Expose Cinema presents an interview with Bill Still. Featured on the program is a clip from his latest documentary film "The Secret of Oz."
Mr. Still is an author and documentary film maker, best known for his documentary "The Money Masters" and it covers the history of money and the Federal Reserve System.
- Reporting from a fractal universe, fighting oligarchy. About changing the world - "a single human being can change the entire world as long as she don’t care about who takes the credit." - "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
söndag 23 december 2012
lördag 15 december 2012
G. Edward Griffin - The Collectivist Conspiracy
G. Edward Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer with many successful titles to his credit. He is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand. He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations. Mr. Griffin is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he majored in speech and communications. He is also the creator of the Reality Zone Audio Archives, and is President of American Media, a publishing and video production company. Don’t miss this excellent hour as we cover the collectivist conspiracy, including the ideology and nature of a collectivist. We’ll hear about Cecil Rhodes, and the secret society most have no clue about. But first Mr. Griffin explains how the anger of the Occupy movement was misdirected. We also address the subject of capitalism. G. Edward explains how collectivism, replaced capitalism in America a long time ago. We’ll cover the model of collectivism and how it manifests. Mr. Griffin warns of "full term collectivism, "100% government and 0% freedom that will end in totalitarianism. We’ll also talk about Soviet Russia, communism and draw parallels with American and Europe today. The hour ends discussing people’s fear of freedom. G. Edward Griffin offers a solution in the end.
Monetary Reform,
New world order
lördag 8 december 2012
Debt Free Money
An interview with Bill Still, film-maker of 'The Money Masters' and 'The Secret of Oz' explains why we are going through a financial crisis and offers his solutions to the ever increasing debt curve.
Stephen Zarlenga interview
Sedan ang Austrian School
The first 2 minutes of Max Keiser's latest is so interesting regarding the von Mises Institute.
Many are questioning now -- for the first time -- the previously accepted dogma that gold is good. Why do smart folks like Peter Schiff, Ed Griffin and Ron Paul refuse to take a fresh look at this question when they are spouting the same philosophy that J.P. Morgan espoused 100 years ago.
My take on Ed Griffin is that he is a patriot and well-intended. He, like Ron Paul, grew up at that time when the von Mises folks were in their ascendency. Their real agenda was hidden. Schiff, Griffin and Paul would have to admit they were wrong. They would have to admit that the von Mises/old school Libertarians were -- at best -- nothing but anarchists -- and worse than that, plutocrats.
The von Mises folk believe that the average person is too stupid to effectively participate in self-governance, so, therefore, all governance should default to non-governance??? History clearly shows that a state of non-governance will quickly default into the hands of the few -- the crown and its banks -- plutocracy. In either case, they do not believe in humanity's thousand-year great experiment in self-governance.
Freedom is a delicate balance between too much governance and too little. What the von Mises folk won't admit is that serfdom exists at either end of that balance. Von Mises folk don't realize that the anarchism professed openly by Prof. Murray Rothbard & company does not yield maximal human political freedom. Nature abhors a vacuum. Every anarchy in world history is followed in short order by tyranny and maximal centralization of power.
Ed Griffin and Ron Paul would rather go to their graves than admit they had swallowed this poison pill of the last 4 decades, hook, line and sinker.
I'm studying J.P. Morgan and the Rockefellers right now. Morgan constantly supported the gold standard calling it "sound money." He also considered himself a pirate -- oops, I mean a "privateer" -- in the service of the British Crown and the City. That's why he called all 4 of his yachts, "Corsair", and painted them black. Not surprisingly, he stopped short of flying the "Jolly Roger", however.
Gold money is the ultimate centralization of the money power. Yes, it IS sound money. The quantity is easily controlled, but it does not democratize the money power to operate to the benefit of we, the people. It centralizes it into the hands of those few best able to buy up the commodity serving as the monetary base -- gold. This would, in fact, be the bankers.
I believe that a sovereign money must serve the public interest -- by definition.
I believe that gold money does not serve the public interest.
I believe power should be decentralized to the maximum extent which is politically practical. Too much decentralization slips over into anarchy and yields the same as too much centralization in the first place.
Many are questioning now -- for the first time -- the previously accepted dogma that gold is good. Why do smart folks like Peter Schiff, Ed Griffin and Ron Paul refuse to take a fresh look at this question when they are spouting the same philosophy that J.P. Morgan espoused 100 years ago.
My take on Ed Griffin is that he is a patriot and well-intended. He, like Ron Paul, grew up at that time when the von Mises folks were in their ascendency. Their real agenda was hidden. Schiff, Griffin and Paul would have to admit they were wrong. They would have to admit that the von Mises/old school Libertarians were -- at best -- nothing but anarchists -- and worse than that, plutocrats.
The von Mises folk believe that the average person is too stupid to effectively participate in self-governance, so, therefore, all governance should default to non-governance??? History clearly shows that a state of non-governance will quickly default into the hands of the few -- the crown and its banks -- plutocracy. In either case, they do not believe in humanity's thousand-year great experiment in self-governance.
