söndag 19 juli 2009

Seeing Through the Eyes of Source

Abraham-Hicks: Seeing Through the Eyes of Source!

Goldman Sachs Super Bonuses , Max Keiser

the dollar is debased inflation is on the door and Goldman Sachs declare record benefits ....Max Keiser on Goldman Sachs record bonus money this year while unenmployment skyrocket and health care cannot be resolved , Goldman Sachs get their hefty super bonus thanks to American Tax payers the bailouts buyouts and the extortion to the congress by Poulson last year and the same policy of his successor Geithner , Max later speaks with Stacy Herbert from London to get her analysis about the financial situation

On the Edge with Max Keiser - 17 July 2009 (pt1 of 4)

On the Edge with Max Keiser - 17 July 2009 (pt2 of 4)

On the Edge with Max Keiser - 17 July 2009 (pt3 of 4)

On the Edge with Max Keiser - 17 July 2009 (pt4 of 4)

Marc Faber - it will be huge , TOTAL COLLAPSE

Brace for a Rapid recovery or a new Collapse ? Marc Faber summed up the situation by saying for a while the markets may still run further but I think we had a crisis and nothing had been solved look how the system works the derivatives markets how banks operate the profits at Goldman Sachs , usually a major crisis like we had should clean the system , and nothing had been cleaned it's gotten worse , politically and these linkage between the politicians in America and the Federal reserves and the treasury department and Wall street and so on and so forth and the big crisis is yet to come , it will be huge , TOTAL COLLAPSE...Giles Keating, global head of research at Credit Suisse likes Asian equities as he believes the big gains they've logged could go quite a lot further. Keating & Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report share their views, with CNBC's Martin Soong.

California Budget Crisis

Inget att skratta åt...

"California is facing a budget crisis caused by combination of outsized budget gaps, unusual budget rules and a morass of financial obligations approved at the polls. The state's July 1 budget deadline passed without an agreement in place, and the state's controller began printing i.o.u.'s in lieu of cash to pay taxpayers, vendors and local governments. "

"The budget cuts Mr. Schwarzenegger has proposed to make up the difference, if enacted, would turn California into a place that in some ways would be unrecognizable in modern America: poor children would have no health insurance, prisoners would be released by the thousands and state parks would be closed. Nearly all of the billions of dollars in cuts the administration has proposed would affect programs for poor Californians, although prisons and schools would take hits, as well."

"The state's controller, John Chiang, said California was facing "a cash shortfall not seen since the Great Depression" and has exhausted all other financial options for paying its bills. Mr. Chiang issued 28,742 warrants totaling $53.3 million. If state lawmakers fail to reach a budget agreement by the end of August, the amount would grow to $4.8 billion."

In California, Even the I.O.U’s Are Owed
But across California on Tuesday, many vendors who had been told they would receive the i.o.u.’s instead of actual money said they had not yet received them. And if they do not arrive soon, they may be hard to turn into cash.

PILOT - CANADA (1975) (HQ sound)

Europe on the Brink

When asked a few weeks ago what was my biggest short-term concern, I quickly replied, "European banks have the potential to create significant risk for the entire worldwide system." This week we will glance "over the pond" to see what gives me cause for concern. Then we briefly look at a few of the bumps I mentioned, which are likely to stretch out any recovery, and maybe even dip us back into recession.

Latest Schultz Shock: a 'bank holiday'

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The top-performing letter that predicted the Crash of 2008 now predicts a confiscatory Franklin D. Roosevelt-style "bank holiday." But it's surprisingly sanguine about stocks -- in the (very) short term.

"Some U.S. embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies; enough to last them a year. Some embassies are being sent enormous amounts of U.S. cash to purchase currencies from those governments, quietly. But not pound sterling. Inside the State Dept., there is a sense of sadness and foreboding that 'something' is about to happen ... within 180 days, but could be 120-150 days."

"The world is staggering today between stagflation and net deflation right now; it varies widely around globe. Net deflation is a maybe 35% risk, due to toxics and/or deepening depression. Bit more likely, we'll slowly creep up to a dangerous 4.5% inflation on average, medium-term. But the wild card is the currency risk, which has a 50% (?) chance of boiling over and causing literally overnight (i.e. 24 hours) mega inflation in the asset markets."


Hyperinflation Nation

Part 1/3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3

lördag 18 juli 2009

Ytterligare STP godis

July 16, 2009
Southern Pacific Resource Corp. (“Southern Pacific” or the “Corporation”) (STP –TSX-V) is pleased to announce the appointment of BMO Capital Markets as itsfinancial advisor to help evaluate the options to finance construction of the Corporation’sfirst SAGD oil sands project.

Southern Pacific recently achieved a significant milestone with the submission of theproject application for its 80% owned 12,000 barrel per day STP-McKay Project onAlberta’s Athabasca fairway. The application was submitted to the Alberta EnergyResources Conservation Board (ERCB) and Alberta Environment on May 29, 2009, andwas based upon the significant body of technical work completed by the Corporationover the past 18 months. Now that this milestone has been achieved, the Corporation isin a position to move forward with a comprehensive evaluation of the financing optionsavailable for the construction of the project.

