söndag 30 maj 2010


Dags att till SvDs kader av dugliga jounalister som ex Atterstam, Nilsson bara för att nämna några få även lägga till Cervenka. Inse vidden av att nu i ett etablerat och så spritt näringslivs organ som SvDs näringslivsbilaga denna typ av artiklar förekommer..

Summer read

Valis (Paperback)~ Philip K. Dick

The Cleaver: Agreeably Dangerous

fredag 21 maj 2010

Gold Confiscation: Could it Happen Again?

People who scoff at the suggestion that the government might restrict private gold ownership should remember that many other countries have restrictions on (or absolute prohibitions against) private gold ownership. They should also remember that, in 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt dealt with a monetary and banking crisis by confiscating all privately owned gold; paying for the gold at $20.67 per ounce; immediately devaluing the dollar by 40 percent; and setting the price of gold at $35.00 per ounce. At a single stroke, Roosevelt increased the government's gold assets, stabilized the monetary system and increased wholesale prices by more than 33 percent. However, he also inflicted losses of 40 percent on gold owners and stripped them of the gold that they saved to insure their financial futures.

The Dow Jones declined by 376.36 points today to 10,068.01, but to us it is meaningless what the Dow Jones gains or loses in nominal terms. The number NIA cares most about is how the Dow Jones performs in terms of gold or the Dow/Gold ratio.

One of our top ten predictions for 2010 that we announced on December 21st, was that we would see a sharp decline in the Dow/Gold ratio from 9.3 to below 7.

Two weeks ago with the Dow/Gold ratio at 8.7, NIA said, "We expect this downward trend in the Dow/Gold ratio to accelerate in the weeks and months ahead." Today the Dow/Gold ratio finished at 8.5.

The Dow/Gold ratio chart shows the cyclical nature of the battle between paper assets like stocks and hard assets like Gold. The Dow/Gold ratio trends upward during secular bull markets in paper assets when everybody is fixated on growth. The Dow/Gold ratio trends downward when the growth phase ends, and everybody's concern is to conserve their wealth.

After the inflationary crisis of the 1970s, the Dow/Gold ratio reached a low in 1980 of 1. NIA believes the inflationary depression that we are currently in will not be over until the Dow/Gold ratio reaches a bottom of 1. This means we expect to see another 88% decline in the price of stocks in terms of gold.

The second most important number NIA cares about is the median U.S. home price/silver ratio. The national median home price is currently $166,100 or 9,400 ounces of silver.

When silver reached its all time high in January of 1980 of $49.45 per ounce, the median U.S. home price at the time was $62,900 or 1,272 ounces of silver. We expect the median U.S. home price/silver ratio to return to that level by the time this inflationary depression is over. This means we expect to see another 86% decline in the price of Real Estate in terms of silver.

Please continue to spread the word about NIA by telling your friends and family to subscribe for free at: http://inflation.us/

It is important to know that we are not investment or financial advisors. NIA's web site and newsletter are meant for informational and educational purposes only and should not be used to make investment decisions.

måndag 17 maj 2010

söndag 16 maj 2010

Greek leader considers action against US banks

ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou declared he is not ruling out taking legal action against U.S. investment banks for their role in creating the spiraling Greek debt crisis.

Both the Greek government and its citizens have blamed international banks for fanning the flames of the debt crisis with comments about Greece's likely default, actions that are causing the country's borrowing costs to soar.

"I wouldn't rule out that (legal action) might be a recourse. But we need to let due process (take its course) and then make our judgments once we get the results from the investigations," Papandreou said in a CNN interview broadcast Sunday


Giant Plumes of Oil Found Forming Under Gulf of Mexico

There’s a shocking amount of oil in the deep water, relative to what you see in the surface water,” said Samantha Joye, a researcher at the University of Georgia who is involved in one of the first scientific missions to gather details about what is happening in the gulf. “There’s a tremendous amount of oil in multiple layers, three or four or five layers deep in the water column.”

The plumes are depleting the oxygen dissolved in the gulf, worrying scientists, who fear that the oxygen level could eventually fall so low as to kill off much of the sea life near the plumes.

