmare of genetic engineering that some scientists including me have been warning for years [3] (see Genetic Engineering Dream or Nightmare, ISIS publication): the unintended creation of new pathogens through assisted horizontal gene transfer and recombination.
Huber writes in closing: “I have studied plant pathogens for more than 50 years. We are now seeing an unprecedented trend of increasing plant and animal diseases and disorders. This pathogen may be instrumental to understanding and solving this problem. It deserves immediate attention with significant resources to avoid a general collapse of our critical agricultural infrastructure.”
The complete letter is reproduced below.
Goldman Sucks
Goldman Sachs dispersed $5.4 billion dollars in bonuses for three months of work; all while being sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission over claims of fraud. The firm is even facing an EU investigation and quite a backlash from Europe.
GRITtv: Danny Schechter: The Crime of Our Time
PLUNDER the crime of our time
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men,
they create for themselves,
in the course of time,
a legal system that authorizes it,
and a moral code that glorifies it."
-- Political economist Frederic Bastiat, The Law [1850]
Then and with reference to the shady stuff AIG has been involved related to subprime together with GS then also consider what is unfolding right now relevant that very same company:
Will AIG implosion 2.0 result in QE3?
GRITtv: Danny Schechter: The Crime of Our Time
PLUNDER the crime of our time
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men,
they create for themselves,
in the course of time,
a legal system that authorizes it,
and a moral code that glorifies it."
-- Political economist Frederic Bastiat, The Law [1850]
Then and with reference to the shady stuff AIG has been involved related to subprime together with GS then also consider what is unfolding right now relevant that very same company:
Will AIG implosion 2.0 result in QE3?
On the Edge with Max Keiser-Global insurrection-02-25-2011
Gerald Celente, the man behind the famous Trends Journal, is Max Keiser's guest for this edition of Press TV's On the Edge. The main focus of today's show is on the relationship between Middle East uprisings and financial changes as a result of such political transformations. Enjoy.
Will AIG Implosion 2.0 Lead To QE 3.0?
Vi har tidigare haft en diskussion rörande "kommunobligationerna" eller municipal bonds i USA inte minst inslaget i 60 minutes med legendariska analytikern Meredith Whitney. Nu verkar det börja dra ihop sig. Denna gång kanske återigen AIG kommer stå i främsta ledet för en ny omgång finans turbulens. AIG sitter nämligen just nu illa till rörande sin munis portfölj.
The gist of the regulator’s findings: Citigroup’s internal controls were a mess. So were its valuation methods for subprime mortgage bonds, which had spawned record losses at the bank. Among other things, “weaknesses were noted with model documentation, validation and control group oversight,” the letter said. The main valuation model Citigroup was using “is not in a controlled environment.” In other words, the model wasn’t reliable.
Here’s where the timeline gets curious. Eight days later, on Feb. 22, Citigroup filed its annual report to shareholders, in which it said “management believes that, as of Dec. 31, 2007, the company’s internal control over financial reporting is effective.” Pandit certified the report personally, including the part about Citigroup’s internal controls. So did Citigroup’s chief financial officer at the time, Gary Crittenden.
Så förutom sedvanliga oegenligheter, lögner och bedrägeri så blir nu antagligen resultatet av detta ny finans turbulens och ytterligare en ny omgång QE. Det är berättigat att ställa frågan - är detta nu med ständiga QE omgångar något som finansindistrin nu gör allt för att se till att de blir av? Antagligen så länge ingen kommer att åtalas, tvingas betala skadestånd och sättas i fängelse.
En passande reflektion: AIG, a company that died but is kept alive with morally hazardess QE2 cash that is leveraged to 200:1 and higher – to keep a banking cancer alive to destroy society utterly.
The Coming Municipal Chrisis
The gist of the regulator’s findings: Citigroup’s internal controls were a mess. So were its valuation methods for subprime mortgage bonds, which had spawned record losses at the bank. Among other things, “weaknesses were noted with model documentation, validation and control group oversight,” the letter said. The main valuation model Citigroup was using “is not in a controlled environment.” In other words, the model wasn’t reliable.
Here’s where the timeline gets curious. Eight days later, on Feb. 22, Citigroup filed its annual report to shareholders, in which it said “management believes that, as of Dec. 31, 2007, the company’s internal control over financial reporting is effective.” Pandit certified the report personally, including the part about Citigroup’s internal controls. So did Citigroup’s chief financial officer at the time, Gary Crittenden.
Så förutom sedvanliga oegenligheter, lögner och bedrägeri så blir nu antagligen resultatet av detta ny finans turbulens och ytterligare en ny omgång QE. Det är berättigat att ställa frågan - är detta nu med ständiga QE omgångar något som finansindistrin nu gör allt för att se till att de blir av? Antagligen så länge ingen kommer att åtalas, tvingas betala skadestånd och sättas i fängelse.
En passande reflektion: AIG, a company that died but is kept alive with morally hazardess QE2 cash that is leveraged to 200:1 and higher – to keep a banking cancer alive to destroy society utterly.
The Coming Municipal Chrisis
De verkliga fachisterna -
Den dieten går tvärt emot vad Sophy Elevall och Magnus Åkerlind i Savetheplanet.ax arbetar för. De arrangerar mässan tillsammans med arbetsgruppen Hälsans dag. Och det var Elevall och Åkerlind som ställde ett ultimatum som ledde till att Skaldeman avbokades. Så här motiverar de kravet:
– Vi känner att vi inte vill göra ett event där vi har en föreläsare som propagerar för kött- och mejeriprodukter. Det är som att vi på en Hälsomässa skulle ha någon som propagerar för rökning (eller något liknande). Vi tror att det kommer att vara och uppfattas negativt om Sten Sture Skaldeman har sin föreläsning och att vi och andra sedan på paneldebatt och våra utställare berättar att hans diet inte är hållbar. Vi tror att detta är negativt för eventet, för oss och framförallt för honom och er relation till honom.
Sustainable Water and Food
– Vi känner att vi inte vill göra ett event där vi har en föreläsare som propagerar för kött- och mejeriprodukter. Det är som att vi på en Hälsomässa skulle ha någon som propagerar för rökning (eller något liknande). Vi tror att det kommer att vara och uppfattas negativt om Sten Sture Skaldeman har sin föreläsning och att vi och andra sedan på paneldebatt och våra utställare berättar att hans diet inte är hållbar. Vi tror att detta är negativt för eventet, för oss och framförallt för honom och er relation till honom.
Sustainable Water and Food
Citizens - in 10 Minutes
Harvard's Thinks Big forum gave me 10 minutes to explain corruption. Please share.
Skam på Torra Land
Skam på Torra Land
Soaring Oil Prices A Double-Edged Sword in the Middle East
My comment - Peak Oil is the reason ALL oil producing repressive political regimes including Saudi-Arabias ruling elite eventually has to fall. Now it's just a matter of when. Then note that e.g. Egypt peaked oil in 96, imports some 50% of its food and 60%of it's grain. Compare this to the US where their oil peaked in 74 and now imports some 70% of all their oil. Sure the US got grain but given future oil prices how sustainable is it agricultural system as it's designed today? Bottom line - when will the revolution hit the US?
Why is the Arab world convulsing with social and political unrest when triple digit oil prices should be bringing enormous wealth to the region? The answer may be that the link between energy inputs and food prices suddenly makes soaring oil prices a double-edged sword in the world’s largest food importing region.
Egyptians are about to find out that it is a lot easier to eradicate your local dictator than feeding your population. The crush of poverty is felt under the weight of a population of 80 million people who live in a country where average annual rainfall is less than two inches and where only 3% of the land is arable. Aside from a narrow strip along the life-sustaining Nile River, Egypt is basically an inhospitable desert.
Yet the population of Egypt has tripled to 80 million today from 27 million in the early 1960s. While the birth rate for an average Egyptian woman has fallen from six children to just over three, it still fuels more than 2% annual growth in the population. At this pace, Egypt’s population will double to 160 million by 2050.
But the country is already importing 40% of its food supply and 60% of its grain. Even a brutally repressive regime like Hosni Mubarak’s still spent 7% of the country’s GDP on food and energy subsidies. Can a replacement regime afford to spend more?
Not likely, particularly when the country’s oil production peaked in 1996 and has subsequently declined by 30%. Oil exports are down 50% thanks to strong demand for its subsidized fuel.
The problem facing Arab countries today is higher oil prices feed directly into higher food prices. While oil may be massively subsidized in the Middle East, it’s not in major grain exporting countries such as Canada, Russia and Australia that Arab nations increasingly count on for their food supply.
From the diesel fuel that runs tractors and combines to the power needed to pump water through irrigation systems, modern agriculture is one of the most energy intensive industries. And the Middle East is the largest food importing region of the world. As the price of oil goes up, so does the price of food imports.
Egypt’s problems feeding runaway population growth is not unique to the region.. They are in evidence throughout the Middle East given the masses now out in the streets in Libya, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan and Bahrain demanding regime change. Could Saudi Arabia be next?
Population growth in the Middle East is rapidly outstripping the carrying capacity of the land. Democratic reform may be what is on the protestors’ lips but demographic reform is at the heart of the region’s problems.
Why is the Arab world convulsing with social and political unrest when triple digit oil prices should be bringing enormous wealth to the region? The answer may be that the link between energy inputs and food prices suddenly makes soaring oil prices a double-edged sword in the world’s largest food importing region.
Egyptians are about to find out that it is a lot easier to eradicate your local dictator than feeding your population. The crush of poverty is felt under the weight of a population of 80 million people who live in a country where average annual rainfall is less than two inches and where only 3% of the land is arable. Aside from a narrow strip along the life-sustaining Nile River, Egypt is basically an inhospitable desert.
Yet the population of Egypt has tripled to 80 million today from 27 million in the early 1960s. While the birth rate for an average Egyptian woman has fallen from six children to just over three, it still fuels more than 2% annual growth in the population. At this pace, Egypt’s population will double to 160 million by 2050.
But the country is already importing 40% of its food supply and 60% of its grain. Even a brutally repressive regime like Hosni Mubarak’s still spent 7% of the country’s GDP on food and energy subsidies. Can a replacement regime afford to spend more?
Not likely, particularly when the country’s oil production peaked in 1996 and has subsequently declined by 30%. Oil exports are down 50% thanks to strong demand for its subsidized fuel.
The problem facing Arab countries today is higher oil prices feed directly into higher food prices. While oil may be massively subsidized in the Middle East, it’s not in major grain exporting countries such as Canada, Russia and Australia that Arab nations increasingly count on for their food supply.
From the diesel fuel that runs tractors and combines to the power needed to pump water through irrigation systems, modern agriculture is one of the most energy intensive industries. And the Middle East is the largest food importing region of the world. As the price of oil goes up, so does the price of food imports.
Egypt’s problems feeding runaway population growth is not unique to the region.. They are in evidence throughout the Middle East given the masses now out in the streets in Libya, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan and Bahrain demanding regime change. Could Saudi Arabia be next?
Population growth in the Middle East is rapidly outstripping the carrying capacity of the land. Democratic reform may be what is on the protestors’ lips but demographic reform is at the heart of the region’s problems.
Sure there are fantastic and truly unique fundamentals relative STP and sure geopolitical events as well as Peak Oil points at much higher oil prices going forward.
Oil demand destruction USED to be the real worry. What now is starting to daunt people is in fact that there are clear signs of SUPPLY destruction. As an example the Strategic reserves has to be used in order to compensate from Libyan oil shortages as there is not excess oil production to compensate for this. Thus strategic reserves margin will decrease and question is in that margin again ever will be filled? Then as distortions on the supply side affects prices in a much more aggressive way than what is the case with demand destruction we're in for a ride.
True this fear of demand destruction has been with us for a while, granting low oil prices. It’s been like a shotgun to the head “hike oil prices more and you’re dead”. In fact oil demand has decreased in relative term in the OECD economies all the way back since the very first oils chock in the 70ties. Sounds like kinda we need less and less oil ten as our developed world economies becomes more efficient and environmental friendly?
Well give this argument a second thought and you realize what has happened since then is that basically all of the OECD production has been moved abroad to low cost countries in the eastern European block and primarily Asia (spell China). What’s then key is that enormous amounts of energy is required to first move all commodities to these new and producing economies and the vast amounts of recourses are needed in order to schlep the ready made goods, from the underdeveloped world to the developed OECD countries.