BMO Capital Markets has been retained to provide strategic advice and to assist in theevaluation of the financing options available to the Corporation. These options includebank financing, capital markets debt financing, equity financing or funding from a jointventure partner.

The STP-McKay Project is expected to require gross capitalexpenditures of approximately C$400 million. Costs have recently been declining inresponse to reduced industry demand for services and the Corporation will update itscapital cost estimates as necessary.Byron Lutes, the Corporation’s President and CEO, said Southern Pacific is pleased toformalize the excellent relationship developed with BMO Capital Markets over the pastyear. “Throughout the market downturn, we continued to advance our STP-McKay Project and we’re now ready to move into the project execution phase,” Mr. Lutes said. “SouthernPacific and BMO Capital Markets will evaluate all of the options available to us, and we will move forward with funding solutions that provide the best value for our shareholders.

We have a great project at STP-McKay and are excited about moving intothe next phase of the company’s development.”Southern Pacific is a full cycle oil and gas exploration and production company focusedon the development of the Corporation’s vast in-situ oil sands resource base in Alberta’sAthabasca oil sands region.

For further information, please contact:Byron Lutes, President & CEO403-269-1529mailto:CEO403-269-1529blutes@shpacific.com
Dave Antony, Chairman403-269-5219dantony@shpacific.com

torsdag 16 juli 2009

2012 ur ett olje perspektiv

Maya kalendern i all ära men även när man analyserar världens olje tillgång kommande år ser onekligen 2012 ut som att vi står inför någonting lite annorledes..

The production declines in the above two charts are supported by the downward trend in capacity additions to 2012 based on data from
which has been updated for the recent IEA G8 report detailing 2.0 mbd of suspended project capacity and a further 4.2 mbd of project capacity delayed by at least 18 months.


onsdag 15 juli 2009

Inspirational Movie for Your Success

The Impossible Dream
How many times have you reached for something, felt it so close and then gave up? How many times have you decided to change your life, but you are still where you were? Everyone desires success to achieve the impossible dream, but few people actually achieve it. In this very rare and inspiring movie, you'll learn how to go beyond your limits and turn your level of commitment into a "leap of faith" to achieve what is important to you.

If you loved this video, also visit http://www.inspirationjunction.com for more inspirational Flash movies and downloadable screensavers. Send them to your friends or loved ones (could be your spouse or just that special someone whom you really care for) and brighten their day :-)

tisdag 14 juli 2009

Flow that escrow by being satisfied with what IS in this Now

Allowing☆ Your Escrow!

Unconditional love

ACE update

Även vad gäller oljan så är det för närvarande rejäl turbulens vad gäller utfästelser från analytiker som tävlar om att komma in med prisestimat relaterat denna resurs. UBS förespår ett genomsnitts pris på olja under andra halvåret innevarande år på $65. Samtidigt säger andra analytiker att oljan nu skall ner till $45 och tom $20. Det är bara at lägga ett bud.

På denna blogg följer vi istället ACE inlägg från TOD och här har vi nu hans senaste kommentarer och sammanställningar relaterat till läget:

World Oil Production Forecast - Update May 2009
World oil production peaked in July 2008 at 74.82 million barrels/day (mbd) and now has fallen to about 71 mbd. It is expected that oil production will decline slowly to about December 2010 as OPEC production increases while non-OPEC production decreases. After 2010 the resulting annual production decline rate increases to 3.4% as OPEC production is unable to offset cumulative non-OPEC declines.

ACE update June 16
Here's a few forecast charts updated for last week's energy reports from the EIA, IEA and OPEC.
Assuming that a slight demand growth occurs, the long term oil price trend remains upward shown by the dashed green line below.



Crude Oil & Lease Condensate to 2012

måndag 13 juli 2009

The completion of an independent reserves evaluation for STP

Här massa senaste nytt STP godis.


Och här senaste och updaterade corporate presentation here.

All the worlds fiat currencies are derivates of the Dollar

Alla världens valutor är fiat valutor och hårt knutna i realiteten till dollarn. Allt ett gigantiskt nöjesfält med papperspengar. Papper som kan trixas och fixas med och så länge den inbördes relatione håller kan systemet fortsätta. Frågan är snart om man över huvud taget kan lita på någon av de indikationer som ges från vare sig börser eller valutornas inbördes realtioner. Rickard Karn har i sin senaste "Emerging Trends Report" har mycket värdefullt att berätta.

Själv kommer jag att tänka på värderingen råvaror och guld vs fiat pappers pengar. Samtidigt som nu guld ser ut att värderingsmässing gå ner så betänk att $100 sparade sedan 1969 idag är värt i real köpkraft efter inflation ca $17. Detta är onekligen et sätt att se på det hela.

