Jim interviews William Engdahl on the potential for manipulated food shortages for hundreds of millions around the globe.
- Reporting from a fractal universe, fighting oligarchy. About changing the world - "a single human being can change the entire world as long as she don’t care about who takes the credit." - "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
söndag 31 juli 2011
John Taylor Gatto
John Taylor Gatto, award-winning schoolteacher and author of several influential books on schooling. Schooling, is, he argues, a form of adoption, giving away your child to someone who may well be a stranger at a tender age (four in Northern Ireland) for the duration of the most plastic and malleable time in their lives is indeed tantamount to having your child adopted.Implicit in this arrangement is the idea that the state knows best how to educate your child, even better than you or your community. Mr. Gatto asks “how can the state know best how to educate YOUR child?”At the end of the period of compulsory schooling parents are reduced to the level of friendly strangers.
Here a very recent interview on Red Ice Radio. Besides all the indeed very interesting aspects on schooling, its objective history and results, he provides during this interview he also made some quite revealing comments in regards of the Chinese education system.
Having visited there on a number of occasions he is struck by the overruling question the Chinese has in regards of education. He paints a picture where the Chinese are very well aware of as well as concerned of the fact that they have been able to quantum jump fast forwards in their economy simply by copying what has been developed in the west while at the same time not in any significant way pay adherence to nore legal or compensation matters.
Simply put the matter of becoming more creative and innovative is a dead serious business for the Chinese government. This as their future economic growth will depend on it.
My comment - possibly this will be the most challenging aspect for the Asian economies going forward. This as in reality they have been ruled by and have themsels as individuals what only can be described as feudal values for millennia. The centralized communist party is just another version of these ideas. So what changes then in the Asian societies are required to allow for their citizens obtain more of "out of the box" thinking?
Somehow to me at least this seems to be not very compatible with the ruling communist party intent to stay in power? Then and as a follow on question - would the Chinese in any way be ready and prepared for a society not based on feudal values?
Here a very recent interview on Red Ice Radio. Besides all the indeed very interesting aspects on schooling, its objective history and results, he provides during this interview he also made some quite revealing comments in regards of the Chinese education system.
Having visited there on a number of occasions he is struck by the overruling question the Chinese has in regards of education. He paints a picture where the Chinese are very well aware of as well as concerned of the fact that they have been able to quantum jump fast forwards in their economy simply by copying what has been developed in the west while at the same time not in any significant way pay adherence to nore legal or compensation matters.
Simply put the matter of becoming more creative and innovative is a dead serious business for the Chinese government. This as their future economic growth will depend on it.
My comment - possibly this will be the most challenging aspect for the Asian economies going forward. This as in reality they have been ruled by and have themsels as individuals what only can be described as feudal values for millennia. The centralized communist party is just another version of these ideas. So what changes then in the Asian societies are required to allow for their citizens obtain more of "out of the box" thinking?
Somehow to me at least this seems to be not very compatible with the ruling communist party intent to stay in power? Then and as a follow on question - would the Chinese in any way be ready and prepared for a society not based on feudal values?
Arrival of the Post-Petroleum Human
Peak Moment 196: "Petroleum Man is dead. Infinite Growth Man is dead. Post Petroleum Human is alive," announced Michael C. Ruppert on May 22, 2011. Members of this emerging "species" know they must live in balance with the Earth, while remembering the lessons of industrial civilization. The star and subject of the documentary "Collapse", Mike founded CollapseNet.com in 2010 to empower people to connect and relocalize
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil
'America will lose its sovereignty'
Nu under Söndags eftermiddagen kommer det rycken om att man nått en proncipöverenskommelse. Men intills dess att vi vet mer så kan det vara intressant att lysna på Kaisers "analys" i Fredags.
The countdown to armadebtdon carries on and we are just 3 days away from the debt ceiling deadline. If a discussion is not reached will the US lose its AAA rating? The problem is we are not taking in enough revenue to continue spending like we are. Max Keiser of Keiser Report gives us his insight on what that means to the US.
The countdown to armadebtdon carries on and we are just 3 days away from the debt ceiling deadline. If a discussion is not reached will the US lose its AAA rating? The problem is we are not taking in enough revenue to continue spending like we are. Max Keiser of Keiser Report gives us his insight on what that means to the US.
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil,
Seems 2 million barrels per day sweet crude oil will not reach the West for quite a while?
NATO would like to continue their attacks but the problem they have is that they are going to run up against this mid-September deadline that is built into this United Nation Security Council Resolution, and at that point they will need a new resolution, and I will be very surprised if Russia decides to put more eggs on its face by not vetoing such a resolution. We also have to look at the fact that the coalition is falling apart. As of right now, Libya time, Norway has dropped out of the coalition. Over here we have got Anne-Marie Slaughter, who is a leading hawk, one of the first advocates for the bombing under the humanitarian cover now saying it's time to compromise. She is basically admitting defeat.
Meanwhile the militart leader of the antai Gadaffi forces has been assasinated by a branch of Al-Quaida.
Meanwhile the militart leader of the antai Gadaffi forces has been assasinated by a branch of Al-Quaida.
Israel Revolution in the works?
Israel's public debt equals 79 percent of its gross domestic product, and its imports 1.25 billion dollars more than it exports. More than 23 percent of Israelis live below poverty line. In other words -- words of the US congress -- Israeli is not “economically self-sufficient.”"Israel is not economically self-sufficient, and relies on foreign assistance and borrowing to maintain its economy.
In addition to US assistance, it is estimated that Israel receives about $1 billion annually through philanthropy, an equal amount through short- and long- term commercial loans, and around $1 billion in Israel Bonds proceeds.
Since 1985, the United States has provided $3 billion in grants annually to Israel. Since 1976, Israel has been the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign assistance, and is the largest cumulative recipient since World War II,” The Congressional Research Service (CRS) said in a 2003 report titled "Israel: US Foreign Assistance."
Now with the global economic meltdown and weak a post-recession recovery in the US and Israel's other allies, the amount of financial aid and other assistance that Israel can receive is sure to be affected adding fuel to the problems the Israeli regime is already facing.
On Friday, July 29, 2011 hundreds of Israelis held a demonstration in Tel Aviv, warning that they would block roads all over Israel on August 1 if the Netanyahu cabinet fails to meet their demands.
After weeks of widespread protests against high housing prices -- which are evaluated as the largest social protests in Israel since the 1970s -- the Israeli premier announced a series of measures to address the housing crisis last week.
According to a poll published by the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, 87 percent of Israelis support the protests over high rents and housing costs.
The survey also showed that Netanyahu's popularity has fallen to 32 percent from 51 percent two months ago with more than half of those surveyed being unhappy with his response to the housing crisis
In addition to US assistance, it is estimated that Israel receives about $1 billion annually through philanthropy, an equal amount through short- and long- term commercial loans, and around $1 billion in Israel Bonds proceeds.
Since 1985, the United States has provided $3 billion in grants annually to Israel. Since 1976, Israel has been the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign assistance, and is the largest cumulative recipient since World War II,” The Congressional Research Service (CRS) said in a 2003 report titled "Israel: US Foreign Assistance."
Now with the global economic meltdown and weak a post-recession recovery in the US and Israel's other allies, the amount of financial aid and other assistance that Israel can receive is sure to be affected adding fuel to the problems the Israeli regime is already facing.
On Friday, July 29, 2011 hundreds of Israelis held a demonstration in Tel Aviv, warning that they would block roads all over Israel on August 1 if the Netanyahu cabinet fails to meet their demands.
After weeks of widespread protests against high housing prices -- which are evaluated as the largest social protests in Israel since the 1970s -- the Israeli premier announced a series of measures to address the housing crisis last week.
According to a poll published by the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, 87 percent of Israelis support the protests over high rents and housing costs.
The survey also showed that Netanyahu's popularity has fallen to 32 percent from 51 percent two months ago with more than half of those surveyed being unhappy with his response to the housing crisis
Yeah right..
Sveriger Riskbanks problem är Lars O Svensson
Kära Anders Borg NU är det HÖG tid att se äver hur man skall hantera en kommande trolig svensk finanskris. Hur förbereder vi idag oss på bästa sätt för detta och framför allt hur garanterar vi denna gång att INGA skattebetalare skall betala kalaset?
Vi kan väl ta SEB som ett exempel? De var i princip konkursmässiga under vår inhemskt skapade bankris under 80/90 talet. De klarade sig inte minst genom att alla dåliga lån de hade fördes över till statliga Securum och därmed överfördes all risk till skattebetalarna. Det är en model som kan använda OM det handlar om en verklig likviditetskris dvs det finns ett underliggande värde men som måste skrivas ned. Över tiden och om man är långsiktig kan dessa tillgångar sedan öka i värde.
Problemet är när det inte finns underliggade värden ex som är fallet gällande högt belånade derivat positioner. Här går det inte att lösa ut eländet utan de är värda 0. Det är bara att ta förluste så snabbt och brutalt som möjligt.
Åter igen till SEB så vad gjorde de då som tack för hjälpen när de på detta sätt kom ut sitt konkurshot? Jo de for iväg tillsammans med Swedbank och skapade et riktigt otäck bubbla i de baltiska staterna. Resultatet där blev massiva ska Austerity measures. Avskedade offenlig anställda, utförsäljning av statliga tillgångar och en BNP minskning på 40%.
Även här gick svenska staten in som garant och inte minst agearade man stenhårt för att se till att inte de baltiska staterna devalverade sina valutor, skrev av sina skulder eller införde nya marknadsregler som friskrev bostadsägare från skuld. Dvs som i vissa amerikanska stater där man bara helt enkelt kan lämna nyckel och gå då lånet rent juridiskt tillhör bostaden, inte personen som bor i huset.
Som sagt allt detta stoppade av Svenska statens och de svenska bankerna som definitivt annars konkat kunde återigen räddas av Sveriges skattebetalare.
Och vad ser vi då som ett nästa steg? Jo mitt under brinannde global finansiell härdsmälta så stiger de svenska bostadsprisera som aldrig förr. Fullständigt obegripligt. De svenska bankerna tog sig altså levande ut konkursgreppen även i Baltikum och stack då hem igen med svansen mellan benen för att snabbt som tusan skapa ännu en ny inhemskt och av våra egna banker skapade finanskris. Nu har vi definitivt nått toppen på den svenska bostadsmarknaden och kan se fram emot en ny helt inhemskt producerad bostads kris med därtill följande finansiell turbulens.
Tacka Riksbankens lågränte politik för detta. Tacka de svenska bankerna som decenium efter decenium sänker den svenka ekonomin och skadar de svenska skattebetalarna. Det är väl vär en rejäl bonus?
Som ett av grundkraven nästa gång nu någon av de svenska bankerna kommer rännande med krav om statliga garantier och stöd så sätt då för guds skull som ett villkor att alla bonusar utbetalade senaste 7 åren retroaktivt skall betalas tillbaka. De som gör ett bra jobb skall ha ersättning de som skadar vår ekonomi skall betala. Rättvist eller hur? Om inte annat så kommer detta att verka hemmande på ev framtida frestelser att tjäna enkla pengar och skapa ohållbara bubblor.
Sedan och som ett grundkrav gällar att under inga omständigeraer skall denn nya finsniella härdsmälta resultera i att några av våra och av skattebetalare ägda tillgångar säljs ut till privata intressen. Förbjud derivat handel och all verksamhet i vårt land relaterat till Goldman & Sachs. Det senare är särdeles viktigt givet den information om vårt lands finansiella status de nu får genom att anställa vår tidigare finansminiser och tillika RiksBanks ordförande.
Undrar om det finns någon som inte anser att detta är komplett absurt? Nu eller aldrig är det hög tid att reformera detta system i grunden så att möjligheten för bankerna och riksbanken att skapa dessa ständiga bubblor elemineras. Annar gäller som vanligtfinansiell inhems turbulens skapad av våra egna banker med efterförljande massiv internationel spekulation anförd av GS.
Detta är en debatt vi måste ta nu INNAN den verkliga krisen kommer. Ring din lokala politiker, ligg på!
Våra egna svenska banker har blivit det största hotet mot vår välfärd och vår ekonomi.
Sveriger Riskbanks problem är Lars O Svensson
Kära Anders Borg NU är det HÖG tid att se äver hur man skall hantera en kommande trolig svensk finanskris. Hur förbereder vi idag oss på bästa sätt för detta och framför allt hur garanterar vi denna gång att INGA skattebetalare skall betala kalaset?
Vi kan väl ta SEB som ett exempel? De var i princip konkursmässiga under vår inhemskt skapade bankris under 80/90 talet. De klarade sig inte minst genom att alla dåliga lån de hade fördes över till statliga Securum och därmed överfördes all risk till skattebetalarna. Det är en model som kan använda OM det handlar om en verklig likviditetskris dvs det finns ett underliggande värde men som måste skrivas ned. Över tiden och om man är långsiktig kan dessa tillgångar sedan öka i värde.
Problemet är när det inte finns underliggade värden ex som är fallet gällande högt belånade derivat positioner. Här går det inte att lösa ut eländet utan de är värda 0. Det är bara att ta förluste så snabbt och brutalt som möjligt.
Åter igen till SEB så vad gjorde de då som tack för hjälpen när de på detta sätt kom ut sitt konkurshot? Jo de for iväg tillsammans med Swedbank och skapade et riktigt otäck bubbla i de baltiska staterna. Resultatet där blev massiva ska Austerity measures. Avskedade offenlig anställda, utförsäljning av statliga tillgångar och en BNP minskning på 40%.
Även här gick svenska staten in som garant och inte minst agearade man stenhårt för att se till att inte de baltiska staterna devalverade sina valutor, skrev av sina skulder eller införde nya marknadsregler som friskrev bostadsägare från skuld. Dvs som i vissa amerikanska stater där man bara helt enkelt kan lämna nyckel och gå då lånet rent juridiskt tillhör bostaden, inte personen som bor i huset.
Som sagt allt detta stoppade av Svenska statens och de svenska bankerna som definitivt annars konkat kunde återigen räddas av Sveriges skattebetalare.
Och vad ser vi då som ett nästa steg? Jo mitt under brinannde global finansiell härdsmälta så stiger de svenska bostadsprisera som aldrig förr. Fullständigt obegripligt. De svenska bankerna tog sig altså levande ut konkursgreppen även i Baltikum och stack då hem igen med svansen mellan benen för att snabbt som tusan skapa ännu en ny inhemskt och av våra egna banker skapade finanskris. Nu har vi definitivt nått toppen på den svenska bostadsmarknaden och kan se fram emot en ny helt inhemskt producerad bostads kris med därtill följande finansiell turbulens.
Tacka Riksbankens lågränte politik för detta. Tacka de svenska bankerna som decenium efter decenium sänker den svenka ekonomin och skadar de svenska skattebetalarna. Det är väl vär en rejäl bonus?
Som ett av grundkraven nästa gång nu någon av de svenska bankerna kommer rännande med krav om statliga garantier och stöd så sätt då för guds skull som ett villkor att alla bonusar utbetalade senaste 7 åren retroaktivt skall betalas tillbaka. De som gör ett bra jobb skall ha ersättning de som skadar vår ekonomi skall betala. Rättvist eller hur? Om inte annat så kommer detta att verka hemmande på ev framtida frestelser att tjäna enkla pengar och skapa ohållbara bubblor.
Sedan och som ett grundkrav gällar att under inga omständigeraer skall denn nya finsniella härdsmälta resultera i att några av våra och av skattebetalare ägda tillgångar säljs ut till privata intressen. Förbjud derivat handel och all verksamhet i vårt land relaterat till Goldman & Sachs. Det senare är särdeles viktigt givet den information om vårt lands finansiella status de nu får genom att anställa vår tidigare finansminiser och tillika RiksBanks ordförande.
