lördag 30 juli 2011


Hotspots: Greece (1/2)

Hotspots: Greece (2/2)

Then read this and understand that the former (Social Democratic mind you) Swedish Finance minister as well as chairman of the of the Swedish Riksbanken (the central bank) now joins these forces that so diligently and thoroughly destroys national states and the welfare of its citizens.

Erik Åsbrink joins Goldman Sachs as International Advisor
EW YORK, July 26, 2011 -- We are pleased to announce that Erik Åsbrink has joined Goldman Sachs as an international advisor. In this capacity, he will provide strategic advice to the firm on business development opportunities, with a particular focus on Sweden and the Nordic Region.
Erik is the chairman of Alecta Pensionsförsäkring AB, LightLab Sweden AB, Stockholm School of Economics and Svensk Hypotekspension AB. He also serves as a director of Wallenstam AB and Nordic Investment Bank.

Erik served as the Swedish Minister of Finance from 1996 to 1999. Prior to this he held numerous positions including chairman of the Board of the Swedish Riksbank (the Central Bank) and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance.

Erik has a Bachelors Degree from the University of Stockholm and a Master’s Degree from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Erik joins a very high caliber group of international advisors and brings vast political experience and business knowledge. Please join us in welcoming Erik to Goldman Sachs and wishing him success in his important new role.


It’s incomprehensible how the German taxpayers are allowing this charade to continue. They are constantly feed the idea they are bailing out Greece when in fact they are not. Greece total debt burden today after the bailouts in fact is larger than what it was when this crisis first started. Instead what the German tax payers do, is that they are bailing out French and German banks.

Also the idea it would be a disaster not to bail out Greece is a fake. As a starter who in their right mind can argue that somebody already hurt by a debt burden will be better of if he is given an even bigger debt burden to carry? A five year old understands this is completely bogus.

Instead Greece and Ireland, Portugal etc should follow Islands example. They should simply refuse to pay any debt and simply default on their liabilities. Island is now doing very well in fact after having done this and in fact the rating institutes are now upgrading Island. Why is there so very little being reported in the media regarding the Islandic success story?

The regimes in Germany and Finland are now demanding collaterals as safety in order to bail out Greece and were constantly being feed the notion what Greece then need is austerity measures. This is then a total a complete focus on the part carrying the debt. Now anybody can understand the banks that promoted Greece taking on the loans in the first place also are to blame. Simply put the French and German banks indeed have been complacent, lazy and not done their job in order to asses risk and eliminate uncertainties. Given this fact also these banks need then to carry a significant part of the work and costs associated with restructuring the debt.

What in fact is needed is austerity measures relative the banks themselves. They need to take the losses, downsize and reduce spending. Then the German and Finnish demands relative collateral from Greece in order to pay out more debt, well then they as taxpayers also need to ensure they are given same collaterals from the banks themselves. The taxpayers allowing more debt to be paid out in order to save the French and German banks should demand also significant collaterals for doing so from these banks themselves. The taxpayers should demand e.g. a 99% stake as shareholders in these banks.

Then related to the fact Goldman Sachs instigated this whole charade initially some 10 yrs ago by what in fact only can be regarded a fraudulent behavior making it more difficult for the banks then providing the loans to assess the real risks, well then Goldman needs to be prosecuted for this fraudulent and in fact criminal behavior.

Goldman Bet Against Entire European Nations – Who Were Clients – the Same Way It Bet Against Its Subprime Mortgage Clients

In actually the former Swedish chairman of the central bank and former Social democratic Finance minister when now joining Goldman now has joined a society of criminals that by now already should have been behind bars.

The real truth is Mr Åsbrink now has become an economic hit man. All the insider info he has now about the functioning of the Swedish finance system and all connections he has a many different levels of the Swedish society now will be provided Goldman Sachs.

We have already seen how this type of insider info was used by Goldman in order to instigate fraud against the people of Greece. Well now what´s in the cards for the future relative the Swedes?

Remember Greece most certainly is NOT a one deal only, nor is it a one occasion unfortunate accident. Instead it’s a functioning approach and the model used and refined since the beginning of civilization is there for all to see. Read John Perkins book below and you’ll get all you need to understand all of this from a real insider.

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

The worlds finance sector is worth ten times the real economy. If that’s not proof enough that what we REALLY need is Austerity for banks well then I don’t know what is.

The too big to bail notions stems out of the fact there is too much debt as there is official debt, unofficial debt (in most cases unfunded liabilities), private debt and the unregulated shadow banking debt. On the last item that’s then where entire worlds can blow up due to only quite minute negative positions. Key words here of course extensive leverage, no regulation, no insight. Simply put there aren’t enough tax payers in the entire world able to back this idiocricy up.

Were soon out of taxpayers - you know that part of a "real functioning rationalistic free capitalistic market" everything hinges on - apparently.

$596 Trillion! How can the derivatives market be worth more than the world's total financial assets?