Intressant är Karns take att den undantagslöst största sektorn av amerikans ekonomi har varit finansiella produkter från finans sektorn och givet detta nu är en sektor som måste nedmonteras till stora delar så måste nu USA igen revitalisera sin tillverknings industri. Karn påpekar att energi användandet och produktiviteten är betydligt högre i OECD lönder som ex USA och i Europa än motsvarande Kina och tillväxt länder. Med billig arbetskraft kan dessa istället slösa med energi samtidigt som produktiviteten är betydligt lägre.

Så givet detta och att USA nu med nödvändighet måste revitalisera sin tillverknings kapacitet så driver nu Obama hårt cap tax. Historiens största skatte uttag. En veritabel hagelsvärm således i foten på USAs framtidsindustri. Samtidigt kan man konstatera att ur et rent miljö perspektiv och om man tar hänsyn till energi effektivitet i utnyttjande och produktivitet så vore istället det bästa att sluta all produktion i länder som Kina. Tänk på detta varje gång du köper en "billig" Kinesisk produkt.

Som vanligt är Goldman & Sachs involverade i nästa bubbla - global warming.

Ett intressant inlägg som man definitivt bör lyssna på.

July 11, 2009
3rd Hour with Jim & John
Richard Karn, Emerging Trends Report: Credit & Credibility

Att det är många olika teorier och tolkningar i omlopp om vd det eg är som händer och sker visar med all önskvärd tydliget förra veckans sändning av Financial Sence där bla Dr Robert Mc Huge sade att börsen nu är på väg mot 0. Cornucopia kommenterade detta inslag nedan:

Total Börskrasch på gång

En annan som i FS sändningen daterad 20 Juni som nu helt verkat att ha tappat kompassen är en av de tidigare super bullsen för olja, råvaror och synnerlige starke proponenten för amerikansk hyper inflation och dollarras Peru Saxena som i denna sändning istället gjorde vad som nästan var en avbön och nu iställer såg framför sig deflation som den allena rådande risken. Denne Saxena gav i alla fall i mina öron ett något darrigt intryck.

Nu har denne man publiserat ett vad jag tolkar som försök till förtydligande där han trasslar in sig att vi dels inte vare sig kommer att ha deflation eller hyperinflation men att vi kommer nu bevittna deflation för att sedan nå inflation. Säger altså denne man som tidigare var en har core hyperinflation och dollarras camper. Det blir förvirrat. Men säger man alltid att klockan är 12 så har man rätt två gånger på ett dygn. Saxena har nu upptäckt att säger man att klockan både är 12 och 6 hela tiden så ökar antal rätt med det dubbla.

Tillbaka till senaste FS sändningen och man har ett långt inslag om cykler:

"The Unified Cycle Theory: How Cycles Dominate the Structure of the Universe and Influence Life on Earth" med Steve Hoffmann

Det är intressant när ett finans program som FS tar upp ett sådant ämne. Visar att vad som helst eg kan vara att vänta. Nästa gång kanske svensken Calleman blir intervjuvad om sin bok The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. Maya indianderna baserade helt sin världsåskådning på cykler som bekant.

Calleman's book is a treasure trove of history, myth, and insight into one of the most remarkable achievements in human history, the Mayan calendar. His proposal is that we moderns learn the intricacies of the calendar in order to evolve our consciousness by syncing with the planetary, galactic and universal 'high frequency evolutionary cycle

Callemans förutsägelser relaterat till 2012 kanske passar som hand i hanske med tekniske analytikern McHuges förutsägelser om att börserna nu närmar sig 0?

Steve Hoffman säger i FS att allt som styr i grunden är ifluenser från rymden som i cykler påverkar människors medvetande/känslor. Hur vet han inte. Men han förutspår kommande 30 som usla för börsen.

Barbara hand Clow själv till delar Cherokee indian (som även de använder samma kalender som de gamla Maya Indianerna) var en av se första som talade om den allt ökande sk Photon strömmingen från centrum av vår vintergata.

Hon har skrivit flera böcker och här en intervju på Coast to coast:

Barbara Hand Clow Pt.1

According to Barbara Hand Clow and others - we are moving into a zone in space that is band of photon energy. Our star moves into that band for about 2000 years and this event happens about every 11000 years.

söndag 12 juli 2009

Ancient Egypt and Mystery Schools

Del 1

Del 2

Del 3

Del 4

Del 5

Del 6

Mystery of the Sphinx [VHS] (1993)
The Mystery of the Sphinx contains information about the Sphinx, and Egyptian history and archaeology in general, that is nothing less than explosive. John Anthony West and Robert Schoch offer brilliant and convincing evidence that the Sphinx is much older than the pyramids, possible as much as 8,000 years older than previously thought, indicating that our understanding of Egyptian history and religion has barely scratched the surface. Their convincing testimony is made all the more interesting and entertaining by the inclusion of Charlton Heston as the narrator. And this video is not merely a visual montage of Egyptian images overlaid with mystical sounding rhetoric. This is real science and real history - and maverick archaeology at its best.

