More mushrooms, less pollution! Yes, you heard right: growing more mushrooms may be the best thing we can do to save the environment. Microscopic cells called "mycelium"—the fruit of which are mushrooms —recycle carbon, nitrogen, and other essential elements as they break down plant and animal debris in the creation of rich new soil. What fungi expert Paul Stamets has discovered is that mycelium also breaks down hydrocarbons —the base structure in many pollutants. So, for instance, when soil contaminated with diesel oil is inoculated with strains of oyster mushroom mycelia, the soil loses its toxicity in just eight weeks. In MYCELIUM RUNNING, Stamets discusses this revolutionary trend in mushroom cultivation and provides tips for choosing the appropriate species of fungi for various environmental purposes.
Paul Stamets After Rothbury Think Tank
Paul Stamets at the 10th LOHAS Conference
- Reporting from a fractal universe, fighting oligarchy. About changing the world - "a single human being can change the entire world as long as she don’t care about who takes the credit." - "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
tisdag 31 augusti 2010
Where In The World Is Zhou Xiaochuan?
STRATFOR is continuing to examine unconfirmed rumors that Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, fled China to the United States. The origin of the report has been hard to track, especially due to censorship of websites discussing the rumors, so the unconfirmed rumors remain just that -- unconfirmed. However, if true, these rumors could have significant implications for China and for Sino-U.S. relations.
Deflationary shocks will mark the new future of western economies
Is a run on the Federalreserve about to happen?
Even Bernanke is limited in printing Dollars, if nobody wants them!
What is about to happen is a drastic drop in US valuations and this either comes as currency devaluation or it comes in form of deleveraging and forced liquidations in the stock markets.
Both together, fiscal and monetary stimulus have caused an enthusiasm in stocks and asset prices over the last three years, which now starts to vanish and make place for reality. That is the reason why Kenneth Roggoff stated recently that the government needs to allow for inflation. If this would be so easy as it is said, then Japan would eventually have done it. But how to do this in a faltering economy remains the big question for many economists. So far they call Japan an "exeption of the rule" as it does not fit within their outdated therories and models.
There will be blood
Most likely we are going to see a crash in US equities within the next three weeks as a reaction to negative sentiment markets could then turn rapidly negative and eventually break through 2008 lows. That would give potential for circuit breakers and eventual sudden stops.
Deflationary shocks will mark the new future of western economies
As souvereigns can no longer bail out the system with borrowing, it is clear that the end of a currency life cycle is closing in.
1.The EU most likely prepares for Greece insolvency
2.A haircut to greek bonds will be required in this case. Most likely is Greece to leave the Eurozone and the best option then would be to lower Greek interest rates to zero or to denote Greek Euro denoted debt in the new currency.
3.A deflationary shock is ahead, most likely starting in the US markets.
4.Commodities seem to be the best capital preservation option, but the downside risks are enormous as forced liquidation will most likely kick in in this case.
5.Currencies are risky assets as souvereigns all over the world have strechd the debt game to far.
6.China is decoupling and does not require exports to sustain growth
7.Tradig lessons learned: DO NOT BUY ANYTHING WHICH HAS an AAA rating!
Timing: I usually do not listen to Cramer who stated that the EU will go down the next 48 hours, or never. This is more or less correct. The next targets on the plate of speculators are Spain and the UK. Both getting under attack. Six months is the timeframe which should cover the coming events such as bond auctions and the Greek debt negotiation as well as the commercial real-estate bubble burst in the US.
(keep in mind this is not finacial advise, but rather an observation for discussion)
Even Bernanke is limited in printing Dollars, if nobody wants them!
What is about to happen is a drastic drop in US valuations and this either comes as currency devaluation or it comes in form of deleveraging and forced liquidations in the stock markets.
Both together, fiscal and monetary stimulus have caused an enthusiasm in stocks and asset prices over the last three years, which now starts to vanish and make place for reality. That is the reason why Kenneth Roggoff stated recently that the government needs to allow for inflation. If this would be so easy as it is said, then Japan would eventually have done it. But how to do this in a faltering economy remains the big question for many economists. So far they call Japan an "exeption of the rule" as it does not fit within their outdated therories and models.
There will be blood
Most likely we are going to see a crash in US equities within the next three weeks as a reaction to negative sentiment markets could then turn rapidly negative and eventually break through 2008 lows. That would give potential for circuit breakers and eventual sudden stops.
Deflationary shocks will mark the new future of western economies
As souvereigns can no longer bail out the system with borrowing, it is clear that the end of a currency life cycle is closing in.
1.The EU most likely prepares for Greece insolvency
2.A haircut to greek bonds will be required in this case. Most likely is Greece to leave the Eurozone and the best option then would be to lower Greek interest rates to zero or to denote Greek Euro denoted debt in the new currency.
3.A deflationary shock is ahead, most likely starting in the US markets.
4.Commodities seem to be the best capital preservation option, but the downside risks are enormous as forced liquidation will most likely kick in in this case.
5.Currencies are risky assets as souvereigns all over the world have strechd the debt game to far.