Thus what seemed to be a reduction of oil in the OECD was in fact cased by the fact all production in those countries now have been outsourced to these new and producing economies at the same time as an ever increasingly ww web of transportation then is required in order to keep this system going. Then you also need to realize - the energy efficiency is quite different for a worker working in a OECD facility vs. a worker working in a developing production site. A fair estimate is that the same type of job done in a developing production site thus requires some 4-5 time as much energy as is the case in a developed world industrial plant. Consider this and this idea about less oil dependence in the OECD world really is nothing but a cute idea.
Oil producing countries will produce less oil as Peak Oil unfolds and at the same time they will increase consumption domestically thus exports of oil from oil producing countries will go down very aggressively from now on. Remember that OPEC together with Russia and Mexico in fact is a twice as large oil consumption market as is China today. As consumers in oil producing countries pay a very different and significantly lower oil price in their own countries there are sure then not any real incentives to save oil to any great extent and at the same time this idea about demand destruction due to higher world oil market prices will not happen at all to the same extent as will be the case for the rest on the non oil producing world.
Then read the following and understand that also regarding another matter "this time it's different". With QE excess liquidity pumped not only pumped out of the system, that liquidity will not only create inflation increased commodity prices of all sorts it also needs to be placed somewhere. And that somewhere will be hard assets. Even if there will be less oil available on the world markets and as oil really is the engine for our economy oil will be much more valuable and considered the real currency going forward.
Gold and silver may protect your investment against currency devaluations but oil will not only protect your worth but in addition increase in value in relative terms.
Then the the QE programs will continue as the level of debt all over the world in every aspect of our economy is such that there is no option but to continue pushing that excess money out in the system.
So add up the real true fundamentals relative STP, oil and this is a great story. Then add the QE story as well and this play will reach valuations nobody today even can comprehend.
"So here we are, waiting for the “event” which triggers a loss of confidence across the system. Will it be a sovereign, a US state, a bank, QE3 or QE5, the oil price, Chinese fixed investment, a false flag event (a convenient distraction/excuse) or a revolution?
There is no solution whatsoever until there is a MAJOR crisis
Then also consider the environmental aspects of this globalized economy and you realise what an absolute no gainer it in fact is. Really it's all about moving jobbs to where you need to pay the least wages. Nothing else.
"China is also not energy efficient, producing a third more carbon dioxide emissions per unit of energy than the United States, largely because it relies on coal for two-thirds of its total energy needs.
"There are more coal plants in China today than there are in the United States, the U.K. and India combined," Mr. Rubin and Mr. Tal write. At its current rate of one new coal plant per week, it will see 30 more coal plants built before the "green" Olympic games this summer. Plans call for 560 new coal-fired generation plants by 2012.
"You can't have the OECD making a long-term commitment to decarbonize their economy and have the developing world ? rapidly carbonize their economies," Mr. Rubin said. "It makes absolutely no sense.
The savings the [OECD] makes on their own emissions are going to be dwarfed by the rate of growth ? in the developing world."
Oil demand destruction USED to be the real worry. What now is starting to daunt people is in fact that there are clear signs of SUPPLY destruction. As an example the Strategic reserves has to be used in order to compensate from Libyan oil shortages as there is not excess oil production to compensate for this. Thus strategic reserves margin will decrease and question is in that margin again ever will be filled? Then as distortions on the supply side affects prices in a much more aggressive way than what is the case with demand destruction we're in for a ride.
True this fear of demand destruction has been with us for a while, granting low oil prices. It’s been like a shotgun to the head “hike oil prices more and you’re dead”. In fact oil demand has decreased in relative term in the OECD economies all the way back since the very first oils chock in the 70ties. Sounds like kinda we need less and less oil ten as our developed world economies becomes more efficient and environmental friendly?
Well give this argument a second thought and you realize what has happened since then is that basically all of the OECD production has been moved abroad to low cost countries in the eastern European block and primarily Asia (spell China). What’s then key is that enormous amounts of energy is required to first move all commodities to these new and producing economies and the vast amounts of recourses are needed in order to schlep the ready made goods, from the underdeveloped world to the developed OECD countries.
Thus what seemed to be a reduction of oil in the OECD was in fact cased by the fact all production in those countries now have been outsourced to these new and producing economies at the same time as an ever increasingly ww web of transportation then is required in order to keep this system going. Then you also need to realize - the energy efficiency is quite different for a worker working in a OECD facility vs. a worker working in a developing production site. A fair estimate is that the same type of job done in a developing production site thus requires some 4-5 time as much energy as is the case in a developed world industrial plant. Consider this and this idea about less oil dependence in the OECD world really is nothing but a cute idea.
Oil producing countries will produce less oil as Peak Oil unfolds and at the same time they will increase consumption domestically thus exports of oil from oil producing countries will go down very aggressively from now on. Remember that OPEC together with Russia and Mexico in fact is a twice as large oil consumption market as is China today. As consumers in oil producing countries pay a very different and significantly lower oil price in their own countries there are sure then not any real incentives to save oil to any great extent and at the same time this idea about demand destruction due to higher world oil market prices will not happen at all to the same extent as will be the case for the rest on the non oil producing world.
Then read the following and understand that also regarding another matter "this time it's different". With QE excess liquidity pumped not only pumped out of the system, that liquidity will not only create inflation increased commodity prices of all sorts it also needs to be placed somewhere. And that somewhere will be hard assets. Even if there will be less oil available on the world markets and as oil really is the engine for our economy oil will be much more valuable and considered the real currency going forward.
Gold and silver may protect your investment against currency devaluations but oil will not only protect your worth but in addition increase in value in relative terms.
Then the the QE programs will continue as the level of debt all over the world in every aspect of our economy is such that there is no option but to continue pushing that excess money out in the system.
So add up the real true fundamentals relative STP, oil and this is a great story. Then add the QE story as well and this play will reach valuations nobody today even can comprehend.
"So here we are, waiting for the “event” which triggers a loss of confidence across the system. Will it be a sovereign, a US state, a bank, QE3 or QE5, the oil price, Chinese fixed investment, a false flag event (a convenient distraction/excuse) or a revolution?
There is no solution whatsoever until there is a MAJOR crisis
Then also consider the environmental aspects of this globalized economy and you realise what an absolute no gainer it in fact is. Really it's all about moving jobbs to where you need to pay the least wages. Nothing else.
"China is also not energy efficient, producing a third more carbon dioxide emissions per unit of energy than the United States, largely because it relies on coal for two-thirds of its total energy needs.
"There are more coal plants in China today than there are in the United States, the U.K. and India combined," Mr. Rubin and Mr. Tal write. At its current rate of one new coal plant per week, it will see 30 more coal plants built before the "green" Olympic games this summer. Plans call for 560 new coal-fired generation plants by 2012.
"You can't have the OECD making a long-term commitment to decarbonize their economy and have the developing world ? rapidly carbonize their economies," Mr. Rubin said. "It makes absolutely no sense.
The savings the [OECD] makes on their own emissions are going to be dwarfed by the rate of growth ? in the developing world."
Peak Oil,
fredag 25 februari 2011
Libya oil production to shut down completely
Feb 24 (Reuters) - Oil production in Libya is expected to shut down completely and could be lost for a prolonged period of time, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said on Thursday.
"We expect Libyan production to be shut down completely and we might lose sweet crudes from Libya for a prolonged period of time," Bank of America Merrill Lynch analyst Sabine Schels told Reuters.
Schels said that the world faced the prospect of real supply shock in which the loss of 1.6 million barrels per day of sweet oil could potentially trigger a steep rise in prices and force a sharp reduction in demand to balance the system.
"Some of the supply can be replaced with Saudi light crude and some from SPR, but if the disruption is prolonged, we will need demand to drop to balance the system," Schels said.
The bank is currently discussing scenarios and outlooks, and will publish a report on its findings in the coming days.
"We already faced a demand shock last year with global demand increasing by 2.8 million bpd and on top of that, what we have now is a real supply shock," Schels said.
"In a price shock scenario whereby we lose 1.6 million bpd, the rise in prices can be a lot greater than in the case of a demand shock. (Reporting by Jessica Donati; editing by Marguerita Choy)
"We expect Libyan production to be shut down completely and we might lose sweet crudes from Libya for a prolonged period of time," Bank of America Merrill Lynch analyst Sabine Schels told Reuters.
Schels said that the world faced the prospect of real supply shock in which the loss of 1.6 million barrels per day of sweet oil could potentially trigger a steep rise in prices and force a sharp reduction in demand to balance the system.
"Some of the supply can be replaced with Saudi light crude and some from SPR, but if the disruption is prolonged, we will need demand to drop to balance the system," Schels said.
The bank is currently discussing scenarios and outlooks, and will publish a report on its findings in the coming days.
"We already faced a demand shock last year with global demand increasing by 2.8 million bpd and on top of that, what we have now is a real supply shock," Schels said.
"In a price shock scenario whereby we lose 1.6 million bpd, the rise in prices can be a lot greater than in the case of a demand shock. (Reporting by Jessica Donati; editing by Marguerita Choy)
There is no solution whatsoever until there is a MAJOR crisis
So here we are, waiting for the “event” which triggers a loss of confidence across the system. Will it be a sovereign, a US state, a bank, QE3 or QE5, the oil price, Chinese fixed investment, a false flag event (a convenient distraction/excuse) or a revolution?
When it happens, the speed at which capital will move in today’s over-liquefied world will take people’s breath away.
Where will it go? This is the global end of normal (baby) so that, first and foremost, it will go into the strategic assets - gold/silver, energy, food/agriculture, rare earths, etc, (as well as the equities of the financially strongest economies).
Bernanke’s QE2 is nothing short of economic warfare, in the form of a wave of inflation, directed at the rest of the world and even his own population (at least anybody without a large stock market, commodities or precious metals portfolio). This inflation is not temporary, as per the false reassurances, it’s baked in. Here is Martin Armstrong recently talking about the US budget deficit:
“A friend of mine on Capitol Hill, among others there, tells me there is no solution whatsoever until there is a MAJOR crisis”
In response, creditor nations have no other choice than to cut purchases of US Treasuries (China is selling), leaving the Fed increasingly standing alone. Rampant or hyperinflation results from the complete loss of confidence in a currency and we are being steered in this direction by the gentlemen above. Sure, they are smartly dressed, well educated (kind of) and pretend to know what they’re talking about with their carefully worded “policies”. It’s all NONSENSE. All they’re doing is leading us down a well-trodden path which has happened time and again throughout history.
In the meantime, there is evidence that the correction in gold and silver prices during January/ early-February-2011 only accelerated the process of Gresham’s Law Squared. In this scenario, buying some junior gold and silver exploration & development plays could translate into “Gresham’s Law Cubed”.
These stocks should have the greatest leverage to bullion prices in the medium term if they execute well and big funds, as well as retail investors, increasingly buy in. Examples from the 1970s prove this in spades – I wish I’d owned the “5,000 bagger”. I’ve cut back some positions in some major gold and silver companies to fund small positions in a string of these (admittedly risky) juniors. I already had positions in ECU Silver and Fortuna Silver mines, which are development plays/early producers, and I’ve bought some South American Silver, Bear Creek Mining, Vista Gold, Minco Silver, Gold Bullion Developments, Arian Silver, Axmin, PC Gold and Majestic Gold.
Like wild dogs which have been cornered, our central banking friends are likely to strike back at some point, since gold and silver are their mortal enemies. So expect the unexpected. The enemies of gold and silver are twofold, benign economic conditions and rising real interest rates. The former is not on the horizon, so they might try to bluff the market into believing the latter - for a while anyway. We all know that they are well behind the curve on inflation. So don’t be surprised if, for example, a manipulated Non-Farm Payrolls (unemployment) report out of the US is used as the catalyst for a (small) coordinated rate rise across the US, UK and Europe. The problem for these gentlemen and their political brethren is their insane policy of trying to solve a debt crisis with MORE DEBT. We are already past the point of no return in the current monetary system and anything other than a very modest rise in rates will only bring systemic collapse sooner rather than later. Hu Jintao was only stating the obvious on 17 January 2011 when he said that the dollar reserve system is a “product of the past”. The bark of these wild dogs (and “monetary drug dealers”) is much worse than their bite.