Mystery of the Sphinx - part 1

Mystery of the Sphinx - part 2

Mystery of the Sphinx - part 3

Mystery of the Sphinx - part 4

Mystery of the Sphinx - part 5

Alternative Egypt


The Temple of Man by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt by John Anthony West

Setting Your Vibrational Tone

The importance of deliberately setting your vibrational tone.

Deliberate Creation Exercise

Speeding Deliberate Creation

lördag 11 juli 2009

The Living Matrix Movie

har vi skrivit om tidigare på denna blogg. Filmen är synnerligen sevärd i sin helhet. Vi har även tidigare på denna blog skrivit om epigenetik och vad dessa nya rön kan för amed sig.

Några snabba konklutioner. Hjärtat är mer centralt för vår uppfattning av vår omvärld än vad som vetenskapen tidigare trott. Hjärtats roll är helt enkelt inte bara att föra runt blodet i vår kropp utan härtat verkar det är den funktion i vår kropp som först tar in intryck från vår omvärld. I filmen berättar Dr Rollin McCraty hur systemet fungerade när försökspersoner i laboratoriska försök utsattes för synintryck, slumpmässigt utvalda av en dator och där bilderna omväxlande var otäcka eller behagliga (denna del finns tyvärr inte med i nedanstående klipp). Det som hände var att tydliga impulser skickades från hjärtat till hjärnan som ett första steg och inte tvärt om. Det märkliga dessutom är att dessa impulser kom innan själva bilden visades. Precis som om hjärtat kunde hämta in information från någon typ av information utanför vår kropp och innan det sedan hände skickade detta vidare in till hjärnan. Kom ihåg att detta handlar om kliniska försök underkastade strikt vetenskapliga kriterier.

Mer om detta ca 2.36 in på denna trailer, men som sagt mest intressant är det att se hela utläggningen i filmen.

Lite mer om samma ämne och från Dr McCraty i detta inlägg

Sedan detta med genetik och dess inverkan på vårt system så har ju dessa teorier onekligen gått i vågor under senaste åren. Under tidigt 1900 tal ansågs det att generna är de vi föds med som sedan är de som anger vilka egenskaper vi får under vårt liv. Lite trist om man skulle dåliga gener och tämligen förutbestämt i så fall vilka som skulle ha ett bra respektive dåligt liv. Konsekvensen av denna typ av tänkande blev bla etnisk rensning, utrotningsläger etc. Sedan svängde pendeln tvärt om och istället ansågs miljön som det allena rådande. Växte man upp i en dålig miljö fick man ett sämre liv, bra miljö helt andra förutsättningar.

Nu med epigenetik så säger man eg följande. Våra gener har alla av och på knappar som kan sättas på respektive av givet vilka impulser dessa från från det egna biologiska systemet. Det är inte förutbestämt hur dessa skall sättas upp för respektive individ. Hur en människa tänker och uppfattar sin omgivning är i realiteten vad som regrerar dessa mekanismer. Ett intressant expempel är adoptiv barn som i sin genetiska bakrund från sin bilologiska familj inte haft någon historik krig ex cancer kan när de sedan placeras in i en adoptiv familj där man haft cancer i flera generation själva sedan även dessa får cancer. Det skulle kunna förklaras av vilka attityder man har i familjen vilka värderingar man har somsedan avspeglar sig i hur man tolkar signalerna från sin omgivning. Dessa tolkningar sedan som varje människa gör är det som sedan triggar igång de olika genernas av repektive på knappar.

Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton - "Love and fear" (audio)

onsdag 8 juli 2009

Abraham, speaking through Esther Hicks

For over 20 years, Esther has translated blocks of thought from "Non-Physical Source Energy" - which she also identifies as her "Inner Being" or "Soul" - and who refer to themselves in the plural as "Abraham" (no relation to the Biblical figure).Esther doesn't use the word "channeling" to describe her process, but understands if others do. For more information, please view our YouTube video entitled "Abraham Explains Who They Are", or go to http://www.abraham-hicks.com and listen to the audio entitled "Introduction To Abraham".


måndag 6 juli 2009

Svärernas musik

I begynnelsen var ordet (sound).

Vibration creates matter

The physics of sound creating form

Latest Trailer for Leap the Movie


Interview with Peter Russell 4, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Robert Scheinfeld, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Robert Scheinfeld 2, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Robert Scheinfeld 3, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Amber Terrell, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Nicole Casanova, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Gary Renard, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Gary Renard 2, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Dan Millman, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Dan Millman 2, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Dan Millman 3, for the Leap! movie

Interview with Joe Vitale, for the Leap! movie, www.leapmovie.com

Interview with Joe Vitale 2, for the Leap! movie

Interview with Fred Alan Wolf 2, for the Leap! movie

John Hagelin, Ph.D

John Hagelin, Ph.D ON Consciousness & Superstring Unified Field Theory.

John Hagelin, Ph.D on Consciousness 1 of 2

John Hagelin, Ph.D on Consciousness 2 of 2

The Law of Attraction

har vi ju skrivit en del om på denna blog under senare tid. Inte minst har detta blivit ett begrepp iom lanseringen av filmen "The Secret".