6.China is decoupling and does not require exports to sustain growth
7.Tradig lessons learned: DO NOT BUY ANYTHING WHICH HAS an AAA rating!
Timing: I usually do not listen to Cramer who stated that the EU will go down the next 48 hours, or never. This is more or less correct. The next targets on the plate of speculators are Spain and the UK. Both getting under attack. Six months is the timeframe which should cover the coming events such as bond auctions and the Greek debt negotiation as well as the commercial real-estate bubble burst in the US.
(keep in mind this is not finacial advise, but rather an observation for discussion)
Quantitative easening
Max Keiser
On the Edge with Joern Berninger!!
söndag 29 augusti 2010
BBC Horizon - Psychedelic Science - DMT, LSD, Ibogaine
Documentary about DMT, LSD & Ibogaine
Mind shift
Den Heliga Svampen
Mycket har hänt sedan början av 90-talet då denna skrift kom till. Många av oss som deltog då har fått nya kunskaper och perspektiv på hur psykedelisk medicin kan och bör användas. Vi har än mer fått upp ögonen för de helande effekter vi kan uppnå, men även mer insikt i vilka risker som finns och hur stor betydelse "set och setting" innebär. Rapporter om hur psykedelisk medicin används i ett kulturellt och religiöst sammanhang visar entydigt att medicinen har långsiktigt välgörande effekter på deltagarna, både i Brasilien där man använder Ayahuascha och i USA där Peyote används som heligt sakrament. Social anpassning, koncentrationsförmåga, korttidsminne förbättrades, alkohol och drogmissbruk minskar och man har inte funnit några bevis för skadliga effekter efter långvarigt bruk i ett kulturellt sammanhang. (A Study of Uniao do Vegetal (UDV) Adolescents, Charles Grob, MD, Peyote Neuropsychological Study, John Halpern, MD). Att bruka psykedelisk medicin utanför ett socialt och kulturellt sammanhang t.ex. som rekreationsdrog kan däremot leda till en hel del problem om man inte ser upp.
Nätverk för Psykedelisk forskning
Nätverk för Psykedelisk forskning
Mind shift
Tidsfråga innan Wallenberg utmanas
Lysande ekonomijournalistik av SvDs kader av dugliga journalister med Cervenka i sptsen.
Familjen Wallenberg förvaltar 58 miljarder kronor i FAM. Det är ett av finansfamiljens mest anonyma och mäktiga bolag med Peter Wallenberg Jr som oavlönad ordförande, enligt årsredovisningen. Nu medger han att han får 6 miljoner om året från FAM, Foundation Asset Management.
Namnet Wallenberg är i Sverige synonymt med ägarmakt. Men näringslivets mest kända arvtagare är i verkligheten självtillsatta och självberikande tjänstemän vars makt bygger på fluffigt formulerade stiftelsestadgar. När vågar någon utmana Wallenbergdynastin?
Familjen Wallenberg förvaltar 58 miljarder kronor i FAM. Det är ett av finansfamiljens mest anonyma och mäktiga bolag med Peter Wallenberg Jr som oavlönad ordförande, enligt årsredovisningen. Nu medger han att han får 6 miljoner om året från FAM, Foundation Asset Management.
Namnet Wallenberg är i Sverige synonymt med ägarmakt. Men näringslivets mest kända arvtagare är i verkligheten självtillsatta och självberikande tjänstemän vars makt bygger på fluffigt formulerade stiftelsestadgar. När vågar någon utmana Wallenbergdynastin?
fredag 27 augusti 2010
The End of America:
This film details the ten steps a country takes when it slides toward Fascism. It takes a historical look at trends in once-functioning democracies that are being repeated in our country today.
Mind shift,
The Corporation:
The documentary attempts to assess the "personality" of the corporate "person" by using diagnostic criteria from FBI consultants, compares the modern, profit-driven corporation to that of a clinically diagnosed psychopath.
Mind shift,
The Future of Food:
This film draws questions to critical attention about food production that need more public debate. Monsanto, Roundup and Roundup-resistant seeds, collectively wreaking havoc on American farmers and our agricultural neighbors around the world.
The privatization of WAR and SECURITY
Why we fight
Conspiracy Theory: Jesse Ventura
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Big Brother
Conspiracy Theory: Jesse Ventura
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Big Brother
torsdag 26 augusti 2010
Vitamin D found to influence over 200 genes, highlighting links to disease
The extent to which vitamin D deficiency may increase susceptibility to a wide range of diseases is dramatically highlighted in research published today. Scientists have mapped the points at which vitamin D interacts with our DNA - and identified over two hundred genes that it directly influences. The results are published today in the journal Genome Research.
Put the art pedal to the metal..
..and become incomprehensable to the machine..
Terence McKenna: Culture is not your friend
Robert Anthony Wilson
Terrence McKenna - Nobody is smarter than you are !!!