Undrar om det finns någon som inte anser att detta är komplett absurt? Nu eller aldrig är det hög tid att reformera detta system i grunden så att möjligheten för bankerna och riksbanken att skapa dessa ständiga bubblor elemineras. Annar gäller som vanligtfinansiell inhems turbulens skapad av våra egna banker med efterförljande massiv internationel spekulation anförd av GS.
Detta är en debatt vi måste ta nu INNAN den verkliga krisen kommer. Ring din lokala politiker, ligg på!
Våra egna svenska banker har blivit det största hotet mot vår välfärd och vår ekonomi.
Facts About The Financial Condition Of American Families That Will Blow Your Mind
Globalization is good for you..
To make ends meet, many American families are going into even more debt and more American families than ever are turning to government assistance. Right now, more Americans than at any other point since World War II are flat broke and have lost hope. Until this changes, the frustration level in this country is going to continue to grow.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/american-families-are-broke-2011-7##ixzz1TfyWM4CZ
A major bear on the housing market, Amherst Securities' Laurie Goodman has predicted since 2009 another housing crash as banks are forced to liquidate tons of bad loans.
Up to 11 million mortgages are likely to default, according to Goodman. This is a frightening figure, seeing as only several million have been liquidated since the crisis began. When it happens, the market will be flooded with supply.
Goodman reached 11 million by projecting default rates for non-performing loans, re-performing loans, and underwater loans. Here's a slide from a recent presentation
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/laurie-goodman-11-million-mortgages-2011-7#ixzz1TfxF6AZG
widest wealth gap between US whites, minorities
The wealth gaps between whites and minorities have grown to their widest levels since the U.S. government began tabulating them a quarter-century ago. The recession and uneven recovery have erased decades of minority gains, leaving whites on average with 20 times the net worth of blacks and 18 times that of Hispanics, according to an analysis of new Census data.
Vaporizing Middleclass
To make ends meet, many American families are going into even more debt and more American families than ever are turning to government assistance. Right now, more Americans than at any other point since World War II are flat broke and have lost hope. Until this changes, the frustration level in this country is going to continue to grow.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/american-families-are-broke-2011-7##ixzz1TfyWM4CZ
A major bear on the housing market, Amherst Securities' Laurie Goodman has predicted since 2009 another housing crash as banks are forced to liquidate tons of bad loans.
Up to 11 million mortgages are likely to default, according to Goodman. This is a frightening figure, seeing as only several million have been liquidated since the crisis began. When it happens, the market will be flooded with supply.
Goodman reached 11 million by projecting default rates for non-performing loans, re-performing loans, and underwater loans. Here's a slide from a recent presentation
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/laurie-goodman-11-million-mortgages-2011-7#ixzz1TfxF6AZG
widest wealth gap between US whites, minorities
The wealth gaps between whites and minorities have grown to their widest levels since the U.S. government began tabulating them a quarter-century ago. The recession and uneven recovery have erased decades of minority gains, leaving whites on average with 20 times the net worth of blacks and 18 times that of Hispanics, according to an analysis of new Census data.
Vaporizing Middleclass
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil,
Austerity For Banks
Lazy, incompetent, fee sucking banks and financial institutions have had a couple of great decades making money as easy as stealing candy from a baby. In fact stealing is what they mainly have been occupied with charging outrageous fees and providing ludicrously low interest rates for savers and at the same time using this cheap financing in order to make their own highly leveraged, immencly risky derivates business.
As an exaple of outrageous fees The Swedish bank SE Banken branch office in Switzerland charged me 10.000 sek in order for me to get an account statement needed to present to the Swedish tax authorities.
Now that business model, transferring all risks to the taxpayers, is starting to unwind as well as also countries are facing defaults.
In fact what were now talking about is a complete remake of the financing sector as we know it.
Via austerity measures - this time not towards the taxpayer and savers - but instead towards the banks themselves that now to a greater extent has to take the hit.
First what will happen is layoffs on a grand scale all over this sector. Then we will start to see them having to sell out their assets e.g. business etc to government/taxpayers as their solvency clearly is in jeopardy and today only is saved via creative accounting e.g. booked value rather than real market value.
Bottom line the re-regulation of the financial sector has begun as taxpayers now to a greater extent demand collateral for their bailing out of banks. Within 5 years well see the result - a very much smaller financial sector as compared to the overall economy where sure no player going forward will be allowed to be too big to fail and the banks function to create money via the fractional banking system has been removed.
“Europe's biggest bank faces an urgent need for action as more than two-fifths of its businesses are not delivering their cost of capital,” Reuters writes. In May, HSBC said it would “sell, shut or slim down retail operations in 39 markets, where operations are sub-scale and unprofitable and is looking to sell its U.S. credit card arm and shrink its network of 475 U.S. branches.”
Nationalize the Fed. - End Banks Power to Create Money
As an exaple of outrageous fees The Swedish bank SE Banken branch office in Switzerland charged me 10.000 sek in order for me to get an account statement needed to present to the Swedish tax authorities.
Now that business model, transferring all risks to the taxpayers, is starting to unwind as well as also countries are facing defaults.
In fact what were now talking about is a complete remake of the financing sector as we know it.
Via austerity measures - this time not towards the taxpayer and savers - but instead towards the banks themselves that now to a greater extent has to take the hit.
First what will happen is layoffs on a grand scale all over this sector. Then we will start to see them having to sell out their assets e.g. business etc to government/taxpayers as their solvency clearly is in jeopardy and today only is saved via creative accounting e.g. booked value rather than real market value.
Bottom line the re-regulation of the financial sector has begun as taxpayers now to a greater extent demand collateral for their bailing out of banks. Within 5 years well see the result - a very much smaller financial sector as compared to the overall economy where sure no player going forward will be allowed to be too big to fail and the banks function to create money via the fractional banking system has been removed.
“Europe's biggest bank faces an urgent need for action as more than two-fifths of its businesses are not delivering their cost of capital,” Reuters writes. In May, HSBC said it would “sell, shut or slim down retail operations in 39 markets, where operations are sub-scale and unprofitable and is looking to sell its U.S. credit card arm and shrink its network of 475 U.S. branches.”
Nationalize the Fed. - End Banks Power to Create Money
Mumford & Sons - White Blank Page
White Blank Page, taken from Mumford and Sons' acoustic bookshop
Peak Oil
ABC Catalyst Peak Oil Report 28-04-2011
Richard Heinberg, senior fellow with the Post Carbon Institute and the author of The Party's Over, Peak Everything and, most recently, Blackout, discusses the phenomenon of peak oil and how it will affect life on this planet.
Max's guest for this edition of Press TV's On the Edge with Max Kaiser is James Howard Kunstler from kunstler.com. The focus of the program is on peak oil story where James defines as the time when you have just reached the maximum amount of production that you are ever going to get to and from that moment you are going down an arc of depletion that is remorseless and you will end up eventually at the bottom. Enjoy the show.
Part 1
Part 2
Richard Heinberg, senior fellow with the Post Carbon Institute and the author of The Party's Over, Peak Everything and, most recently, Blackout, discusses the phenomenon of peak oil and how it will affect life on this planet.
Max's guest for this edition of Press TV's On the Edge with Max Kaiser is James Howard Kunstler from kunstler.com. The focus of the program is on peak oil story where James defines as the time when you have just reached the maximum amount of production that you are ever going to get to and from that moment you are going down an arc of depletion that is remorseless and you will end up eventually at the bottom. Enjoy the show.
Part 1
Part 2
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil
Paul Kreugman - gold a marketing scam
Wait a minute, you're thinking: gold is a classic hedge against inflation, and so the price of gold has always been viewed as a good indicator about where market participants think inflation is going. It turns out that the relationship between gold and inflation expectations is rather out-of-date; as shown in the chart below, the price of gold has not shown any correlation with inflation for the past 15 years or so. (Note that the green line shows one explicit measure of inflation expectations, by measuring the interest rate difference between bonds that are indexed against inflation compared to those that aren't.)
So moving just 0.1% of the financial wealth of US households into gold could be enough to have a substantial impact on the price of gold. Note that the same can not be said of other asset prices that we care about; it would be difficult to discern any price effects whatsoever of a move of $50 billion more or less per year flowing into the stock market (valued at over $50 trillion around the world), the bond market (also with a total value in the tens of trillions of dollars), or real estate.http://streetlightblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/should-we-care-about-price-of-gold.html
Wait a minute, you're thinking: gold is a classic hedge against inflation, and so the price of gold has always been viewed as a good indicator about where market participants think inflation is going. It turns out that the relationship between gold and inflation expectations is rather out-of-date; as shown in the chart below, the price of gold has not shown any correlation with inflation for the past 15 years or so. (Note that the green line shows one explicit measure of inflation expectations, by measuring the interest rate difference between bonds that are indexed against inflation compared to those that aren't.)
So moving just 0.1% of the financial wealth of US households into gold could be enough to have a substantial impact on the price of gold. Note that the same can not be said of other asset prices that we care about; it would be difficult to discern any price effects whatsoever of a move of $50 billion more or less per year flowing into the stock market (valued at over $50 trillion around the world), the bond market (also with a total value in the tens of trillions of dollars), or real estate.http://streetlightblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/should-we-care-about-price-of-gold.html
Fiat Currency,
Monetary Reform
It’s all about Oil – in fact
The whole US debt ceiling issue is completely irrelevant. Elected representatives in Washington along with the mainstream media have been wasting thousands of hours of time and hundreds of millions of dollars debating a topic that has no meaning at all.
The President, Senate, and House of Representatives are putting on a show to make it look like they care about cutting spending and balancing the budget.
Except for a select few elected representatives like Ron Paul who care about protecting the U.S. Constitution and preserving what little purchasing power the U.S. dollar still has left, every other politician in Washington is putting on a complete charade in order to trick their constituents into believing there is a difference between the proposals from the Republicans and Democrats.
While incompetent and corrupt mainstream media has been proclaiming there are major differences between the two bills proposed by House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, John Boehner might as well be a Democrat and Harry Reid could easily pass himself off as a Republican. There are absolutely no meaningful fundamental differences between Boehner's plan that was approved by the House of Representatives yesterday evening, before being killed by the Senate two short hours later, and Reid's bill, which was just rejected by the House today in a pre-emptive vote before the Senate even had a chance to vote on it.
Both bills are estimated to reduce the U.S. budget deficit by approximately $900 billion over the next 10 years. Of the $900 billion only about $750 billion are actual discretionary spending cuts with the rest being an expected reduction in interest payments on the national debt as a result of either bill passing. When you have an unstable fiat currency that is rapidly losing its purchasing power and could collapse at any time, it is impossible to accurately project what our budget deficits will be 5 or 6 years from now, let alone 9 or 10 years from today. As far as the next two fiscal years are concerned, both proposed bills from Boehner and Reid are estimated to only cut spending by a total of about $70 billion in fiscal years 2012 and 2013 combined.
The budget that former President Bush submitted to Congress in early-2007, projected the deficit to decline in each of the following four fiscal years. Not only did the deficit not decline the next four years in a row, but it nearly tripled in 2008 and from there more than tripled in 2009. Shockingly, Bush's budget actually projected a $61 billion surplus in fiscal year 2012, but instead we will have a budget deficit of $1.1 trillion based on President Obama's latest budget, which takes into account unrealistic GDP growth next year of 4.86%.
U.S. GDP growth for the first quarter of 2011 was just revised down yesterday by 81% from 1.91% to 0.36%. The advance estimate of second quarter GDP growth came in at 1.28%, well below the consensus estimate of 1.8%.
And it’s not hard to predict that second quarter GDP growth will soon be revised downward as well. If this is the highest GDP growth the U.S. could muster after the Federal Reserve's $600 billion in QE2 money printing, this should prove once and for all that monetary inflation does not create real economic growth and employment.
The U.S. Treasury as of Thursday night had $51.6 billion in cash, with its cash position declining by $15.2 billion during the previous 24 hours.
According to the latest daily statement from the U.S. Treasury, the government had an operating cash balance of $73.8 billion at the end of the day yesterday.
Apple's last earnings report (PDF here) showed that the company had $76.2 billion in cash and marketable securities at the end of June.
In other words, the world's largest tech company has more cash than the world's largest sovereign government.
That's because Apple collects more money than it spends, while the U.S. government does not.
The US expects to bring in $172.4 billion from August 3rd through August 31st in tax receipts, but is scheduled to pay out $306.7 billion during this time period for an estimated deficit of $134.3 billion.
The U.S. is scheduled to make its next interest payment on the national debt on August 15th and it will equal approximately $30 billion.
Over the last 9 months the U.S. has spent a total of $385.9 billion on interest payments on the national debt, which means it is on track to spend a record $514.5 billion this year on interest payments alone. Just a tiny 30 basis point increase in the interest rate on the national debt would totally wipe out the deficit reductions proposed by both Boehner and Reid.
The U.S. Treasury has been able to pay its bills in recent weeks by using many different accounting gimmicks. However, come Tuesday, there will be no more accounting tricks left to play and the U.S. won't be able to meet all of its obligations.
Without a raise in the debt ceiling, the U.S. government will have to prioritize who it pays using the tax receipts coming in, which will probably include the $30 billion interest payment on the national debt (to avoid a default), $49.2 billion in Social Security payments, $50 billion in Medicare/Medicaid payments, $31.7 billion in defense payments, and $12.8 billion in unemployment benefits. With $23 billion of the $49.2 billion in Social Security payments due to be paid on August 3rd and $59 billion in t-bills due on August 4th, the U.S. Treasury's remaining cash balance could dissipate very quickly.
The 10-year bond yield reached a new 2011 low yesterday of 2.785%, its lowest level since November 30th of last year. It is approaching its record low of 2.08% from December of 2008 during the middle of the financial crisis. With threats of a U.S. debt default making headlines across the world, investors are once again rushing into U.S. bonds as a safe haven. It is almost as if the whole world has gone insane. The world is fearful of the U.S. government defaulting on its debt and not being able to pay off maturing bonds, so as a safe haven let's just all rush into the very asset that will soon be worthless due to either an honest default or default by inflation. The U.S. dollar bubble is the largest and longest running bubble in world history and U.S. bonds are currently mispriced big time.
U.S. dollar-denominated bonds should be the last asset in the world to benefit from fears of a U.S. debt default. Gold reached a new all time high yesterday, rising $15 to $1,631 per ounce, with silver rising $0.31 to $40.10 per ounce and the soft currency dollar Friday closed at 0.788 vs the Swiss Franc.
During the financial crisis of late-2008/early-2009, gold and silver prices declined along with all other assets. It can be estimated half of the world's investors seeking a safe haven are buying dollar-denominated assets like U.S. Treasuries and the other half are seeking safety in hard assets.
By mid-2012, investors will most likely no longer look at U.S. bonds and other dollar-denominated assets as a safe haven. During future times of uncertainty, hard assets will receive nearly 100% of safe haven buying, just like the U.S. dollar received 100% of safe haven buying in late-2008/early-2009.
Once the debt ceiling is inevitably raised, the U.S. Treasury will have a lot of catching up to do in order to get its house in order, and we will likely see the largest amount of debt ever sold by the U.S. government in a single month. With QE2 having finished at the end of June, the U.S. will be relying on foreigners in these upcoming record Treasury auctions. We are likely going to see interest rates rise at an unprecedented rate that will shock the world or new money printing will escalate so that the US will be able to buy basically all their own Treasuries, further debasing the dollar to an even greater extent. So far the US debt has been financed via short tern low interest bonds. For this to continue and as nobody else want to buy at these low levels the only one interested to buy is the US itself.
The world is become saturated with bonds as all countries caught in an unprecedented debt trap are trying to finance their deficit via the bond markets. Don't believe the mainstream media's laughable claim that there is a shortage of U.S. Treasuries.