Iden är som följer- The Law of Attraction innebär att energy attracts like energy. Dvs positiv energi/frekvens attraherar positiv energi/frekvens.

Man hänvisar även till exemplet att vi människor skulle vara som magneter och dra till oss yttre tilldragelser och fysiska ting manifesteras i relation till vad vi "vibrerar" på för frekvens.

Så långt allt gott och väl men jag har dock ett litet propblem med att förstå vilka fysiska lagar som skulle styra detta. Tar vi exemplet en magnet so attraherar i realiteten de positiva sidan av en magnet den negativa sidan av en annan och vice versa.


Om allt nu är energi i universum vilka lagar är det så som kan styrka att positiv frekvens/energi attracherar positiv frekvens/energi? Detta är delar jag skulle vilja att de kvantum fysiker som deltar i The Secret redogjorde för.

Då tycker jag annars att det kan vara lättare att ta till sig konceptet att vi inte kan ha ett universum utan ett tänkande.

Har vi något ljushuvud ute i etern som skulle kunna sprida lite ljus i detta ämne?

1 meter! Rekord i teleportering
Tillståndet och egenskaperna hos en atom överförs till en annan med fotoner, en sorts energiknippen av ljus.
– Ja om man tänker sej att atomer, istället för att ha spinn och så vidare, har känslor, att de kan vara glada eller ledsna. Då är det alltså det här att vara glada eller ledsna, själva egenskaperna, som man överför från en atom till en annan, säger professor Gunnar Björk.


Världsrekord i teleportering
Teleportering innebär att information bokstavligen kan överföras på nolltid över stora avstånd. Det kan ske genom att koppla ihop de kvantmekaniska tillstånden (exempelvis polarisering) hos två fotoner, och sedan skicka dem åt var sitt håll. Fotonerna känner då omedelbart av varandras kvanttillstånd även då de är på stort avstånd från varandra

Nyemission som affärside

Dagens DI skriver idag om vad som närmast måste anses vara stor ledningsturbulens i Holsteins Iqube. I artikeln hittar man dessutom följande:

"Johan Staël von Holstein skapade Iqube 2005, och affärsidén är att hjälpa entreprenörer med kapital och kunskap. Mot det får Iqube i sin tur en ägarandel i verksamheterna.

2008 uppgick omsättningen till minus 40.000 kronor, och resultatet efter skatt låg på minus 320.000 kronor.

Samtidigt ökade företagets likvida tillgångar rejält efter en nyemission där bland andra Investor och Sjätte AP-fonden gick in som finansiärer. Kassan vid årets slut uppgick till 23 miljoner kronor, mot 6,3 miljoner vid årets början."


Man kan ställa sig frågan om inte Holsteins eg affärside och som han burit med sig sedan det begav sig sedan Icon Medialabb i grunden handlar om nyemission. Det är imponerande att denne man fortfarande och efter alla resor han tagit tidigare såväl som nuvarande aktieägare på har sådan back upp att han kan fylla på kassan, inte med medel intjänade från en sund verksamhet, utan istället mha ständiga inflöden från externa intressenter. Som sagt nyemission som affärside.

Vägra konstmat på skola och dagis

Skicka ett brev med detta innehåll till era kommunala ansvariga politiker och be dem klargöra hur de tänker agera i frågan. Är de för att naturlig, lokalt producerad mat eller för industrins kemiska gifter skall ges till våra barn på dagis och i skolan? Klart är att regeringen helt abdikerat i frågan.

"Livsmedelsverket, livsmedelsindustrin och regeringen har i en ohelig allians gått ut med påbud i landet att barn på skola och dagis inte ska tillåtas att äta naturlig mat, utan ska vara utlämnade till att äta margarinfabrikanternas gula skokräm.

Margarinfabrikanterna har, ända sedan 60-talet, när skräcken för det naturliga mättade fettet började torna upp sig, utnyttjat det och fört fram sin egen kemisktekniskt tillverkade smörja som nyttigare än smör. Man har använt lögnerna om kolesterolets farlighet till att göra reklam för margarin som kolesterolsänkande och därmed nyttigt för hjärtat, i sin propaganda till allmänheten och i påverkan på kostprofessorer, dietister och politiker.

Detta håller nu på att trappas upp. Regeringen och livsmedelsindustrin har överläggningar där man kommer fram till att margarin och lättmargarin måste bli lagstadgat på skolor och dagis.
Ett lagförslag håller på att förberedas där man ska tillförsäkra barnen näringsriktig mat på skola och dagis. Vad som är näringsriktig mat hänvisar man till Livsmedelsverket att bedöma. På Livsmedelsverket anser man att margarin är nyttigt och smör är farligt.

Kommunernas kostchefer vidarebefordrar regeringens påbud ut till skolor och dagis.
Livsmedelsverket uppger att det finns tusentals studier som bevisar att mättat fett är farligt. Efter påstötning satte de i januari -09 upp på sin hemsida en lista på 72 studier som sades bevisa detta.