If you think about it, the whole basis of world finance and the world economy as we know it - and all those millions of forecasts for corporate earnings and economic data generated by legions of analysts in investment banks - are based on one critical assumption. It all hinges on the “greater fool theory” continuing to apply to buyers of US Treasury bonds (and the debt of other western governments along with Japan) and that a demonstrably insolvent US government can continue to find “investors” prepared to lend it gargantuan amounts of money. Kick away the rotting foundations beneath the world’s reserve currencies and everything changes.
When it happens, the speed at which capital will move in today’s over-liquefied world will take people’s breath away.
Where will it go? This is the global end of normal (baby) so that, first and foremost, it will go into the strategic assets - gold/silver, energy, food/agriculture, rare earths, etc, (as well as the equities of the financially strongest economies).
Bernanke’s QE2 is nothing short of economic warfare, in the form of a wave of inflation, directed at the rest of the world and even his own population (at least anybody without a large stock market, commodities or precious metals portfolio). This inflation is not temporary, as per the false reassurances, it’s baked in. Here is Martin Armstrong recently talking about the US budget deficit:
“A friend of mine on Capitol Hill, among others there, tells me there is no solution whatsoever until there is a MAJOR crisis”
In response, creditor nations have no other choice than to cut purchases of US Treasuries (China is selling), leaving the Fed increasingly standing alone. Rampant or hyperinflation results from the complete loss of confidence in a currency and we are being steered in this direction by the gentlemen above. Sure, they are smartly dressed, well educated (kind of) and pretend to know what they’re talking about with their carefully worded “policies”. It’s all NONSENSE. All they’re doing is leading us down a well-trodden path which has happened time and again throughout history.
In the meantime, there is evidence that the correction in gold and silver prices during January/ early-February-2011 only accelerated the process of Gresham’s Law Squared. In this scenario, buying some junior gold and silver exploration & development plays could translate into “Gresham’s Law Cubed”.
These stocks should have the greatest leverage to bullion prices in the medium term if they execute well and big funds, as well as retail investors, increasingly buy in. Examples from the 1970s prove this in spades – I wish I’d owned the “5,000 bagger”. I’ve cut back some positions in some major gold and silver companies to fund small positions in a string of these (admittedly risky) juniors. I already had positions in ECU Silver and Fortuna Silver mines, which are development plays/early producers, and I’ve bought some South American Silver, Bear Creek Mining, Vista Gold, Minco Silver, Gold Bullion Developments, Arian Silver, Axmin, PC Gold and Majestic Gold.
Like wild dogs which have been cornered, our central banking friends are likely to strike back at some point, since gold and silver are their mortal enemies. So expect the unexpected. The enemies of gold and silver are twofold, benign economic conditions and rising real interest rates. The former is not on the horizon, so they might try to bluff the market into believing the latter - for a while anyway. We all know that they are well behind the curve on inflation. So don’t be surprised if, for example, a manipulated Non-Farm Payrolls (unemployment) report out of the US is used as the catalyst for a (small) coordinated rate rise across the US, UK and Europe. The problem for these gentlemen and their political brethren is their insane policy of trying to solve a debt crisis with MORE DEBT. We are already past the point of no return in the current monetary system and anything other than a very modest rise in rates will only bring systemic collapse sooner rather than later. Hu Jintao was only stating the obvious on 17 January 2011 when he said that the dollar reserve system is a “product of the past”. The bark of these wild dogs (and “monetary drug dealers”) is much worse than their bite.
If you think about it, the whole basis of world finance and the world economy as we know it - and all those millions of forecasts for corporate earnings and economic data generated by legions of analysts in investment banks - are based on one critical assumption. It all hinges on the “greater fool theory” continuing to apply to buyers of US Treasury bonds (and the debt of other western governments along with Japan) and that a demonstrably insolvent US government can continue to find “investors” prepared to lend it gargantuan amounts of money. Kick away the rotting foundations beneath the world’s reserve currencies and everything changes.
Old School
Central banks don’t snuff out inflation by raising interest rates anymore. That’s old school (very old, like 300 years old). No, instead; they get rid of inflation by allowing people to simply fall off the grid and live completely on the margins in abject poverty. The government will continue to cut services and apply austerity measures as a way to prevent wages from increasing; thus obviating the need to chase inflation with higher rates that would cut into the monopoly profits of the occupying banks.
The perfect crime continues. Banks amass trillions in debts off their balance sheets and whenever they seek huge annual bonus payments, they drop a few hundred billion into the laps of various governments and demand more QE to flood the system and paper over the gap. Interest rates never rise so the ability to finance this game never rises. The risks never appear to the banks – as no court in the world (outside of Iceland) is prosecuting bankers. But the bottom 99% suffers zero wage growth, zero rates on savings, and zero redress for predatory bankers widening the wealth and income gap as the only means left to gouge people now that the globe has hit resource restrictions in energy and raw materials.
MADISON, Wis. — (AP) The Wisconsin Assembly early Friday passed a bill that would strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights – the first significant action on the new Republican governor's plan.
The vote put an end to three straight days of punishing debate, but the political standoff over the bill is far from over. The measure now goes to the Senate, where minority Democrats have been missing for a week, preventing a vote in that chamber.
No one knows when – or if – the Senate Democrats will return from their hideout in Illinois. Republicans who control the chamber sent state troopers out looking for them at their homes on Thursday, but they turned up nothing.
The perfect crime continues. Banks amass trillions in debts off their balance sheets and whenever they seek huge annual bonus payments, they drop a few hundred billion into the laps of various governments and demand more QE to flood the system and paper over the gap. Interest rates never rise so the ability to finance this game never rises. The risks never appear to the banks – as no court in the world (outside of Iceland) is prosecuting bankers. But the bottom 99% suffers zero wage growth, zero rates on savings, and zero redress for predatory bankers widening the wealth and income gap as the only means left to gouge people now that the globe has hit resource restrictions in energy and raw materials.
Max Keiser
MADISON, Wis. — (AP) The Wisconsin Assembly early Friday passed a bill that would strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights – the first significant action on the new Republican governor's plan.
The vote put an end to three straight days of punishing debate, but the political standoff over the bill is far from over. The measure now goes to the Senate, where minority Democrats have been missing for a week, preventing a vote in that chamber.
No one knows when – or if – the Senate Democrats will return from their hideout in Illinois. Republicans who control the chamber sent state troopers out looking for them at their homes on Thursday, but they turned up nothing.
Om ledare och deras folk
Intessant det här med härskare som styr över sina folk. När de sätts under press så som är fallet i Tunisien, Egypten, Baharain, Libyen osv så velar de mellan att attackera, mörda, flygbomba, hota, låta legosoldater mörda och våldta, sabotera egna oljefält till att på faderligaste och mest förstående sätt försöka guta olja på vågorna ge bidrag, extra penga utbetalningar och tala med honungslik stämma.
Gäller att så som för en familj till en hustrumisshandlare när den vaknar upp på morgonen att försöka pejla läget. Är det stryk eller presenter som gäller idag?
Men precis som en hustru till en misshandlare alltid skall göra, stick ifrån killen om han slagit dig om så bara en enda gång. Allt annat är vansinne.
Ut med hela gänget av Mubaraks, Gadaffis, shejker, republikaner i Wiskonsin fan och hans moster.
I Baharain så fortsätter missnöjesyttringarna kanske främst just nu pga det övervåld som regimen satte in bara för några dagar sedan trots löften från Kungen att man inte skulle agera mot protestanter. Finns någon trovärdighet kvar för regimen nu när de så uppenbart försöker med en ny taktik och dialog:
Bahrain, which has seen thousands of mainly Shi'ite protesters take to the streets, is seeking a national dialogue where everything is on the table, the kingdom's foreign minister has said.
Missnöjet nu även i grannlandet Saudi Arabien riskerat att komma upp till ytan:
Hundreds of people have backed a Facebook campaign calling for a ''day of rage'' across Saudi Arabia next month to demand an elected ruler, greater freedom for women and release of political prisoners.
Så i preventivt syfte försöker härskarna här med allmosor som en strategi.
Saudi king offers billions in benefits to subjects
Allt medans Libyen ledare hellre än att ge sig förstör allt av värde i sitt land och tar in allt fler betalda legosoldare från utlandet för att skapa maximal terror. Frågan är om man under öveskådlig tid kommer att kunna se någon olja från Libyen?
Libya oil production to shut down completely
Nu lämnar jag över Libyen till er och se då vilket kaos det blir utam mig är det budskap han tycks vilja för ut. Även detta ett mönster som känns igen, "efter mig syndafloden".
Libya: Col Gaddafi not 'interested' in ruling country anymore
Gäller att så som för en familj till en hustrumisshandlare när den vaknar upp på morgonen att försöka pejla läget. Är det stryk eller presenter som gäller idag?
Men precis som en hustru till en misshandlare alltid skall göra, stick ifrån killen om han slagit dig om så bara en enda gång. Allt annat är vansinne.
Ut med hela gänget av Mubaraks, Gadaffis, shejker, republikaner i Wiskonsin fan och hans moster.
I Baharain så fortsätter missnöjesyttringarna kanske främst just nu pga det övervåld som regimen satte in bara för några dagar sedan trots löften från Kungen att man inte skulle agera mot protestanter. Finns någon trovärdighet kvar för regimen nu när de så uppenbart försöker med en ny taktik och dialog:
Bahrain, which has seen thousands of mainly Shi'ite protesters take to the streets, is seeking a national dialogue where everything is on the table, the kingdom's foreign minister has said.
Missnöjet nu även i grannlandet Saudi Arabien riskerat att komma upp till ytan:
Hundreds of people have backed a Facebook campaign calling for a ''day of rage'' across Saudi Arabia next month to demand an elected ruler, greater freedom for women and release of political prisoners.
Så i preventivt syfte försöker härskarna här med allmosor som en strategi.
Saudi king offers billions in benefits to subjects
Allt medans Libyen ledare hellre än att ge sig förstör allt av värde i sitt land och tar in allt fler betalda legosoldare från utlandet för att skapa maximal terror. Frågan är om man under öveskådlig tid kommer att kunna se någon olja från Libyen?
Libya oil production to shut down completely
Nu lämnar jag över Libyen till er och se då vilket kaos det blir utam mig är det budskap han tycks vilja för ut. Även detta ett mönster som känns igen, "efter mig syndafloden".
Libya: Col Gaddafi not 'interested' in ruling country anymore
We have some resistans at 1.9 as well as 2.01. We just need two days of closing above these levels and we'll be charging forth like nothing you have seen before. Nothing goes straight upp without any sort of consolidation, strength gathering and what have you.
However, nobody that has any type of insights in this play says this isen't a great opportunity for further valuation improvements going further as far as SP is concerned.
In the mean time let's compare STP with another oil play, PXX.TO that has roughly the same reseves, same number of shares and within a year roughly the same production. One difference is that PXX today is debt free but if all goes as planned with McKay phase 1 STP also will be debt free by 2015.
Now compared with STP PXX today has more than four times the valuation. Kinda gives you an idea doesen't it about where STPs SP is heading. Can't blaim Soros and his crew for entering in to this play at this particulare moment. Maybye somebody right now is trying to accumulate before the real heavy blast takes us to much higer SP levels. Time sure is starting to run out if you want to accumulate at these levels.
"Soros reports that Quantum held at January 31, 2011, 20,400,000 shares and $25,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 6.00% convertible unsecured subordinated debentures due june 30, 2016 ("Debentures") of the company. The Debentures are convertible in to common shares 465.1163 common shares of the ("Company") shares per $1,000 principal amount of Debentures untill June 30th, 2016. The shares and debentures, if converted, held by Quantum represents in aggregate approximately 9.18% of all outstanding shares."
This as now both macro and geopolitical events support much higher oil prices in the future than anticipated by most analysts. Or anybody here that sincerely belive the situation as it now has developed in the Arab world will be a quick fix?
Brent $/barrel 114,58
WTI $/barrel 99,49
In addition we now also of course have some STP specific events to strenghten our case:
- Senlac Phase H (2 SAGD well pairs) expected to be producing in March 2011
- Red Earth, Q2-2011, restart pilot project. Objective is to produce 10.000 bpd.