It was just reported yesterday that Cambodia, one of the most rapidly growing emerging market economies with GDP growth this year of 6.5%, is moving away from the U.S. dollar, which currently accounts for 90% of their currency in circulation, in favor of its own currency the riel. It now only a matter of time until China ends its currency peg with the U.S. dollar. The world is flooded with trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasuries that will soon have no buyers except the Federal Reserve. There is no chance of yields falling below record lows from December of 2008.
The mainstream media has been reporting all week that if the U.S. defaults on its debt as a result of a failure to raise the debt ceiling, it will be the first time that our nation has defaulted on its debt obligations.
A real U.S. debt default already occurred in 1971 when President Nixon closed the gold window and stopped allowing foreign governments to convert their U.S. dollar holdings into gold. Since then, the U.S. currency system has been completely fiat and the national debt has increased by 3,400%.
For the past 40 years, the U.S. government has been running on fumes left over from when countries were able to convert their paper U.S. dollars into gold. The price of gold has increased by 3,900% during this time period, meaning the U.S. dollar has lost 97.5% of its purchasing power.
Meanwhile, the median household income has only increased by 384%. In terms of gold, the median U.S. household is earning 87.9% less income today than they did in 1971.
The U.S. debt default of 1971 was many times more significant than the pending debt default, because back then our foreign creditors expected to receive real money and not a piece of paper with no real value that we print. The average American family has experienced a dramatic decline in its standard of living since 1971. The U.S. dollar and its reserve currency status is currently serving as the last thread that is keeping our "house of cards" economy propped up.
The U.S. debt ceiling is very similar to a publicly traded company's authorized shares. When a public company consistently loses money like the U.S. government does, they print new shares just like the Federal Reserve prints dollars and when its total outstanding shares reach the shares authorized, the company's Board of Directors simply raises the shares authorized, which allows it to continue issuing shares and diluting shareholders.
Since 1962, the U.S. has raised its debt ceiling 74 times. Any public company that needed to raise its authorized shares 74 times would likely have seen its stock price decline by 99.99% from above $10 to below 1 penny.
There are ways for the US to stay afloat and continue operating without getting deeper into debt:
The U.S. is currently supposed to have 8,133.5 tons of gold reserves at Fort Knox. Nobody know for sure if these gold reserves still exist because the last audit of our gold reserves took place in 1954 and we had the little minor issue of our real debt default in 1971. Assuming that all of our gold is still there, this gold is worth $426.5 billion at the present time, enough to cover our U.S. government's deficit spending for almost four whole months. The U.S. government also owns valuable land, buildings, monuments, and other types of Real Estate that could also be worth hundreds of billions of dollars. The question boils down to either of these two choices: sell all US gold and Real Estate, and if the U.S. government isn't going to implement real spending cuts that will lead to a balanced budget, maybe then it’s better to sell all assets than see the dollar-denominated savings and incomes of all Americans lose its purchasing power.
If raising the debt ceiling continues and getting deeper into debt in order to pay back the debts the US is defaulting on its debts through inflation. With gold at a record high of $1,631 per ounce, the market is clearly telling us that a default through inflation is coming.
As the Chinese, Japanese, and our other creditors are paid back in U.S. dollars that are rapidly losing their purchasing power, they will be reluctant to increase their purchases of U.S.
Treasuries in the future, which the US so desperately needs them to buy in order to fund our spending increases. With the Federal Reserve likely to become the Treasury buyer of last resort, the world will lose their confidence in the U.S. dollar and hyperinflation could potentially break out as soon as 2013.
It is very likely that U.S. GDP will begin declining again in late-2011, which will officially put the U.S. in double-dip recession territory. The U.S. is still in the early stages of a hyperinflationary depression and the so-called economic recovery reported by the government and mainstream media has been completely phony and only due to misleading and manipulated economic statistics that don't factor in the real rate of U.S. price inflation.
Now expect Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to do everything in his power to avoid a double-dip recession at all costs.
By the end of 2011, we will see QE3 under a new name, but the Fed will act to force banks to lend their $1.6 trillion in excess reserves.
It is tragic the US now is so hard debating spending cuts of $70 billion over the next two years, when only very dramatic across the board spending cuts of 50% or more of the total budget will give the U.S. any hope of balancing the budget and avoiding hyperinflation.
Best case scenario, if the U.S. government cuts spending by 50% or more in all areas of the budget including the corporate welfare to the military/Security industrial sector is able to prevent hyperinflation.
Within this context there are analysts that believe we will see the U.S. dollar lose 90% of its purchasing power this decade with the price of gold rising to above $16,000 per ounce.
There are basically only two was to get rid of this US debt super cycle. One is via default; the other is to inflate your way out of it. Expect to see a combination of these two measures going further.
Clearly Treasuries is the mother of all bubbles - the real currency in fact is oil as ALL economic activity, food, industry production and all logistics and transportation depends on it.
Gold protects your worth and purchasing power but oil in relative terms also increases your worth as supply destruction takes a firm hold of the oil markets.
Then combine this to the fact not only foreign Treasuries buyers now shy away from that market the very same phenomena is in the midst of playing out relative the oil markets as oil produces start to realize that accepting the petro dollar has become a losers game.
With is economy crumbling, escalating deficits and ever depreciating dollar not even the US military will be able to maintain this status quo. In fact the US Empire is crumbling and already as we speak most satellite states are in the process of seeking new alliances. Already today The Saudis’ are exporting more oil to China than to the US.
American dependence on imports grew from 10% in 1970 to 65% by the end of 2004. At the current rate of unchecked import growth, the US would be 70% to 75% reliant on foreign oil by the middle of the next decade. In the light of this - no wonder the US deficits has reached a chronicle illness state as depreciation of the dollar continues.
Here is a chart of the last years USD/Franc relationship.
May I suggest you also use the "Max" button as far as timeframe is concerned under the chart? Reveling..
This is what in fact might be the real challenge facing the US. With is import dependence soon to be importing close to 70% of all oil consumed domestically and having then to pay for that oil in a currency other that dollar, that in itself could trigger a staggering inflation as US consumers have to pay 3-4 times more for is oil and gasoline.
Then if also the Renminbi was to become appreciated well then all cheap Chinese exports to the US, primarily clothes and technology items, also would to become much more expensive further increasing the inflationary pressure.
This is maybe the first step soon to be followed by also a new exchange for oil backed by anything but the $US?
New Pan Asian Gold Exchange
The President, Senate, and House of Representatives are putting on a show to make it look like they care about cutting spending and balancing the budget.
Except for a select few elected representatives like Ron Paul who care about protecting the U.S. Constitution and preserving what little purchasing power the U.S. dollar still has left, every other politician in Washington is putting on a complete charade in order to trick their constituents into believing there is a difference between the proposals from the Republicans and Democrats.
While incompetent and corrupt mainstream media has been proclaiming there are major differences between the two bills proposed by House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, John Boehner might as well be a Democrat and Harry Reid could easily pass himself off as a Republican. There are absolutely no meaningful fundamental differences between Boehner's plan that was approved by the House of Representatives yesterday evening, before being killed by the Senate two short hours later, and Reid's bill, which was just rejected by the House today in a pre-emptive vote before the Senate even had a chance to vote on it.
Both bills are estimated to reduce the U.S. budget deficit by approximately $900 billion over the next 10 years. Of the $900 billion only about $750 billion are actual discretionary spending cuts with the rest being an expected reduction in interest payments on the national debt as a result of either bill passing. When you have an unstable fiat currency that is rapidly losing its purchasing power and could collapse at any time, it is impossible to accurately project what our budget deficits will be 5 or 6 years from now, let alone 9 or 10 years from today. As far as the next two fiscal years are concerned, both proposed bills from Boehner and Reid are estimated to only cut spending by a total of about $70 billion in fiscal years 2012 and 2013 combined.
The budget that former President Bush submitted to Congress in early-2007, projected the deficit to decline in each of the following four fiscal years. Not only did the deficit not decline the next four years in a row, but it nearly tripled in 2008 and from there more than tripled in 2009. Shockingly, Bush's budget actually projected a $61 billion surplus in fiscal year 2012, but instead we will have a budget deficit of $1.1 trillion based on President Obama's latest budget, which takes into account unrealistic GDP growth next year of 4.86%.
U.S. GDP growth for the first quarter of 2011 was just revised down yesterday by 81% from 1.91% to 0.36%. The advance estimate of second quarter GDP growth came in at 1.28%, well below the consensus estimate of 1.8%.
And it’s not hard to predict that second quarter GDP growth will soon be revised downward as well. If this is the highest GDP growth the U.S. could muster after the Federal Reserve's $600 billion in QE2 money printing, this should prove once and for all that monetary inflation does not create real economic growth and employment.
The U.S. Treasury as of Thursday night had $51.6 billion in cash, with its cash position declining by $15.2 billion during the previous 24 hours.
According to the latest daily statement from the U.S. Treasury, the government had an operating cash balance of $73.8 billion at the end of the day yesterday.
Apple's last earnings report (PDF here) showed that the company had $76.2 billion in cash and marketable securities at the end of June.
In other words, the world's largest tech company has more cash than the world's largest sovereign government.
That's because Apple collects more money than it spends, while the U.S. government does not.
The US expects to bring in $172.4 billion from August 3rd through August 31st in tax receipts, but is scheduled to pay out $306.7 billion during this time period for an estimated deficit of $134.3 billion.
The U.S. is scheduled to make its next interest payment on the national debt on August 15th and it will equal approximately $30 billion.
Over the last 9 months the U.S. has spent a total of $385.9 billion on interest payments on the national debt, which means it is on track to spend a record $514.5 billion this year on interest payments alone. Just a tiny 30 basis point increase in the interest rate on the national debt would totally wipe out the deficit reductions proposed by both Boehner and Reid.
The U.S. Treasury has been able to pay its bills in recent weeks by using many different accounting gimmicks. However, come Tuesday, there will be no more accounting tricks left to play and the U.S. won't be able to meet all of its obligations.
Without a raise in the debt ceiling, the U.S. government will have to prioritize who it pays using the tax receipts coming in, which will probably include the $30 billion interest payment on the national debt (to avoid a default), $49.2 billion in Social Security payments, $50 billion in Medicare/Medicaid payments, $31.7 billion in defense payments, and $12.8 billion in unemployment benefits. With $23 billion of the $49.2 billion in Social Security payments due to be paid on August 3rd and $59 billion in t-bills due on August 4th, the U.S. Treasury's remaining cash balance could dissipate very quickly.
The 10-year bond yield reached a new 2011 low yesterday of 2.785%, its lowest level since November 30th of last year. It is approaching its record low of 2.08% from December of 2008 during the middle of the financial crisis. With threats of a U.S. debt default making headlines across the world, investors are once again rushing into U.S. bonds as a safe haven. It is almost as if the whole world has gone insane. The world is fearful of the U.S. government defaulting on its debt and not being able to pay off maturing bonds, so as a safe haven let's just all rush into the very asset that will soon be worthless due to either an honest default or default by inflation. The U.S. dollar bubble is the largest and longest running bubble in world history and U.S. bonds are currently mispriced big time.
U.S. dollar-denominated bonds should be the last asset in the world to benefit from fears of a U.S. debt default. Gold reached a new all time high yesterday, rising $15 to $1,631 per ounce, with silver rising $0.31 to $40.10 per ounce and the soft currency dollar Friday closed at 0.788 vs the Swiss Franc.
During the financial crisis of late-2008/early-2009, gold and silver prices declined along with all other assets. It can be estimated half of the world's investors seeking a safe haven are buying dollar-denominated assets like U.S. Treasuries and the other half are seeking safety in hard assets.
By mid-2012, investors will most likely no longer look at U.S. bonds and other dollar-denominated assets as a safe haven. During future times of uncertainty, hard assets will receive nearly 100% of safe haven buying, just like the U.S. dollar received 100% of safe haven buying in late-2008/early-2009.
Once the debt ceiling is inevitably raised, the U.S. Treasury will have a lot of catching up to do in order to get its house in order, and we will likely see the largest amount of debt ever sold by the U.S. government in a single month. With QE2 having finished at the end of June, the U.S. will be relying on foreigners in these upcoming record Treasury auctions. We are likely going to see interest rates rise at an unprecedented rate that will shock the world or new money printing will escalate so that the US will be able to buy basically all their own Treasuries, further debasing the dollar to an even greater extent. So far the US debt has been financed via short tern low interest bonds. For this to continue and as nobody else want to buy at these low levels the only one interested to buy is the US itself.
The world is become saturated with bonds as all countries caught in an unprecedented debt trap are trying to finance their deficit via the bond markets. Don't believe the mainstream media's laughable claim that there is a shortage of U.S. Treasuries.
It was just reported yesterday that Cambodia, one of the most rapidly growing emerging market economies with GDP growth this year of 6.5%, is moving away from the U.S. dollar, which currently accounts for 90% of their currency in circulation, in favor of its own currency the riel. It now only a matter of time until China ends its currency peg with the U.S. dollar. The world is flooded with trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasuries that will soon have no buyers except the Federal Reserve. There is no chance of yields falling below record lows from December of 2008.
The mainstream media has been reporting all week that if the U.S. defaults on its debt as a result of a failure to raise the debt ceiling, it will be the first time that our nation has defaulted on its debt obligations.
A real U.S. debt default already occurred in 1971 when President Nixon closed the gold window and stopped allowing foreign governments to convert their U.S. dollar holdings into gold. Since then, the U.S. currency system has been completely fiat and the national debt has increased by 3,400%.
For the past 40 years, the U.S. government has been running on fumes left over from when countries were able to convert their paper U.S. dollars into gold. The price of gold has increased by 3,900% during this time period, meaning the U.S. dollar has lost 97.5% of its purchasing power.
Meanwhile, the median household income has only increased by 384%. In terms of gold, the median U.S. household is earning 87.9% less income today than they did in 1971.
The U.S. debt default of 1971 was many times more significant than the pending debt default, because back then our foreign creditors expected to receive real money and not a piece of paper with no real value that we print. The average American family has experienced a dramatic decline in its standard of living since 1971. The U.S. dollar and its reserve currency status is currently serving as the last thread that is keeping our "house of cards" economy propped up.
The U.S. debt ceiling is very similar to a publicly traded company's authorized shares. When a public company consistently loses money like the U.S. government does, they print new shares just like the Federal Reserve prints dollars and when its total outstanding shares reach the shares authorized, the company's Board of Directors simply raises the shares authorized, which allows it to continue issuing shares and diluting shareholders.
Since 1962, the U.S. has raised its debt ceiling 74 times. Any public company that needed to raise its authorized shares 74 times would likely have seen its stock price decline by 99.99% from above $10 to below 1 penny.
There are ways for the US to stay afloat and continue operating without getting deeper into debt:
The U.S. is currently supposed to have 8,133.5 tons of gold reserves at Fort Knox. Nobody know for sure if these gold reserves still exist because the last audit of our gold reserves took place in 1954 and we had the little minor issue of our real debt default in 1971. Assuming that all of our gold is still there, this gold is worth $426.5 billion at the present time, enough to cover our U.S. government's deficit spending for almost four whole months. The U.S. government also owns valuable land, buildings, monuments, and other types of Real Estate that could also be worth hundreds of billions of dollars. The question boils down to either of these two choices: sell all US gold and Real Estate, and if the U.S. government isn't going to implement real spending cuts that will lead to a balanced budget, maybe then it’s better to sell all assets than see the dollar-denominated savings and incomes of all Americans lose its purchasing power.
If raising the debt ceiling continues and getting deeper into debt in order to pay back the debts the US is defaulting on its debts through inflation. With gold at a record high of $1,631 per ounce, the market is clearly telling us that a default through inflation is coming.
As the Chinese, Japanese, and our other creditors are paid back in U.S. dollars that are rapidly losing their purchasing power, they will be reluctant to increase their purchases of U.S.