Freedom is a delicate balance between too much governance and too little. What the von Mises folk won't admit is that serfdom exists at either end of that balance. Von Mises folk don't realize that the anarchism professed openly by Prof. Murray Rothbard & company does not yield maximal human political freedom. Nature abhors a vacuum. Every anarchy in world history is followed in short order by tyranny and maximal centralization of power.
Ed Griffin and Ron Paul would rather go to their graves than admit they had swallowed this poison pill of the last 4 decades, hook, line and sinker.
I'm studying J.P. Morgan and the Rockefellers right now. Morgan constantly supported the gold standard calling it "sound money." He also considered himself a pirate -- oops, I mean a "privateer" -- in the service of the British Crown and the City. That's why he called all 4 of his yachts, "Corsair", and painted them black. Not surprisingly, he stopped short of flying the "Jolly Roger", however.
Gold money is the ultimate centralization of the money power. Yes, it IS sound money. The quantity is easily controlled, but it does not democratize the money power to operate to the benefit of we, the people. It centralizes it into the hands of those few best able to buy up the commodity serving as the monetary base -- gold. This would, in fact, be the bankers.
I believe that a sovereign money must serve the public interest -- by definition.
I believe that gold money does not serve the public interest.
I believe power should be decentralized to the maximum extent which is politically practical. Too much decentralization slips over into anarchy and yields the same as too much centralization in the first place.
So Conclution:
In a world where gold is money the wealthy has the political power
In a world there credit is money (as it is today) the banks has the political power
In a world where the goverment creates is own debt free money and the system is ruled by law (equal to all) the people has the power.
Bailots. Banker,
Monetary Reform
söndag 2 december 2012
Monetary Refom - Fractional Reserve Lending
Much is discussed right now about how to reform the monetary system
given the evident flaws we now see appearing in front of our eyes.
Many, many times in history has the economy gotten in to very deep
problems after it has gone back to a e.g. a gold standard. In fact it is not
the fact money today is a fiat rather than something of worth that constitutes
the problem. The real big problem we need to get away from is the privatization
and centralization of money via the private banking interests and first and foremost
get rid of the completely and utterly insane fractional banking system. This as
it allows for private banking interests to create booms and busts (the so
called business cycle) in the economy by the creation of credit that in fact is
money out of this air and that then banks have the nerve also charge interest on that fraudulent
Bottom line:
in a world where money is defined as welth e.g. gold and or silver - the wealthy has the power
In a world where money is defined as credit, that is it is loaned in to existens via the fractional banking system as it is today - the private bankers rule the world.
The people rule in a world where the creation of money is made debt free via the goverment in a decentralized faschion far out of reach of centralised private hands.
Fiat Currency,
Monetary Reform,
torsdag 29 november 2012
BOJ to implement QE without limits?
In the land where it's central bank some decades ago actually invented the QE approach things seems to be adding up. Now whats then the solution? Apparently not only more QE but in fact unlimited QE.
Japan was reported its first ever current account deficit, or certainly, its first for many decades. They have a very overvalued exchange rate, a collapsing export sector, an unreformed domestic economy, a debt challenge that makes Greece’s seem easy to solve, a central bank that doesn’t try too hard – currently – to reach its inflation target and, once again, a very weak economy.
And that is without even getting into the complex issues of its relationship with China and other Asian countries, that in principle should be as good for them as those countries are for the rest of us.
Anyhow, we may soon see a general election and a return of the LPD, whose probable
Prime Minister has told us now 3 times in the last fortnight that he would force the BOJ, if necessary, to pursue a 3% inflation target.
This is the sort of thing that many were advising Japan from overseas in the mid to late 90’s when so many people mistakenly lost of lot of money betting against the Yen. Go get all those guys out of retirement as the time has probably come.
The outlook for the Yen is highly asymmetric. It could either waffle around, or could decline sharply in coming months. It is, in my opinion, the most interesting macro thing out there. I have been getting more and more negative about the Yen for the past couple of years, and I have, so far, been wrong, but it seems more and more obvious to me, that the moment is here.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/shinzo-abe-the-boj-and-the-yen-2012-11#ixzz2Db0aN0Bg
The history of QE and how it came about:
Japan was reported its first ever current account deficit, or certainly, its first for many decades. They have a very overvalued exchange rate, a collapsing export sector, an unreformed domestic economy, a debt challenge that makes Greece’s seem easy to solve, a central bank that doesn’t try too hard – currently – to reach its inflation target and, once again, a very weak economy.
And that is without even getting into the complex issues of its relationship with China and other Asian countries, that in principle should be as good for them as those countries are for the rest of us.
Anyhow, we may soon see a general election and a return of the LPD, whose probable
Prime Minister has told us now 3 times in the last fortnight that he would force the BOJ, if necessary, to pursue a 3% inflation target.
This is the sort of thing that many were advising Japan from overseas in the mid to late 90’s when so many people mistakenly lost of lot of money betting against the Yen. Go get all those guys out of retirement as the time has probably come.
