onsdag 20 april 2011


På AFAs hemsida hittar man nu en ny radio presentation med AFAs CEO Mr Leveille daterad den 13 April. Han berättar där om nuvarande status gällande pågående och om nu vilken dag som helst avslutade första samplingen på nya området EPL 3403 Marine Diamond Concession i Namibia.

Värt att notera att denna nu AFAs första sampling har föregåtts av en tidigare sampling av annat bolag som då bestog av totalt 199 provtagningar. Det var då de södra delarna av den koncession som nu AFA innehar som då var målet för dessa provtagningar.

Sammanfattningsvis kan man konstatera att detta tidigare arbete resulterade i total 8st positiva provtagningar av samma karraktär som de hittade i Namdebts angränsande område Atlantic 1 vara i fem av dessa man även kunde konstatera positiva koncentrationer av diamanter.

"Some 199 samples have been extracted and 14 of those samplescontained 23 stones ranging between 0.07 and 2.69 carats per stone, said Leveille."

"In one area in the south, 8 positive samples had anaverage size of 0.80 carats per stone which is comparable to resultsfrom the adjacent Namdeb deposit, Atlantic One."

"It is also important to note, that multiple stones were found in five samples oneof which contained six stones. This is a major indication ofconcentration and confirms that a deposit lies in this specific area,which covers 16 square kilometres. The northern area geologicallysimilar to Atlantic One covers a vast 160 square kilometres," he said.

Leveillesaid the next step is to develop the resources.

Så givet detta har man redan nu inna man nu påbörjat AFAs första egna provtagningar i området vissa positiva indikationer. Nu har AFA som målsättning att i denne den första egna och vilken dag som helst nu avslutade första provtagningen som sedan även kommer att åtföljas av ytterligare en till provtagningsrunda antagligen mot slutet av sommaren försöka förädla detta område under en 6 månaders period. Resultatet från AFAs första provtagnings arbete kommer att enligt bolaget kunna resovisas undee Maj månad.

"The first sampling has been very positive and has proven presence of diamonds. We now go backto where we have seen the deposits and explore and prospect for the nextsix months, and then with that completed we can probably envisage trial mining during the last quarter of 2011. From trial mining we switch tocommercial mining."

So in order to conclude by adding the info from this article to what Mr Leveille just recently replyed to via email we then get the following future schedule for AFA:

"we are currently carrying out a sampling program on our new concession EPL3403 and the results will be published in the coming month."

"We have made an agreement to acquire EPL 3403 and we are currently sampling it with the goal to follow up with a second sampling within 3 to 4 months after completion of the first round."

Comment - that is a second sampling at EPL 3403 possibly by August

Så bolagets VD Mr Leveille flaggar här för trialmining under slutet av innevarande år för denna nya koncession EPL 3403. Utöver detta fastslår man även att m,an kommer att genomföra även trial mining på Block J i ett senare skede efter det att första explorations fasen av nya området EPL 3403 genomförts.

"We discovered a profitable diamond deposit at Block J, which we will go back and mine, some 250km north of EPL 3403, in an area where diamonds were discovered for the first time. The diamonds are known to be smaller, but the resources there still have the potential to be over 1 million carats. We´ll do trial mining after first exploration phase on EPL 3403. Potential to be over 1 million carats.

- Comment trial mining at Block J after first exploration phase on EPL 3403. Could this mean after first or second sampling or possibly trial mining at EPL 3403?

So the company´s plans to seek a secondary listing on the JSE – its primary listing is on the Toronto Stock Exchange´s Venture exchange where is has been listed since 1986 - seems a natural step.

The listing, he says, will likely be in the second half of 2011, as it takes some time to prepare.

In short:

- First sampling of EPL3403 started April 27 and will be finished no later than 30 days later.
- Results of sampling will be made public in May
- Second sampling of EPL3403 to start possibly by August
- Secondary listing on the JSE second half of 2011
- Trial mining of EPL3403 last quarter 2011
- Trial mining of Block J after the first exploration phase of EPL3403

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