Dr. Joye said the oxygen had already dropped 30 percent near some of the plumes in the month that the broken oil well had been flowing. “If you keep those kinds of rates up, you could draw the oxygen down to very low levels that are dangerous to animals in a couple of months,” she said Saturday. “That is alarming.”

The plumes were discovered by scientists from several universities working aboard the research vessel Pelican, which sailed from Cocodrie, La., on May 3 and has gathered extensive samples and information about the disaster in the gulf.

Scientists studying video of the gushing oil well have tentatively calculated that it could be flowing at a rate of 25,000 to 80,000 barrels of oil a day. The latter figure would be 3.4 million gallons a day. But the government, working from satellite images of the ocean surface, has calculated a flow rate of only 5,000 barrels a day.

BP has resisted entreaties from scientists that they be allowed to use sophisticated instruments at the ocean floor that would give a far more accurate picture of how much oil is really gushing from the well.

Illinois deep in debt

All focus right now on Eurozone and given how the Euro traded Friday it seems a one trillion dollar bailout will not suffice.That's then usually how these things work. A first round of bailouts will soon be followed by even more simulus packages in what only can be described as a bailout frenzy. So once the dam is opened there is no stopping it. But also in the US there are issues. Now it's the states that can't make ends meet. Illinois simply has stoped it's payments and California (the worlds 8th largest economy and for sure much more significant than Greece) for sure has a very problematic situation. As in fact is the case for most states in the US with only a few exeptions. As these states can not print money it's not unlikely we'll soon see some type of bailouts for these as well.

Conclution - there sure will be a whole lot of money printing going forward.

Illinois Deep in Debt, Doesn't Pay Bills

fredag 14 maj 2010


NIA believes Meltup is the most important economic documentary ever produced in world history. The Second American Revolution has begun! Please share this documentary with all of your friends and family members immediately!

onsdag 12 maj 2010

Oljepriset på vår sida

Det lilla solenergiföretaget Cleanergy i dalsländska Åmål ska revolutionera produktionen av solenergi i länder som Kina, Indien och Saudiarabien. Vd Anders Koritz är nyligen hemkommen från Beijing där han mött Kinas energiminister.

jävla idioter

Dags nu att äka hem till era egna länder och ställa till det istället för att komma hit till oss och tala om för oss hur vi skall leva. Människor på mental stenåldersnivå hör hemma i öknen.

tisdag 11 maj 2010

Jain mathemagics

Magic Fingers

Jain & Vedic Methematics

Fannie Mae Needs $8.4 Billion More

Fannie Mae asked the U.S. government for an additional $8.4 billion in aid after posting an $11.5 billion net loss for the first quarter, the latest sign that the bailout of the mortgage investor and its main rival, Freddie Mac, is likely to be the most expensive legacy of the U.S. housing-market bust.

The company has now racked up losses of nearly $145 billion, or nearly double its profits for the previous 35 years. While many of the nation's biggest banks have repaid their government loans and some are back to racking up big profits, Fannie and Freddie are still suffering from the housing-market crisis.

In recent weeks, the Treasury pointed out how private-sector banks, insurers and even auto makers have repaid loans under the Troubled Asset Relief Program. But red ink continues to gush from Fannie and Freddie because of their huge exposure to home loans.

"Everyone's trying to sweep it under the rug, but there's a very large embedded loss that hasn't been fully realized yet," says Kenneth Rosen, chairman of the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. "Someone's going to have to write a check, and it's very large."


Powerfull Beyond Measure

Be Great, Powerful Beyond Measure (Best Inspirational Video Ever)


Se hela filmen här.


måndag 10 maj 2010

Neale Donald Walsch Discusses The Emotion Of Fear

You will be captivated and inspired as Neale discusses the widespread topic of fear and how we can utilize this emotion to further our growth

Korrigering att vänta på svenska bostadsmarknaden

"Svenskarnas lån i förhållande till disponibel inkomst har ökat och ökat senaste 15 åren och ligger nu på rekordnivåer enligt Svensk Bokreditnämnd som hävdar att vi har en bubbla på bostadsmarknaden. Bolåneskulderna ökar nu med 10% per år. Före år 200o tog folk av sina disponibla inkomster och investerade. Idag lånar man dubbelt så mycket som ökningen av disponibel inkomst. Kostnaderna för att bo ligger stadigt på samma nivå medans priserna för bostäder stuckit iväg rejält. För att korrigera för detta behövs en 20% sänkning av bostadspriserna. Riksbankens ränteprogos, att räntan skall upp till över 4% redan om fyra år innebär att räntekostnaderna kommer att mer än fördubblas inom samma tidshorisont."