The outlook for the Yen is highly asymmetric. It could either waffle around, or could decline sharply in coming months. It is, in my opinion, the most interesting macro thing out there. I have been getting more and more negative about the Yen for the past couple of years, and I have, so far, been wrong, but it seems more and more obvious to me, that the moment is here.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/shinzo-abe-the-boj-and-the-yen-2012-11#ixzz2Db0aN0Bg
The history of QE and how it came about:
The original Japanese expression for quantitative easing (量的金融緩和, ryōteki kin'yū kanwa), was used for the first time by a Central Bank in the Bank of Japan's publications. The Bank of Japan has claimed that the central bank adopted a policy with this name on 19 March 2001.[25] However, the Bank of Japan's official monetary policy announcement of this date does not make any use of this expression (or any phrase using "quantitative") in either the Japanese original statement or its English translation.[26] Indeed, the Bank of Japan had for years, including as late as February 2001, claimed that "quantitative easing … is not effective" and rejected its use for monetary policy.[27] Speeches by the Bank of Japan leadership in 2001 gradually, and ex post, hardened the subsequent official Bank of Japan stance that the policy adopted by the Bank of Japan on 19 March 2001 was in fact quantitative easing. This became the established official view, especially after Toshihiko Fukui was appointed governor in February 2003. The use by the Bank of Japan is not the origin of the term quantitative easing or its Japanese original (ryoteki kinyu kanwa). This expression had been used since the mid-1990s by critics of the Bank of Japan and its monetary policy.[28]
Quantitative easing was used unsuccessfully by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) to fight domestic deflation in the early 2000s.[12][29][30][31] The Bank of Japan has maintained short-term interest rates at close to zero since 1999. With quantitative easing, it flooded commercial banks with excess liquidity to promote private lending, leaving them with large stocks of excess reserves, and therefore little risk of a liquidity shortage.[32] The BOJ accomplished this by buying more government bonds than would be required to set the interest rate to zero. It also bought asset-backed securities and equities, and extended the terms of its commercial paper purchasing operation.[33]
So given the indded very, very poor track record related to how improvements in the economy correlates to QE stimuli, and then also considering it has now been going on in Japan for well over a decade one would imagine it's time to trye some new approach rather than to contimue with the QE program? Not so it seems the real viable option to the japanese is not only to continue the QE programs but in addition significantely ramp up the scale and scoope.
Insanety - a definition
Time to replace the QE name with a new one. As QE in reality has nothing to do with trying to improve the overall real economy but in fact is all about tryung to save already insolvent banks it should be named something along these lines - "make taxpayers pay in order to try to delay the imminent and very necessary downzising of the fianancial sector to an acceptable level program".
Then when the Yen is down the drain next to the slaughter is the dollar as the US in a very predictable pattern has followed the Japanese example and QE approach. Only differencve is that the US as it started to enroll on this scheme approximately half a decade later than the Japanese, still has some time to catch up.
Time to replace the QE name with a new one. As QE in reality has nothing to do with trying to improve the overall real economy but in fact is all about tryung to save already insolvent banks it should be named something along these lines - "make taxpayers pay in order to try to delay the imminent and very necessary downzising of the fianancial sector to an acceptable level program".
Then when the Yen is down the drain next to the slaughter is the dollar as the US in a very predictable pattern has followed the Japanese example and QE approach. Only differencve is that the US as it started to enroll on this scheme approximately half a decade later than the Japanese, still has some time to catch up.
Bailots. Banker,
Quantitative easening
"The Most Powerful Psychopaths In The World"
There are many incredibly powerful psychopaths in our society. They're respected and loved and honored. You can spot them simply by looking at their bank accounts.
New world order
onsdag 28 november 2012
Svenskar ska göra kontokorten till historia
Snabba, säkra mobila betalningar som rundar kortföretagen och halverar handlarnas avgifter. Det är receptet när svenska Seamless i dag lanserar systemet som ska revolutionera betalmarknaden. "Vi mördar Visa och Mastercard", säger vd Peter Fredell.
SEQR mobile payment in action!
SEQR mobile payment in action!
Bailots. Banker,
Monetary Reform
Monetary Reform - The no one issue to deal with
Vetenskapens värld granskar ekonomivetenskapen och den pågående skuldkrisen
Del 14 av 18. Hur kunde världens ledande ekonomer missa att vi var på väg mot den största finansiella kollapsen sen 1930-talet? Vetenskapens värld granskar ekonomivetenskapen och den pågående skuldkrisen. Enligt en växande skara kritiker ledde häpnadsväckande brister i de ekonomiska modellerna fram till krisen. I centrum står vår tids enorma finanssektor. Programledare: Victoria Dyring.
Systemfel som hotar världen
The success of the central banking scheme developed into a far-reaching plan described by President Clinton’s mentor, Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley, “to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank….sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the levels of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
Hur fungerar egentligen vårt samhällssystem? Bankerna tjänar stora pengar samtidigt som vanliga människor lever på lånade medel. Vi möter tänkare som ger oss sin bild av världsekonomin och människans situation i vårt globala samhälle. Många som kommer till tals är övertygade kapitalister som kritiserar kapitalismen. Hur kan lösningar inför framtiden se ut?Samtidigt som vanliga människor lever på lånade medel. Vi möter tänkare som ger oss sin bild av världsekonomin och människans situation i vårt globala samhälle. Många som kommer till tals är övertygade kapitalister som kritiserar kapitalismen. Hur kan lösningar inför framtiden se ut?