Treasuries in the future, which the US so desperately needs them to buy in order to fund our spending increases. With the Federal Reserve likely to become the Treasury buyer of last resort, the world will lose their confidence in the U.S. dollar and hyperinflation could potentially break out as soon as 2013.
It is very likely that U.S. GDP will begin declining again in late-2011, which will officially put the U.S. in double-dip recession territory. The U.S. is still in the early stages of a hyperinflationary depression and the so-called economic recovery reported by the government and mainstream media has been completely phony and only due to misleading and manipulated economic statistics that don't factor in the real rate of U.S. price inflation.
Now expect Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to do everything in his power to avoid a double-dip recession at all costs.
By the end of 2011, we will see QE3 under a new name, but the Fed will act to force banks to lend their $1.6 trillion in excess reserves.
It is tragic the US now is so hard debating spending cuts of $70 billion over the next two years, when only very dramatic across the board spending cuts of 50% or more of the total budget will give the U.S. any hope of balancing the budget and avoiding hyperinflation.
Best case scenario, if the U.S. government cuts spending by 50% or more in all areas of the budget including the corporate welfare to the military/Security industrial sector is able to prevent hyperinflation.
Within this context there are analysts that believe we will see the U.S. dollar lose 90% of its purchasing power this decade with the price of gold rising to above $16,000 per ounce.
There are basically only two was to get rid of this US debt super cycle. One is via default; the other is to inflate your way out of it. Expect to see a combination of these two measures going further.
Clearly Treasuries is the mother of all bubbles - the real currency in fact is oil as ALL economic activity, food, industry production and all logistics and transportation depends on it.
Gold protects your worth and purchasing power but oil in relative terms also increases your worth as supply destruction takes a firm hold of the oil markets.
Then combine this to the fact not only foreign Treasuries buyers now shy away from that market the very same phenomena is in the midst of playing out relative the oil markets as oil produces start to realize that accepting the petro dollar has become a losers game.
With is economy crumbling, escalating deficits and ever depreciating dollar not even the US military will be able to maintain this status quo. In fact the US Empire is crumbling and already as we speak most satellite states are in the process of seeking new alliances. Already today The Saudis’ are exporting more oil to China than to the US.
American dependence on imports grew from 10% in 1970 to 65% by the end of 2004. At the current rate of unchecked import growth, the US would be 70% to 75% reliant on foreign oil by the middle of the next decade. In the light of this - no wonder the US deficits has reached a chronicle illness state as depreciation of the dollar continues.
Here is a chart of the last years USD/Franc relationship.
May I suggest you also use the "Max" button as far as timeframe is concerned under the chart? Reveling..
This is what in fact might be the real challenge facing the US. With is import dependence soon to be importing close to 70% of all oil consumed domestically and having then to pay for that oil in a currency other that dollar, that in itself could trigger a staggering inflation as US consumers have to pay 3-4 times more for is oil and gasoline.
Then if also the Renminbi was to become appreciated well then all cheap Chinese exports to the US, primarily clothes and technology items, also would to become much more expensive further increasing the inflationary pressure.
This is maybe the first step soon to be followed by also a new exchange for oil backed by anything but the $US?
New Pan Asian Gold Exchange
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil
lördag 30 juli 2011
David R. Hawkins - The Map of Consciousness
David Hawkins - Power vs. Force (Part 1/2)
David R. Hawkins talking to A Course in Miracles group
Overview of the Map of Consciousness
The map of consciousness was developed via kinesiology, or muscle testing. I’ll not be covering the technicalities here; if you are interested in the details, it’s best to check out the book – there are two full chapters dedicated to the explanation of the methodology, testing and interpretation.
From this test, a scale of consciousness / energy level was calibrated, from 0 all the way to the highest end of 1000 points. Within this scale, there are a total of 17 different levels of consciousness demarcated by different points on the scale. Moving from 0 to 1000 mark a progression in the change of one’s world view from a fear-based consciousness, to a love-based consciousness. The highest attainable level is enlightenment at 1000.
When Hawkins wrote the book in 1995, he calibrated the collective consciousness of our world to be at the level of courage (calibrated 207). As humanity’s consciousnesses has shown to increase only about +5pts every century, 207 is very likely still to be the figure for today.
However, this does not mean that the majority of our world is at the level of courage – in fact, 85% of the world calibrates below courage (200). The lower levels of the masses is balanced out by a few individuals near the top (remember the number is logarithmic, not arithmetic), thus giving us a overall calibrated figure of 207. Just having a few highly conscious leaders walk the earth is capable of raising the overall consciousness of the world – for example, Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and so on. Before this, the world’s collective consciousness has been at 190 for many centuries.
David R. Hawkins talking to A Course in Miracles group
Overview of the Map of Consciousness
The map of consciousness was developed via kinesiology, or muscle testing. I’ll not be covering the technicalities here; if you are interested in the details, it’s best to check out the book – there are two full chapters dedicated to the explanation of the methodology, testing and interpretation.
From this test, a scale of consciousness / energy level was calibrated, from 0 all the way to the highest end of 1000 points. Within this scale, there are a total of 17 different levels of consciousness demarcated by different points on the scale. Moving from 0 to 1000 mark a progression in the change of one’s world view from a fear-based consciousness, to a love-based consciousness. The highest attainable level is enlightenment at 1000.
When Hawkins wrote the book in 1995, he calibrated the collective consciousness of our world to be at the level of courage (calibrated 207). As humanity’s consciousnesses has shown to increase only about +5pts every century, 207 is very likely still to be the figure for today.
However, this does not mean that the majority of our world is at the level of courage – in fact, 85% of the world calibrates below courage (200). The lower levels of the masses is balanced out by a few individuals near the top (remember the number is logarithmic, not arithmetic), thus giving us a overall calibrated figure of 207. Just having a few highly conscious leaders walk the earth is capable of raising the overall consciousness of the world – for example, Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and so on. Before this, the world’s collective consciousness has been at 190 for many centuries.
Xenobiotika bakom din ledvärk?
Genom årmiljoner har homo sapiens och alla andra växt- och animalieätande vänner anpassat sig, adapterat till och försvarat sig emot bl.a. xenobiotika (av grekiska xenos, främling och bios, liv). Växter vill överleva så länge som möjligt på jorden precis som vi människor och alla andra djur för den delen. Vi har alla några primära reptil-/växtbeteenden som helst skall slutföras/fungera, dvs. skaffa skydd (bygga säkert bo) eller säkra uppätning, skaffa mat (skaffa säker födoämnestillgång) eller säkra näringsämnestillgång och skaffa avkomor (skapa fortlevnad för arten) eller pollinera vidare. Ni förstår säkert poängen...
Xenobiotika är de försvarsämnen som växterna använder för att göra sig mindre ätbara, giftiga och/eller svårprocesserade för våra tarmar/organismer. Under årmiljoner har en finputsnbing skett där arterna anpassats/tillvänjts/genmodifierats att tåla och hyttja tillgängliga potentiella födoämnen på ett så ändamålsenligt sätt som möjligt. Xenobiotika kan vara olika växtlektiner, trypsininhibitatorer, alkylresorcinoler, alfa amylashämmare, proteashämmare m.fl. Alla har en eller flera funktioner hos varje unik växt, en av funktionerna är att vara riktigt tråkig för en eventuell baneman, dvs. för den som får för sig att glupsa i sig växten i fråga.
Det finns stusentals bioaktiva substanser i växtriket (naturligt förekommande javisst, men lite svåra att bryta ner eller ta hand om när vi ätit upp dem) varav xenobiotika utgör 5-10 % av den totala s.k. torrvikten. När vissa av dessa ämnen hamnar i dina tarmar, kan det bli problem. En immunförsvarsreaktion kan starta och dessutom underhållas via fortsatt intag av den aktuella substansen/födoämnet. I en fortsättning kan detta leda till kronisk inflammationstendens, överaktivt immunförsvar både i tarmen och övriga vävnader, däribland autoimmuna tendenser, kringflackande muskel- och ledvärk samt tråkiga diagnoser och symtomdämpande behandling och fortsatta besvär som enda terapi.
I västvärlden anses omkring 5 % av befolkningen ha drabbats av någon form av autoimmun sjukdom. Vid autioimmunitet förlorar immunsystemet på något sätt den grundläggande förmågan att skilja mellan egna och främmande proteiner. En av de vanligaste intoleranstendenserna är glutenintolerans, som i sin tydligaste form ger en mångfald av symtom i ett flertal organsystem. Mycket tydlig glutenintolerans ges oftast diagnosen celiaki. De olika proteiner, exempelvis xenobiotika eller antigener som det också kan kallas som triggar immunförsvaret att skjuta på sina egna kompisar, finns framför allt i:
Vete, råg, korn och havre
Om du har kringflackande muskel- eller ledvärk och vill utvärdera om någon eller flera intoleransreaktioner kan finnas i det effektiva orsakskomplexet bakom dina symtom, testa att vara utan dessa fördoämnen i minst 14 dagar. Helst 3 månader, men 14 dagar räcker för att du skall få en tydlig indikation och väcka lite flera hälsosamma frågestlln ingar i din hjärna.
Xenobiotika är de försvarsämnen som växterna använder för att göra sig mindre ätbara, giftiga och/eller svårprocesserade för våra tarmar/organismer. Under årmiljoner har en finputsnbing skett där arterna anpassats/tillvänjts/genmodifierats att tåla och hyttja tillgängliga potentiella födoämnen på ett så ändamålsenligt sätt som möjligt. Xenobiotika kan vara olika växtlektiner, trypsininhibitatorer, alkylresorcinoler, alfa amylashämmare, proteashämmare m.fl. Alla har en eller flera funktioner hos varje unik växt, en av funktionerna är att vara riktigt tråkig för en eventuell baneman, dvs. för den som får för sig att glupsa i sig växten i fråga.
Det finns stusentals bioaktiva substanser i växtriket (naturligt förekommande javisst, men lite svåra att bryta ner eller ta hand om när vi ätit upp dem) varav xenobiotika utgör 5-10 % av den totala s.k. torrvikten. När vissa av dessa ämnen hamnar i dina tarmar, kan det bli problem. En immunförsvarsreaktion kan starta och dessutom underhållas via fortsatt intag av den aktuella substansen/födoämnet. I en fortsättning kan detta leda till kronisk inflammationstendens, överaktivt immunförsvar både i tarmen och övriga vävnader, däribland autoimmuna tendenser, kringflackande muskel- och ledvärk samt tråkiga diagnoser och symtomdämpande behandling och fortsatta besvär som enda terapi.
I västvärlden anses omkring 5 % av befolkningen ha drabbats av någon form av autoimmun sjukdom. Vid autioimmunitet förlorar immunsystemet på något sätt den grundläggande förmågan att skilja mellan egna och främmande proteiner. En av de vanligaste intoleranstendenserna är glutenintolerans, som i sin tydligaste form ger en mångfald av symtom i ett flertal organsystem. Mycket tydlig glutenintolerans ges oftast diagnosen celiaki. De olika proteiner, exempelvis xenobiotika eller antigener som det också kan kallas som triggar immunförsvaret att skjuta på sina egna kompisar, finns framför allt i:
Vete, råg, korn och havre
Om du har kringflackande muskel- eller ledvärk och vill utvärdera om någon eller flera intoleransreaktioner kan finnas i det effektiva orsakskomplexet bakom dina symtom, testa att vara utan dessa fördoämnen i minst 14 dagar. Helst 3 månader, men 14 dagar räcker för att du skall få en tydlig indikation och väcka lite flera hälsosamma frågestlln ingar i din hjärna.
Hur man går ner 89 kilo med LCHF
Tommy Runesson har en fantastisk viktminskning bakom sig, och det behövdes ingen hunger, än mindre någon kirurgi. Det behövdes bara riktig mat, utan socker och stärkelse. Här berättar han hur det går till.
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix, Equity & The Holographic Universe
Max Igan is from Queensland, Australia and is behind the website thecrowhouse.com which covers a vast array of different topics spanning from government corruption to the mysteries of our ancient past. Max is with us today to share his perspective from Australia as it seems to be a testing ground for the agenda of the power hungry cabal of global centralization. Oz is banning everything from herbs to guns and we question why. The theme of this program is corruption. We'll discuss why things are they way they are, where we're heading and the philosophy of the elite. Max also talks about the strip mining of our planet.
The Crow House
The Crow House
Om kolloidalt silver med årets gnistanpristagare
I anslutnig till 2000-talets vetenskaps årsmöte i Göteborg passade man på att dela ut år 2010 Gnistanpris. Priset gick till Anders Sultan från Löddeköpinge.
Här kan du se hela föredraget på Youtube:
Kolloidalt silver med Anders Sultan del 1 av 4
Kolloidalt silver med Anders Sultan del 2 av 4
Kolloidalt silver med Anders Sultan del 3 av 4
Kolloidalt silver med Anders Sultan del 4 av 4
Visste du att det finns en enkel hjälp att få som kan råda bot på de flesta av våra vanligaste infektioner? Hjälpen heter kolloidalt silver - en produkt som består av destillerat vatten och miljardvis med mikroskopiska silverpartiklar. Kolloidalt silver är mineralet som stärker immunförsvaret, samtidigt som det rensar kroppen på ovälkomna bakterier, svampar och virus. Dessa silverpartiklar existerar vanligtvis i två former. Dels i löst form, så kallad jonform. Dels i partikelform där silver i elementär form existerar som partiklar med väldigt liten storlek.
Ion Silver är marknadsledande inom kolloidalt silver (IONOSIL)
Här kan du se hela föredraget på Youtube:
Kolloidalt silver med Anders Sultan del 1 av 4
Kolloidalt silver med Anders Sultan del 2 av 4
Kolloidalt silver med Anders Sultan del 3 av 4
Kolloidalt silver med Anders Sultan del 4 av 4
Visste du att det finns en enkel hjälp att få som kan råda bot på de flesta av våra vanligaste infektioner? Hjälpen heter kolloidalt silver - en produkt som består av destillerat vatten och miljardvis med mikroskopiska silverpartiklar. Kolloidalt silver är mineralet som stärker immunförsvaret, samtidigt som det rensar kroppen på ovälkomna bakterier, svampar och virus. Dessa silverpartiklar existerar vanligtvis i två former. Dels i löst form, så kallad jonform. Dels i partikelform där silver i elementär form existerar som partiklar med väldigt liten storlek.
Ion Silver är marknadsledande inom kolloidalt silver (IONOSIL)
Jim Rogers
Today at least Rogers short positiv Dollar position not that great.
USD/CHF 0.786
Longer term he is really bearish on the dollar and as alway bull on commodeties.
USD/CHF 0.786
Longer term he is really bearish on the dollar and as alway bull on commodeties.
Vaporizing middleclass
"USA today has 10 million less employed, despite population growth than a decade ago."
- Dr Paul Craig Roberts
- Dr Paul Craig Roberts
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil
Food Sustainability
Obviously we humans influence the environment. Just look around and realize how much different all your surroundings would have been had there been no humans.
Consider the fact that if all insects where to become extinct all life on earth within 50 years would die off. If all humans would become extinct all life on earth without any exceptions within 50 years would thrive.
Basically were not hurting the environment, instead were in the process of killing off our selves. The earth is not in danger – we humans are.
Key here is to understand what tremendous damage and negative effects we have via agriculture. Agriculture in fact is biological cleansing.
Let’s focus on the positive side. As an example if all prairies in the US would be restored to its original status, with perennial grass, this alone would make US as a country a positive carbon dioxide contributor. This also considering no changes relative emissions from the industrial sector and also considering all transportation, all cars, SUVs etc would carry on as usual.
Bottom line – eat only grass fed meat and avoid all agricultural products as much as possible.