Sammanfattning - tacka svenska Riksbanken och de svenska bankerna för ännu en svensk bostads bubbla! Svedala next stop efter härjningarna i Baltikum.

Grekland, PIIGS, Anglosaxer och volatiliteten

Lättnadsrally på börserna och ränteras i Grekland. I Fredags var tongångarna något annat och då fanns inget hopp kvar för någon. Problematiken kvarstår dock nu försöker man förbättra sin skuld börda genom mer skuld. I alla fall i det korta. Uppenbart är nu att man tar på allvar skuldproblematiken i Europa där länder, det ena efter det andra, nu konkret påbörjar arbetet med att faktiskt sanera sina finanser och minska sina skulder.

Lettland har redan gått igenom ett veritabelt stålbad så kraftigt att det är frågan om det är något annat land i EU regionen som kommer att ha styrkan och det politiska mod som krävs för att göra något liknande. Men man kommer att skära ned och minska skulderna frågan är bara hur snabbt och hur mycket.

I Grekland påbörjas nu nedskärningarna och kanske man inte fullt ut kommer att klara att gå i hamn med alla de aggresiva utfästelserna om neddragningar som presenterats men likafullt är nu processen igång.

Spanien och Portugal har påbörjat liknande processer. Problemet i Spanien dock är inte att man har ett stort underskott, för det har man ännu inte, utan att arbetslösheten redan innan nedskärningarna är så stor. De officiella siffrorna talar om 20% arbetslöshet och vissa inofficiella ca 30%. En tuff miljö onekligen att försöka reformera en ekonomi i. Men likaväl problemen tas på allvar och man försöker att agera.

Skulle Grekland idag helt sonika ställa in betalingarna vilket naturligtvis är en möjlighet skulle detta innebära att man nästa dag skulle se sig tvugna att helt i egen regi finansiera sin ekonomi då inga andra än de själva skulle vara betedda att tillskjuta kapital till ett politiskt system som valt konkursen som den lämpliga vägen ut. Med detta skulle Greklands BNP sjunka kanske ända bortemot 15% i princip över en natt och då närmar vi oss en Lettisk situation. Teoretiskt går detta att göra men praktiskt och realpolitiskt kommer vi nog istället se nu PIIGS länderna gradeligen istället beta av sin skuld under ett malande under några år.

Kanske sedan man väljer att konkursa men då mer förberett och då ifrån betydligt lägre nivåer, men antagligen inte nu. Fördelen är då att en bailouts av banker i ffa Tyskland kan låta sig göras från en lägre nivå och därmed mer politisk gångbart än att baila ut länder som inte sköter sin ekonomi.

Så kan ett trolig scenario se ut där nu de flesta OECD länders ekonomier kommer att se en blek ekonomisk utveckling främst pga dessa ständiga nedskärningar. Men det finns dock ljuspunkter. Men en lägre Euro och valuta så gynnas ffa de export inriktade Europeiska ekonomierna ffa kanske då Tyskland. På samma sätt som vi i sverige under finanskrisen under 80 talet sänkte vår valuta och kom ur krisen inte minst då detta gynnade vår exportindustri med stora exportinkomster som följd så kommer nu en lägre Euro att gynna dessa länder med en efterförljande boost av den reala ekonomin.

Men i allt detta tumult där anglo saxiskta analytiker nu tävlar om vem som kan ösa mest galla över Euro Zone så kanske det istället kan vara dags att blicka mot länder som England, Japan och USA. Vissa av dessa länder sitter i en tom besvärligare sits idag är utsatta Grekland men signifikant för alla dessa tre är den totala avsaknaden av insikt och åtgärder för att minska sina skuldberg. Istället så öser nu ex USA ut ännu mer utgifter i form av en ny gigantisk hälsoreform, utökat krig i mellanöstern osv. I England har inte en politiker i valrörelsen vågat ens knysta om behovet av nedskärningar eller hur detta då skulle gå till.