Then a film that really foresaw all this financial chrisis unfolding as it was produced already in the 1990s:
Then a film that really foresaw all this financial chrisis unfolding as it was produced already in the 1990s:
The Money Masters ~ Full Movie
More about the Money Masters
THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned “central” bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers.

Several short-lived attempts to impose the central banking scheme on the United States were defeated by the patriotic efforts of Presidents Madison, Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren and Lincoln. But with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, America was firmly lashed to the same yoke, so that a small number of very rich men have been able to lay upon the masses a yoke little better than slavery itself. That yoke inevitably grows heavier with ever-compounding interest, and totals over $20 trillion of debt owed by the American people today ($80,000 per American) ultimately to these bankers.
This vast accumulation of wealth concentrates immense power and despotic economic domination in the hands of the few central bankers “who are able to govern credit and its allotment, for this reason supplying, so to speak, the life-blood to the entire economic body, and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of the economy so that no one dare breathe against their will.”
Then if the above is the ultimate goal then it's very obviouse why in the Euro project there is this indeed very weird Maastricht Criteria:
Given all of this info as a backdrop one really see the pattern clear as daylight as its happening:
Bailots. Banker,
Monetary Reform,
New world order
tisdag 27 november 2012
Bankerna tjänar miljarder på dold kortavgift
Flera försök görs för att gå runt de dolda kortavgifterna. Just nu pågår olika pilotstudier av betalning via mobilen. Dagligvaruhandelsbolaget Axfood har nyligen börjat använda betallösningen Seamless som möjliggör betalning utan mellanhänder. En rad andra liknande lösningar diskureras och även om dessa skiljer sig åt så innebär de flesta lägre eller inga kostnader för handlarna – vilket välkomnas från HUI:s sida.
Bailots. Banker,
Monetary Reform
söndag 25 november 2012
Systemfel som hotar världen
Hur fungerar egentligen vårt
samhällssystem? Bankerna tjänar stora pengar sHur fungerar egentligen vårt
samhällssystem? Bankerna tjänar stora pengar samtidigt som vanliga människor
lever på lånade medel. Vi möter tänkare som ger oss sin bild av världsekonomin
och människans situation i vårt globala samhälle. Många som kommer till tals är
övertygade kapitalister som kritiserar kapitalismen. Hur kan lösningar inför
framtiden se ut?amtidigt som vanliga människor
lever på lånade medel. Vi möter tänkare som ger oss sin bild av världsekonomin
och människans situation i vårt globala samhälle. Många som kommer till tals är
övertygade kapitalister som kritiserar kapitalismen. Hur kan lösningar inför
framtiden se ut?
Bailouts. Banker,
New world order
Vetenskapens värld granskar ekonomivetenskapen och den pågående skuldkrisen
Del 14 av 18. Hur kunde världens ledande ekonomer missa att vi var på väg mot den största finansiella kollapsen sen 1930-talet? Vetenskapens värld granskar ekonomivetenskapen och den pågående skuldkrisen. Enligt en växande skara kritiker ledde häpnadsväckande brister i de ekonomiska modellerna fram till krisen. I centrum står vår tids enorma finanssektor. Programledare: Victoria Dyring.
Bailots. Banker,
New world order
fredag 16 november 2012
Gov. Rick Perry: Texas Could Secede, Leave Union
AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax "tea party" Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states' rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, "Secede!"
An animated Perry told the crowd at Austin City Hall -- one of three tea parties he was attending across the state -- that officials in Washington have abandoned the country's founding principles of limited government. He said the federal government is strangling Americans with taxation, spending and debt.
White House ‘secede’ petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/14/white-house-secede-petitions-reach-660000-signatures-50-state-participation/#ixzz2CNSjnq6C
America to Split in Six Parts
Barack Obama should radically reduce U.S. foreign policy activities, especially in the Eurasian region. Russian political scientist Igor Panarin who has predicted the imminent collapse of the U.S. says there is no way the country can keep its dominance in the international arena.
White House ‘secede’ petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/14/white-house-secede-petitions-reach-660000-signatures-50-state-participation/#ixzz2CNSjnq6C
America to Split in Six Parts
Barack Obama should radically reduce U.S. foreign policy activities, especially in the Eurasian region. Russian political scientist Igor Panarin who has predicted the imminent collapse of the U.S. says there is no way the country can keep its dominance in the international arena.
torsdag 15 november 2012
fredag 2 november 2012
A Fine Frenzy
torsdag 1 november 2012
Kontanthanteringen - Ännu ett privatiserings fiasko
Läs här och begrunda hur Riksbanken genom sitt beslut att 2004 avsäga sig ansvaret för Sveriges kontanthantering för att istället lägga ut detta på bankerna i realiteten har orsakat en veritabel tornado av extremt våld och kriminalitet:
Monetary Reform,
New world order
måndag 29 oktober 2012
Deflation, austerity and money printing
Allt sedan 70 talets ekonomiska kris har totala
skuldbördan i ekonomin ökat. Och skuldnivån har inte bara ökat en del utan
räknat sedan 1971-72 när President Nixon övergav den sk guldmyntfoten och fram
till idag har totala ekonomins skuldbörda ökat mer än 50ggr, utan det har
historiskt sett inneburit en exceptionell skuld börde ökning som nu ffa OECD
länderna har att dras med.
