onsdag 16 februari 2011

Chrisis in consiousness

Mike Keiser asks a very good question:

"Do humans destroy the globe with greenhouse gas emissions, mimicking the way the human body is attacking itself with pollution and other forms of species-killing, suicidal behavior; or do humans destroy the globe’s ability to support humans – with various forms of pollution including greenhouse gases – with impartiality?"

or maybye it's like Joe Rogan states out of his DMT experience "we're mold, here to eat the bread".

Joe Rogan, DMT, Life

or maybye we just need to shift our conciousness to what we now perceive as "dream consiousness". Stuck in the wrong consiousnedss mode the one we today perceive a real is in fact the wrong mode of consiuosness.

So in particulare then we in the west today have a crisis not in the economy, not an environmental chrisis but in fact a consiousness chrisis.

A crisis in consciousness

The challenge is that we the way we live is so messmetized, so bewildered that we need medecin to help cure our predicament:

Stanislav Grof: Altered States

DMT: The Spirit Molecule Teaser

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