As an added benefit you’ll in this process also improve your health.
Peak oil sure is a real challenge facing us humans and bottom line in fact is what is causing our financial breakdown.
As economic growth without growing supply of oil is impossible then also and as our current financial system depends on growth our monetary system as we know it must be restructured.
But we’re running out of time as we today within our current economical mindset and system deplete basically all recourses we need to thrive as humans on this earth.
As an example were soon facing a real challenge in regards of availability of Top Soil as were entering an era of rapid and aggressive top soil depletion.
Britain facing food crisis as world’s soil ‘vanishes in 60 years’
British farming soil could run out within 60 years, leading to a catastrophic food crisis and drastically higher prices for consumers, scientists warn.
A University of Sydney study, presented to the conference, found soil is being lost in China 57 times faster than it can be replaced through natural processes.
In Europe that figure is 17 times, in America 10 times while five times as much soil is being lost in Australia.
Considering theses facts and add to this that some 70% of all grain produced in the US as well as some 70% of all antibiotics in fact is used to feed and manage the health of cattle in the us. This as cattle originally designed to eat grass instead are feed cord and grain gets sick, their immune system gets messed up and as a result they then need to get antibiotics.
Just imagine then the immense positive health effects on cattle as well as humans and also considering the tremendous environmental benefits restoring the prairie to its original condition and its clear what path we as humans need to take going forward.
The green revolution that started in the mid 50ties was the result of us humans getting of an agricultural production system based on the photosynthesis and replacing it with stored sunlight (oil). This with the implementation of fertilizers, big machinery, diesel bumps to pump up fossil ground water and food production has exploded.
It’s now becoming increasingly clear with e.g. the depletion of oil, fossil ground water and top soil were at a cule de sac. We have reached as far as possible and now the system in a more and more rapid phase is on the verge of breaking.
Thus we have to start implement a sustainable food production system based natural perennials, natural fertilization and natural rain watering rather than depleting our fossil water.
A well-known example of fossil groundwater is the Ogallala Aquifer situated under the “corn basket” in the Mid West of the US. This huge underground lake presently supplies close to 30 percent of the irrigated land in the US and it is drying up. Ever since large scale irrigation began some decades ago, water levels in the aquifer have fallen 10 to 20 meters and according to some estimates it may dry up entirely in as little as 25 years.
Clearly desalination is a very, very energy intensive business and as such, given likely future restrains on energy, will not be able to provide for a viable solution relevant the world food production.
Desalination as currently practiced is driven almost entirely by the combustion of fossil fuels. These fuels are in finite supply; they also pollute the air and contribute to global climate change. The whole character of human society in the 20th century in terms of its history, economics and politics has been shaped by energy obtained mostly from oil. Almost all oil produced to date is what is called conventional oil, which can be made to flow freely from wells (i.e. excluding oil from tar sands and shale). Of this vast resource, about 1600 billion barrels have so far been discovered, and just over 800 billion barrels had been used by the end of 1997. It is estimated that there may be a further 400 billion barrels of conventional oil yet to be found. With current annual global consumption of oil being approximately 25 billion barrels, and rising at 2 per cent per annum, the "business as usual" scenario would suggest that the remaining oil will be exhausted by 2050.
Actually our food production looks very bright, that is if we in time and before too much of capital destruction has occurred due to peak oil and de likely downfall of the monetary system as we know it can start implementing a new structure.
It will allow us to implement a local, environmental friendly new food production based on long term sustainable principles. In this context I’d like to highlight one of many absurdities in our current system. This time I’d like to focus on the slaughtering of cattle.
In Sweden what may in fact be one of the world’s most centralized food production systems we have some 60 slaughter houses and a total population of some 9 million people. Compare this to Austria where there are 5000 local slaughter houses and some eight million people.
Just imagine the huge positive environmental benefit (not mentioning the quality aspects) in Sweden by implementing and allowing local slaughtering and this reduce transports to an absolute minimum. Add to this then also the clearly very important humane aspect then relative the handling of the cattle.
I sure can recommend you all to read Michael Pollands – “The Omnivores Dilemma”
In that book you can read the wonderful story about Joel Salatins “Polyphase farm in Vest Virginia. Here is a short outtake:
” The simplest way to capture the sun’s energy in a form food animals can use is by growing grass: “These blades are our photovoltaic panels,” Joel says. And the most efficient – if not the simplest – way to grow vast quantities of solar panels is by management-intensive grazing, a method that as its name implies relies more heavily on the farmer’s brain than on capital – or energy intensive inputs. All you need, in fact, is some portable electric fencing, a willingness to move your livestock on to fresh pasture every day.”
- Why then is this such a productive food production system?
”The important thing to know about any grass is that its growth follows a sigmoid, or S , curve, Joel explained. He grabbed my pen and notebook and began drawing a graph, based on the one that appears in Voisin’s book. “This vertical axis here is the height of our grass plant, okay? And the horizontal axis is time: The number of days since this paddock was last grazed.” He started tracing a big S on the page, beginning in the lower left-hand corner where the axis met. “See, the growth starts out real slow like this, but then after a few days it begins to zoom. That’s called the “the blaze of growth”, when the grass has recovered from the first bite, rebuilt it’s reserves and root mass, and really taken off. But after a while”- the curve leveled out and around day fourteen or so-“it slows down again, and the grass gets ready to flower and seed. It’s entering a period of senescence, when the grass begins to lignify (get woody) and becomes less platable to the cow. “What you want to do is graze pasture right at this point here “- he tapped my pad sharply-“ at the very top of the blaze of growth. But what you never, ever want to do is to violate the law of the second bite. You can’t let your cows take a second bite of grass before it has had a chance to fully recover”.
“Management intensive” it is. Joel is constantly updating the spreadsheet he keeps in his head to track the precise stage of growth the farm’s several dozen paddocks, which range in size from one to five acres, depending on the season and the weather. The amount of time it takes a paddock to recover is constantly changing, depending on temperature, rainfall, exposure to the sun, time of year, as does the amount of forage any given cow requires, depending on its size, age, and stage of life: a lactating cow, for example, eats twice as much grass as a dry one.
As destructive as overgrazing can be to a pasture, under grazing can be almost as damaging, since it leads to just right – grazing the optimal number of cattle at the optimal moment to exploit “the blaze of growth “ yields tremendous amounts of grass, all the while improving the quality of the land. Joel calls his this optimal grazing rhythm “pulsing the pastures” and says that at Polyface it has boosted the number of cow days to as much as four hundred per acre; the county average is seventy. “In effect we’ve bought a whole new farm for the price of some portable fencing and a lot of management”.
Then while you at it why not also have a go at this book?
The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability
Consider the fact that if all insects where to become extinct all life on earth within 50 years would die off. If all humans would become extinct all life on earth without any exceptions within 50 years would thrive.
Basically were not hurting the environment, instead were in the process of killing off our selves. The earth is not in danger – we humans are.
Key here is to understand what tremendous damage and negative effects we have via agriculture. Agriculture in fact is biological cleansing.
Let’s focus on the positive side. As an example if all prairies in the US would be restored to its original status, with perennial grass, this alone would make US as a country a positive carbon dioxide contributor. This also considering no changes relative emissions from the industrial sector and also considering all transportation, all cars, SUVs etc would carry on as usual.
Bottom line – eat only grass fed meat and avoid all agricultural products as much as possible.
As an added benefit you’ll in this process also improve your health.
Peak oil sure is a real challenge facing us humans and bottom line in fact is what is causing our financial breakdown.
As economic growth without growing supply of oil is impossible then also and as our current financial system depends on growth our monetary system as we know it must be restructured.
But we’re running out of time as we today within our current economical mindset and system deplete basically all recourses we need to thrive as humans on this earth.
As an example were soon facing a real challenge in regards of availability of Top Soil as were entering an era of rapid and aggressive top soil depletion.
Britain facing food crisis as world’s soil ‘vanishes in 60 years’
British farming soil could run out within 60 years, leading to a catastrophic food crisis and drastically higher prices for consumers, scientists warn.
A University of Sydney study, presented to the conference, found soil is being lost in China 57 times faster than it can be replaced through natural processes.
In Europe that figure is 17 times, in America 10 times while five times as much soil is being lost in Australia.
Considering theses facts and add to this that some 70% of all grain produced in the US as well as some 70% of all antibiotics in fact is used to feed and manage the health of cattle in the us. This as cattle originally designed to eat grass instead are feed cord and grain gets sick, their immune system gets messed up and as a result they then need to get antibiotics.
Just imagine then the immense positive health effects on cattle as well as humans and also considering the tremendous environmental benefits restoring the prairie to its original condition and its clear what path we as humans need to take going forward.
The green revolution that started in the mid 50ties was the result of us humans getting of an agricultural production system based on the photosynthesis and replacing it with stored sunlight (oil). This with the implementation of fertilizers, big machinery, diesel bumps to pump up fossil ground water and food production has exploded.
It’s now becoming increasingly clear with e.g. the depletion of oil, fossil ground water and top soil were at a cule de sac. We have reached as far as possible and now the system in a more and more rapid phase is on the verge of breaking.
Thus we have to start implement a sustainable food production system based natural perennials, natural fertilization and natural rain watering rather than depleting our fossil water.
A well-known example of fossil groundwater is the Ogallala Aquifer situated under the “corn basket” in the Mid West of the US. This huge underground lake presently supplies close to 30 percent of the irrigated land in the US and it is drying up. Ever since large scale irrigation began some decades ago, water levels in the aquifer have fallen 10 to 20 meters and according to some estimates it may dry up entirely in as little as 25 years.
Clearly desalination is a very, very energy intensive business and as such, given likely future restrains on energy, will not be able to provide for a viable solution relevant the world food production.
Desalination as currently practiced is driven almost entirely by the combustion of fossil fuels. These fuels are in finite supply; they also pollute the air and contribute to global climate change. The whole character of human society in the 20th century in terms of its history, economics and politics has been shaped by energy obtained mostly from oil. Almost all oil produced to date is what is called conventional oil, which can be made to flow freely from wells (i.e. excluding oil from tar sands and shale). Of this vast resource, about 1600 billion barrels have so far been discovered, and just over 800 billion barrels had been used by the end of 1997. It is estimated that there may be a further 400 billion barrels of conventional oil yet to be found. With current annual global consumption of oil being approximately 25 billion barrels, and rising at 2 per cent per annum, the "business as usual" scenario would suggest that the remaining oil will be exhausted by 2050.
Actually our food production looks very bright, that is if we in time and before too much of capital destruction has occurred due to peak oil and de likely downfall of the monetary system as we know it can start implementing a new structure.
It will allow us to implement a local, environmental friendly new food production based on long term sustainable principles. In this context I’d like to highlight one of many absurdities in our current system. This time I’d like to focus on the slaughtering of cattle.
In Sweden what may in fact be one of the world’s most centralized food production systems we have some 60 slaughter houses and a total population of some 9 million people. Compare this to Austria where there are 5000 local slaughter houses and some eight million people.
Just imagine the huge positive environmental benefit (not mentioning the quality aspects) in Sweden by implementing and allowing local slaughtering and this reduce transports to an absolute minimum. Add to this then also the clearly very important humane aspect then relative the handling of the cattle.
I sure can recommend you all to read Michael Pollands – “The Omnivores Dilemma”
In that book you can read the wonderful story about Joel Salatins “Polyphase farm in Vest Virginia. Here is a short outtake:
” The simplest way to capture the sun’s energy in a form food animals can use is by growing grass: “These blades are our photovoltaic panels,” Joel says. And the most efficient – if not the simplest – way to grow vast quantities of solar panels is by management-intensive grazing, a method that as its name implies relies more heavily on the farmer’s brain than on capital – or energy intensive inputs. All you need, in fact, is some portable electric fencing, a willingness to move your livestock on to fresh pasture every day.”
- Why then is this such a productive food production system?
”The important thing to know about any grass is that its growth follows a sigmoid, or S , curve, Joel explained. He grabbed my pen and notebook and began drawing a graph, based on the one that appears in Voisin’s book. “This vertical axis here is the height of our grass plant, okay? And the horizontal axis is time: The number of days since this paddock was last grazed.” He started tracing a big S on the page, beginning in the lower left-hand corner where the axis met. “See, the growth starts out real slow like this, but then after a few days it begins to zoom. That’s called the “the blaze of growth”, when the grass has recovered from the first bite, rebuilt it’s reserves and root mass, and really taken off. But after a while”- the curve leveled out and around day fourteen or so-“it slows down again, and the grass gets ready to flower and seed. It’s entering a period of senescence, when the grass begins to lignify (get woody) and becomes less platable to the cow. “What you want to do is graze pasture right at this point here “- he tapped my pad sharply-“ at the very top of the blaze of growth. But what you never, ever want to do is to violate the law of the second bite. You can’t let your cows take a second bite of grass before it has had a chance to fully recover”.
“Management intensive” it is. Joel is constantly updating the spreadsheet he keeps in his head to track the precise stage of growth the farm’s several dozen paddocks, which range in size from one to five acres, depending on the season and the weather. The amount of time it takes a paddock to recover is constantly changing, depending on temperature, rainfall, exposure to the sun, time of year, as does the amount of forage any given cow requires, depending on its size, age, and stage of life: a lactating cow, for example, eats twice as much grass as a dry one.
As destructive as overgrazing can be to a pasture, under grazing can be almost as damaging, since it leads to just right – grazing the optimal number of cattle at the optimal moment to exploit “the blaze of growth “ yields tremendous amounts of grass, all the while improving the quality of the land. Joel calls his this optimal grazing rhythm “pulsing the pastures” and says that at Polyface it has boosted the number of cow days to as much as four hundred per acre; the county average is seventy. “In effect we’ve bought a whole new farm for the price of some portable fencing and a lot of management”.
Then while you at it why not also have a go at this book?
The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability
Hotspots: Greece (1/2)
Hotspots: Greece (2/2)
Then read this and understand that the former (Social Democratic mind you) Swedish Finance minister as well as chairman of the of the Swedish Riksbanken (the central bank) now joins these forces that so diligently and thoroughly destroys national states and the welfare of its citizens.
Erik Åsbrink joins Goldman Sachs as International Advisor
EW YORK, July 26, 2011 -- We are pleased to announce that Erik Åsbrink has joined Goldman Sachs as an international advisor. In this capacity, he will provide strategic advice to the firm on business development opportunities, with a particular focus on Sweden and the Nordic Region.
Erik is the chairman of Alecta Pensionsförsäkring AB, LightLab Sweden AB, Stockholm School of Economics and Svensk Hypotekspension AB. He also serves as a director of Wallenstam AB and Nordic Investment Bank.
Erik served as the Swedish Minister of Finance from 1996 to 1999. Prior to this he held numerous positions including chairman of the Board of the Swedish Riksbank (the Central Bank) and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance.
Erik has a Bachelors Degree from the University of Stockholm and a Master’s Degree from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Erik joins a very high caliber group of international advisors and brings vast political experience and business knowledge. Please join us in welcoming Erik to Goldman Sachs and wishing him success in his important new role.
It’s incomprehensible how the German taxpayers are allowing this charade to continue. They are constantly feed the idea they are bailing out Greece when in fact they are not. Greece total debt burden today after the bailouts in fact is larger than what it was when this crisis first started. Instead what the German tax payers do, is that they are bailing out French and German banks.
Also the idea it would be a disaster not to bail out Greece is a fake. As a starter who in their right mind can argue that somebody already hurt by a debt burden will be better of if he is given an even bigger debt burden to carry? A five year old understands this is completely bogus.
Instead Greece and Ireland, Portugal etc should follow Islands example. They should simply refuse to pay any debt and simply default on their liabilities. Island is now doing very well in fact after having done this and in fact the rating institutes are now upgrading Island. Why is there so very little being reported in the media regarding the Islandic success story?