Mind over matter
Ego (The worst confidence trick)
Bill Hicks on Marketing
Bill Hicks: What is the point to Life
John Taylor Gatto - State Controlled Consciousness
John Taylor Gatto - The Seven Lesson Schoolteacher p1
Terence McKenna: Culture is not your friend
Robert Anthony Wilson
Terrence McKenna - Nobody is smarter than you are !!!
Mind over matter
Ego (The worst confidence trick)
Bill Hicks on Marketing
Bill Hicks: What is the point to Life
John Taylor Gatto - State Controlled Consciousness
John Taylor Gatto - The Seven Lesson Schoolteacher p1
onsdag 25 augusti 2010
Keiser Report: Global Death Spiral
on the verge of Neo feodalism...?
In the 71st episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at death spirals and vanity trades in the global financial markets. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Richard Buchanan about his attempts to form a Facebook union.
In the 71st episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at death spirals and vanity trades in the global financial markets. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Richard Buchanan about his attempts to form a Facebook union.
2011 OPECs spare capacity gone?
"Putting the estimated current OPEC spare capacity of 2 Mb/d together with the expected increase in demand for OPEC oil supplies of 2 Mb/d suggests that during 2011, OPEC's spare capacity may be completely eroded--a very serious situation."
lördag 21 augusti 2010
Viktig Film
Vi går nu in i fas två av den globala finansiella krisen. Har man inte redan tagit höjd för detta är det hög tid att agera. För att få lite insikter i hur detta kommande år kan komma att utveckla sig så skall man definitivt bla ta del av denna film The Secret of OZ om man inte redan gjort detta.
The Secret of OZ
Filmen är skapad av Bill Still som redan 1996 i dokumentären "The Money Masters" förutsade mycket av det vi redan sett ske relaterat till det finansiella systemet.
The Money Masters
(del 1 av 22)
Att skuldbördan i de flesta OECD länder idag är helt grotesk illustrera bla detta bildspel i synnerhet när även de sk off balance posterna tas i beaktande. Off balance är i de flesta länder bla kostnader för pensionssystem och sjukförsäkringar. Att USA ex skall kunna betala av ens hälften av sina åtagande utan en synnerligen kraftig världs depression är uteslutet. Dvs om man inte medvetet minskar värdet av sin valuta eller ställer in sina betalningar för statslånen. Det senaste är naturligtvis en konkret möjlighet men historien har visat gång efter gång att detta då radikalt ökat riskerna för konflikter och tom krig.
The real liability facing the U.S. government is $70 trillion. This represents the present value difference between all the government's projected future spending obligations and all its projected future tax receipts. This fiscal gap takes into account Uncle Sam's need to service official debt--outstanding U.S. government bonds. But it also recognizes all the government's unofficial debts, including its obligation to the soon-to-be-retired baby boomers to pay their Social Security and Medicare benefits.
Under tiden har vår Svenska Riksbank senaste åren och tillsammans med våra svenska banker på egen hand och när resten av världen bevittnar en finansiell härdsmälta lyckats att skapa ännu en ny fastighetsbubbla:
"Svenskarnas lån i förhållande till disponibel inkomst har ökat och ökat senaste 15 åren och ligger nu på rekordnivåer enligt Svensk Bokreditnämnd som hävdar att vi har en bubbla på bostadsmarknaden. Bolåneskulderna ökar nu med 10% per år. Före år 200o tog folk av sina disponibla inkomster och investerade. Idag lånar man dubbelt så mycket som ökningen av disponibel inkomst. Kostnaderna för att bo ligger stadigt på samma nivå medans priserna för bostäder stuckit iväg rejält. För att korrigera för detta behövs en 20% sänkning av bostadspriserna. Riksbankens ränteprogos, att räntan skall upp till över 4% redan om fyra år innebär att räntekostnaderna kommer att mer än fördubblas inom samma tidshorisont."
Men det finns ljus i tunneln
ATLANTA, Georgia, Apr 30, 2010 (IPS) - At least eight U.S. states are considering proposals to start state-run banks in the wake of an economic crisis where many private banks ceased or greatly decreased their lending, literally shrinking the money pool available in state economies.
Ellen Hodgson Brown explains the rationale behind state owned banks
The Secret of OZ
Filmen är skapad av Bill Still som redan 1996 i dokumentären "The Money Masters" förutsade mycket av det vi redan sett ske relaterat till det finansiella systemet.
The Money Masters
(del 1 av 22)
Att skuldbördan i de flesta OECD länder idag är helt grotesk illustrera bla detta bildspel i synnerhet när även de sk off balance posterna tas i beaktande. Off balance är i de flesta länder bla kostnader för pensionssystem och sjukförsäkringar. Att USA ex skall kunna betala av ens hälften av sina åtagande utan en synnerligen kraftig världs depression är uteslutet. Dvs om man inte medvetet minskar värdet av sin valuta eller ställer in sina betalningar för statslånen. Det senaste är naturligtvis en konkret möjlighet men historien har visat gång efter gång att detta då radikalt ökat riskerna för konflikter och tom krig.