Docent Uffe Ravnskov med flera skrev i april en artikel i Dagens Medicin där man påvisade att det inte fanns något bevisvärde i dessa 72 studier. Vissa studier handlade om något helt annat, vissa visade till och med att mättat fett var nyttigare än omättat.
Livsmedelsverket har inte kunnat bemöta den artikeln.

Det har aldrig visats i jämförande studier att margarin är nyttigare för hälsan än smör. Fabrikanterna har inte ens avkrävts studier som visat att margarin är ofarligt för hälsan.
Sedan margarinet har övertagit marknaden från smör har hjärtinfarkterna kommit och gått upp som den största dödsorsaken i mitten av 1900-talet, och alla andra folksjukdomar har ökat: cancer, astma, allergier, infektionssjukdomar, diabetes och demens etc. Möjligheten finns att margarinerna, och annan konstmat, har skadat vår hälsa så att dessa folksjukdomar har blommat upp i utbredning och svårighetsgrad.

Varje cell i kroppen är uppbyggd av fett och kolesterol. Det ska då vara naturligt biologiskt fett och inte kemiskt förvridna fettstrukturer, som i margarin, för att cellerna ska fungera på ett friskt sätt.

Föräldrar – kräv att era barn får riktig naturlig mat på dagis, och ingen skokräm under namn av margarin! Om de inte får riktig mat på skolan och dagiset, ta då dit smör och Bregott och kräv att barnet får tillgång det. Föräldrar måste ha rätt att bestämma om deras barn ska äta riktig mat eller konstgjord smörja på skola och dagis.

Annika Dahlqvist
Allmänläkare (och Årets Drake) "

lördag 4 juli 2009

The big secret

Sleeps in the rock
Dreams in the plants
Stirs in the animal
Awakens in man

Everything in the universe is
energy vibrating at different frequency.
So is you and me and everything around us.
The law of attraction means that energy attracts like energy.
As feelings and emotions too are energy operating at different frequency this means that good feelings attract good things ad bad feeling attracts bad things.
Feelings and emotions manifests through your intention in the real world so that “thoughts becomes things”
Love is the highest frequency, gratitude is the closest feeling to love there is.
Therefore the feeling of gratitude and love is essential if you want to attract good things to manifest in your life.

The Science of Getting Rich Summary
This is the final summary chapter of Wallace Wattles' masterpiece 'The Science of Getting Rich'. It's the book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to create The Secret, and rumour has it Bill Gates read it before quitting school to start Microsoft.

Napoleon Hill talks about his meeting with Andrew Carnegie


torsdag 2 juli 2009

onsdag 1 juli 2009

The Spirit molecule

En film att hålla utkik efter.

Filmen baseras till stora delar på Rick Strassmans arbete och hans sedan tidigare utgivna bok med samma namn.

Rick Strassman
At UNM, Dr. Strassman performed clinical research investigating the function of the pineal hormone melatonin in which his research group documented the first known role of melatonin in humans. He also began the first new US government approved and funded clinical research with psychedelic drugs in over twenty years. Before leaving the University in 1995, he attained the rank of tenured Associate Professor of Psychiatry, and received the UNM General Clinical Research Center's Research Scientist Award.

DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences Rick Strassman MD

Och för nu lite mer än ett år sedan kom Strassman ut med även denna bok:

Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies (Paperback)by Rick Strassman MD

Och här en intervju med samme Strassman:

Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.1

Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.2

Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.3


Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.4


Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.5


Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.6


Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.7


Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.8


Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.9


Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.10


Dr. Rick Strassman Pt.11


The Pineal Gland

Solen, vortex, light and conciousness

Dettner skriver här ett synnerligen läsvärt inlägg. Dessutom ger han generöst ett lästips "The Secret of Light" Written by Walter Russell. Det är samtidigt som det inte är någon enkel läsning så att det ändå finns sådant som man intuittivt i texterna känner är självklart. Börja med att lyssna på denna youtub (se länk nedan) inspelning, men skaffa sedan även boken.

Hämta kraft från solen

The Secret of Light - Chapter XII

"Light cannot be seen, it can only be known. Light is still. The sense of sight cannot respond to stillness. That which the eyes "feel" and believe to be Light is but wave motion simulating the idea of Light. Like all things else in this electric wave universe the idea of Light cannot be produced. Electric waves simulate idea only. They do not become idea. When man sees the light of the sun he believes that he is actually seeing light when the nerves of his eyes are but "feeling" the intense, rapid, short- wave vibrations of the kind of wave motion which he senses as incandescence. The intensely vibrant electric current mirrored into the senses of the eyes fairly burns them. They cannot stand that high rate of vibration. The eyes would be destroyed by such a vibration but light would not be the cause of that destruction. Fast motion, simulating light, would be the cause. It would be like sending a high voltage electric current over a wire, so fine that the current would burn it out. Man likewise cannot see darkness. The nerves of his eyes, which sense motion, slow down to a rate of vibration that he can no longer "feel."