The regimes in Germany and Finland are now demanding collaterals as safety in order to bail out Greece and were constantly being feed the notion what Greece then need is austerity measures. This is then a total a complete focus on the part carrying the debt. Now anybody can understand the banks that promoted Greece taking on the loans in the first place also are to blame. Simply put the French and German banks indeed have been complacent, lazy and not done their job in order to asses risk and eliminate uncertainties. Given this fact also these banks need then to carry a significant part of the work and costs associated with restructuring the debt.
What in fact is needed is austerity measures relative the banks themselves. They need to take the losses, downsize and reduce spending. Then the German and Finnish demands relative collateral from Greece in order to pay out more debt, well then they as taxpayers also need to ensure they are given same collaterals from the banks themselves. The taxpayers allowing more debt to be paid out in order to save the French and German banks should demand also significant collaterals for doing so from these banks themselves. The taxpayers should demand e.g. a 99% stake as shareholders in these banks.
Then related to the fact Goldman Sachs instigated this whole charade initially some 10 yrs ago by what in fact only can be regarded a fraudulent behavior making it more difficult for the banks then providing the loans to assess the real risks, well then Goldman needs to be prosecuted for this fraudulent and in fact criminal behavior.
Goldman Bet Against Entire European Nations – Who Were Clients – the Same Way It Bet Against Its Subprime Mortgage Clients
In actually the former Swedish chairman of the central bank and former Social democratic Finance minister when now joining Goldman now has joined a society of criminals that by now already should have been behind bars.
The real truth is Mr Åsbrink now has become an economic hit man. All the insider info he has now about the functioning of the Swedish finance system and all connections he has a many different levels of the Swedish society now will be provided Goldman Sachs.
We have already seen how this type of insider info was used by Goldman in order to instigate fraud against the people of Greece. Well now what´s in the cards for the future relative the Swedes?
Remember Greece most certainly is NOT a one deal only, nor is it a one occasion unfortunate accident. Instead it’s a functioning approach and the model used and refined since the beginning of civilization is there for all to see. Read John Perkins book below and you’ll get all you need to understand all of this from a real insider.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The worlds finance sector is worth ten times the real economy. If that’s not proof enough that what we REALLY need is Austerity for banks well then I don’t know what is.
The too big to bail notions stems out of the fact there is too much debt as there is official debt, unofficial debt (in most cases unfunded liabilities), private debt and the unregulated shadow banking debt. On the last item that’s then where entire worlds can blow up due to only quite minute negative positions. Key words here of course extensive leverage, no regulation, no insight. Simply put there aren’t enough tax payers in the entire world able to back this idiocricy up.
Were soon out of taxpayers - you know that part of a "real functioning rationalistic free capitalistic market" everything hinges on - apparently.
$596 Trillion! How can the derivatives market be worth more than the world's total financial assets?
We need to eliminate and ban the finance sectors use of derivatives, regulate their activity with real oversight as well as completely make illegal naked short selling. Then and only then have we eliminated this what in fact is arms of financial mass destruction allowing for unprecedented transfer of real welt from the hard working
many to the very few.
Then we also need to get rid of the Federal Reserve and the banks ability to generate money via debt, we need to separate saving and investment banking for good and last but not least build a fricking concrete wall separating governments bank aid and rescue plans from in any way direct or indirect using taxpayers money.
In short we need capitalism to work 100% also in the finance sector and we need to stop listening to capitalistic cry babies and stop bailing out incompetent banks and finance institutions that just simply deserve to go under. In fact letting also these go under will actually improve the efficiency of the finance and banking sector allowing good business models to prosper and eliminate inefficiency and incompetence.
Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets
Too big to fail? Well then it’s obvious, don’t let these banks and institutions get this big in the first place. Then they simply can go under without any mayor damage anywhere in our financial system.
Then this notion that if you do your job as you’re supposed to as as a high level executive, then you deserve a real good bonus. Why not also make it work the other way around? That is if you don’t do a good job and if your business is failing and needs to be bailed out well then in retro perspective you then need to pay back what you earned as salary and bonus.
And most certainly any money, direct or indirect, to be used to support the banks need to be thoroughly backed by good solid collateral and stake in ownership and shares. I would imagine that in itself would act somewhat dampening the appetite for risk and leverage.
There is a solution to this debt hysteria our banksters has created and that is that the government makes its own interest free loans and use this to fund mega infrastructure project investments. That then is real investments that will create millions of new jobs stimulate the real economy, give people real wages and income to live off so that they will be able to consume and pay taxes and thus get the deficits in order in due time.
How anybody in their right mind can argue that austerity measures e.g. like laying of jobs, firing fire fighters, social workers, teachers, selling out infrastructure water system, electrical producers will create a healthy society is beyond me. Instead a healthy well educated population is an asset to the society and its business community. So why then reduce spending on schools and Medicare when what should be done is the opposite?
Did you know that for every tax dollar paid in the US some 50% of that tax dollar is then spent on the corporate welfare to the military and security industrial sector? Now if reduced spending is needed in a society that’s then where you first need to look in order to save in on a deficit. Why then is Medicare and Medicaid the very first thing discussed? Who is dictating that agenda? For sure not the taxpaying people that are supposed to pay more tax and as a thanks for that as well as bailing out banks receives less service, no healthcare, lousy education and more wars. Currently the US is engaged in 6 wars.
In actuality austerity is all about transferring wealth from the society to oligarchs. Anybody the least interested in history knows and understands that empires always die from within because of oligarchy. That was the case in Rome, in China with the Han Dynasty and everywhere else. Now we’re in the very final moments of the decline of the Western empire due to this very same phenomena – oligarchy.
Question - when banks are in a crisis and they need rescue then the government provides for basically interest free loans to the bank. Issue here is that this money then has been horded by the banks in order for them to gradually be able to restructure their finances. This free money received by the bank however has not been distributed out to the real economy creating a real impact on the real economy.
Thus then this anemic economic growth last couple of years. So why then when the state/country is in a crisis are they then supposed to finance their deficits via the IMF ONLYnow is the case with Greece? Why are they not allowed to finance their way out of this in the very same manner banks are via virtually interest free loans?
We're getting down to the real issue here and that is who is it that creates, controls and manages our money.
In a world ruled by bankers - money is defined as debt and created by bankers. That then is a world of economic booms and busts as it is all based on the false notion exponential growth and interest. In the real biology that phenomena is very temporary as all exponential growth e.g. cancer actually within a short while kills of the host. This is an economy that always crashes in the end in what only can be described as a debt super cycle.
In a world ruled by the wealthy money is defined as wealth e.g. gold. That’s then your feudal society with lords, peasants and serfs.
In a world ruled by the people money is a fiat defined by law and created by the people (e.g. the Treasury) without interest. You then could argue those in favor of gold as money in fact are and represents the wealthy, not the people.
The only time Jesus actually used force was when he through the money exchangers out of the Temple. That is what we now need to do in order to build a monetary system that actually serves society and provides real welfare for its citizens and not just only the few. If not what is evident to come is a new system in the west based on serfdom.
Remember if Greece from now on should not be able to pay then the IMF unconditionally according to the agreement signed by the Greek parliament are allowed to confiscate ALL of Greece assets. Greece today have no national sovereignty of either of its assets nor its human beings, its population.
In addition they are NOT allowed to according the same agreement to take any other loans anywhere else but via IMF.
Now – is this not blatant serfdom?
Free men fight back. If The Spartans had not fought back at Thermopyle we most certainly have had a very different Europe than what we have today. Now it’s time again for Greece to stand up and fight back as free men and through the intruders back to hell, where they belong.
Hotspots: Greece (2/2)
Then read this and understand that the former (Social Democratic mind you) Swedish Finance minister as well as chairman of the of the Swedish Riksbanken (the central bank) now joins these forces that so diligently and thoroughly destroys national states and the welfare of its citizens.
Erik Åsbrink joins Goldman Sachs as International Advisor
EW YORK, July 26, 2011 -- We are pleased to announce that Erik Åsbrink has joined Goldman Sachs as an international advisor. In this capacity, he will provide strategic advice to the firm on business development opportunities, with a particular focus on Sweden and the Nordic Region.
Erik is the chairman of Alecta Pensionsförsäkring AB, LightLab Sweden AB, Stockholm School of Economics and Svensk Hypotekspension AB. He also serves as a director of Wallenstam AB and Nordic Investment Bank.
Erik served as the Swedish Minister of Finance from 1996 to 1999. Prior to this he held numerous positions including chairman of the Board of the Swedish Riksbank (the Central Bank) and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance.
Erik has a Bachelors Degree from the University of Stockholm and a Master’s Degree from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Erik joins a very high caliber group of international advisors and brings vast political experience and business knowledge. Please join us in welcoming Erik to Goldman Sachs and wishing him success in his important new role.
It’s incomprehensible how the German taxpayers are allowing this charade to continue. They are constantly feed the idea they are bailing out Greece when in fact they are not. Greece total debt burden today after the bailouts in fact is larger than what it was when this crisis first started. Instead what the German tax payers do, is that they are bailing out French and German banks.
Also the idea it would be a disaster not to bail out Greece is a fake. As a starter who in their right mind can argue that somebody already hurt by a debt burden will be better of if he is given an even bigger debt burden to carry? A five year old understands this is completely bogus.
Instead Greece and Ireland, Portugal etc should follow Islands example. They should simply refuse to pay any debt and simply default on their liabilities. Island is now doing very well in fact after having done this and in fact the rating institutes are now upgrading Island. Why is there so very little being reported in the media regarding the Islandic success story?
The regimes in Germany and Finland are now demanding collaterals as safety in order to bail out Greece and were constantly being feed the notion what Greece then need is austerity measures. This is then a total a complete focus on the part carrying the debt. Now anybody can understand the banks that promoted Greece taking on the loans in the first place also are to blame. Simply put the French and German banks indeed have been complacent, lazy and not done their job in order to asses risk and eliminate uncertainties. Given this fact also these banks need then to carry a significant part of the work and costs associated with restructuring the debt.
What in fact is needed is austerity measures relative the banks themselves. They need to take the losses, downsize and reduce spending. Then the German and Finnish demands relative collateral from Greece in order to pay out more debt, well then they as taxpayers also need to ensure they are given same collaterals from the banks themselves. The taxpayers allowing more debt to be paid out in order to save the French and German banks should demand also significant collaterals for doing so from these banks themselves. The taxpayers should demand e.g. a 99% stake as shareholders in these banks.
Then related to the fact Goldman Sachs instigated this whole charade initially some 10 yrs ago by what in fact only can be regarded a fraudulent behavior making it more difficult for the banks then providing the loans to assess the real risks, well then Goldman needs to be prosecuted for this fraudulent and in fact criminal behavior.
Goldman Bet Against Entire European Nations – Who Were Clients – the Same Way It Bet Against Its Subprime Mortgage Clients
In actually the former Swedish chairman of the central bank and former Social democratic Finance minister when now joining Goldman now has joined a society of criminals that by now already should have been behind bars.
The real truth is Mr Åsbrink now has become an economic hit man. All the insider info he has now about the functioning of the Swedish finance system and all connections he has a many different levels of the Swedish society now will be provided Goldman Sachs.
We have already seen how this type of insider info was used by Goldman in order to instigate fraud against the people of Greece. Well now what´s in the cards for the future relative the Swedes?
Remember Greece most certainly is NOT a one deal only, nor is it a one occasion unfortunate accident. Instead it’s a functioning approach and the model used and refined since the beginning of civilization is there for all to see. Read John Perkins book below and you’ll get all you need to understand all of this from a real insider.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The worlds finance sector is worth ten times the real economy. If that’s not proof enough that what we REALLY need is Austerity for banks well then I don’t know what is.
The too big to bail notions stems out of the fact there is too much debt as there is official debt, unofficial debt (in most cases unfunded liabilities), private debt and the unregulated shadow banking debt. On the last item that’s then where entire worlds can blow up due to only quite minute negative positions. Key words here of course extensive leverage, no regulation, no insight. Simply put there aren’t enough tax payers in the entire world able to back this idiocricy up.
Were soon out of taxpayers - you know that part of a "real functioning rationalistic free capitalistic market" everything hinges on - apparently.
$596 Trillion! How can the derivatives market be worth more than the world's total financial assets?
We need to eliminate and ban the finance sectors use of derivatives, regulate their activity with real oversight as well as completely make illegal naked short selling. Then and only then have we eliminated this what in fact is arms of financial mass destruction allowing for unprecedented transfer of real welt from the hard working
many to the very few.
Then we also need to get rid of the Federal Reserve and the banks ability to generate money via debt, we need to separate saving and investment banking for good and last but not least build a fricking concrete wall separating governments bank aid and rescue plans from in any way direct or indirect using taxpayers money.
In short we need capitalism to work 100% also in the finance sector and we need to stop listening to capitalistic cry babies and stop bailing out incompetent banks and finance institutions that just simply deserve to go under. In fact letting also these go under will actually improve the efficiency of the finance and banking sector allowing good business models to prosper and eliminate inefficiency and incompetence.
Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets
Too big to fail? Well then it’s obvious, don’t let these banks and institutions get this big in the first place. Then they simply can go under without any mayor damage anywhere in our financial system.
Then this notion that if you do your job as you’re supposed to as as a high level executive, then you deserve a real good bonus. Why not also make it work the other way around? That is if you don’t do a good job and if your business is failing and needs to be bailed out well then in retro perspective you then need to pay back what you earned as salary and bonus.
And most certainly any money, direct or indirect, to be used to support the banks need to be thoroughly backed by good solid collateral and stake in ownership and shares. I would imagine that in itself would act somewhat dampening the appetite for risk and leverage.
There is a solution to this debt hysteria our banksters has created and that is that the government makes its own interest free loans and use this to fund mega infrastructure project investments. That then is real investments that will create millions of new jobs stimulate the real economy, give people real wages and income to live off so that they will be able to consume and pay taxes and thus get the deficits in order in due time.
How anybody in their right mind can argue that austerity measures e.g. like laying of jobs, firing fire fighters, social workers, teachers, selling out infrastructure water system, electrical producers will create a healthy society is beyond me. Instead a healthy well educated population is an asset to the society and its business community. So why then reduce spending on schools and Medicare when what should be done is the opposite?
Did you know that for every tax dollar paid in the US some 50% of that tax dollar is then spent on the corporate welfare to the military and security industrial sector? Now if reduced spending is needed in a society that’s then where you first need to look in order to save in on a deficit. Why then is Medicare and Medicaid the very first thing discussed? Who is dictating that agenda? For sure not the taxpaying people that are supposed to pay more tax and as a thanks for that as well as bailing out banks receives less service, no healthcare, lousy education and more wars. Currently the US is engaged in 6 wars.
In actuality austerity is all about transferring wealth from the society to oligarchs. Anybody the least interested in history knows and understands that empires always die from within because of oligarchy. That was the case in Rome, in China with the Han Dynasty and everywhere else. Now we’re in the very final moments of the decline of the Western empire due to this very same phenomena – oligarchy.
Question - when banks are in a crisis and they need rescue then the government provides for basically interest free loans to the bank. Issue here is that this money then has been horded by the banks in order for them to gradually be able to restructure their finances. This free money received by the bank however has not been distributed out to the real economy creating a real impact on the real economy.
Thus then this anemic economic growth last couple of years. So why then when the state/country is in a crisis are they then supposed to finance their deficits via the IMF ONLYnow is the case with Greece? Why are they not allowed to finance their way out of this in the very same manner banks are via virtually interest free loans?
We're getting down to the real issue here and that is who is it that creates, controls and manages our money.
In a world ruled by bankers - money is defined as debt and created by bankers. That then is a world of economic booms and busts as it is all based on the false notion exponential growth and interest. In the real biology that phenomena is very temporary as all exponential growth e.g. cancer actually within a short while kills of the host. This is an economy that always crashes in the end in what only can be described as a debt super cycle.