Det säger dig sälvt när totala skuldnivån i ekonomin
har ökat mer än 50 ggr under bara lite drykt 40 år.
Ser man på hur detta har gått till ser man att
skuldökningen tog rejäl fart just ca 1971-72 när om sagt USA övergav
guldmyntfoten för att sedan verkligen accelerera ytterligare i samband med den
finansiella avreglering som skedde i princip alla OECD länder slutet av 80
talet början av 90 talet när de finansiella marknaderna på allvar började att
spekulera ffa i sk proptietary banking där banker handlade för egen räkning med
ständigt nya och kreativa finansiella upp lägg.
Idag beräknas den finansiella marknaden vara ca 10 ggr
större än den reala marknaden dvs det skulle krävas 10 stycken jordklot för att
kunna motivera den sammanlagda värderingen av vår världs finansiella
Extra problematiskt är det när man vet att mycket av
dessa finansiella upp lägg har skett till mycket stor hävstång viket naturligt
vis ger enorma vinster när man kommer ut rätt ur traden men när den vänds emot
spekuleraren så kan bara ytterst modesta procentuella nedgångar fullständigt
och helt radera allt eget kapital upp i rök. Så i en värld utan tillväxt finns
inget kvar av värde utan bara damm och rök.
Nu försöker man runt om i OECD världen att lösa
problematiken genom olika kombinationer av två olika åtgärder: besparingar och
genom att trycka mer pengar.
När man som nu sker i länder som ex Spanien tvingar
igenom olika typer av besparingar innebär detta ännu lägre tillväxt.
Spanien har idag en ungdomsarbetslöshet på över 52%
samtidigt som totala arbetslösheten i landet överstiger 20%. Det är inte svårt
att inse att med den typen av tvärstopp i ekonomin så ökar dramatiskt den sociala
instabiliteten i ett land. Det är ett oerhört riskabelt spel som man nu
försöker sig på när man försöker att lösa det faktum att den finansiella
sektorn vuxit sig över all rim och reson när man sparar in på det som i realiteten
människor skall leva av som främjar deras utbildning, vård och omsorg.
Det är fantastiskt att faktisk politikerna som ju
trots allt får sitt mandat och uppdrag från det folk som de faktisk nu ger sig
på vågar att genomföra den här typen av politik på bekostnad av sina väljare
och som bara ensidigt gagnar bankerna och den finansiella sektorn – igen annan.
Men för att försöka lindra bördan för sitt folk något
så väljer nu de icke demokratiskt valda sk teknokrater som i allt högre grad nu ersätter våra folkvalda
politiker att även trycka nya pengar. Dessa är det tänkt skall sättas i cirkulation
och stötta ekonomin men där och trots mängden pengar som satts i omlopp ännu
inte har löst krisen.
Något idiot kanske då hävdar ”att utan finansiell
sektor har vi ingen ekonomi” när det i realiteten faktiskt är så att krisen
skapats av den finansiella sektorn som tillåtits växa sig över alla hämningar
till en fullständigt och totalt destruktivt, missallokerande missfoster.
Den finansiella bank sektorn har nu vuxit sig till en cancersvulst
som istället nu måste skäras bort från samhällskroppen, annars överlever inte
Det enda riktiga för att verkligen nu lösa krisen är
att först och främst minska syre och näringstillförseln till cancersvulsten. Och
att faktiskt helt avskriva dessa skulder som faktiskt och aldrig kommer att
kunna betalas av oavsett hur mycket besparingar eller och penningtryckeri som
iscensätts. Skuldbördan är helt enkelt för stor för att man skall kunna lyckas
med detta.
Det betyder i realiteten att endast en av 10 stycken
banker kommer att kunna överleva och att den sammantagna finansiella sektorn
måste krypas ned till endast och maximalt en tiondel av dagens andel av
Sedan kan man ställa sig frågan – varför har man
tillåtit kreditexpansionen att formligen explodera på detta sätt under de
senaste 40 åren?
Svaret är att vi nått en peak av hur mycket olja vi
kan producera. USA övergav guldmyntfoten just i samma ögonblick som landet
nådde peak oil. Efter detta så har dessutom USA utrikespolitik helt ändrat karaktär
från att ha varit tämligen måttligt intresserat av mellanöstern till att
istället ha gått ”all in ” i regionen.
Vi lever idag i en helt annan geopolitisk realitet än
vad som var fallet innan USA nådde sin olje produktionstopp. Innan 1974 var USA
självförsörjande på olja. Idag importerar man 70% av sin olja.
Vårt penningsysten är idag helt baserat på kredit. Pengar
är i realiteten kredit och varje gång kredit skapas skapas pengar. Det finns
idag inget annat system att skapa pengar och endast ca 1% av total penning mängden
utgörs idag av riktiga pengar. Resten har skapats som kredit.