Man is so accustomed to the idea that he actually sees light in various intensities illuminating various substances to greater or lesser degree that it is difficult for him to realize that his own senses are but acting as mirrors to reflect various intensities of wave motion. But that is all that is happening.

Every electrically conditioned thing in Nature reflects the vibrations of every other thing, to fulfill its desire to synchronize its vibrations with every other thing. All matter is the motion of light. All motion is expressed in waves. All light waves are mirrors that reflect each other's condition unto the farthermost star.

This is an electrically conditioned wave universe. All wave conditions are forever seeking oneness. For this reason all sensation responds to all other sensation.
Is Light A Wave Or Corpuscle?

Much controversy has arisen as to whether light is corpuscular, as Newton claimed it to be, or waves. There is much evidence in favor of both theories. It is both. Light is expressed by motion. All motion is wave motion. All waves are expressed by fields of equal and opposite pressures of two-way motion. The entire volume within wave fields is filled with the two opposite expressions of motion-the positive expression that compresses light into solids, and the negative expression that expands it into space surrounding solids.

All space within wave fields is curved. Curvature ends at planes of zero curvature that bound all wave fields. These boundary planes of omnipresent magnetic Light act as mirrors to reflect all curvature into all other wave fields in the universe, and as fulcrums from which motion in one wave field is universally repeated.

All Matter Is Wave Motion
Together these constitute what we call matter and space. It has been difficult to conceive light as being purely corpuscular, for light is presumed to fill all space. Space is not empty. It is full of wave motion. Corpuscles of matter are one half of wave cycles of light. Space is the other half.

There need be no mystery as to whether light is corpuscular or wave, for waves of motion which simulate the light and darkness of space is all there is.

The light and motion of solid matter, and of gaseous matter of space, differs only in volume and condition. Water of earth is compressed into small volume while water of the heavens is expanded thou sands of time in volume. Each condition is the opposite half of the cycle of water.

Water vapor is water turned inside out. It again becomes water by turning outside in. Expansion- contraction sequences result from this process.

All Matter is Simulated Light
Water of the heavens still is water, and it still is light waves. No change whatsoever has taken place between the waters of earth and those of the heavens except a change of its condition from positive to negative preponderance. This change is due solely to a change of its direction in respect to its center of gravity.

All dense cold matter, such as iron, stone, wood, and all growing or decaying things, are light. We do not think of them as light but all are waves of motion, and all waves of motion are light.
Light is all there is in the spiritual universe of knowing, and simulation of that light in opposite extensions is all there is in the electric wave universe of sensing. The simulation of light in matter is not light. There is no light in matter.

Perhaps the confusion which attends this idea would be lessened if we classify everything concerning the spiritual universe, such as life, intelligence, truth, power, knowledge and balance as being the One Light of Knowing, and everything concerning matter and motion as being the two simulated lights of thinking.

Thinking expresses knowing in matter but matter does not think, nor does it know.
Thinking also expresses life, truth, idea, power and balance by recording the ideas of those qualities in the two lights of matter in motion, but matter does not live, nor is it truth, balance or idea, even though it simulates those spiritual qualities.

Man's confusion concerning this differentiation lies in his, long assumption of the reality of matter. His assumption that his body is his Self, that his knowledge is in his brain, and that he lives and dies because his body integrates and disintegrates, has been so fundamental a part of his thinking that it is difficult for him to reverse his thinking to the fact that matter is but motion and has no reality beyond simulating reality.

The light which we think we see is but motion. We do not see light. We feel the wave vibrations set up by the motion that simulates light, but the motion of electric waves that simulate light is not that which it simulates.

Confusion Concerning Light Corpuscles
There is much confusion concerning the many kinds of particles of matter such as electrons, protons, photons, neutrons and others. These many particles are supposedly different because of the belief that some are negatively charged, some are positively charged and some are so equally charged that one supposedly neutralizes the other.

There is no such condition in nature as negative charge, nor are there negatively charged particles. Charge and discharge are opposite conditions, as filling and emptying, or compressing and expanding are opposite conditions.

Compressing bodies are charging into higher potential conditions. Conversely, expanding bodies are discharging into lower potential conditions. To describe an electron as a negatively charged body is equivalent to saying that it is an expanding-contracting body.

Contracting and expanding bodies move in opposite directions. Contracting bodies move radially inward toward mass centers, and expanding bodies move radially outward toward space that surrounds masses. In this two-way universe, light which is inwardly directed toward gravity charges mass and discharges space. When directed toward space it charges space and discharges mass. All direction of force in Nature is spiral.

The charging condition is positive. It multiplies speed of motion into density of substance. The principle of multiplication of motion because of decrease of volume is the cause of the acceleration of gravity. The discharging condition is negative. It divides speed of motion into tenuity of substance. The principle of the division of motion because of expansion of volume is the cause of the deceleration of radiation.

One can better comprehend this principle by knowing that what we call substance is purely motion. Motion simulates substance by its variation of pressures, its speed and its gyroscopic relation to its wave axis.