In a world ruled by the wealthy money is defined as wealth e.g. gold. That’s then your feudal society with lords, peasants and serfs.
In a world ruled by the people money is a fiat defined by law and created by the people (e.g. the Treasury) without interest. You then could argue those in favor of gold as money in fact are and represents the wealthy, not the people.
The only time Jesus actually used force was when he through the money exchangers out of the Temple. That is what we now need to do in order to build a monetary system that actually serves society and provides real welfare for its citizens and not just only the few. If not what is evident to come is a new system in the west based on serfdom.
Remember if Greece from now on should not be able to pay then the IMF unconditionally according to the agreement signed by the Greek parliament are allowed to confiscate ALL of Greece assets. Greece today have no national sovereignty of either of its assets nor its human beings, its population.
In addition they are NOT allowed to according the same agreement to take any other loans anywhere else but via IMF.
Now – is this not blatant serfdom?
Free men fight back. If The Spartans had not fought back at Thermopyle we most certainly have had a very different Europe than what we have today. Now it’s time again for Greece to stand up and fight back as free men and through the intruders back to hell, where they belong.
Monetary Reform,
The Ultimate Currency
In November 2008 IEA published this review. What was unique was the fact that they for the very first time had evaluated the oil supply situation. All earlier "analysis" always had focused on the demand side and then supply simply in the analysis had been adjusted to accommodate for these numbers. Not this time. What then became evident was the fact that it is not oil demand destruction that can become an issue for the markets, rather it is from now on all about oil supply destruction.
The prospect of accelerating declines in production at individual oilfields is adding to these uncertainties. The findings of an unprecedented field-by-field analysis of the historical production trends of 800 oilfields indicate that decline rates are likely to rise significantly in the long term, from an average of 6.7% today to 8.6% in 2030. “Despite all the attention that is given to demand growth, decline rates are actually a far more important determinant of investment needs. Even if oil demand was to remain flat to 2030, 45 mb/d of gross capacity – roughly four times the current capacity of Saudi Arabia – would need to be built by 2030 just to offset the effect of oilfield decline”, Mr. Tanaka added.
Lets repeat that "Even if oil demand was to remain flat to 2030, 45 mb/d of gross capacity – roughly four times the current capacity of Saudi Arabia – would need to be built by 2030 just to offset the effect of oilfield decline".
Getting that amount of new oil online obvious is a huge challenge. An even bigger challenge however is the fact this is oil that is not possible to bring on line in the first place.
Worldwide discovery of oil peaked in 1964 and has followed a steady decline since. According to industry consultants IHS Energy, 90% of all known reserves are now in production, suggesting that few major discoveries remain to be made.
In the midst of the ongoing finance debacle this issue has been completely ignored by analyst and mainstream media. Then also let's acknowledge the fact oil demand is not flat today rather world oil demand is expected to increase some 1.6%.
"On the demand picture, the report provided the IEA’s first forecasts for next year, suggesting that world demand for crude will rise 1.6 per cent, entirely because of growth in the developing world, particularly Asia. While demand in industrialized countries is forecast to fall 0.3 per cent, this will be more than counterbalanced by growth of 3.6 per cent in the rest of the world."
Then important to note is the fact that you need to differentiate between declining future oil production and declining oil exports. Bottom line – as the oil producing countries themselves to an increasing extent use more and more of the oil they produce for their domestic needs less oil then is exported. Combine the oil producing countries in Russia, OPEC and Mexico and you have an oil market twice as large as the Chinese oil consumption. Thus the phase at witch oil exports declines is very much more aggressive than the pace at which oil production declines.
If the team's middle case for production and consumption holds, then net exports from the current top five exporters will dwindle to zero by 2031.
This IS the reason our current monetary system where money is created as debt has become totally unsustainable. Debt in order to be able to pay it back requires economic growth. With less available oil economic growth is not possible. Exit debt based monetary system.
Regardless then of what new system that will be introduced to replace it, gold base, fiat etc in all cases the fundamental underlying real currency in fact is oil. This as ALL economic activity depends on it.
The prospect of accelerating declines in production at individual oilfields is adding to these uncertainties. The findings of an unprecedented field-by-field analysis of the historical production trends of 800 oilfields indicate that decline rates are likely to rise significantly in the long term, from an average of 6.7% today to 8.6% in 2030. “Despite all the attention that is given to demand growth, decline rates are actually a far more important determinant of investment needs. Even if oil demand was to remain flat to 2030, 45 mb/d of gross capacity – roughly four times the current capacity of Saudi Arabia – would need to be built by 2030 just to offset the effect of oilfield decline”, Mr. Tanaka added.
Lets repeat that "Even if oil demand was to remain flat to 2030, 45 mb/d of gross capacity – roughly four times the current capacity of Saudi Arabia – would need to be built by 2030 just to offset the effect of oilfield decline".
Getting that amount of new oil online obvious is a huge challenge. An even bigger challenge however is the fact this is oil that is not possible to bring on line in the first place.
Worldwide discovery of oil peaked in 1964 and has followed a steady decline since. According to industry consultants IHS Energy, 90% of all known reserves are now in production, suggesting that few major discoveries remain to be made.
In the midst of the ongoing finance debacle this issue has been completely ignored by analyst and mainstream media. Then also let's acknowledge the fact oil demand is not flat today rather world oil demand is expected to increase some 1.6%.
"On the demand picture, the report provided the IEA’s first forecasts for next year, suggesting that world demand for crude will rise 1.6 per cent, entirely because of growth in the developing world, particularly Asia. While demand in industrialized countries is forecast to fall 0.3 per cent, this will be more than counterbalanced by growth of 3.6 per cent in the rest of the world."
Then important to note is the fact that you need to differentiate between declining future oil production and declining oil exports. Bottom line – as the oil producing countries themselves to an increasing extent use more and more of the oil they produce for their domestic needs less oil then is exported. Combine the oil producing countries in Russia, OPEC and Mexico and you have an oil market twice as large as the Chinese oil consumption. Thus the phase at witch oil exports declines is very much more aggressive than the pace at which oil production declines.
If the team's middle case for production and consumption holds, then net exports from the current top five exporters will dwindle to zero by 2031.
This IS the reason our current monetary system where money is created as debt has become totally unsustainable. Debt in order to be able to pay it back requires economic growth. With less available oil economic growth is not possible. Exit debt based monetary system.
Regardless then of what new system that will be introduced to replace it, gold base, fiat etc in all cases the fundamental underlying real currency in fact is oil. This as ALL economic activity depends on it.
Monetary Reform,
Max Kaiser - On the Current Situation
This crisis that was manufactured entirely by banks and we know the role US banks in particular Goldman Sachs played in setting Greece up to fail going back to 2001 when they joined the Euro and cooked the books on behalf of the government in Greece to join the Euro.
And now ten years later they’re coming back with folks like the IMF and other world banking institutions and in my opinion what they want is the gold.
They’ve got 111 tons of gold in Greece, but here’s the kicker – Italy has 2400 tons of gold. All of the central banks around the world are net buyers of gold now.
Now that all of their failed policies are causing the price of gold and precious metals to rise every year and going forward to rise again for the next ten to fifteen years these central banks are hungry for gold – Italy’s got gold – that’s what they want.
That’s what this whole charade is about. Stage a fake financial crisis and give us your gold. In my opinion that’s really the dimension of what we’re talking about.
Let’s put it into a very broad perspective and go back to 1793 in Paris after the French revolution the people decided that their banker infestation problem had gotten to a point where they could do nothing else accept take advantage of the new invention of the day – the guillotine, and they started cutting heads off.
Are we at the point now to say look the banks are not going to stop, they’re totally in bed with the government, they’re stealing all of our money, they’ve got no morals no scruples, they’re terrorists. Do we need to cut their heads off? Will that send the correct message to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan if Jamie Diamond’s head is bouncing down Wall Street – will they get the message then? What will stop them?
It’s an ongoing crisis of academics and PhDs having taken over where the central banks should have been prudent with their theories of expanding debt loads exponentially and never having to pay off these debts. That’s their theory, and it’s been discredited – apparently debts have to be paid back.
But they’re not going to budge. All they’re going to do is keep making debts upon debts. Christine Lagarde, for example, her solution is to increase the debt. Going back to Davos last year, they said that maybe we need to create a new global credit facility of 100 trillion dollars. Let’s create a new global central bank; let’s create a new global world currency to feed the debt and have global taxes to pay for the new global central bank – that’s all they know how to do.
If you give a dog 40 pounds of dog food the dog will eat itself to death and that’s what we’re doing to Wall Street – we’re giving them unlimited credit, no risk on that credit and we bail them out every time they make a multi-billion dollar mistake. They are destroying themselves and they are destroying the economy because they are psychotic suicide bankers; they need to be terminated or we’re all going to be blown out of the water with all this incredible debt.
And now ten years later they’re coming back with folks like the IMF and other world banking institutions and in my opinion what they want is the gold.
They’ve got 111 tons of gold in Greece, but here’s the kicker – Italy has 2400 tons of gold. All of the central banks around the world are net buyers of gold now.
Now that all of their failed policies are causing the price of gold and precious metals to rise every year and going forward to rise again for the next ten to fifteen years these central banks are hungry for gold – Italy’s got gold – that’s what they want.
That’s what this whole charade is about. Stage a fake financial crisis and give us your gold. In my opinion that’s really the dimension of what we’re talking about.
Let’s put it into a very broad perspective and go back to 1793 in Paris after the French revolution the people decided that their banker infestation problem had gotten to a point where they could do nothing else accept take advantage of the new invention of the day – the guillotine, and they started cutting heads off.
Are we at the point now to say look the banks are not going to stop, they’re totally in bed with the government, they’re stealing all of our money, they’ve got no morals no scruples, they’re terrorists. Do we need to cut their heads off? Will that send the correct message to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan if Jamie Diamond’s head is bouncing down Wall Street – will they get the message then? What will stop them?
It’s an ongoing crisis of academics and PhDs having taken over where the central banks should have been prudent with their theories of expanding debt loads exponentially and never having to pay off these debts. That’s their theory, and it’s been discredited – apparently debts have to be paid back.
But they’re not going to budge. All they’re going to do is keep making debts upon debts. Christine Lagarde, for example, her solution is to increase the debt. Going back to Davos last year, they said that maybe we need to create a new global credit facility of 100 trillion dollars. Let’s create a new global central bank; let’s create a new global world currency to feed the debt and have global taxes to pay for the new global central bank – that’s all they know how to do.
If you give a dog 40 pounds of dog food the dog will eat itself to death and that’s what we’re doing to Wall Street – we’re giving them unlimited credit, no risk on that credit and we bail them out every time they make a multi-billion dollar mistake. They are destroying themselves and they are destroying the economy because they are psychotic suicide bankers; they need to be terminated or we’re all going to be blown out of the water with all this incredible debt.
Monetary Reform,
Call To Arms
Over 3 weeks ago, before Italian treasury spreads blew out by several hundred basis points, and before Italian bank stock trading halts became a daily occurrence, we suggested that the European contagion was shifting to Italy based on Goldman dark pool Sigma X trading. To wit: "Today's most active names are Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Unicredit and Intesa Sanpaolo. Translation: someone is actively positioning for serious action in Italy shortly." That someone sure was right, and it is precisely this trifecta of stocks that at last check was halted on the Borsa. Well, based on today's action at Sigma X, the next, and probably biggest domino may be about to fall: the UK itself, because coming in at position #2, just behind UniCredit, we see Lloyds Banking. And if Lloyds goes, the ones that will follow are Barclays and RBS. At that point, the financial crisis goes global.
As David Cameron Resignation Odds Surge From 100/1 To 8/1 In Hours, Is UK Default (And Contagion) Risk Set To Follow?
Then regarding the too big to bail notion:
Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets
Bank of America Tumbles To Paulson's Cost Basis Following Report Bank Will Need $50 Billion More In Capital Cushion
The too big to bail notions stems out of the fact there is too much debt as there is official debt, unofficial debt (in most cases unfunded liabilities), private debt and the unregulated shadow banking debt. On the last item that’s then where entire worlds can blow up due to only quite minute negative positions. Key words here of course extensive leverage, no regulation, no insight. Simply put there aren’t enough tax payers in the entire world able to back this idiocricy up. Were soon out of taxpayers you know that part of a "real functioning rationalistic free capitalistic market" everything hinges on - apparently.
$596 Trillion! How can the derivatives market be worth more than the world's total financial assets?
Then there is rational behavior as some have more information than others in what generally is referred to as a free capitalistic market? The financial markets are adding value to the real economy - anyone?
Goldman Bet Against Entire European Nations – Who Were Clients – the Same Way It Bet Against Its Subprime Mortgage Clients
and this is where were headingThe bottom line is that if the ceiling is raised, the Fed is ready to print the dollar into an early grave. If the ceiling is frozen in place, America defaults on its debts and its credit rating evaporates. Either way, the dollar will inevitably lose its world reserve status. Enter the SDR…
All of the above factors are leading towards one obvious conclusion; the end of the dollar as a reserve currency. The IMF will never achieve its goal of complete centralized administration of the global economy without a common supranational currency unit. And, a supranational currency unit cannot exist while the dollar remains in its current position. Thus, for the IMF to succeed, the dollar must be removed.
In actuality there is a war going on and we need now to fight for our lives..
How to get locals in a foreign country to suffer austerity and pay for your bad debts? Transfer 2 bn. via ‘shadow banking system’ and then have corrupt PM “Discover” a 2 bn. “Black hole” of debt. Priceless!
Portugal's Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho discovers 'colossal' budget hole
Enter Serfdome..
The Ultimate Goal of the Bankster-led Political-economic Warfare Being Waged Against Us Is . . . ?
Recommended Reading:
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve
The Lost Science of Money
As David Cameron Resignation Odds Surge From 100/1 To 8/1 In Hours, Is UK Default (And Contagion) Risk Set To Follow?
Then regarding the too big to bail notion:
Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets
Bank of America Tumbles To Paulson's Cost Basis Following Report Bank Will Need $50 Billion More In Capital Cushion
The too big to bail notions stems out of the fact there is too much debt as there is official debt, unofficial debt (in most cases unfunded liabilities), private debt and the unregulated shadow banking debt. On the last item that’s then where entire worlds can blow up due to only quite minute negative positions. Key words here of course extensive leverage, no regulation, no insight. Simply put there aren’t enough tax payers in the entire world able to back this idiocricy up. Were soon out of taxpayers you know that part of a "real functioning rationalistic free capitalistic market" everything hinges on - apparently.
$596 Trillion! How can the derivatives market be worth more than the world's total financial assets?
Then there is rational behavior as some have more information than others in what generally is referred to as a free capitalistic market? The financial markets are adding value to the real economy - anyone?
Goldman Bet Against Entire European Nations – Who Were Clients – the Same Way It Bet Against Its Subprime Mortgage Clients
and this is where were headingThe bottom line is that if the ceiling is raised, the Fed is ready to print the dollar into an early grave. If the ceiling is frozen in place, America defaults on its debts and its credit rating evaporates. Either way, the dollar will inevitably lose its world reserve status. Enter the SDR…
All of the above factors are leading towards one obvious conclusion; the end of the dollar as a reserve currency. The IMF will never achieve its goal of complete centralized administration of the global economy without a common supranational currency unit. And, a supranational currency unit cannot exist while the dollar remains in its current position. Thus, for the IMF to succeed, the dollar must be removed.
In actuality there is a war going on and we need now to fight for our lives..
How to get locals in a foreign country to suffer austerity and pay for your bad debts? Transfer 2 bn. via ‘shadow banking system’ and then have corrupt PM “Discover” a 2 bn. “Black hole” of debt. Priceless!