Sedan finns det en mycket stor skugga som lurar i vassen och det är de faktum att 85%av den hypergigantiska derivat marknaden värderid idag till över $600 trillions, idag har en ränte komponent som kan komma att utlösa en formidabel tsunami på världsmarkanderna den dag räntorna i dessa länder drar iväg på allvar.

Dessa tre länder har utöver det gemensamma att de idag är synnerligen beroende av olje import för sina ekonomier. Hur snart kan man fråga sig kommer värdens obligations marknander att börja sätta likadan press på även dessa länder så som nu skett i Grekland? Och hur snart sedan efter detta kommer nästa puck i form av aktut minskad tillgång på olja att göra sig påmind?

Då om inte förr gäller det som investerare att hålla tungan rätt i mun och styra rätt bland blindskären.

Heart Frequency

Red Ice Creations Radio show host : Henrik Palmgren talks with Howard Martin : executive v. p. at the Heart Math Institute in N. Ca. discussing some of the philosophy and scientific discoveries made over the years at Heart Math.. Including how heart waves go out from ourselves possibly a great distance, but surely several feet , and has effects on others around us

Heart Frequency ( Flows Worldwide. ) 5/5

Howard Martin Pt 1/6 & HeartMath - "Conversations with Robyn"

Rollin McCraty Science of the Heart

The Language of Love, as told by your heart

HeartMath Scandinavia AB

Esoteric Wisdom

Teachings that pass on thru generations of seekers thru the morphogenic field and is not stoppable by any earthly government, new world order illuminati, or whatever devilish ghouls who want to destroy the precious gift given to all who SINCERELY seek it. It is not in any one place. It is personal and private between the individual soul and the creative source of life energy of the universe, whatever you may call it. That which is in us that makes us alive and conscious and what makes all life alive, is flowing in connection with all things. One must stop to listen intently and many secrets are revealed. It does not cost any money and needs no physical remuneration, however it does need some of the unseen aspects of life such as trust and desire to grow and love. These things are freely available to anyone who wants to give them or receive them. It is all a matter of heart intent and discovery leading to exciting growth. Naturally these things are occurring in most life today, this scares the previously ensconced powers that be and they rail in contempt of the loss of their control.. They smash things like an angry child, but it doesnt REALLY matter. What they smash is again only transient matter.. Be of good cheer !

söndag 9 maj 2010

Conventional oil

Conventional oil is oil that does not include e.g. deep sea off shore drilling and so called tar sands in Canada and Venezuela. In short conventional oil is the oil relatively easy and inexpensive to get access to.

Deep sea off shore oil and tar sands however entirely are very different animals. That is as the costs associated with drilling thousands of meter below the surface implies great costs as well as risk and certainly tar sands demand much more work than conventional oil in order to be able to get the oil out of the ground. Thus an oil price of $70 and higher is required in order to get enough incentive to get that oil out from the ground.

Therefore it’s now interesting to review what now the situation in regards of conventional oil is. In total we have some 70.000 oil fields in the world today producing conventional oil.

Out of these 70.000 fields
• 507 oil fields produce 60% of all oil produced in the world
• 110 oil fields produce some 50% of all oil
• 20 oil fields produce some 27% of all oil
• And 10 oil fields produce some 20% of all oil

Interesting to note is that a vast majority of these oil fields have been discovered before 1958 and in fact in 1974 we had a peak of new conventional oil filed discovered. In fact since then we have seen fewer and fewer new conventional oil finds per year. In November 2008 the IEA presented a report after having reviewed 800 of the largest conventional oil field’s production that the average natural decline rate for these fields now had reached a stunning 9% annual decline. That natural decline rate is then expected to increase somewhat going forward. IEA also concluded that with enough quite massive technology investments made in order to manage these declines in existing fields the natural decline rate could be reduced to some 6.7% annually but not less.

"We estimate that the average production-weighted observed decline rate worldwide is currently 6.7% for fields that have passed their production peak. In our Reference Scenario, this rate increases to 8.6% in 2030. For the world as a whole, it is estimated at 9% for post-peak fields. In other words the decline in production from existing fields would have been around one-third faster had there been no capital spending on those fields once they had passed their peak. Our Reference Scenario projections imply an increase in the global average natural decline to around 10.5% per year by 2030 (almost two percentage points higher than the observed rate), as all regions experience a drop in average field size and most see a shift in production to offshore fields over the projection period. This means that total upstream investment in some countries will need to rise, in some cases significantly, just to offset this faster decline. Our Reference Scenario projections imply an increase in the global average natural decline(almost two percentage points higher than the observed rate), as all regions experience a drop in average field size and most see a shift in production to offshore fields over the projection period.

"Executive Summary"

The issue here has been that not enough investments have been made given the turmoil in the financial markets last couple of years.

So in order just to compensate for the decline in the existing oil fields an equivalent of a new Saudi Arabia must from now on be not only discovered but brought on line every 2- 3 years going forward, and that’s then just in order to be able to stay at flat world oil production.

Add then to this fact also the need for primarily emerging markets to increase their appetite for oil and its evident this all spells a significantly higher future oil price.

Sure the costs for getting the oil out of deep sea off shore well are significantly higher but also the risks. That is now a risk that has become quite evident with BPs Deepwater Horizon demise in the Gulf of Mexico where now the daily oil spill out of that fields cold be even as high as 50.000 barrels a day. So are we prepared to pay not only the costs for getting that oil out of the ground but are we in addition to that cost also prepared to pay the risk premium that no doubt will be the result of this accident?

The Canadian tar sands sure represents a huge reserves oil opportunity. Cleary the costs associated with getting this tar oil out of the ground are high and sure there are environmental implications as well significant. But what many neglect to realize is that the oil flow rates from this resource will be quite small as the work associated with getting not only the oil out of the ground but in addition to this also refine and process this thick oil before it can be used is quite extensive. Thus some argue the costs for getting more than 3 million barrels per day out of the ground from this recourse will be quite staggering.

Then as a final note – for how long can we, the oil consuming countries count on the oil producing countries to give us some of their valuable and ever diminishing resource oil? At what point will the oil producing countries start to manage their resource in order to prioritize their own domestic markets, infrastructure development and industry?

Expect therefore that long before we’ll see the effects of reduces oil production we’ll see it as a sharp decline of oil exports from the producing countries as they increasingly start to manage their oil as a strategic valuable asset.

So whilst all eye’s right now are watching the financial markets turmoil primarily in Greece there may be an even more significant problem lurking in the shadows absolutely nobody right now is paying attention to.

Conclusion: rather than keep printing new money and hand it over to the banks let these large monoliths go bust, let the smaller already profitable banks survive and instead use the money to invest in a complete rebuild of a new sustainable energy infrastructure world wide, we'll sure need it sooner than you might think.

IEA - A Watchdog Alarmed But Clearly Afraid Of It's Own Bark

Marc Faber

Dan Mangru interviews Dr. Marc Faber (author of the Gloom, Boom, and Doom Report) on everything from China currency manipulation, import taxes, interest rates, stimulus, healthcare, and his collection of Mao Zedong artifacts.

Marc Faber One-on-One Interview - The Mangru Report - Episode1

lördag 8 maj 2010

Sinister Forcers

Peter Levenda Sinister Forces Interview pt 1

Lincon Kennedy coincidence

Adolf Hitler - the psychological profile

The fascinating story about the psychological profile of Adolf Hitler. I’d like to summarize this as to say this is the consequence when the ego 100% has its way, polarizing and compensating for lack of inner strength in absurdum.

Then when you in addition to the above is evident to what extent Hitler himself tried to shape not only his future put also his past. In todays market oriented terms I would gess we would call this "branding"?

Hitlers Family

Hitler's Supernatural Rise to Power?