- Results from this winter core holes drilling program
- McKay Phase 1 construction updates. Production of 12.000 bpd to start Feb/March 2012
- McKay Phase 2 application to be submitted during summer 2011. Already a 10.000 bpd opportunity at McKay 2 identified but this may, after this winter core hole drilling program, to grow up to be a 20.000 bpd opportunity.
- Senlac Phase J possibly in October 2011.
Then we have these guys lurking in the shaddows.
"The deal gives PetroChina 60 percent control of Athabasca Oil Sands Corp.´s Mac Kay and Dover oil sands deposits in Alberta. The yield from the two deposits is likely to be modest when compared with total estimates of about 175 billion barrels of oil held in the sands, the largest after Saudi Arabia.
Industry analysts said China would likely seek to expand its Canadian tar sands portfolio."
So bottom line with a severely undervalued play (by any standard), with smart money like e.g. Soros buying large chunks in to this case and with reserves and production sites sourrounded by large oil plays agressively expanding their production like e.g. PetroChina expaning in the wery area you are developing (McKay), and with fantastic opportunitys to increase both reserves as well as production within months, you got quite a lot going for you. Don't you agree?
Here is what BMO Capital markets has to say about this play:
"We beleive the market is still overestimating the levels of execution risks associated with this story and beleive that the company's ability to demostrate ongoing construction progress at McKay, along with additional exploration and a potential regulatory application at Mckay, could act as further cathalysts for the shares in 2011."
"Our unrisked net asset value estimate is nearly $6/share, which we beleive represents the real upside potential of the shares as the company works to "de-risk" the value of it's oil sands recourses through development"
Comment - BMO is definitely using a VERY conservative Oil price of $90 in 2015. Remember that this is only 4 years from now. Net asset value should be adjusted accordingly if you believe that oil will be higher than $90 in 4 years.
However, nobody that has any type of insights in this play says this isen't a great opportunity for further valuation improvements going further as far as SP is concerned.
In the mean time let's compare STP with another oil play, PXX.TO that has roughly the same reseves, same number of shares and within a year roughly the same production. One difference is that PXX today is debt free but if all goes as planned with McKay phase 1 STP also will be debt free by 2015.
Now compared with STP PXX today has more than four times the valuation. Kinda gives you an idea doesen't it about where STPs SP is heading. Can't blaim Soros and his crew for entering in to this play at this particulare moment. Maybye somebody right now is trying to accumulate before the real heavy blast takes us to much higer SP levels. Time sure is starting to run out if you want to accumulate at these levels.
"Soros reports that Quantum held at January 31, 2011, 20,400,000 shares and $25,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 6.00% convertible unsecured subordinated debentures due june 30, 2016 ("Debentures") of the company. The Debentures are convertible in to common shares 465.1163 common shares of the ("Company") shares per $1,000 principal amount of Debentures untill June 30th, 2016. The shares and debentures, if converted, held by Quantum represents in aggregate approximately 9.18% of all outstanding shares."
This as now both macro and geopolitical events support much higher oil prices in the future than anticipated by most analysts. Or anybody here that sincerely belive the situation as it now has developed in the Arab world will be a quick fix?
Brent $/barrel 114,58
WTI $/barrel 99,49
In addition we now also of course have some STP specific events to strenghten our case:
- Senlac Phase H (2 SAGD well pairs) expected to be producing in March 2011
- Red Earth, Q2-2011, restart pilot project. Objective is to produce 10.000 bpd.
- Results from this winter core holes drilling program
- McKay Phase 1 construction updates. Production of 12.000 bpd to start Feb/March 2012
- McKay Phase 2 application to be submitted during summer 2011. Already a 10.000 bpd opportunity at McKay 2 identified but this may, after this winter core hole drilling program, to grow up to be a 20.000 bpd opportunity.
- Senlac Phase J possibly in October 2011.
Then we have these guys lurking in the shaddows.
"The deal gives PetroChina 60 percent control of Athabasca Oil Sands Corp.´s Mac Kay and Dover oil sands deposits in Alberta. The yield from the two deposits is likely to be modest when compared with total estimates of about 175 billion barrels of oil held in the sands, the largest after Saudi Arabia.
Industry analysts said China would likely seek to expand its Canadian tar sands portfolio."
So bottom line with a severely undervalued play (by any standard), with smart money like e.g. Soros buying large chunks in to this case and with reserves and production sites sourrounded by large oil plays agressively expanding their production like e.g. PetroChina expaning in the wery area you are developing (McKay), and with fantastic opportunitys to increase both reserves as well as production within months, you got quite a lot going for you. Don't you agree?
Here is what BMO Capital markets has to say about this play:
"We beleive the market is still overestimating the levels of execution risks associated with this story and beleive that the company's ability to demostrate ongoing construction progress at McKay, along with additional exploration and a potential regulatory application at Mckay, could act as further cathalysts for the shares in 2011."
"Our unrisked net asset value estimate is nearly $6/share, which we beleive represents the real upside potential of the shares as the company works to "de-risk" the value of it's oil sands recourses through development"
Comment - BMO is definitely using a VERY conservative Oil price of $90 in 2015. Remember that this is only 4 years from now. Net asset value should be adjusted accordingly if you believe that oil will be higher than $90 in 4 years.
Peak Oil,
torsdag 24 februari 2011
Cass Sunstein Present at the Creation of Wikileaks
Wikileaks Is The "Cognitive Infiltration" Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein
Wikileaks was apparently founded in 2006. Originally, the group was programmed to attack China, and its board was heavily larded with fishy Chinese dissidents and “democracy” activists from the orbit of the Soros foundations. Interestingly, the first big publicity breakthrough for Wikileaks in the mainstream US media was provided by an infamous totalitarian liberal today ensconced in the Obama White House – none other than Cass Sunstein. In Sunstein’s op-ed published in the Washington Post of February 24, 2007 under the title “Brave new Wikiworld,” we read: “Wikileaks.org, founded by dissidents in China and other nations, plans to post secret government documents and to protect them from censorship with coded software.” How interesting that Sunstein was present at the creation of the new Wikileaks psywar operation!
This is the same Sunstein who today heads Obama’s White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. In his January 2008 Harvard Law School Working Paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” Sunstein infamously demanded that the United States government deploy groups of covert operatives and pseudo-independent agents of influence for the “cognitively infiltration of extremist groups” – meaning organizations, activists and Internet websites who espouse beliefs which Sunstein chooses to classify as “false conspiracy theories.”
Max Keiser Interviews Glenn Greenwald
Cass Sunstein's despicable ideas on regulating the internet
Sunstein's book is a blueprint for online censorship as he wants to hold blogs and web hosting services accountable for the remarks of commenters on websites while altering libel laws to make it easier to sue for spreading "rumors."
Webster Tarpley: "Obama can turn off the Internet"
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a deliver a major speech on Internet freedom in Washington just as the Justice Department has its first public courtroom showdown over its probe into WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. Investigative Journalist Webster Tarpley finds it interesting Secretary Clinton's speech was blown out of proportion considering it was announced President Obama could have the ability to turn of the internet.
And this is the book written by the man himself:
On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done - Cass R. Sunstein
Then also read the below and you can't but wonder what kind of people Obama sourrounds himself with..
Wikileaks was apparently founded in 2006. Originally, the group was programmed to attack China, and its board was heavily larded with fishy Chinese dissidents and “democracy” activists from the orbit of the Soros foundations. Interestingly, the first big publicity breakthrough for Wikileaks in the mainstream US media was provided by an infamous totalitarian liberal today ensconced in the Obama White House – none other than Cass Sunstein. In Sunstein’s op-ed published in the Washington Post of February 24, 2007 under the title “Brave new Wikiworld,” we read: “Wikileaks.org, founded by dissidents in China and other nations, plans to post secret government documents and to protect them from censorship with coded software.” How interesting that Sunstein was present at the creation of the new Wikileaks psywar operation!
This is the same Sunstein who today heads Obama’s White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. In his January 2008 Harvard Law School Working Paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” Sunstein infamously demanded that the United States government deploy groups of covert operatives and pseudo-independent agents of influence for the “cognitively infiltration of extremist groups” – meaning organizations, activists and Internet websites who espouse beliefs which Sunstein chooses to classify as “false conspiracy theories.”
Max Keiser Interviews Glenn Greenwald
Cass Sunstein's despicable ideas on regulating the internet
Sunstein's book is a blueprint for online censorship as he wants to hold blogs and web hosting services accountable for the remarks of commenters on websites while altering libel laws to make it easier to sue for spreading "rumors."
Webster Tarpley: "Obama can turn off the Internet"
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a deliver a major speech on Internet freedom in Washington just as the Justice Department has its first public courtroom showdown over its probe into WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. Investigative Journalist Webster Tarpley finds it interesting Secretary Clinton's speech was blown out of proportion considering it was announced President Obama could have the ability to turn of the internet.
And this is the book written by the man himself:
On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done - Cass R. Sunstein
Then also read the below and you can't but wonder what kind of people Obama sourrounds himself with..
and boom there it is.. the weapons of mass destruction, powerfull enough to create the "new Pearl Harbour":
Blyth Mastershttp://intheendwerealldebt.blogspot.com/2011/02/keiser-report-fiat-food-e119.html
Swedish bankers threaten to go on strike
Banks in Sweden created a domestic and entierly homemaid financial chrisis late 1980 early 1990. The goverment had to step in and in that process a new entity was created whereby all "bad Loans " was overtaken from the banks to a goverment agency, at the expence of the taxpayers. Slowly then the financial sector recovered but at great cost.
Sweden said today that it was raising a key interbank lending rate from 24 percent to 75 percent to defend the dropping Swedish krona
Now beleive it or not Bank employees in our country are getting on strike as they want more pay:
Sweden's main trade union for employees in the financial sector said Friday talks with the employer's organization have broken down and a conflict is looming nearer.
“We were prepared to negotiate further, but the employer's organization were not willing to compromise on their origin claims, "said Ulrika Boëthius, negotiation manager and first vice chairman at the Financial Sector Union of Sweden, adding that the organisation now prepare for a possible notice of industrial action.
The action would come into force March 5.
Swedish banks' profit in 2010 was over 50 billion kronor ($7.8 billion), after loan losses and taxes. The union demans a wage increase of 3 percent of its members, which would cost the banks some 600 million kronor.
The Financial Sector Union of Sweden has some 30,000 members in 375 different companies. The employer's organization, Bankernas Arbetsgivareorganisation, represents more or less all Swedish banks.
Sweden's robust economic recovery helped the Scandinavian country’s for biggest banks – Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB and Swedbank -- beat forecasts in the fourth quarter. Nordic banks have bounced back from the financial downturn quickly relative to their European peers, thanks to robust economic growth, early moves to raise capital and improved loan books in crisis-hit areas such as the Baltics.
So then the question is how did we get this recovery?
Negative interest rates and Quantitative Easening
As you cvan see part of the "solutions" has been to give away money for free, give no compensation to savings what so ever and let the Banks hord money.
Where has that free money the banks got access to gone? To the Swedish export oriented industry? Nupp, as Sweden depends on export to some 70% and as the world economy has been quite hurt that's not then where the banks have put their money.
Instead the Banks have pushed out so much cash in realestate that despite a very depressed relestate market ww Sweden has had not only rapidly increasing prices on realestate, but increases in real estate prices to a level where they in fact are the largest in the world. Isen't that quite an acheivement in the mids of a ww recession/depression?
That means Swedish house holds now have accumulated loans and bought real estate to an almost unpreseidented extent. Or how about the fact that some 30% of all Swedish house holds now have loans more than 7 times larger than income?
The Swedish riksbank has now begun hiking the rates and it's clear we again in this country have created a new realestate buble ready to burst. You can thank these bank employees for that. We're about to get in to a real, uggly mess because of these banksters. And now they want to be extra compensated for again having created this mess?
Swedish housing 'bubble' about to burst
Sweden's National Housing Credit Guarantee Board (Bostadskreditnämnd - BKN) has warned that spiralling household mortgage debt will dramatically impact house prices in the near future.
What happened in between our domesticly manufactured banking chrisis in the early 90ties and now, this time we we again are facing the same situation?