Portugal's Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho discovers 'colossal' budget hole
Enter Serfdome..
The Ultimate Goal of the Bankster-led Political-economic Warfare Being Waged Against Us Is . . . ?
Recommended Reading:
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve
The Lost Science of Money
Monetary Reform,
Ayahuasca Shaman Predicts Transition
In 2004, Rebekita published a fascinating account of her 1997 trip to Peru and subsequent apprenticeship to an Ayahuasca shaman - The Shaman's Last Apprentice.
She was working in a hotel in Machu Pichu, when she got a telepathic message from an Amazonian shaman - an Ayahuasquero, (who she had never met or heard of) who lived in a village that is a day's boat-ride from Iquitos in the Peruvian rainforest.
She managed to find him, and spent several months training to become an Ayahuasquero - a training that is unheard of for non-tribal people - even mestizo apprentices are rare.
The shaman died not long after teaching Rebekita, and she was his final apprentice. I would recommend this very readable and gripping book to anyone interested in shamanism, for its insights into a fast-disappearing ecological and magical mind-set.
On p. 138-139, Don Juanito, (the shaman), converses with Rebekita:
"We are now almost totally controlled by fear, and therefore believe that we need to control the natural flow of life, the very thing that creates and preserves human existence. This fear could eventually lead to the end of the human race as we know it." "But how can we die out when we are the most powerful species on the planet?" I protested . "Huh!" the Shaman snorted. "Mother Nature is alive, and is growing just like humans. Do not think the strange weather patterns and natural disasters you will start to see across this planet are solely because of global warming. No, it is Mother earth preparing herself for a new cycle, a new rebirth. Now the time has come for the next phase to take place, and it will be painful for those that do not choose to change. Do not despair my little linda wawita. We can still change the direction we are going, but only when we decide to change the way we see the world. Only when we unite, and choose love instead of fear, unity instead of separation, power instead of force, can we stop the destruction that is about to take place. For soon it will be time for Mother Nature to take charge once again. She has been patiently waiting for us to wake up, but she cannot wait much longer. This is what Ayahuasca has told us."
Rebekita - aka Rebekah Shaman - has this website:
She was working in a hotel in Machu Pichu, when she got a telepathic message from an Amazonian shaman - an Ayahuasquero, (who she had never met or heard of) who lived in a village that is a day's boat-ride from Iquitos in the Peruvian rainforest.
She managed to find him, and spent several months training to become an Ayahuasquero - a training that is unheard of for non-tribal people - even mestizo apprentices are rare.
The shaman died not long after teaching Rebekita, and she was his final apprentice. I would recommend this very readable and gripping book to anyone interested in shamanism, for its insights into a fast-disappearing ecological and magical mind-set.
On p. 138-139, Don Juanito, (the shaman), converses with Rebekita:
"We are now almost totally controlled by fear, and therefore believe that we need to control the natural flow of life, the very thing that creates and preserves human existence. This fear could eventually lead to the end of the human race as we know it." "But how can we die out when we are the most powerful species on the planet?" I protested . "Huh!" the Shaman snorted. "Mother Nature is alive, and is growing just like humans. Do not think the strange weather patterns and natural disasters you will start to see across this planet are solely because of global warming. No, it is Mother earth preparing herself for a new cycle, a new rebirth. Now the time has come for the next phase to take place, and it will be painful for those that do not choose to change. Do not despair my little linda wawita. We can still change the direction we are going, but only when we decide to change the way we see the world. Only when we unite, and choose love instead of fear, unity instead of separation, power instead of force, can we stop the destruction that is about to take place. For soon it will be time for Mother Nature to take charge once again. She has been patiently waiting for us to wake up, but she cannot wait much longer. This is what Ayahuasca has told us."
Rebekita - aka Rebekah Shaman - has this website:
What is money and who creates money?
What is money
Then again what we see in regards of gold is not the value of gold going up relative other things it’s the dollar going down. Gold Maintains your purchasing power over time - that's it, nothing more, nothing less.There is a solution to this debt hysteria our banksters has created and that is that the government makes its own interest free loans and use this to fund mega infrastructure project investments. That then is real investments that will create millions of new jobs stimulate the real economy, give people real wages and income to live of so that they will be able to consume and pay taxes and thus get the deficits in order in due time.How anybody in their right mind can argue that austerity measures e.g. like laying of jobs, firing fire fighters, social workers, teachers, selling out infrastructure water system, electrical producers will create a healthy society is beyond me. Instead a healthy well educated population is an asset to the society and its business community. So why then reduce spending on schools and Medicare when what should be done is the opposite?
Did you know that for every tax dollar paid in the US some 50% of that tax dollar is then spent on the corporate welfare to the military and security industrial sector? Now if reduced spending is needed in a society that’s then where you first need to look in order to save in on a deficit. Why then is Medicare and Medicaid the very first thing discussed? Who is dictating that agenda? For sure not the taxpaying people that are supposed to pay more tax and as a thanks for that as well as bailing out banks receives less service, no healthcare, lousy education and more wars. Currently the US is engaged in 6 wars.
In actuality austerity is all about transferring wealth from the society to oligarchs. Anybody the least interested in history knows and understands that empires always die from within because of oligarchy. That was the case in Rome, in China with the Han Dynasty and everywhere else. Now we’re in the very final moments of the decline of the Western empire due to this very same phenomena – oligarchy.Question - when banks are in a crisis and they need rescue then the government provides for basically interest free loans to the bank. Issue here is that this money then has been horded by the banks in order for them to gradually be able to restructure their finances. This free money received by the bank however has not been distributed out to the real economy creating a real impact on the real economy.
Thus then this anemic economic growth last couple of years. So why then when the state/country is in a crisis are they then supposed to finance their deficits via IMF ONLY as now is the case with Greece? Why are they not allowed to finance their way out of this in the very same manner banks are via interest free loans?We're getting down to the real issue here and that is who is it that creates, controls and manages our money.In a world ruled by bankers - money is defined as debt and created by bankers. That then is a world of economic booms and busts as it is all based on the false notion exponential growth and interest. In the real biology that phenomena is very temporary as all exponential growth e.g. cancer actually within a short while kills of the host. This is an economy that always crashes in the end in what only can be described as a debt super cycle.
In a world ruled by the wealthy money is defined as wealth e.g. gold. That’s then your feudal society with lords, peasants and serfs.
In a world ruled by the people money is a fiat defined by law and created by the people (e.g. the Treasury) without interest. You then could argue those in favor of gold as money in fact are and represents the wealthy, not the people.
End Banks Power to Create Money
The only time Jesus actually used force was when he through the money exchangers out of the Temple. That is what we now need to do in order to build a monetary system that actually serves society and provides real welfare for its citizens and not just only the few. If not what is evident to come is a new system in the west based on serfdom.
Huxley’s Brave New World depicts a futuristic, class-based society in which people are created in test tubes and trained from infancy to serve defined roles. Technology is used to keep everyone happy—and somewhat numb to reality. Huxley also believed that in the future people would be controlled through subliminal suggestion. In retrospect, the most worrisome thing about Brave New World is how willingly people give up their individual sovereignty for hedonistic pleasures. Though some Internet users still worry about privacy, many more seem comfortable trading their privacy for perks such as gmail and facebook.. A
Aldus Huxley gave a speech entitled: The Ultimate Revolution on March 20, 1962 at the Berkeley Language Center.
and here what Zbigniew Brzezinski former security adviser (and creator of Al Quaida) to President Carter and founder of the Trilateral commission wrote in his book already 1980:
”The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."”Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites ... [Whose] ties cut across national boundaries ... It is likely that before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook ... The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty ... Further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position.”
Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era
Then again what we see in regards of gold is not the value of gold going up relative other things it’s the dollar going down. Gold Maintains your purchasing power over time - that's it, nothing more, nothing less.There is a solution to this debt hysteria our banksters has created and that is that the government makes its own interest free loans and use this to fund mega infrastructure project investments. That then is real investments that will create millions of new jobs stimulate the real economy, give people real wages and income to live of so that they will be able to consume and pay taxes and thus get the deficits in order in due time.How anybody in their right mind can argue that austerity measures e.g. like laying of jobs, firing fire fighters, social workers, teachers, selling out infrastructure water system, electrical producers will create a healthy society is beyond me. Instead a healthy well educated population is an asset to the society and its business community. So why then reduce spending on schools and Medicare when what should be done is the opposite?
Did you know that for every tax dollar paid in the US some 50% of that tax dollar is then spent on the corporate welfare to the military and security industrial sector? Now if reduced spending is needed in a society that’s then where you first need to look in order to save in on a deficit. Why then is Medicare and Medicaid the very first thing discussed? Who is dictating that agenda? For sure not the taxpaying people that are supposed to pay more tax and as a thanks for that as well as bailing out banks receives less service, no healthcare, lousy education and more wars. Currently the US is engaged in 6 wars.
In actuality austerity is all about transferring wealth from the society to oligarchs. Anybody the least interested in history knows and understands that empires always die from within because of oligarchy. That was the case in Rome, in China with the Han Dynasty and everywhere else. Now we’re in the very final moments of the decline of the Western empire due to this very same phenomena – oligarchy.Question - when banks are in a crisis and they need rescue then the government provides for basically interest free loans to the bank. Issue here is that this money then has been horded by the banks in order for them to gradually be able to restructure their finances. This free money received by the bank however has not been distributed out to the real economy creating a real impact on the real economy.
Thus then this anemic economic growth last couple of years. So why then when the state/country is in a crisis are they then supposed to finance their deficits via IMF ONLY as now is the case with Greece? Why are they not allowed to finance their way out of this in the very same manner banks are via interest free loans?We're getting down to the real issue here and that is who is it that creates, controls and manages our money.In a world ruled by bankers - money is defined as debt and created by bankers. That then is a world of economic booms and busts as it is all based on the false notion exponential growth and interest. In the real biology that phenomena is very temporary as all exponential growth e.g. cancer actually within a short while kills of the host. This is an economy that always crashes in the end in what only can be described as a debt super cycle.
In a world ruled by the wealthy money is defined as wealth e.g. gold. That’s then your feudal society with lords, peasants and serfs.
In a world ruled by the people money is a fiat defined by law and created by the people (e.g. the Treasury) without interest. You then could argue those in favor of gold as money in fact are and represents the wealthy, not the people.
End Banks Power to Create Money
The only time Jesus actually used force was when he through the money exchangers out of the Temple. That is what we now need to do in order to build a monetary system that actually serves society and provides real welfare for its citizens and not just only the few. If not what is evident to come is a new system in the west based on serfdom.
Huxley’s Brave New World depicts a futuristic, class-based society in which people are created in test tubes and trained from infancy to serve defined roles. Technology is used to keep everyone happy—and somewhat numb to reality. Huxley also believed that in the future people would be controlled through subliminal suggestion. In retrospect, the most worrisome thing about Brave New World is how willingly people give up their individual sovereignty for hedonistic pleasures. Though some Internet users still worry about privacy, many more seem comfortable trading their privacy for perks such as gmail and facebook.. A
Aldus Huxley gave a speech entitled: The Ultimate Revolution on March 20, 1962 at the Berkeley Language Center.
and here what Zbigniew Brzezinski former security adviser (and creator of Al Quaida) to President Carter and founder of the Trilateral commission wrote in his book already 1980:
”The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."”Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites ... [Whose] ties cut across national boundaries ... It is likely that before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook ... The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty ... Further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position.”
Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era
Monetary Reform,
About the building of a Caesar and the real value of money
Really great interview below with Dr Paul Craig Roberts (the father of Regan economics). Everything indeed is mega worth listening to. For me however primarily two take aways:
1. Washington in fact now actually in the process of building up a new Caesar, a new Adolf.
2. As Dr Paul Craig Roberts stated in the end of part two: "today the US$ traded against the Swiss Franc $1/ 80 Swiss cents, when I was a young man it was $1/ Swiss 420 cents. And the decline of the US dollar has escalated this year."
My Comment - Think about this currency ratio for just a sec and the implications of it if you’re a buyer of oil from a hard currency country and also what this really means for the oil producers.A person with a Swiss Franc economy in reality when buying oil today pays some 5 times less ( at $1/ 80 Swiss cents) for his oil than what was the case when you had the ratio ($1/ Swiss 420 cents). So for these economies it sure cannot be argued the cost for oil has increased. Instead in a hard currency region you then as oil is priced in US$ pay less for oil as the dollar overtime has depreciated vs. these hard currencies and is in the process of getting further depreciated.
Compare then this with the oil producer that has to accept US dollars. They have within the very same time frame in real terms actually lost 5 times purchasing power. Fr every liter oil they sell in US$ they get very much less. Bottom line it's not the oil prices that is hurting the economy it’s the currency value depreciation that is hurting when you buy your imported gasoline at the pump those living in soft currency regions (e.g. like the US and Euro Europe). It’s also a real losers game as well for all oil producers all over the world having to accept UD$.
Then, no wonder the US Empire is crumbling as all "satellite" states now with a lot of recourses with all their means available try to get out of this dollar trap.
You also indeed could argue as oil producers when paid in US$ over the years barely have been compensated for loss of purchasing power. In Fact if they want to be fully compensated for this and in addition taking in consideration less available supply and supply destruction, well then oil prices has to go very much higher..
American dependence on imports grew from 10% in 1970 to 65% by the end of 2004. At the current rate of unchecked import growth, the US would be 70% to 75% reliant on foreign oil by the middle of the next decade. In the light of this - no wonder the US deficits has reached a chronicle illness state as depreciation of the dollar continues.
Here is a chart of the last years USD/Franc relationship.
May I suggest you also use the "Max" button as far as timeframe is concerned under the chart? Reveling..
Part 1
Part 2
1. Washington in fact now actually in the process of building up a new Caesar, a new Adolf.
2. As Dr Paul Craig Roberts stated in the end of part two: "today the US$ traded against the Swiss Franc $1/ 80 Swiss cents, when I was a young man it was $1/ Swiss 420 cents. And the decline of the US dollar has escalated this year."
My Comment - Think about this currency ratio for just a sec and the implications of it if you’re a buyer of oil from a hard currency country and also what this really means for the oil producers.A person with a Swiss Franc economy in reality when buying oil today pays some 5 times less ( at $1/ 80 Swiss cents) for his oil than what was the case when you had the ratio ($1/ Swiss 420 cents). So for these economies it sure cannot be argued the cost for oil has increased. Instead in a hard currency region you then as oil is priced in US$ pay less for oil as the dollar overtime has depreciated vs. these hard currencies and is in the process of getting further depreciated.
Compare then this with the oil producer that has to accept US dollars. They have within the very same time frame in real terms actually lost 5 times purchasing power. Fr every liter oil they sell in US$ they get very much less. Bottom line it's not the oil prices that is hurting the economy it’s the currency value depreciation that is hurting when you buy your imported gasoline at the pump those living in soft currency regions (e.g. like the US and Euro Europe). It’s also a real losers game as well for all oil producers all over the world having to accept UD$.
Then, no wonder the US Empire is crumbling as all "satellite" states now with a lot of recourses with all their means available try to get out of this dollar trap.
You also indeed could argue as oil producers when paid in US$ over the years barely have been compensated for loss of purchasing power. In Fact if they want to be fully compensated for this and in addition taking in consideration less available supply and supply destruction, well then oil prices has to go very much higher..
American dependence on imports grew from 10% in 1970 to 65% by the end of 2004. At the current rate of unchecked import growth, the US would be 70% to 75% reliant on foreign oil by the middle of the next decade. In the light of this - no wonder the US deficits has reached a chronicle illness state as depreciation of the dollar continues.
Here is a chart of the last years USD/Franc relationship.
May I suggest you also use the "Max" button as far as timeframe is concerned under the chart? Reveling..
Part 1
Part 2
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