Utan tillgång på mer olja (och nu har OECD ländernas
organ för övervakning av oljemarknaderna bekräftat för några år sedan att
totala världsproduktionen av sk crude oil nått sin topp) måste vi nu se framför
oss ständigt lägre världs oljeproduktion.
Olja är i realiteten basen för
vår kreditbaserade system för utan tillväxt kan inte mer kredit skapas och symptomatiskt
nog så toppade väldsekonomin just vid det tillfälle dvs 2006 när världs olje
produktionen nådde sitt max tak. Efter detta har vi även nått gränsen för hur
mycket kredit vår ekonomi orkar med.
Oavsett hur mycket pengar som nu
trycks kommer detta aldrig kunna kompensera för det faktum att den reala
ekonomin inte bara avstannat utan kommande decennier faktiskt kommer att
Nu är det hög tid att dödförklara
alla dessa försök att ge kostgjord andning till den finansiella sektorn som
garanterat ändå kommer att dö sotsängsdöden. Frågan är bara om vi som folk
kommer att stillatigande se på medans all vår infrastruktur och välfärd som
tidigare generationer byggt upp nedmonteras och flyttas till den privata
sektorn i en deflationistiskt mardröm.
Eller om det istället kommer en
ny revolution som den ex i Frankrike 1789 nu när det så uppenbart visat sig att
våra folkvalda ständigt tar fel beslut och när demokrater ersätts med
Max Keiser interviews Nicole Foss
Riding out this Depression on a Deflationary Debt Raft
end of cheap oil - Faith Birol (IEA)
Here’s the “massive cover-up” in Europe’s ridiculously
large banking sector
Bailots. Banker,
InvPeak Oil
fredag 26 oktober 2012
Where is and who really holds all the world gold reserves?
1. Given Germany may have no gold, the Uk apparently has no gold and that US gold holdings in Fort Knox never has been audited (they have no gold) one has to wander - where is and who holds all the worlds reserves of gold?
2. Given goverments now are printing money in order to purchase their own debt (govenrment bonds) and as it because of this in fact is no real bond market as such, well then that whole goverment bond market hinges on one thing and one thing only - the ability to persue perpetual money printing in the form of QE. Anf when thay day appears when the ability to continue printing money isen't there, well then and there is the exit of the bond market (the mother of all bubbles) as we know it.
About German Gold at 13:20
about Browns bottom when the UK sold 50% of their gold holdings
Ron Paul request auditing of Fort Knox
2. Given goverments now are printing money in order to purchase their own debt (govenrment bonds) and as it because of this in fact is no real bond market as such, well then that whole goverment bond market hinges on one thing and one thing only - the ability to persue perpetual money printing in the form of QE. Anf when thay day appears when the ability to continue printing money isen't there, well then and there is the exit of the bond market (the mother of all bubbles) as we know it.
About German Gold at 13:20
about Browns bottom when the UK sold 50% of their gold holdings
Ron Paul request auditing of Fort Knox
Bailots. Banker,
Fiat Currency,
New world order
torsdag 25 oktober 2012
onsdag 24 oktober 2012
Bill: Eleanor Roosevelt Passed Me a Message Through Hillary--This Week
CNSNews.com) – While speaking at a dedication ceremony for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park in New York City on Wednesday, former President Bill Clinton said his wife “was known to commune” with Eleanor Roosevelt, and that Roosevelt had passed him a message through Hillary this week.
“A special thanks to the members of the Roosevelt family who are here,” Clinton said, at the park, located on Roosevelt Island. “And the one who is not, Eleanor, who made sure that the four freedoms were included in the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.”
“I know that because, as all of you famously learned when I served as president, my wife, now the secretary of State, was known to commune with Eleanor on a regular basis,” he said. “And so she called me last night on her way home from Peru to remind me to say that. That Eleanor had talked to her and reminded her that I should say that.”
In the 1996 book “The Choice,”author Bob Woodward, claimed that Hillary Clinton held imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi as a therapeutic release.
President Franklin Roosevelt outlined his four freedoms in a speech to Congress in 1941. They include: freedom of speech and expression, freedom of every person to worship God in his own way, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
Eleanor Roosevelt died on Nov. 7, 1962.
New world order
Rapture of the nerds: will the Singularity turn us into gods or end the human race?
A gathering of experts on artificial intelligence becomes a search for deeper meaning
Hundreds of the world’s brightest minds — engineers from Google and IBM, hedge funds quants, and Defense Department contractors building artificial intelligence — were gathered in rapt attention inside the auditorium of the San Francisco Masonic Temple atop Nob Hill. It was the first day of the seventh annual Singularity Summit, and Julia Galef, the President of the Center for Applied Rationality, was speaking onstage. On the screen behind her, Galef projected a giant image from the film Blade Runner: the replicant Roy, naked, his face stained with blood, cradling a white dove in his arms.
Hundreds of the world’s brightest minds — engineers from Google and IBM, hedge funds quants, and Defense Department contractors building artificial intelligence — were gathered in rapt attention inside the auditorium of the San Francisco Masonic Temple atop Nob Hill. It was the first day of the seventh annual Singularity Summit, and Julia Galef, the President of the Center for Applied Rationality, was speaking onstage. On the screen behind her, Galef projected a giant image from the film Blade Runner: the replicant Roy, naked, his face stained with blood, cradling a white dove in his arms.