Peter Levenda is the author of Unholy Alliance & Sinister Forces and has to say som things in regards to whenre we now in our time may have quite a similar situation:


fredag 7 maj 2010

torsdag 6 maj 2010

Överdos - om krisen i Grekland och svensk bostadsbubbla

Klipp ur filmen "Överdos" som tar upp skuldkrisen i Grekland och risken för en svensk bostadsbubbla. Mer information på www.facebook.com/overdosethemovie


Filmen visas nu på Söndag den 9e maj kl 20.00 i TV4. Samla ihop familj, vänner och bekanta se filmen. Följ upp detta sedan med att lyssna igenom nedanstående:

Creature from Jekyll Island 1 of 12


Web of Debt

onsdag 5 maj 2010

The Quigley Formula

A lecture by G. Edward Griffin on the New World Order. He explains in detail how they are organized, and how they have infiltrated all of the power centers of the Western world and are the real people that control our countries. They are quickly moving us into a one world government. This is a truly eye opening presentation.

Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner

Arnold J. Toynbee

Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time ~ Carroll Quigley

Freedom Force International Organisation

What are the consequences of another Three Mile Island?

Will the unfolding environmental catastrophe from the ruptured Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico become deep-water oil’s equivalent to the Three Mile Island nuclear accident?

In terms of environmental degradation and economic cost, it’s already become much more. The real legacy of Three Mile Island wasn’t what happened back in 1979, though, but rather what happened, or more precisely didn’t happen, over the course of the next forty years in America. Literally overnight, the near-meltdown of the reactor core changed public acceptance of nuclear power plants. No company in the US has built a new one since.

Deepwater Horizon was not a producing well, nor will it likely ever be one. Hemorrhaging anywhere from 5,000 to 25,000 barrels of oil every day, the spill is already approaching the size of the discharge from the Exxon Valdez. What’s worse, BP has no way to shut it off, short of drilling a relief well to divert the pressure, which will take three months. At 25,000 barrels a day, three months means a cumulative discharge of 2.25 million barrels of oil, or 94.5 million gallons (one barrel equals 42 US gallons), or roughly eight Exxon Valdez spills. Even at 5,000 barrels a day, that’s almost 20 million gallons of oil. And to top it all off, by the time a relief well can be drilled, we’ll be smack in the middle of hurricane season.

The scene of hurricane-force winds raining oil on New Orleans and the rest of America’s Gulf Coast will no doubt make for an apocalyptic image of the end of the age of oil. Unfortunately, our dependence on the stuff will survive this catastrophe, even if the fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico and the marsh ecosystems of the Mississippi Delta won’t. But what might also not survive is deep-water drilling: no firm’s shareholders will be willing to accept the consequences that BP will soon have to face.

President Obama has already suspended his recent decision to open up new offshore areas for oil development, and he’s declared a moratorium on new drilling. You can imagine what the regulatory environment will be like after three months of the spill, just as you can imagine what those satellite photos of the Gulf of Mexico will look like.

But what you might not imagine are the implications for world oil supply. Conventional oil supply has not grown since 2005. Without a steady stream of oil from fields below the ocean floor, not only can’t world oil production grow, it can’t even stand still, since we rely on oil from new deep-water fields to replace the bulk of the four million barrels per day of global production we lose every year to depletion (out of a total of roughly 86 million barrels per day).

If the Deepwater Horizon disaster is the offshore energy industry’s Three Mile Island, then not only has world oil production already peaked, but it will also very soon start to shrink.

So if you think oil prices are high today, you ain’t seen nothing yet.


a second look at the Federal Reserve

Creature from Jekyll Island 1 of 12

Web of Debt

Web of Debt - Ellen Brown - 1 of 5

Web of Debt - Ellen Brown - 2 of 5

Web of Debt - Ellen Brown - 3 of 5

Web of Debt - Ellen Brown - 4 of 5

Web of Debt - Ellen Brown - 5 of 5

U.S. States Consider Starting Their Own Banks

ATLANTA, Georgia, Apr 30, 2010 (IPS) - At least eight U.S. states are considering proposals to start state-run banks in the wake of an economic crisis where many private banks ceased or greatly decreased their lending, literally shrinking the money pool available in state economies.

tisdag 4 maj 2010

Ellen Hodgson - Recent Interviews

Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser Part 2 and 3, February 26, 2010, February 26th, 2010