The real liability facing the U.S. government is $70 trillion. This represents the present value difference between all the government's projected future spending obligations and all its projected future tax receipts. This fiscal gap takes into account Uncle Sam's need to service official debt--outstanding U.S. government bonds. But it also recognizes all the government's unofficial debts, including its obligation to the soon-to-be-retired baby boomers to pay their Social Security and Medicare benefits.
Under tiden har vår Svenska Riksbank senaste åren och tillsammans med våra svenska banker på egen hand och när resten av världen bevittnar en finansiell härdsmälta lyckats att skapa ännu en ny fastighetsbubbla:
"Svenskarnas lån i förhållande till disponibel inkomst har ökat och ökat senaste 15 åren och ligger nu på rekordnivåer enligt Svensk Bokreditnämnd som hävdar att vi har en bubbla på bostadsmarknaden. Bolåneskulderna ökar nu med 10% per år. Före år 200o tog folk av sina disponibla inkomster och investerade. Idag lånar man dubbelt så mycket som ökningen av disponibel inkomst. Kostnaderna för att bo ligger stadigt på samma nivå medans priserna för bostäder stuckit iväg rejält. För att korrigera för detta behövs en 20% sänkning av bostadspriserna. Riksbankens ränteprogos, att räntan skall upp till över 4% redan om fyra år innebär att räntekostnaderna kommer att mer än fördubblas inom samma tidshorisont."
Men det finns ljus i tunneln
ATLANTA, Georgia, Apr 30, 2010 (IPS) - At least eight U.S. states are considering proposals to start state-run banks in the wake of an economic crisis where many private banks ceased or greatly decreased their lending, literally shrinking the money pool available in state economies.
Ellen Hodgson Brown explains the rationale behind state owned banks
Chasing Goldman Sachs
Chasing Goldman Sachs: How the Masters of the Universe Melted Wall Street Down . . . And Why They'll Take Us to the Brink Again [Hardcover]
Suzanne McGee Suzanne McGee (Author)
Business journalist McGee paints Wall Street as a utility with capital flowing through the system like an electric power grid, noting why it almost failed. She describes the pressure on the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 to bail out Wall Street firms, why Wall Street was called an “abstraction,” and how Wall Street morphed from an intermediary (raising capital) into a casino. Goldman Sachs was the master of its universe, generating average return on equity of 25.4 percent in the decade before the financial crisis, compared with 15 percent annually for four other firms during the same period. Other firms' CEOs chased Goldman Sachs, considering it their model for boosting their own personal wealth and keeping shareholders happy. The author reports, “When left to their own devices, financial services firms . . . will focus almost monomaniacally on what is in their own best interest, seeking out ways to take earn sichigher returns and recruit top talent by paying the most lavish bonuses and offering the most enticing perks. . . . They cannot help themselves.” Excellent book. --Mary Whaley
"...masterful...exceptionally lucid, well-written"--Washington Post
“…must-read on the venerable Wall Street firm [Goldman Sachs].”— Dow Jones’ FINS
“A disturbing account of how Goldman Sachs Group Inc. became a seductively successful Pied Piper, luring rival banks down a path to destruction.”— Bloomberg
“McGee’s book is full of entertaining and enlightening material.” — Financial Times
“McGee has taken it upon herself to make the case less through assertion or argument than through anecdote and appeal to authority.” — New York Times Book Review
“…a great look at a current event for the general reader.”— Library Journal
“Excellent book.” — Booklist
Suzanne McGee Suzanne McGee (Author)
Business journalist McGee paints Wall Street as a utility with capital flowing through the system like an electric power grid, noting why it almost failed. She describes the pressure on the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 to bail out Wall Street firms, why Wall Street was called an “abstraction,” and how Wall Street morphed from an intermediary (raising capital) into a casino. Goldman Sachs was the master of its universe, generating average return on equity of 25.4 percent in the decade before the financial crisis, compared with 15 percent annually for four other firms during the same period. Other firms' CEOs chased Goldman Sachs, considering it their model for boosting their own personal wealth and keeping shareholders happy. The author reports, “When left to their own devices, financial services firms . . . will focus almost monomaniacally on what is in their own best interest, seeking out ways to take earn sichigher returns and recruit top talent by paying the most lavish bonuses and offering the most enticing perks. . . . They cannot help themselves.” Excellent book. --Mary Whaley
"...masterful...exceptionally lucid, well-written"--Washington Post
“…must-read on the venerable Wall Street firm [Goldman Sachs].”— Dow Jones’ FINS
“A disturbing account of how Goldman Sachs Group Inc. became a seductively successful Pied Piper, luring rival banks down a path to destruction.”— Bloomberg
“McGee’s book is full of entertaining and enlightening material.” — Financial Times
“McGee has taken it upon herself to make the case less through assertion or argument than through anecdote and appeal to authority.” — New York Times Book Review
“…a great look at a current event for the general reader.”— Library Journal
“Excellent book.” — Booklist
Fiat Currency,
The Secret of OZ
In 1996, we produced the highly acclaimed documentary, The MoneyMasters ( It predicted the economic events that are just starting to befall this country. This is now considered THE classic work on monetary reform. Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman guided us during the editing process for this 3 hour 23 minute documentary and provides his endorsement of it on our website.