At this point in the movie, Roy is reaching the end of his short, pre-programmed life, “The poignancy of his death scene comes from the contrast between that bitter truth and the fact that he still feels his life has meaning, and for lack of a better word, he has a soul,” said Galef. “To me this is the situation we as humans have found ourselves in over the last century. Turns out we are survival machines created by ancient replicators, DNA, to produce as many copies of them as possible. This is the bitter pill that science has offered us in response to our questions about where we came from and what it all means.”
The Singularity Summit bills itself as the world’s premier event on robotics, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies. The attendees, who shelled out $795 for a two-day pass, are people whose careers depend on data, on empirical proof. Peter Norvig, Google’s Director of Research, discussed advances in probabilistic first-order logic. The Nobel prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman lectured on the finer points of heuristics and biases in human psychology. The Power Point presentations were full of math equations and complex charts. Yet time and again the conversation drifted towards the existential: the larger, unanswerable questions of life.
New world order
onsdag 10 oktober 2012
'It was a place of butterflies, joy and big puffy pink clouds': The leading brain surgeon who is CONVINCED of heaven after 7-day out-of-body odyssey
- Harvard-educated Eben Alexander did not believe patients tales of out-of body experiences
- But now says he experienced a place filled with butterflies while in a coma
- Describes 'a sound like a glorious chant came down from above'
- Says he was accompanied by a young woman
2012 - Is It The End? Tom Horn Lecture from Branson
Over 800 people gathered at the Radisson Hotel in Branson from July 13th-15th, 2012 and you could feel the electricity in the air. 26 speakers, the leading voices in the prophetic world today, brought clarity, wisdom and hope to an audience hungry for God's Word. These days, with the world on the precipice of an any-moment showdown/meltdown, we were all quoting the words of the Psalmist, "How long oh Lord, how long?" Tom Horn, who was asked to speak on "2012: Is It The End?" delivered what nobody expected - an answer to this question 'how long' but more importantly how he and others like him can face this future with CONFIDENCE, despite how many occult AND CHRISTIAN voices from ancient times pointed to the year 2012 as an "event horizon, after which "the beginning of the end" would begin.
Bailots. Banker,
New world order
onsdag 26 september 2012
Doubts on Saudi Capacity May Keep Oil Volatile
Oil prices are likely to remain volatile over the next year, analysts say, amid worries that Saudi Arabia has become less able to pump the global market out of any extraordinary disruptions to supply.
Saudi Arabia and some smaller Gulf oil producers have stepped in to cover recent shortfalls, but analysts are increasingly skeptical about whether these countries have the capacity to shield Western consumers against a new oil shock.
"The cushion to cope with supply shortfalls looks uncomfortably thin, especially in light of heightened geopolitical risks in the Middle East and Africa," Deutsche Bank said in a report Friday.
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil
Proff Kjell Aleklett - Will Saudi Arabia Become an Oil Importer by 2030?
the volume of oil available for importation by the OECD nations in 2020 will contract by half compared to what was available in 2005 when “Peak Oil Exports” occurred
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil
tisdag 25 september 2012
Plosser Says QE3 Risks Fed Credibility, Won’t Boost Jobs
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser said new bond buying announced by the Fed this month probably won’t boost growth or hiring and may jeopardize the central bank’s credibility.
“We are unlikely to see much benefit to growth or to employment from further asset purchases,” Plosser said in a speech today at the district bank in Philadelphia. “Conveying the idea that such action will have a substantive impact on labor markets and the speed of the recovery risks the Fed’s credibility.”
söndag 23 september 2012
fredag 21 september 2012
Keiser Report: World Flash Clash Center
In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss flash crashes, reputation woes on the U.S. exchanges and sheep screaming at all the fraud. Max also talks to one of the Queen's sheep for its opinion on quantitative easing. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, about QE to infinity, the dollar, the euro and a gold standard.
Bailots. Banker,
Fiat Currency
onsdag 19 september 2012
Bank Of Japan Increases Asset Purchases By Y10 Trillion, Total Program Now Y80 Trillion, Total Debt Still Y1 Quadrillion
It seems like only yesterday that we were lamenting "Einstein rolling over in his grave" as a result of the BOJ's latest increase in its asset purchase program from Y65 to Y70 trillion, although technically it was 5 months ago on April 27. We would excuse Einstein if he were doing cartwheels in his grave right about now, following the BOJ's latest attempt to keep doing what has definitvely failed for 30 years, hoping this time it will be different, as a result of the just announced latest expansion in the asset purchase program's size by yet another Y10 trillion, this time to a total of Y80 trillion. The expansion impacts only JGBs and T-Bills, both of which will be monetized by a further Y5 trillion. Putting this in perspective, Japan's total public debt is Y1 quadrillion, and counting very fast. All other components of the Japanese LSAP program, including CP, Corporate Bonds, ETFs and REITs (yes, unlike the Fed, the BOJ is quite open about its equity and corporate bond purchases) remain the same. Bottom line, just as we predicted back in July 2009, the global race to debase continues unabated, and as a result of QEternity will merely accelerate until the only true currency is gold tungsten.