Well in the mean time the Swedish banksters created a very, very sever chrisis indeed in the Baltic. The reseult there has been severe reductions of the govermental sector, lower pensions, recused number of firemen, teachers, nurses, unemployment and of course privatisations.
When in fact the Baltic countries should have devaluated their currencys the Swedish goverment supported the swedish banks by threatening the Baltic countries in to not doing it.
Sweden is preparing to part-nationalise banks exposed to the economic collapse in Baltic states, raising fears that a string of Western European countries could face similar fallout from rising defaults in the former Communist bloc.
Isent't that a track record? And now these bankster morons have the guts to demand extra compenasation for the coming disaster they again have managed to create?
Finansförbundet varslar om konflikt
Finansförbundet varslar om konflikt på samtliga företag som tillhör Bankinstitutens Arbetsgivareorganisation (BAO). Varslet gäller övertids- och mertidsblockad för samtliga medlemmar från den 5 mars. Från samma datum gäller också blockad mot alla nyanställningar. Från den 11 mars råder även förbud mot utrikes tjänsteresor.
Sweden said today that it was raising a key interbank lending rate from 24 percent to 75 percent to defend the dropping Swedish krona
Now beleive it or not Bank employees in our country are getting on strike as they want more pay:
Sweden's main trade union for employees in the financial sector said Friday talks with the employer's organization have broken down and a conflict is looming nearer.
“We were prepared to negotiate further, but the employer's organization were not willing to compromise on their origin claims, "said Ulrika Boëthius, negotiation manager and first vice chairman at the Financial Sector Union of Sweden, adding that the organisation now prepare for a possible notice of industrial action.
The action would come into force March 5.
Swedish banks' profit in 2010 was over 50 billion kronor ($7.8 billion), after loan losses and taxes. The union demans a wage increase of 3 percent of its members, which would cost the banks some 600 million kronor.
The Financial Sector Union of Sweden has some 30,000 members in 375 different companies. The employer's organization, Bankernas Arbetsgivareorganisation, represents more or less all Swedish banks.
Sweden's robust economic recovery helped the Scandinavian country’s for biggest banks – Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB and Swedbank -- beat forecasts in the fourth quarter. Nordic banks have bounced back from the financial downturn quickly relative to their European peers, thanks to robust economic growth, early moves to raise capital and improved loan books in crisis-hit areas such as the Baltics.
So then the question is how did we get this recovery?
Negative interest rates and Quantitative Easening
As you cvan see part of the "solutions" has been to give away money for free, give no compensation to savings what so ever and let the Banks hord money.
Where has that free money the banks got access to gone? To the Swedish export oriented industry? Nupp, as Sweden depends on export to some 70% and as the world economy has been quite hurt that's not then where the banks have put their money.
Instead the Banks have pushed out so much cash in realestate that despite a very depressed relestate market ww Sweden has had not only rapidly increasing prices on realestate, but increases in real estate prices to a level where they in fact are the largest in the world. Isen't that quite an acheivement in the mids of a ww recession/depression?
That means Swedish house holds now have accumulated loans and bought real estate to an almost unpreseidented extent. Or how about the fact that some 30% of all Swedish house holds now have loans more than 7 times larger than income?
The Swedish riksbank has now begun hiking the rates and it's clear we again in this country have created a new realestate buble ready to burst. You can thank these bank employees for that. We're about to get in to a real, uggly mess because of these banksters. And now they want to be extra compensated for again having created this mess?
Swedish housing 'bubble' about to burst
Sweden's National Housing Credit Guarantee Board (Bostadskreditnämnd - BKN) has warned that spiralling household mortgage debt will dramatically impact house prices in the near future.
What happened in between our domesticly manufactured banking chrisis in the early 90ties and now, this time we we again are facing the same situation?
Well in the mean time the Swedish banksters created a very, very sever chrisis indeed in the Baltic. The reseult there has been severe reductions of the govermental sector, lower pensions, recused number of firemen, teachers, nurses, unemployment and of course privatisations.
When in fact the Baltic countries should have devaluated their currencys the Swedish goverment supported the swedish banks by threatening the Baltic countries in to not doing it.
Sweden is preparing to part-nationalise banks exposed to the economic collapse in Baltic states, raising fears that a string of Western European countries could face similar fallout from rising defaults in the former Communist bloc.
Isent't that a track record? And now these bankster morons have the guts to demand extra compenasation for the coming disaster they again have managed to create?
Finansförbundet varslar om konflikt
Finansförbundet varslar om konflikt på samtliga företag som tillhör Bankinstitutens Arbetsgivareorganisation (BAO). Varslet gäller övertids- och mertidsblockad för samtliga medlemmar från den 5 mars. Från samma datum gäller också blockad mot alla nyanställningar. Från den 11 mars råder även förbud mot utrikes tjänsteresor.
STP Analysis - Byron Capital Markets (Jan 12th 2011)
Rating: Strong Buy
Target price C$3.75
PS, Note Byron Capiltal base their analysis on an estimated WTI oil price for the year 2011 of $80 and that neither McKay phase 2 nor Read Earth are included in the analysis.
Rating: Strong Buy
Target price C$3.75
PS, Note Byron Capiltal base their analysis on an estimated WTI oil price for the year 2011 of $80 and that neither McKay phase 2 nor Read Earth are included in the analysis.
Peak Oil,
Given where oil now is trading, just imagine what could happen to this company if, by any chance, STP would be able to not only get some positive results from that Read Earth pilot project (supposed to start by the end of Q2) but also could as that project progresses, would be able to indicate somehow how production from that site could be ramped up going forward.
Sure STP already have indicated that their objective here is to get a production in the future from Read Earth close to some 10.000 bpd, but not many seems to have taken that in to any consideration as of now, at least not valuation vice.
Not many it seems following STP e.g. analysts and the like seems to have noticed this Read Earth opportunity, or at least so far they have not included that project to any greater extent in their estimates, it seems.
Thus ANY positive outcome from that project would then imply a lot as far as STP valuation is concerned. Add then now also the price of oil and it's even clearer this might have a real inpact on the market.
In the meanwhile we all hope the winter core hole drilling program is progressing well and that the schedule related to production at McKay 1 as well as related to the application relevant for McKay 2 is moving forward as expected.
A well developed McKay project with future growth opportunity must be something worth while considering for the neigbouring PetroChina?
As we speak: we have WTI above $101 and Brent above $115. Now that's as we have discussed here earlier oil prices on new levels that indicates they may have a a long ways to go uppwards from here..
Sure STP already have indicated that their objective here is to get a production in the future from Read Earth close to some 10.000 bpd, but not many seems to have taken that in to any consideration as of now, at least not valuation vice.
Not many it seems following STP e.g. analysts and the like seems to have noticed this Read Earth opportunity, or at least so far they have not included that project to any greater extent in their estimates, it seems.
Thus ANY positive outcome from that project would then imply a lot as far as STP valuation is concerned. Add then now also the price of oil and it's even clearer this might have a real inpact on the market.
In the meanwhile we all hope the winter core hole drilling program is progressing well and that the schedule related to production at McKay 1 as well as related to the application relevant for McKay 2 is moving forward as expected.
A well developed McKay project with future growth opportunity must be something worth while considering for the neigbouring PetroChina?
As we speak: we have WTI above $101 and Brent above $115. Now that's as we have discussed here earlier oil prices on new levels that indicates they may have a a long ways to go uppwards from here..
Peak Oil,
Baharain ruler visits Saudi Arabia
"Amid concerns that the island nation's uprising could spread to Saudi Arabia, where the monarchy permits few political freedoms, Bahrain state media reported that King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa was holding talks on the unrest with the Saudi king in Riyadh.
Like tiny Bahrain, OPEC heavyweight Saudi Arabia also has a significant Shiite population that has long complained of oppression by Sunni rulers. Shiites far outnumber Sunnis in Bahrain, which has just 525,000 residents."
Like tiny Bahrain, OPEC heavyweight Saudi Arabia also has a significant Shiite population that has long complained of oppression by Sunni rulers. Shiites far outnumber Sunnis in Bahrain, which has just 525,000 residents."
Chritical levels indeed
"Oil will break $100 and King World News readers should keep in mind that when a market takes out the “century” level, as a rule of thumb you can expect that particular market to head to the 120 to 130 area. If this turns out to be the case in oil, we could then see a retest of the old highs".
"It is important to keep in mind that bull markets tend to surprise on the upside, a lesson that the bears are learning in this secular bull market. You can bet the shorts in gold, silver and oil are heading to the nearest pub to numb the pain."
"It is important to keep in mind that bull markets tend to surprise on the upside, a lesson that the bears are learning in this secular bull market. You can bet the shorts in gold, silver and oil are heading to the nearest pub to numb the pain."
Fractal Analysis Suggests Silver to Reach $52 - $56 by May - June 2011
Dollar Inflation remains the driver of the pricing environment for almost everything denominated in U.S. Dollars as long as the Fed continues to monetize debt. The debt monetization creates Dollar Inflation that results in Dollar Devaluation. As the Fed ramps up the QE II that they have announced will end in June, I expect Gold, Silver, and the PM stocks to aggressively rise.
In previous articles I have shown that fractal analysis suggests that:
· Gold could reach $1860 into the May/ June period based on the late 70’s Fractal. I have also shown the potential for Gold to rise even higher if the market psychology is volatile enough - up to $1975, or even up to $ 2250.
· The HUI at from HUI 940 to 970 by mid-June is a distinct possibility and we will discuss the fractal considerations for the PM stock indices further in the next editorial.
· Silver could reach $52 - $56 into May – June of 2011 as explained in this article.
Fractal analysis provides us with:
· decent target estimates in price and in time,
· decent reference points to keep us on track and, most importantly,
· decent expectations for the quality of potential price moves.
In previous articles I have shown that fractal analysis suggests that:
· Gold could reach $1860 into the May/ June period based on the late 70’s Fractal. I have also shown the potential for Gold to rise even higher if the market psychology is volatile enough - up to $1975, or even up to $ 2250.
· The HUI at from HUI 940 to 970 by mid-June is a distinct possibility and we will discuss the fractal considerations for the PM stock indices further in the next editorial.
· Silver could reach $52 - $56 into May – June of 2011 as explained in this article.
Fractal analysis provides us with:
· decent target estimates in price and in time,
· decent reference points to keep us on track and, most importantly,
· decent expectations for the quality of potential price moves.
Nomura Predicts $220 Oil If Just Libya, Algeria Cut Output
Waiting for a Saudi revolution before buying those $200 oil calls? It may be time to reevaluate: according to Nomura a halt in just Libyan and Algerian oil production (far more likely than the crisis spilling over to Saudi) would send oil to over $220/bbl.
Specifically "the closest comparison to the current MENA unrest is the 1990-91 Gulf War. If Libya and Algeria were to halt oil production together, prices could peak above US$220/bbl and OPEC spare capacity will be reduced to 2.1mmbbl/d, similar to levels seen during the Gulf war and when prices hit US$147/bbl in 2008." Wouldn't a doubling in price lead to a major demand plunge as well? Yes it would "This could also result in a temporary demand destruction of some 2.0mmbbl/d globally." Also, since the Fed's free money was not flooding global market last time, $220 is just a lowball estimate: "We could be underestimating this as speculative activities were largely not present in 1990-91."
and there sure are issues now in regards of producing as well as exporting that oil from Libya:
Half Of Libyan Oil Production, Or 800,000 Barrels, Now Offline
Our advice to Italy, which imports 425,000 barrels of oil each day from Tripoli: "Panic." Following yesterday's Force Majeure announcement from Libya which meant that oil production and exports will continue only for a few more days, the FT now reports that over half of Libya's production, or about 800,000 barrels is now offline.
As Libya accounts for ~2% of global oil exports, this means that 1% of world oil output has just been removed. And to all those who claim that excess OPEC capacity can be easily substituted, sorry it can't - Libyan crude is far higher in quality than the general muck, meaning it is not a simple apples for apples replacement.
From the FT: "Industry executives told the Financial Times that at least half of Libya’s 1.6m barrels a day oil output had been closed down. They cautioned, however, that they could only estimate the total outage since they did not have direct knowledge of production at their competitors’ oilfields." And if Nomura's earlier call is correct that a combined Libya-Algeria oil stoppage will result in the doubling of crude prices (and one can only imagine what happens if Saudi is thrown into the fray), then our January call for "higher" oil may lead to some very tidy profits. In the meantime, we expect the partial Libyan oil closure to reach 100% shortly.