The Secret of OZ - What’s the Movie About?
It is well known in economics academia that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum in 1900 is loaded with powerful symbols of monetary reform which were the core of the Populist movement and the 1896 and 1900 president bid of Democrat William Jennings Bryan.
The yellow brick road (gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were the symbol of Baum’s and Bryan’s belief that adding silver coinage to gold would provide much needed money to a depression-strapped, 1890s America.
We believe Baum’s symbols represent the only solution to relieve the growing economic hardship here in America – and the rest of the world. Practically speaking, 2009 marks the 70th anniversary of the 1939 MGM release of the The Wizard of Oz movie, so interest will be very high. Even Oz websites put up by kids get millions of hits.
The Secret of OZ - What’s the Movie About?
It is well known in economics academia that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum in 1900 is loaded with powerful symbols of monetary reform which were the core of the Populist movement and the 1896 and 1900 president bid of Democrat William Jennings Bryan.
The yellow brick road (gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were the symbol of Baum’s and Bryan’s belief that adding silver coinage to gold would provide much needed money to a depression-strapped, 1890s America.
We believe Baum’s symbols represent the only solution to relieve the growing economic hardship here in America – and the rest of the world. Practically speaking, 2009 marks the 70th anniversary of the 1939 MGM release of the The Wizard of Oz movie, so interest will be very high. Even Oz websites put up by kids get millions of hits.
Fiat Currency,
The history of the Self
Adam Curtis' acclaimed series examines the rise of the all-consuming self against the backdrop of the Freud dynasty.
To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really?
The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?
The Freud dynasty is at the heart of this compelling social history. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis; Edward Bernays, who invented public relations; Anna Freud, Sigmund's devoted daughter; and present-day PR guru and Sigmund's great grandson, Matthew Freud.
Sigmund Freud's work into the bubbling and murky world of the subconscious changed the world. By introducing a technique to probe the unconscious mind, Freud provided useful tools for understanding the secret desires of the masses. Unwittingly, his work served as the precursor to a world full of political spin doctors, marketing moguls, and society's belief that the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness is man's ultimate goal.
More on the series:
Episode One: Happiness Machines
Episode Two: The Engineering of Consent
Episode Three: There is a Policeman Inside All Our Head: He Must Be Destroyed
Episode Four: Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering
Propaganda [Paperback] Edward Bernays (Author)
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”—Edward Bernays, Propaganda
A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.
This is the first reprint of Propaganda in over 30 years and features an introduction by Mark Crispin Miller, author of The Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder.
To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really?
The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?
The Freud dynasty is at the heart of this compelling social history. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis; Edward Bernays, who invented public relations; Anna Freud, Sigmund's devoted daughter; and present-day PR guru and Sigmund's great grandson, Matthew Freud.
Sigmund Freud's work into the bubbling and murky world of the subconscious changed the world. By introducing a technique to probe the unconscious mind, Freud provided useful tools for understanding the secret desires of the masses. Unwittingly, his work served as the precursor to a world full of political spin doctors, marketing moguls, and society's belief that the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness is man's ultimate goal.
More on the series:
Episode One: Happiness Machines
Episode Two: The Engineering of Consent
Episode Three: There is a Policeman Inside All Our Head: He Must Be Destroyed
Episode Four: Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering
Propaganda [Paperback] Edward Bernays (Author)
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”—Edward Bernays, Propaganda
A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.
This is the first reprint of Propaganda in over 30 years and features an introduction by Mark Crispin Miller, author of The Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder.
Financial Sense Newshour 21 Aug 2010:
* The History of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Globalist's Agenda, a Global Currency, the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission
* Founding of the Federal Reserve; How the Nation's Money System Really Operates
* Globalist Agenda and What They Want to do to Achieve That Agenda
* The History of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Globalist's Agenda, a Global Currency, the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission
* Founding of the Federal Reserve; How the Nation's Money System Really Operates
* Globalist Agenda and What They Want to do to Achieve That Agenda
fredag 20 augusti 2010
*Proved reserve rises more than 11 folds
*Expects STP-McKay project to get approval in Sept
Aug 19 (Reuters) - Southern Pacific Resource Corp´s [STP.TO] full-year proved reserves soared, helped by its acquisition of a project in Saskatchewan late last year.
The company reported more than a 11-fold rise in year-over-year reserve to 6.8 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe).
The company said the acquisition in November 2009 of the STP-Senlac Thermal Project, an operating steam-assisted gravity drainage project in Saskatchewan, helped the increase in proved reserves.
STP-McKay Thermal Project, a 12,000 barrels per day of bitumen production project, is expected to get approval from Alberta´s regulatory authorities in September, the company said. It also said its proved and probable reserves rose 220 percent to 178.6 mmboe."