We need to eliminate and ban the finance sectors use of derivatives, regulate their activity with real oversight as well as completely make illegal naked short selling. Then and only then have we eliminated this what in fact is arms of financial mass destruction allowing for unprecedented transfer of real welt from the hard working
many to the very few.

Then we also need to get rid of the Federal Reserve and the banks ability to generate money via debt, we need to separate saving and investment banking for good and last but not least build a fricking concrete wall separating governments bank aid and rescue plans from in any way direct or indirect using taxpayers money.

In short we need capitalism to work 100% also in the finance sector and we need to stop listening to capitalistic cry babies and stop bailing out incompetent banks and finance institutions that just simply deserve to go under. In fact letting also these go under will actually improve the efficiency of the finance and banking sector allowing good business models to prosper and eliminate inefficiency and incompetence.

Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets

Too big to fail? Well then it’s obvious, don’t let these banks and institutions get this big in the first place. Then they simply can go under without any mayor damage anywhere in our financial system.

Then this notion that if you do your job as you’re supposed to as as a high level executive, then you deserve a real good bonus. Why not also make it work the other way around? That is if you don’t do a good job and if your business is failing and needs to be bailed out well then in retro perspective you then need to pay back what you earned as salary and bonus.

And most certainly any money, direct or indirect, to be used to support the banks need to be thoroughly backed by good solid collateral and stake in ownership and shares. I would imagine that in itself would act somewhat dampening the appetite for risk and leverage.


There is a solution to this debt hysteria our banksters has created and that is that the government makes its own interest free loans and use this to fund mega infrastructure project investments. That then is real investments that will create millions of new jobs stimulate the real economy, give people real wages and income to live off so that they will be able to consume and pay taxes and thus get the deficits in order in due time.

How anybody in their right mind can argue that austerity measures e.g. like laying of jobs, firing fire fighters, social workers, teachers, selling out infrastructure water system, electrical producers will create a healthy society is beyond me. Instead a healthy well educated population is an asset to the society and its business community. So why then reduce spending on schools and Medicare when what should be done is the opposite?

Did you know that for every tax dollar paid in the US some 50% of that tax dollar is then spent on the corporate welfare to the military and security industrial sector? Now if reduced spending is needed in a society that’s then where you first need to look in order to save in on a deficit. Why then is Medicare and Medicaid the very first thing discussed? Who is dictating that agenda? For sure not the taxpaying people that are supposed to pay more tax and as a thanks for that as well as bailing out banks receives less service, no healthcare, lousy education and more wars. Currently the US is engaged in 6 wars.

In actuality austerity is all about transferring wealth from the society to oligarchs. Anybody the least interested in history knows and understands that empires always die from within because of oligarchy. That was the case in Rome, in China with the Han Dynasty and everywhere else. Now we’re in the very final moments of the decline of the Western empire due to this very same phenomena – oligarchy.

Question - when banks are in a crisis and they need rescue then the government provides for basically interest free loans to the bank. Issue here is that this money then has been horded by the banks in order for them to gradually be able to restructure their finances. This free money received by the bank however has not been distributed out to the real economy creating a real impact on the real economy.

Thus then this anemic economic growth last couple of years. So why then when the state/country is in a crisis are they then supposed to finance their deficits via the IMF ONLYnow is the case with Greece? Why are they not allowed to finance their way out of this in the very same manner banks are via virtually interest free loans?
We're getting down to the real issue here and that is who is it that creates, controls and manages our money.

In a world ruled by bankers - money is defined as debt and created by bankers. That then is a world of economic booms and busts as it is all based on the false notion exponential growth and interest. In the real biology that phenomena is very temporary as all exponential growth e.g. cancer actually within a short while kills of the host. This is an economy that always crashes in the end in what only can be described as a debt super cycle.

In a world ruled by the wealthy money is defined as wealth e.g. gold. That’s then your feudal society with lords, peasants and serfs.

In a world ruled by the people money is a fiat defined by law and created by the people (e.g. the Treasury) without interest. You then could argue those in favor of gold as money in fact are and represents the wealthy, not the people.

The only time Jesus actually used force was when he through the money exchangers out of the Temple. That is what we now need to do in order to build a monetary system that actually serves society and provides real welfare for its citizens and not just only the few. If not what is evident to come is a new system in the west based on serfdom.

Remember if Greece from now on should not be able to pay then the IMF unconditionally according to the agreement signed by the Greek parliament are allowed to confiscate ALL of Greece assets. Greece today have no national sovereignty of either of its assets nor its human beings, its population.

In addition they are NOT allowed to according the same agreement to take any other loans anywhere else but via IMF.

Now – is this not blatant serfdom?

Free men fight back. If The Spartans had not fought back at Thermopyle we most certainly have had a very different Europe than what we have today. Now it’s time again for Greece to stand up and fight back as free men and through the intruders back to hell, where they belong.

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