Specifically "the closest comparison to the current MENA unrest is the 1990-91 Gulf War. If Libya and Algeria were to halt oil production together, prices could peak above US$220/bbl and OPEC spare capacity will be reduced to 2.1mmbbl/d, similar to levels seen during the Gulf war and when prices hit US$147/bbl in 2008." Wouldn't a doubling in price lead to a major demand plunge as well? Yes it would "This could also result in a temporary demand destruction of some 2.0mmbbl/d globally." Also, since the Fed's free money was not flooding global market last time, $220 is just a lowball estimate: "We could be underestimating this as speculative activities were largely not present in 1990-91."
and there sure are issues now in regards of producing as well as exporting that oil from Libya:
Half Of Libyan Oil Production, Or 800,000 Barrels, Now Offline
Our advice to Italy, which imports 425,000 barrels of oil each day from Tripoli: "Panic." Following yesterday's Force Majeure announcement from Libya which meant that oil production and exports will continue only for a few more days, the FT now reports that over half of Libya's production, or about 800,000 barrels is now offline.
As Libya accounts for ~2% of global oil exports, this means that 1% of world oil output has just been removed. And to all those who claim that excess OPEC capacity can be easily substituted, sorry it can't - Libyan crude is far higher in quality than the general muck, meaning it is not a simple apples for apples replacement.
From the FT: "Industry executives told the Financial Times that at least half of Libya’s 1.6m barrels a day oil output had been closed down. They cautioned, however, that they could only estimate the total outage since they did not have direct knowledge of production at their competitors’ oilfields." And if Nomura's earlier call is correct that a combined Libya-Algeria oil stoppage will result in the doubling of crude prices (and one can only imagine what happens if Saudi is thrown into the fray), then our January call for "higher" oil may lead to some very tidy profits. In the meantime, we expect the partial Libyan oil closure to reach 100% shortly.
IS THERE GOLD IN FORT KNOX? Maloney & Morgan In Las Vegas
Is there gold in Fort Knox, and if so...WHO OWNS IT?
Fiat Currency,
onsdag 23 februari 2011
The Quantum Reality
An interesting video about the reality in which we are living/creating
We’d be talking about $200 oil
"Among other things, Gadhafi has ordered security services to start sabotaging oil facilities," Baer wrote. "The sabotage, according to the insider, is meant to serve as a message to Libya's rebellious tribes: It's either me or chaos."
A fair guess I assume is that it will take a while before that 1.6 million barrels per day from Libya again may be awailable on the world oil markets.In the meanwhile and as it seems quite difficult to with that short notice to ramp up production even if there where to be no challenge with awailble oil supply. As more oil from the inventory reserves now are drawn these margins will be hurt for quite some time - if ever to be replaced.
“Qaddafi has unequivocally declared his intention to massacre his own people,” said Shadi Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar. “Time for the international community to intervene.”
Then at least to me it sure is not chrystal clear at all that Saudi Arabia will not be drawn in to this turnmoil given now how events unfold in the Arab World. As this was not enough then there is that islamic conflict Sunni (Saudi Arabia) vs Shiia (Iran) lurking. That in it self is enough to ignite av real difficult situation within the region, add to that the hatred and resentment so many in the Arab world feels towards the Saudi ruling elite and you sure have enough to feed a real revolution
"Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, today moved to increase living standards after protests reached neighboring Bahrain. King Abdullah today announced at least $11 billion in spending increases on social security and housing.
Saudi Arabia has a Shiite Muslim minority in the eastern provinces, where most of its oil is produced. Shiites have been leading protests in Bahrain, home of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, where they form a majority and say they suffer discrimination under a Sunni monarchy."
“Pricing in Libya supply disruptions is one thing, but what if this social unrest spreads to Saudi Arabia, which holds 20 percent of the world’s oil?” said David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist for Gluskin Sheff. “Do the math: we’d be talking about $200 oil.”
“Oil would go parabolic,” said Joe Terranova, chief market strategist for Virtus Investment Partners and former energy trader. “The Shiite population (compared to the Sunni ruling family) is more concentrated in the oil producing region. The workers could strike.”
Maybye this move by Iran is sending a message through action to their Shiia brothers in Saudia Arabia. Workers that might be "inspired" now to take action and overthrow their oppressors?
JERUSALEM - A senior Israeli official says Tehran's decision to send two naval vessels through the Suez Canal is part of an Iranian campaign to gain "hegemony and control" over the Middle East.
A fair guess I assume is that it will take a while before that 1.6 million barrels per day from Libya again may be awailable on the world oil markets.In the meanwhile and as it seems quite difficult to with that short notice to ramp up production even if there where to be no challenge with awailble oil supply. As more oil from the inventory reserves now are drawn these margins will be hurt for quite some time - if ever to be replaced.
“Qaddafi has unequivocally declared his intention to massacre his own people,” said Shadi Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar. “Time for the international community to intervene.”
Then at least to me it sure is not chrystal clear at all that Saudi Arabia will not be drawn in to this turnmoil given now how events unfold in the Arab World. As this was not enough then there is that islamic conflict Sunni (Saudi Arabia) vs Shiia (Iran) lurking. That in it self is enough to ignite av real difficult situation within the region, add to that the hatred and resentment so many in the Arab world feels towards the Saudi ruling elite and you sure have enough to feed a real revolution
"Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, today moved to increase living standards after protests reached neighboring Bahrain. King Abdullah today announced at least $11 billion in spending increases on social security and housing.
Saudi Arabia has a Shiite Muslim minority in the eastern provinces, where most of its oil is produced. Shiites have been leading protests in Bahrain, home of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, where they form a majority and say they suffer discrimination under a Sunni monarchy."
“Pricing in Libya supply disruptions is one thing, but what if this social unrest spreads to Saudi Arabia, which holds 20 percent of the world’s oil?” said David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist for Gluskin Sheff. “Do the math: we’d be talking about $200 oil.”
“Oil would go parabolic,” said Joe Terranova, chief market strategist for Virtus Investment Partners and former energy trader. “The Shiite population (compared to the Sunni ruling family) is more concentrated in the oil producing region. The workers could strike.”
Maybye this move by Iran is sending a message through action to their Shiia brothers in Saudia Arabia. Workers that might be "inspired" now to take action and overthrow their oppressors?
JERUSALEM - A senior Israeli official says Tehran's decision to send two naval vessels through the Suez Canal is part of an Iranian campaign to gain "hegemony and control" over the Middle East.
The Baharain / Saudi Arabia connection
Bahrain on eve of mass protests
The Secretary General of Bahrain Democratic Assembly, Fazel Abbas, has reported on the decision of opposition groups for staging huge demonstrations on Tuesday, February 22.
In an interview with Al-Alam International Network, he said: "The political and opposition groups are not sure about the goals of Bahraini ruling system about the protesters that have gathered at "Lowlow" Square; and given that the possibility has risen about another attack of the Bahraini security forces and army against people, the opponents have decided to hold large-scale demonstrations from "Dian" Square toward "Lowlow" Square in a show of solidarity with the protesting youths that are stationed in the latter square.
He also pointed out that the goal behind the Bahraini ruling system's call for talks is to kill time, while adding that the current phase in Bahrain can be described as one of distrust because the Bahraini regime has not fulfilled its previous vows; the last example of which was a repeated attack on demonstrators on Friday that intensified the Bahraini people's distrust in the Bahraini ruling system.
He added that maybe in the past no one expected the people of Bahrain to stage anti-government demonstrations, and to stand firm against tanks and bullets. But, the recent demonstrations clearly showed that the indifference of Bahraini rulers has enraged the Bahraini people against the Bahraini political system.
He underscored that Bahrain's popular uprising will not end in the absence of important political changes in this country.
Furthermore, the columnist of a Bahraini highly-circulated paper, Mansour Al-Jomri, has said that the revolution in this country will finally succeed.
He said that the Bahraini youths are the most valuable asset of this country and their peaceful protests have been a source of honor for Bahrain. He added that, today, the Bahraini people and youths should look at the future horizon and should secure the materialization of their legitimate demands.
“Unless problems facing Saudi Arabia are solved, what happened and is still happening in some Arab countries, including Bahrain, could spread to Saudi Arabia, even worse,” Prince Talal told the London-based TV broadcaster in an interview aired late Feb. 17.
Credit-Default Swaps
Credit-default swaps on Saudi Arabia surged on Feb. 18 on concern political unrest in Bahrain will spread to the kingdom.
Swaps on Saudi Arabia, used as a measure of confidence in the country although it has no debt, jumped 10.5 basis points to 137, the highest since July 2009, according to CMA. Contracts on Bahrain rose for a fifth day, climbing 18 basis points to 302, the highest in 17 months.
Saudi Arabian shares yesterday retreated for a fifth day. The benchmark stock index, the Tadawul All Share Index, rose 0.30 percent at 11:10 a.m. today.
“There is tension right now and now you have the added situation in Bahrain that may ignite the spark,” said Christoph Wilcke, an expert on the country at New York-based Human Rights Watch, by phone from Munich. “This anger has the potential to spill over.”
The Secretary General of Bahrain Democratic Assembly, Fazel Abbas, has reported on the decision of opposition groups for staging huge demonstrations on Tuesday, February 22.
In an interview with Al-Alam International Network, he said: "The political and opposition groups are not sure about the goals of Bahraini ruling system about the protesters that have gathered at "Lowlow" Square; and given that the possibility has risen about another attack of the Bahraini security forces and army against people, the opponents have decided to hold large-scale demonstrations from "Dian" Square toward "Lowlow" Square in a show of solidarity with the protesting youths that are stationed in the latter square.
He also pointed out that the goal behind the Bahraini ruling system's call for talks is to kill time, while adding that the current phase in Bahrain can be described as one of distrust because the Bahraini regime has not fulfilled its previous vows; the last example of which was a repeated attack on demonstrators on Friday that intensified the Bahraini people's distrust in the Bahraini ruling system.
He added that maybe in the past no one expected the people of Bahrain to stage anti-government demonstrations, and to stand firm against tanks and bullets. But, the recent demonstrations clearly showed that the indifference of Bahraini rulers has enraged the Bahraini people against the Bahraini political system.
He underscored that Bahrain's popular uprising will not end in the absence of important political changes in this country.
Furthermore, the columnist of a Bahraini highly-circulated paper, Mansour Al-Jomri, has said that the revolution in this country will finally succeed.
He said that the Bahraini youths are the most valuable asset of this country and their peaceful protests have been a source of honor for Bahrain. He added that, today, the Bahraini people and youths should look at the future horizon and should secure the materialization of their legitimate demands.
“Unless problems facing Saudi Arabia are solved, what happened and is still happening in some Arab countries, including Bahrain, could spread to Saudi Arabia, even worse,” Prince Talal told the London-based TV broadcaster in an interview aired late Feb. 17.
Credit-Default Swaps
Credit-default swaps on Saudi Arabia surged on Feb. 18 on concern political unrest in Bahrain will spread to the kingdom.
Swaps on Saudi Arabia, used as a measure of confidence in the country although it has no debt, jumped 10.5 basis points to 137, the highest since July 2009, according to CMA. Contracts on Bahrain rose for a fifth day, climbing 18 basis points to 302, the highest in 17 months.
Saudi Arabian shares yesterday retreated for a fifth day. The benchmark stock index, the Tadawul All Share Index, rose 0.30 percent at 11:10 a.m. today.
“There is tension right now and now you have the added situation in Bahrain that may ignite the spark,” said Christoph Wilcke, an expert on the country at New York-based Human Rights Watch, by phone from Munich. “This anger has the potential to spill over.”