Thanks to the Fed's QEternity, BOJ's extra easing has zero impact
Bailots. Banker,
Fiat Currency,
Monetary Reform,
Peak Debt
Debt crisis: central bank action is work of the devil, says Germany's Jens Weidmann
The head of Germany’s Bundesbank has raised eyebrows across Europe after he appeared to compare Mario Draghi’s bond buying programme with the "devil’s work".
Bailots. Banker,
Fiat Currency,
Monetary Reform,
Quantitative easening
The Next Recession Will Be Triggered By Oil
At this point all the pieces are in place for the inflationary spike and currency crisis I’ve been predicting for 2014. We now have open ended QE that is tied to economic output and unemployment. But since debasing currencies has historically never been the cure for the bursting of a credit bubble, all the Fed is going to produce is spiraling inflation. So as this progresses we are going to see the Fed printing faster and faster as the result they are looking for never materializes. This is what will ultimately drive the currency crisis at the dollar’s next three year cycle low in 2014.
At this point, watch the price of oil if you want to know when the next recession is going to begin. As I’ve pointed out many times in the past, recessions (well, at least since World War II) have all been preceded by a sharp spike in the price of energy. Any move of 100% or more in a year or less, has historically been the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Modern economies cannot survive that kind of shock. It invariably triggers the collapse of consumer discretionary spending and economic activity comes to a grinding halt.
So we will watch the price of oil as it rises out of its three-year cycle low. If it hits $160 by next summer that will probably be enough to start the economy on the next downward spiral. If politicians get involved (and I’m sure they will) and try to impose price controls, they will multiply the damage and probably guarantee that the next economic downturn escalates into a truly catastrophic depression.
Until we see the spike in oil and the corresponding damage to the economy, no one has any business trying to short anything – well maybe bonds, but even that will be risky because the Fed is going to be actively trying to prop the bond market up and keep interest rates artificially low.
All in all there is going to be so much money to be made on the long side, especially in precious metals, that no one needs to fool around with puny little gains on the short side, especially in a market that is going to be hell to trade from the short side. The time to sell short will be in 2014 after the dollar’s next three year cycle low. The dollar’s rally out of that bottom will correspond with the next global economic collapse, ultimately caused by the decisions made by the ECB and the Fed this past week. I dare say if they could see the damage their decisions are going to inflict upon the world and the dire unintended consequences, maybe they would finally stop kicking the can down the road and let the economy heal naturally. Of course that would entail several years of severe pain and politicians, as we all know, are extremely allergic to that.
The period 2014-2015 is when we are going to see the stock market drop 60-75% and the next great leg down in this secular bear market. But until then there’s probably a pretty good chance we are going to see the S&P at new all-time highs in the next six months-12 months.
tisdag 18 september 2012
Gerald Celente - Todd Feinburg, WRKO - September 17, 2012
The Trends Journal® is the World's #1 source for the most important trends that are shaping the future. The Trends Journal® shows you how these trends will affect your life, how to profit from them, and what to do to avoid pitfalls. Regardless of business or profession, the Trends Journal® provides insights, strategies and opportunities to help you navigate these treacherous, unprecedented times.
Bailots. Banker,
Fiat Currency,
Monetary Reform
Max Keiser: Global Collapse by April!
Max discuss collateral transformation desk feeding the multitude of banksters with five quadrillion in infinitely leveraged toxic derivatives and two Treasury bills of a bankrupt nation.
Bailots. Banker,
The March to $200+ Oil - Expected over the next 2-4 years
Executive Summary
- Why pressures to the downside have less impact when the global economy is weak
- Why oil's new floor is $80
- The 'upside risk' story for oil prices
- Why prices will march up to the $150-175 range over the next 2-4 years (with increasing sensitivity to spikes of over $200+ per barrel)
If you have not yet read Part I: The Repricing of Oil, available free to all readers, please click here to read it first.
I encourage others to read the entire recent paper on Nominal GDP (NGDP) Targeting by Michael Woodford (recently delivered at Jackson Hole) or to simply read its coverage, either by Joe Weisenthal at Business Insider or Paul Krugman at the New York Times. In short, I take the appearance of the Woodford paper(link opens to PDF) as the inevitable next-step solution to the problem of unpayable debt and scarce resources. By loudly and flagrantly voicing a policy pursuit of inflation, Nominal GDP Targeting (which has been discussed for some time in economic circles) would be the next iteration of behavioral prodding in Western economies.
More importantly, the growing acceptance of NGDP targeting in policy circles simplifies the battle that began a decade ago: the struggle to counter emerging scarcity of natural resources with the provision of greater and greater amounts of cheap credit. Within the contours of this battle lies the answer as to whether oil’s next major move is downward, in a deflationary collapse, as global demand vanishes in a new economic crisis; or whether oil’s next major move is higher, as the five billion people in the developing world pull the OECD along in a new expansion.
Monetary Reform,
Peak Oil
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