Här dessutom en färsk PR ang massor av intressant info:
Och här en interview med CEO daterad 2 Juni
*Expects STP-McKay project to get approval in Sept
Aug 19 (Reuters) - Southern Pacific Resource Corp´s [STP.TO] full-year proved reserves soared, helped by its acquisition of a project in Saskatchewan late last year.
The company reported more than a 11-fold rise in year-over-year reserve to 6.8 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe).
The company said the acquisition in November 2009 of the STP-Senlac Thermal Project, an operating steam-assisted gravity drainage project in Saskatchewan, helped the increase in proved reserves.
STP-McKay Thermal Project, a 12,000 barrels per day of bitumen production project, is expected to get approval from Alberta´s regulatory authorities in September, the company said. It also said its proved and probable reserves rose 220 percent to 178.6 mmboe."
Här dessutom en färsk PR ang massor av intressant info:
Och här en interview med CEO daterad 2 Juni
torsdag 19 augusti 2010
Naturally in nature occurring psychedelic substances are non-addictive and rarely abused.
Min Vision - en värld där vi dels lär oss sedan tidig ålder att på bästa sätt ta hand om vår rörelseapparat och att äta näringsriktig man för bäst möjliga fysiska hälsa och välbefinnande kombinerat med frivilliga men möjliga initieringsriter för unga ( ex som en typ av konfirmation) där man under vägledning av erfarna tillåts att ger erfarenheter relaterade till utökat medvetande och maximal mental hälsa genom dessa naturliga i kroppen förekommande icke beroende framkallande preparat:
Naturally in nature occurring psychedelic substances are non-addictive and rarely abused.
Psilocybin mushrooms (also known as 4-hydroxyl-dimethyltryptamine or 4-HO-DMT):
They do create short term increases in tolerance of users, thus making it difficult to abuse them since the more often they're taken, less effects take place. Poisonous (sometimes lethal) wild picked mushrooms can be easily mistaken for psilocybin mushrooms, but true psilocybin mushrooms are non-toxic, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a branch of the Center for Disease Control, rates psilocybin less toxic than aspirin. When psilocybin is ingested, it is broken down to produce psilocin, which is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects, which then acts as a partial agonist at the 5-HT and 5-HT serotoninreceptors in the brain. The mind-altering effects of psilocybin typically last anywhere from 3 to 8 hours; however, to individuals under the influence of psilocybin, the effects may seem to last much longer, since the drug can distort the perception of time.
As with many psychedelic substances, the effects of psychedelic mushrooms are subjective and can vary considerably among individual users. The mind altering effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms typically last anywhere from 3 to 8 hours depending on dosage, preparation method, and personal metabolism. However, the effects can seem to last much longer due to psilocybin's ability to alter time perception.
Increased energy, increase of heart rate. Feelings of well-being and heightened perceptions. Pupil dilation, dissolution of stress, feelings of freedom. Loss of appetite, coldness in the extremities, muscle relaxation.
Noticeable changes to the audio, visual, and tactile senses may become apparent around an hour after ingestion. These shifts in perception, visually, include enhancement and contrasting of colours, strange light phenomena (such as auras or "halos" around light sources), increased visual acuity, surfaces that seem to ripple, shimmer, or breathe; complex open and closed eye visuals of form constants or images, objects that warp, morph, or change solid colors; a sense of melting into the environment, and trials behind moving objects. Sounds seem to be heard with increased clarity; music, for example, can often take on a profound sense of cadence and depth. Some users experience synesthesia, wherein they perceive, for example, a visualization of color upon hearing a particular sound.
As with other psychedelics, the experience, or "trip," is strongly dependent upon set and setting. A negative environment could likely induce a bad trip, whereas a comfortable and familiar environment would allow for a pleasant experience, although neither side of this binary is without exception.
Psilocybin mushrooms are regulated or prohibited in many countries, often carrying severe legal penalties (for example, the US, The UK and in Canada).
Psilocybin mushroom
The American banker and amateur mycologist R.Gordon Wasson and his wife Valentina discovered that the ancient religious practices of the Indians in a remote village of Mexico included ingestion of mushrooms. In 1957, they published an article in Life magazine (Seeking the Magic Mushroom), where they described the occurrence of hallucinatory experiences during these rituals. They were accompanied on a later expedition by the French mycologist Roger Heim, director of the Musée national d’histoire naturelle, when it was possible to identify several of the fungi as Psilocybe species. Heim was able to successfully cultivate the mushroom in France, and sent samples to the Swiss chemist Albert Hofman for analysis. Hofmann, who had in 1938 created LSD in his Sandoz laboratory, was the first to recognize the importance and chemical structure of the pure compounds he called psilocybin and psilocin. Leading a research group that was able to isolate and identify the compounds from Psylocybe Maxicana, Hofmann was aided in the discovery process by his willingness to ingest mushroom extracts. He and his colleagues later synthesized a number of compounds chemically related to the naturally occurring psilocybin:
These were essentially the same molecules except that: (1) the phosphoryl or hydroxy group at the top of the indole ring was moved around to other ring positions, and (2) different numbers of methyl groups (CH3) and other carbon chains were added to the side chains and to the nitrogen on the indole ring to see how these changes would affect psychoactivity.[
Two diethyl (two ethyl groups in place of the two methyl groups) analogs of psilocybin and psilocin were synthesized by Hofmann, 4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-diethyltryptamine, called CY-19, and 4-hydroxy-N,N-diethyltrypyamine, called CZ-74. Because their effects last only about three and a half hours (compared to roughly double that with psilocybin), they proved more manageable in European clinics using "psycholytic therapy"—psychotherapy in conjunction with the controlled use of psychedelics.
In the early 1960s, Harvard University became the testing ground of psilocybin, through the efforts of Timoty Leary and his associate Richard Alpert (now known as Ram Dass). Leary was able to obtain synthesized psilocybin from Hofmann through Hofmann's employer, Sandoz pharmaceutical (now Novartis). Although a number of experiments in the early 1960s demonstrated positive results using psilocybin in clinical psychiatry, the LSD hysteria of the times swept psilocybin along with it into the Schedule I category of illicit drugs in 1970. The 1970s would witness the emergence of psilocybin as the "entheogen of choice". This was due in large part to a wide dissemination of information on the topic, which even included fictional works such as those by Carlos Castaneda, and several books that taught the technique of growing one's own psilocybin mushrooms. One of the most popular of these books was produced under the pseudonyms O.T. Oss and O.N. Oeric by J. Bigwood, D.J. McKenna, K. Harrison McKenna and T.K. McKenna, entitled Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide. Over 100,000 copies had been sold by 1981.
Ayahuasca (ayawaska pronounced [aja’ waska] in the Quecha language):
is any of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the Banisteriopsis spp, vine, usually mixed with the leaves of dimethyltryptamine-containing species of shrubs from the Psycotria genus. The brew, first described academically in the early 1950s by Harvard ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes, who found it employed for divinatory and healing purposes by Amerindians of Amazonian Colombia, is known by a number of different names see below). A notable and puzzling property of ayahuasca is that neither of the ingredients cause any significant psychedelic effects when imbibed alone; they must be consumed together in order to have the desired effect (it should be noted, however, that as B. Caapi contains a MAOI, it does have some psychoactive effects.) How indigenous peoples discovered the psychedelic properties of the ayahuasca brew remains a point of contention in the scientific community.’
N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT):
This drug is found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body, where its natural function remains undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) and other hallucinogenic tryptamines such as 5-MeO-DMT, bufotein (5-OH-DMT), and psilosilin (4-HO-DMT). DMT is created in small amounts by the human body during normal metabolism by the enzymetryptamine-N-methyltransferase. Many cultures, indigenous and modern, ingest DMT as a psychedelic, in either extracted or synthesized forms.
5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine):
Although similar in many respects to its close relatives DMT and bufotein (5-OH-DMT), the effects are typically not as visual. Some users report experiencing no visual effects from it even at very high doses. The onset of effects occurs within seconds after smoking/injecting, or minutes after insufflating, and the experience is sometimes described as similar to a near-death experience. Peak effects last for approximately 5-10 minutes when smoked. When insufflated, the peak effects are considerably less intense, but last for 15-25 minutes on average.
(also known as bufotenine and cebilcin), or 5-hydroxy-dimethyltryptamine (5-HO-DMT), is a tryptamine related to the neurotransmitter serotenin. It is an alkaloid found in the skin of some species of toads; in mushrooms, higher plants, and mammals. The acute toxicity (LD50)) of bufotenin in rodents has been estimated at 200 to 300 mg/kg. Death occurs by respiratory arrest. Essentially non-active (entheogenically/psychedelically speaking) in humans, but in many animals, functions as a nerve toxin. Bufotenine is sometimes present in some extracts of N,N DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, but I believe it breaks down in the smoking/vaporizing process and is not taken into the body.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule Documentary
For release October 2010
The DMT Body
Magic mushrooms on CNN - Long lasting positive effects
Video - DMT - The Best All Natural Drug On The Planet
Several speculative and yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurological states. DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brain and other tissues of humans and other mammals. Some believe it plays a role in mediating the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences, religious visions and other mystical states. A biochemical mechanism for this was proposed by the medical researcher J. C. Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain DMT levels are periodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind. A new hypothesis proposed is that in addition to being involved in altered states of consciousness, endogenous DMT may be involved in the creation of normal waking states of consciousness. It is proposed that DMT and other endogenous hallucinogens mediate their neurological abilities by acting as neurotransmitters at a sub class of the trace amine receptors; a group of receptors found in the CNS where DMT and other hallucinogens have been shown to have activity. Wallach further proposes that in this way waking consciousness can be thought of as a controlled psychedelic experience. It is when the control of these systems becomes loosened and their behavior no longer correlates with the external world that the altered states arise.
Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the theory that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments where the subjects were 'carried', 'probed', 'tested', 'manipulated', 'dismembered', 'taught', 'loved' and even 'raped' by these 'beings'.