Brainwashed by banker propaganda
Jag har hittat en själsfrende: och samtidigt ändrat i min profil:
People awakening to the New World Order unfortunately are still stuck in a controlled left/right paradigm. You can show them the facts that Ron Paul is funded by the ruling elite, partners with the ruling elite, and is promoted by the mainstream media. You can show them the facts that anarcho-capitalism is a false paradigm funded and promoted by the ruling elite at the same time that Marxism and Keynesian economics came into existence. They will turn a blind eye. You can explain classical economics with the classical liberals on the left and the feudalists on the right. They revert to the false paradigm and accuse you of being a socialist when you’re not even in their false paradigm, you’re a classical liberal. You can even show them Bible verses and quotes from Einstein and Edison, which support classical liberalism. They just continue pretending they’re Christian, pretending they’re the Founding Fathers, and pretending they know everything they need to know. They have a simplistic worldview and can’t see the complexities.
The reality is that our current system is a mixed system of false paradigms. If you take a long-view of history and recognize the false paradigms, you start to see a pattern of feudalism. The New World Order is a new form of neo-feudalism. The goal is of course a world communist government. However, a world communist government is a world fascist government. A world fascist government is a world feudalistic government. The differences are in the details.
The solution is knowing the solution. The solution is classical liberalism. The false left/right paradigm of Marx, Keynes, and Mises will never solve the problem. They all push towards the New World Order and push towards enslavement of the people. Mises is perhaps the most deceptive method of enslavement, which is why they would pursue it, unless you understand feudalism and classical liberalism and recognize Mises as feudalism."
Milton Friedman: Pay off National Debt with Greenbacks
Milton Friedman came up with the same conclusion. That conclusion is that a public debt-free and commodity-free currency like the Greenback is issued by the U.S. Treasury and used to pay off the national debt as fractional reserve lending is ended.
“I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our constitution taking from the Federal Government their power of borrowing.” — Thomas Jefferson
The Austrian School of Economics was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the William Volker Fund. The same people who created the United Nations and wrote the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 got what they paid to have funded, a utopia for bankers and bureaucrats, with the world filled with serfs, slaves, and Nazi propaganda, cops, and military. To understand this utopia, you only to follow the deductive logic of the Austrians.
We’re All Austrians Now on a Road to Serfdom
The problem is not the Federal Reserve. It is not “fiat currency.” It is fractional reserve banking itself. The gold standard was a fractional reserve banking system because it would be impossible to represent the world’s wealth with gold without causing severe unemployment and deflation and because bankers could steal more interest on the productivity of others if they are allowed by government to lend nine times over their reserves, expanding and contracting the money supply at will. The Federal Reserve did not end the gold standard that existed before 1913. The Federal Reserve only made the gold standard more profitable for large banks and by coordinating the fraud of the bankers like a trust or mafia. We were on a gold standard during the Great Depression. The dollar increased in value during the Great Depression.
Honest and Sound Criticism of Zarlenga’s American Monetary Act
People awakening to the New World Order unfortunately are still stuck in a controlled left/right paradigm. You can show them the facts that Ron Paul is funded by the ruling elite, partners with the ruling elite, and is promoted by the mainstream media. You can show them the facts that anarcho-capitalism is a false paradigm funded and promoted by the ruling elite at the same time that Marxism and Keynesian economics came into existence. They will turn a blind eye. You can explain classical economics with the classical liberals on the left and the feudalists on the right. They revert to the false paradigm and accuse you of being a socialist when you’re not even in their false paradigm, you’re a classical liberal. You can even show them Bible verses and quotes from Einstein and Edison, which support classical liberalism. They just continue pretending they’re Christian, pretending they’re the Founding Fathers, and pretending they know everything they need to know. They have a simplistic worldview and can’t see the complexities.
The reality is that our current system is a mixed system of false paradigms. If you take a long-view of history and recognize the false paradigms, you start to see a pattern of feudalism. The New World Order is a new form of neo-feudalism. The goal is of course a world communist government. However, a world communist government is a world fascist government. A world fascist government is a world feudalistic government. The differences are in the details.
The solution is knowing the solution. The solution is classical liberalism. The false left/right paradigm of Marx, Keynes, and Mises will never solve the problem. They all push towards the New World Order and push towards enslavement of the people. Mises is perhaps the most deceptive method of enslavement, which is why they would pursue it, unless you understand feudalism and classical liberalism and recognize Mises as feudalism."
Milton Friedman: Pay off National Debt with Greenbacks
Milton Friedman came up with the same conclusion. That conclusion is that a public debt-free and commodity-free currency like the Greenback is issued by the U.S. Treasury and used to pay off the national debt as fractional reserve lending is ended.
“I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our constitution taking from the Federal Government their power of borrowing.” — Thomas Jefferson
The Austrian School of Economics was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the William Volker Fund. The same people who created the United Nations and wrote the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 got what they paid to have funded, a utopia for bankers and bureaucrats, with the world filled with serfs, slaves, and Nazi propaganda, cops, and military. To understand this utopia, you only to follow the deductive logic of the Austrians.
We’re All Austrians Now on a Road to Serfdom
The problem is not the Federal Reserve. It is not “fiat currency.” It is fractional reserve banking itself. The gold standard was a fractional reserve banking system because it would be impossible to represent the world’s wealth with gold without causing severe unemployment and deflation and because bankers could steal more interest on the productivity of others if they are allowed by government to lend nine times over their reserves, expanding and contracting the money supply at will. The Federal Reserve did not end the gold standard that existed before 1913. The Federal Reserve only made the gold standard more profitable for large banks and by coordinating the fraud of the bankers like a trust or mafia. We were on a gold standard during the Great Depression. The dollar increased in value during the Great Depression.
Honest and Sound Criticism of Zarlenga’s American Monetary Act
Fiat Currency,
Monetary Reform,
Varför folklig resning i Väst bara handlar om oansvariga pöbelhopar
17 stater i USA övervägar beslut om inskränkingar av fackliga åtgärder.
samtidigt denna vecka planeras i 27 stater demonstrationer mot dessa planer.
Ser ut som att återverkningarna av Wall Streets finansiella terror verksamhet nu sprider sig över världen. I Egypten, Tunisien, Lybien och Baharain har "folket" rest sig och slänger ut sina "ledare"
Samma fenomen sprider sig nu altså i väst. Island har redan haft mass demonstrationer och regeringen där har satt ned foten mot den finansiella terrorn.
På Irland börjar nu oppositionen driva samma policys. Greker har gåptt man ur huse och protesterat för full hals.
Max Keiser on Inside Story - Greek Debt Crisis
Lite lustigt är det när man i tredje världen länder i media betecknar dessa folkliga resningar som just folkliga resningar medans media i väst, när man beskriver samma fenomen i de västliga länderna tederar att fördömma desa som "oansvariga", "vänstyervridna" pöbel hopar. Här har vi en svensk SvD journalist ex som ondgör sig över det faktum att Island vågar stå emot finans etablisemangets terror verksamhet:
Skärp dig nu Grímsson!
Sedan och apropå detta med skatte besparingar och att det alltid är så att det är medeklass och fattiga som i alla lägen skall sättas åt. Kläm åt de fattiga - det uppfattas alltid som att ta politiskt ansvar.
Om du inte har tid att lyssna på hela denna lysande Kaiser sändning så lyssna i alla fall på del två där det framkommer med all önskvärd tydlighet vem det idag är som verkligen är de som bringas allmosor av staten och skattebetalarna så inser man hur perverst skevt alla dessa västerländska media idag beskriver vår verklighet. Det hela kokar ihop till ett fenomen som enklast låter sig beskrivas som "Corporate Wellfare". Eller vad sägs om att ungefär hälften av varje skattekrona går direkt som allmosor till "The military Industrial Complex":
Här en stor Amerikan som varnade för just dessa tendenser redan under 50-talet:
Istället för att dessa enorma summor spenderas på helt inproduktiv militär industri (nui vet den som till sist fick Sovjetuniunen på fall) så skulle dessa pengar kunna användas till infrastruktur utbyggnad, skolor, omsorg och vård dvs verklig priduktivitet. Dessutom skulle dessa investeringar inte heler vara lika inflationsdrivande som de är när de går till en helt inproduktiv sammhällssektor som finansiell spekulation och militär.
Under tiden I Sverige så säljer nu staten sitt innehav i Nordea. Reinfeldt tycker det är en bra affär för "då kan vi använda pengarna till att betala av stats skulden".
Jaha då har vi nu ännu en bank som garanterat inte har några som helst hämningar vad det gäller att skapa och bygga upp nya inproduktiva och direkt samhällsfarliga bubblor i vår ekonomi. Lägg sedan till detta en Svensk Riksbank som ständigt lyckas att prissätta pengar så att banker gynnas och sparare missgynnas maximalt.
Dessa banker som under den svenska bankkrisen under 80-talet fick sverige på knä och räntor som en konsekvens av detta som fullständigt gick bärsärkagång, dessa samma banker som efter det att staten gick in och garanterade de dåliga lånen och där vi svenska skattebetalare fick flera år av ekonomisk härdsmälta, besparingar på vård, skola och omsorg som tack för detta, dessa banker som sedan gjorde exakt samma sak med exakt samma konsekvens i Baltikum och dessa banker som nu är på god väg att igen göra samma sak i vårat eget land ännu en gång.
Så länge staten dvs vi skattebetalare garanterar denna terror verksamhet där pengar från skattebetalare slussas ut till finansbolagen och dess ägare, bonusar betals ut som tack för hjälpen med att bygga upp hysteriska oproduktiva bubblor i ekonomin - så länge står Sverige som lands säkerhet på spel.
Reinfeld - skit i statens budgetunderskott det kan vi finansiera men aldrig skall vi igen behöva garantera bankers terror och samhälls omstörtande verksamhet.
Dags nu att föra krig istället mot banker och se sedan till att förstatliga SBAB som en konkurrent till dessa banker. Ge gärna SBAB rätten att agera sparbank dessutom så de kan finansiera sin inlåning i konkurrens med de privata bankerna usla inlåningsräntor.
Inför sedan en ny grundlag där det klart och tydligt anges ett förbud att använda statens och skattebetalares pengar till att rädda banker och finans marknader. En sådan lag i kraft kommer garanterat att minska riskbenägenheten hos bankerna själva såväl som hos dess aktieägare. För att inte tala om att sparae kommer att vara måna om att välja icke riskbenägna banker som sätter deras sparande kapitals säkerhet i första rummet.
Vi behöver sparbanker och sparande som på ett effektivt sätt för ut kapital i samhället till produktiva investeringar. Vi behöver inte banker som baserar i stort sett all sin verksamhet till att ge kunder usel sparränta, använda dessa nästa stulna pengar för egen högspekulativ sk prorietary banking, dvs banker handlar med stor hävstång för egen räkning i de mest obskyra och obegripliga men ffa för samhället oproduktiva finansiella instrument. Det är i den senare verksamheten de verkligt stora bonus utbetalningarna sker. Det ärdessutom i den senare verksamheten som de verkligt stora riskerna ligger. Vi behöver sedan inte banker som ständigt bygger upp dessa fastighetsbubblor. Lagstadga om högre ränta för bolån och lägre för industriell produktiva investeringar så att bankernas marginaler och därmed vister miskar för spekulativa investeringar.
Sedan kan det vara på sin plats att konstatera att de flesta internationella storbanker idag är insolventa och räddas bara av kreativa nya bokföringsregler och skattepengar. Och sedan skall detta berättiga till bonus..?
Nordeaförsäljning gav 19 miljarder
Det är klokt att beta av stadsskulden med Nordeapengar, säger statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt. Nu står vi bättre rustade om det kommer en ny ekonomisk kris.
Nordea försvarar bonusar
”Hälften så stora lönekvoter som de flesta av bankens internationella konkurrenter.”
Irland = Sverige + 4 år?
Sammanfattningsvis så verkar alla förutsättningar finnas för att Sverige ska drabbas av en liknande utveckling som Irland när väl bostadsbubblan brister. För precis som Irland hade har Sverige ett finansiellt system som är flera gånger större än BNP. Dessutom har finansminister Borg uttalat att staten kommer att ta över banker som riskerar den finansiella stabiliteten i Sverige. Det var exakt vad Irlands nu inte längre sittande regering gjorde när deras bostadsbubbla brast. Och det var det som gjorde att Irland förvandlades från en keltisk tiger till ett sjunkande skepp inom loppet av några månader.
Iceland Shows Ireland Did ‘Wrong Things’ Saving Banks
Unlike other nations, including the U.S. and Ireland, which injected billions of dollars of capital into their financial institutions to keep them afloat, Iceland placed its biggest lenders in receivership. It chose not to protect creditors of the country’s banks, whose assets had ballooned to $209 billion, 11 times gross domestic product.