Particles are variously conditioned as to pressure but there are no different kinds of particles. All are light waves wound up into particles that are doubly charged. Their position at any one point in their wave causes them to have the electric condition appropriate for that point.
Light particles are forever moving in their octave waves. All are either heading toward their cathode or their anode, which means toward vacuity or gravity. They are all moving either inward or outward, spirally.

All Light Particles Are Alike
All light particles are either expressing the mother- light principle or the father-light principle. For example, if a particle is on the amplitude of the wave, it would be a true sphere, and as a true sphere it would be neither positive nor negative. It might then appropriately be called a neutron. A particle which is spirally heading inward toward the apex of a vortex in the process of becoming a sphere might appropriately be called a proton, because of its expressing the father-light principle.

Again, if it is moving spirally outward, it could appropriately be called an electron because it would then be discharging in excess of its charge or expanding in excess of its contraction.
Light rays, for example, leaving the sun, are discharging the sun. They are also discharging themselves because they are expanding into greater volume. They are also lowering their own potential by multiplying their volume. They reverse their charge when radially converging upon the earth. They are then charging the earth and themselves by contracting into smaller volume and are simultaneously multiplying their own potential by thus contracting.

Semi-cyclic Alteration
In an electric current there is a constant interchange between anode and cathode or positive and negative poles. A light particle expands as it leaves the cathode in an outward radial direction and contracts as it radially approaches the anode. This light particle has been the same light particle at all times in all parts of its journey. Its variation of charge and discharge, its direction of motion and the condition of wave pressure in which it finds itself at all times are the sole reasons for its changing from one condition to another. The light particles are all the same light particles, all being different only in pressure condition.

This is also true of the elements of matter. Whether they be iron, carbon, silicon, bismuth or radium, all are composed of the same kind of light particles.

They all seem to have different qualities and attributes, but those qualities and attributes are likewise given to them purely by the positions they occupy in their waves.

All Things Simulate Light
A particle of light which belongs to an atomic system of sodium has in it all of the entire range of the elements, besides all of every other creating thing in the universe. It acts to carry out the purposefulness of the idea of sodium simply because it is in the pressure condition of sodium, and is a part of the unfolding pattern of the seed of inert gas of the octave from which it has unfolded.

If that same particle unfolded from the seed of the oak, it would be part of the wood fiber of its trunk, or leaf, or of the chlorophyll which colored its leaves, but it would be the same kind of particle while fulfilling the purpose of cellulose as while fulfilling the purpose of sodium.
All matter in this universe is but differently conditioned motion simulating light, and all differences in condition are pressure differences.

Light Does Not Travel
The speed with which light presumably travels is 186,400 miles per second. The distance between stars is so great that the speed of light is computed as light years, for the distance computed by lesser units of time would yield figures so great that they would be meaningless.
Light only seems to travel. It is but one more of the countless illusions caused by wave motion. Waves of the ocean seem to traverse the ocean but they only appear to do so, for waves are pistons in the universal engines, and pistons operate up and down. Wave pistons of light, or of the ocean, operate radially and spirally inward and outward, toward and away from gravity.
Waves of light do not travel. They reproduce each other from wave field to wave field of space. The planes of zero curvature, which bound all wave fields, act as mirrors to reflect light from one field into another. This sets up an appearance of light as traveling, which is pure illusion.

The sunlight we feel upon our bodies is not actual light from the sun. What actually is happening is that the sun is reproducing its own condition on the earth by extending the reproductions out through cold space into ever enlarging wave fields until those reproductions begin to converge again toward our center of gravity into ever smaller wave fields. The heat we feel and the light we see is dependent entirely upon the ability of the wave fields to reproduce the light and heat, and that ability is conditioned upon the amount of moisture in the atmosphere.

If there were no moisture in the atmosphere, our bodies would carbonize from the heat thus reproduced. One cannot consistently think of that heat as direct rays of the sun, for that same sunlight was intensely cold during its reproduced journey through the immensely expanded wave fields of space between the sun and earth.

The light and heat that appear to come from the star or sun have never left the star or sun.
That which man sees as light and feels as heat is the reproduced counterpart of the light and heat that is its cause.

The rate of vibration in a wave field depends upon its volume. Vibration in a wave field means the pulse of interchange between its compressed core and the space surrounding that core. A slow vibration in a large wave field would cool one's body, or even freeze it, while fast pulsing interchange in extremely small wave fields could burn one's body. A lens that multiplies light and heat toward a focal point which sets paper on fire merely compresses larger wave fields into smaller ones. The rate of vibration increases for the same reason that the planets nearest the sun move much faster in their small orbits than those that are far away from the sun. Kepler's law covering the speeds of planets will apply to rates of vibration in wave fields as appropriately as with the movements in the solar system. "

The Secret of Light 01

The Secret of Light 02

The Secret of Light 03

The Secret of Light 04

The Secret of Light 05

Här mer Walter Russel

01 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe
01 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

02 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

03 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

04 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

05 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

06 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

07 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

08 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

09 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

10 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe
