söndag 7 augusti 2011

Sinclair on Gold and Oil

Jim Sinclair interviewed by James Turk

I’m scared to death right now when I look around and see the people out of work. I’ve got both husband and wife working for me to give you an idea of the problems that families have had. If you don’t think that civil unrest won’t find its way to the United States as it has found its way to Ireland, to France and to Italy and the Middle-East, you’re whistling dixie.

Today the sentiment is negative but truthfully the fundamental of today is the most positive fundamental you could possibly get as weakening economic figures demand QE2, QE3, QE4 and so forth.

At the same time the change in the Middle-East is a world change. It’s not this spontaneous explosion of democracy. Those guys that are fighting in Libya, take a look at them. They are wearing bandoliers of 51 caliber around them, this is not exactly your store owner and farmer who is rebelling. And you’ve got to ask who will benefit the most from what is going on?

This is organized, planned, designed, and anti-west, over which Iran will come out the most powerful entity in the Middle-East. What that means is that oil will trade at $150, possibly $200 (per barrel). And if you add into that the fact that we have passed peak oil which was a concept that you would look at 15 and 20 years out, because of peak oil added to that equation.

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