Ireland - Democracy for sale - Part of a talk by David Malone, author of The Debt Generation
Soros lär nu dessutom planera för ett nytt Bretton-Woods:
Istället skall man för det som Soros strävar efter se till att genomföra en verklig monetär reform:
Nationalize the Fed. - End Banks Power to Create Money
Till sist vill man läsa in sig lite på detta med skuld och hur man använder detta för att kontrollera, befästa fattigdom och överföra rikedomar och tillgångar rekommenderas nedanstående länk:
JOHN PERKINS - Ex Economic Hitman Icelandic TV
samtidigt denna vecka planeras i 27 stater demonstrationer mot dessa planer.
Ser ut som att återverkningarna av Wall Streets finansiella terror verksamhet nu sprider sig över världen. I Egypten, Tunisien, Lybien och Baharain har "folket" rest sig och slänger ut sina "ledare"
Samma fenomen sprider sig nu altså i väst. Island har redan haft mass demonstrationer och regeringen där har satt ned foten mot den finansiella terrorn.
På Irland börjar nu oppositionen driva samma policys. Greker har gåptt man ur huse och protesterat för full hals.
Max Keiser on Inside Story - Greek Debt Crisis
Lite lustigt är det när man i tredje världen länder i media betecknar dessa folkliga resningar som just folkliga resningar medans media i väst, när man beskriver samma fenomen i de västliga länderna tederar att fördömma desa som "oansvariga", "vänstyervridna" pöbel hopar. Här har vi en svensk SvD journalist ex som ondgör sig över det faktum att Island vågar stå emot finans etablisemangets terror verksamhet:
Skärp dig nu Grímsson!
Sedan och apropå detta med skatte besparingar och att det alltid är så att det är medeklass och fattiga som i alla lägen skall sättas åt. Kläm åt de fattiga - det uppfattas alltid som att ta politiskt ansvar.
Om du inte har tid att lyssna på hela denna lysande Kaiser sändning så lyssna i alla fall på del två där det framkommer med all önskvärd tydlighet vem det idag är som verkligen är de som bringas allmosor av staten och skattebetalarna så inser man hur perverst skevt alla dessa västerländska media idag beskriver vår verklighet. Det hela kokar ihop till ett fenomen som enklast låter sig beskrivas som "Corporate Wellfare". Eller vad sägs om att ungefär hälften av varje skattekrona går direkt som allmosor till "The military Industrial Complex":
Här en stor Amerikan som varnade för just dessa tendenser redan under 50-talet:
Istället för att dessa enorma summor spenderas på helt inproduktiv militär industri (nui vet den som till sist fick Sovjetuniunen på fall) så skulle dessa pengar kunna användas till infrastruktur utbyggnad, skolor, omsorg och vård dvs verklig priduktivitet. Dessutom skulle dessa investeringar inte heler vara lika inflationsdrivande som de är när de går till en helt inproduktiv sammhällssektor som finansiell spekulation och militär.
Under tiden I Sverige så säljer nu staten sitt innehav i Nordea. Reinfeldt tycker det är en bra affär för "då kan vi använda pengarna till att betala av stats skulden".
Jaha då har vi nu ännu en bank som garanterat inte har några som helst hämningar vad det gäller att skapa och bygga upp nya inproduktiva och direkt samhällsfarliga bubblor i vår ekonomi. Lägg sedan till detta en Svensk Riksbank som ständigt lyckas att prissätta pengar så att banker gynnas och sparare missgynnas maximalt.
Dessa banker som under den svenska bankkrisen under 80-talet fick sverige på knä och räntor som en konsekvens av detta som fullständigt gick bärsärkagång, dessa samma banker som efter det att staten gick in och garanterade de dåliga lånen och där vi svenska skattebetalare fick flera år av ekonomisk härdsmälta, besparingar på vård, skola och omsorg som tack för detta, dessa banker som sedan gjorde exakt samma sak med exakt samma konsekvens i Baltikum och dessa banker som nu är på god väg att igen göra samma sak i vårat eget land ännu en gång.
Så länge staten dvs vi skattebetalare garanterar denna terror verksamhet där pengar från skattebetalare slussas ut till finansbolagen och dess ägare, bonusar betals ut som tack för hjälpen med att bygga upp hysteriska oproduktiva bubblor i ekonomin - så länge står Sverige som lands säkerhet på spel.
Reinfeld - skit i statens budgetunderskott det kan vi finansiera men aldrig skall vi igen behöva garantera bankers terror och samhälls omstörtande verksamhet.
Dags nu att föra krig istället mot banker och se sedan till att förstatliga SBAB som en konkurrent till dessa banker. Ge gärna SBAB rätten att agera sparbank dessutom så de kan finansiera sin inlåning i konkurrens med de privata bankerna usla inlåningsräntor.
Inför sedan en ny grundlag där det klart och tydligt anges ett förbud att använda statens och skattebetalares pengar till att rädda banker och finans marknader. En sådan lag i kraft kommer garanterat att minska riskbenägenheten hos bankerna själva såväl som hos dess aktieägare. För att inte tala om att sparae kommer att vara måna om att välja icke riskbenägna banker som sätter deras sparande kapitals säkerhet i första rummet.
Vi behöver sparbanker och sparande som på ett effektivt sätt för ut kapital i samhället till produktiva investeringar. Vi behöver inte banker som baserar i stort sett all sin verksamhet till att ge kunder usel sparränta, använda dessa nästa stulna pengar för egen högspekulativ sk prorietary banking, dvs banker handlar med stor hävstång för egen räkning i de mest obskyra och obegripliga men ffa för samhället oproduktiva finansiella instrument. Det är i den senare verksamheten de verkligt stora bonus utbetalningarna sker. Det ärdessutom i den senare verksamheten som de verkligt stora riskerna ligger. Vi behöver sedan inte banker som ständigt bygger upp dessa fastighetsbubblor. Lagstadga om högre ränta för bolån och lägre för industriell produktiva investeringar så att bankernas marginaler och därmed vister miskar för spekulativa investeringar.
Sedan kan det vara på sin plats att konstatera att de flesta internationella storbanker idag är insolventa och räddas bara av kreativa nya bokföringsregler och skattepengar. Och sedan skall detta berättiga till bonus..?
Nordeaförsäljning gav 19 miljarder
Det är klokt att beta av stadsskulden med Nordeapengar, säger statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt. Nu står vi bättre rustade om det kommer en ny ekonomisk kris.
Nordea försvarar bonusar
”Hälften så stora lönekvoter som de flesta av bankens internationella konkurrenter.”
Irland = Sverige + 4 år?
Sammanfattningsvis så verkar alla förutsättningar finnas för att Sverige ska drabbas av en liknande utveckling som Irland när väl bostadsbubblan brister. För precis som Irland hade har Sverige ett finansiellt system som är flera gånger större än BNP. Dessutom har finansminister Borg uttalat att staten kommer att ta över banker som riskerar den finansiella stabiliteten i Sverige. Det var exakt vad Irlands nu inte längre sittande regering gjorde när deras bostadsbubbla brast. Och det var det som gjorde att Irland förvandlades från en keltisk tiger till ett sjunkande skepp inom loppet av några månader.
Iceland Shows Ireland Did ‘Wrong Things’ Saving Banks
Unlike other nations, including the U.S. and Ireland, which injected billions of dollars of capital into their financial institutions to keep them afloat, Iceland placed its biggest lenders in receivership. It chose not to protect creditors of the country’s banks, whose assets had ballooned to $209 billion, 11 times gross domestic product.
Ireland - Democracy for sale - Part of a talk by David Malone, author of The Debt Generation
Soros lär nu dessutom planera för ett nytt Bretton-Woods:
Istället skall man för det som Soros strävar efter se till att genomföra en verklig monetär reform:
Nationalize the Fed. - End Banks Power to Create Money
Till sist vill man läsa in sig lite på detta med skuld och hur man använder detta för att kontrollera, befästa fattigdom och överföra rikedomar och tillgångar rekommenderas nedanstående länk:
JOHN PERKINS - Ex Economic Hitman Icelandic TV
tisdag 22 februari 2011
Evolution of Conciousness
Bruce Lipton's "2012 Chaos Caterpillar Theory"
Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and How to get There from Here - Bruce Lipton (Author), Steve Bhaerman (Author)
Neil Kramer - Increasing Polarity of Consciousness
Terence McKenna on 2012
Terence McKenna ~ 2012 & The Coming Singularity
Terence McKenna ~ This Is The Portal
Geoff Stray, author of 'Beyond 2012' interviewed
Stanislav Grof: About 2012
Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and How to get There from Here - Bruce Lipton (Author), Steve Bhaerman (Author)
Neil Kramer - Increasing Polarity of Consciousness
Terence McKenna on 2012
Terence McKenna ~ 2012 & The Coming Singularity
Terence McKenna ~ This Is The Portal
Geoff Stray, author of 'Beyond 2012' interviewed
Stanislav Grof: About 2012
Spare Capacity Theory
"But that point aside, let’s consider what Fyfe did not claim: the head of IEA’s oil markets division did not claim that Non-OPEC oil producers, which account for nearly 60% of world oil supply, could lift supply to make up for the Libyan disruption. That’s no surprise. Non-OPEC oil production has already peaked, and couldn’t increase supply either tomorrow or next year."
"In truth, the spare capacity that the world cares about—that the oil futures market cares about—is not the inventory level. But rather, actual production capacity that can be brought on immediately. You can see the problem, from a price standpoint. If the world loses Libya’s 1.5 mbpd production for 90-120 days, and starts drawing down above-ground inventories, this only makes the inventory cushion that much thinner for any new supply disruptions. The question on the mind of the oil market therefore is not Mr. Fyfe’s 1.6 billion barrels of crude, but whether countries like Kuwait, the U.A.E. and especially Saudi Arabia or even Russia can lift supply. Immediately.
Of course, “everyone knows” that OPEC is sitting on lots of oil. However, as has been discussed here, at The Oil Drum, and elsewhere it remains decidedly unclear whether Saudi Arabia can indeed turn on extra taps at will. But the problems for world supply of oil do not merely end with production capacity. Even if OPEC is indeed sitting on 1-3 mbpd of spare capacity, it’s not clear for how long they can both increase production, and export that production to the world. Not only has Saudi Arabia’s production not increased in the past five years, but, Saudi is increasingly using its own oil for its own population. The result? Flat, to declining exports of oil from Saudi Arabia."
"We shall see how much the oil markets themselves believe in this theory. Today’s five dollar upward price advance—from already high price levels—suggests the market is justifiably concerned about events in Libya, and the risk of more unrest to come in oil producing regions. Given the potential magnitude of this situation, I actually think its good that we can still rely on price as a means to ration supply."
"In truth, the spare capacity that the world cares about—that the oil futures market cares about—is not the inventory level. But rather, actual production capacity that can be brought on immediately. You can see the problem, from a price standpoint. If the world loses Libya’s 1.5 mbpd production for 90-120 days, and starts drawing down above-ground inventories, this only makes the inventory cushion that much thinner for any new supply disruptions. The question on the mind of the oil market therefore is not Mr. Fyfe’s 1.6 billion barrels of crude, but whether countries like Kuwait, the U.A.E. and especially Saudi Arabia or even Russia can lift supply. Immediately.
Of course, “everyone knows” that OPEC is sitting on lots of oil. However, as has been discussed here, at The Oil Drum, and elsewhere it remains decidedly unclear whether Saudi Arabia can indeed turn on extra taps at will. But the problems for world supply of oil do not merely end with production capacity. Even if OPEC is indeed sitting on 1-3 mbpd of spare capacity, it’s not clear for how long they can both increase production, and export that production to the world. Not only has Saudi Arabia’s production not increased in the past five years, but, Saudi is increasingly using its own oil for its own population. The result? Flat, to declining exports of oil from Saudi Arabia."
"We shall see how much the oil markets themselves believe in this theory. Today’s five dollar upward price advance—from already high price levels—suggests the market is justifiably concerned about events in Libya, and the risk of more unrest to come in oil producing regions. Given the potential magnitude of this situation, I actually think its good that we can still rely on price as a means to ration supply."
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