Writers on DMT include Terence McKenna, Jeremy Narby and Graham Hancock. In his book Supernatural McKenna writes of his DMT experiences with less skepticism than most and often presume that the drug's "intoxication" is indicative of realms of consciousness equally as valid as waking-life if not more so. In his writings and speeches, he recounts encounters with entities he sometimes describes as "Self-Transforming Machine Elves" among equally colorful phrases. McKenna believed DMT to be a tool that could be used to enhance communication and allow for communication with other-worldly entities. Other users report visitation from external intelligences attempting to impart information. These Machine Elf experiences are said to be shared by many DMT users. From a researcher's perspective, perhaps best known is Dr. Rick Strassman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Strassman speculated that DMT is made in the pineal gland, largely because the necessary constituents (see methyltransferases) needed to make DMT are found in the pineal gland in substantially greater concentrations than any other part of the body.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences
In Tryptamine Palace, James Oroc shares his personal experiences with 5-MeODMT, which led to a complete transformation of his understanding of himself and of the very fabric of reality. Driven to comprehend the transformational properties of this substance, Oroc combined extensive studies of physics and philosophy with the epiphanies he gained from his time at Burning Man. He discovered that ingesting tryptamines unlocked a fundamental human capacity for higher knowledge through direct contact with the zero-point field of modern physics, known to the ancients as the Akashic Field. In the quantum world of nonlocal interactions, the line between the physical and the mental dissolves. 5-MeO-DMT, Oroc argues, can act as a means to awaken the remarkable capacities of the human soul as well as restore experiential mystical spirituality to Western civilization.
Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO-DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad
5-MeO-DMT, the God Molecule with James Oroc
Tryptamine Palace, An Interview with James Oroc
Interesting view where Oroc argues LSD longer term results in an inflated ego as well as the CIA involvement in the LSD 60ies movement.
Terence Mckenna - 5-MeO-DMT & nnDMT
The experience in short:
Psilocybin 4-HO-DMT – audio
N,N-DMT - Visual
5-MeO-DMT – light, feeling
Bufotenine, 5-HO-DMT - ?
How psychedelics in fact could have had a very significant role to play in the evolution of the human species.
The Stoned Ape theory
Graham Hancock on natural drugs & consciousness
Graham Hancock - DNA, LSD & Francis Crick
A personal Conclusion
There sure are risks associated with the intake of these the above mentioned naturally occurring psychedelic substances (NB: I’m in this discussion not including chemically by man produced substances like e.g. LSD, MDMA/Extacy etc.). However these risks are not as most people today assume related to addiction or brain damage. In fact these above mentioned substances all are non addictive as well as naturally and since several thousands of years present in nature as well as our biology. DMT is produced in our body and it is assumed to be associated with our dream REM state at night as well as other natural phenomena related to very emotional or severe stress related situations. Possibly the phenomena of becoming “enlightened” could one way or the other be related to the body producing DMT. Clearly one important aspect related to these drugs is the radical reduction of the individual ego and the experience of “oneness” with the creation without individual limitations.
For these naturally occurring substances there really are no restrictions as such related to how much of the substance one is recommended to use. Abuse of these restrictions may as is the case related to 5-HO-DMT be lethal. However as this essentially is a non-active (entheogenically/psychedelically speaking) substance in humans, but in many animals where it functions as a nerve toxin, this isen’t really an issue. Bufotenine is sometimes present in some extracts of N,N DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, but it’s believed to breaks down in the smoking/vaporizing process and thus is not taken into the body.
For the other in humans active naturally active substances however there are no upper dosage limits as such. In many cases the general rule is that one starts to intake a particular volume and the following that experience one then from time to time reduce the intake levels so that then smaller and smaller volumes are needed over time. Psilocybins however do create short term increases in tolerance of users.
It could therefore be argued that the single most important issue and risk to consider when taking DMT substances more is related to the general setting and environment as well as individual, purpose, intention and mood of the participant. Thus a stressful environment as well as fear and anxiety in the person taking the medicine will result in a negative experience. As such then it’s in fact the participant him/herself that to the largest part dictates the outcome and stipulates possible risks associated with the experience.
It’s interesting to note that society allows for the usage of chemicals and drugs such as alcohol and psycopharmaca that all has in common it diminishes or numbs our sensing and awareness abilities. Drugs and unnatural chemicals such a Prozac and psycopharmaca are sold in huge quantities and generates huge tax incomes to the state while naturally occurring substances used for thousands of years with the sole purpose of expanding awareness and our consciousness are deemed illegal and banned.
Here a comparison and some insights from an experienced user:
“N,N-DMT is a highly visual medicine: probably the most radically visual out there. 5-MeO-DMT is actually a far more powerful entheogenic agent, but is less visual, by comparison. At high doses, it is definitely very visual, but it is more of a pure, clear crystalline/refracted rainbow light, whereas N,N-DMT is super high definition hyper neon colors and spectrums.
Really the main danger with taking really high doses of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT is that one, inexperienced users will have no idea what is happening to them or where they are, so it should always be supervised by a sitter, and two, there is a danger of heart/respiration difficulty if someone starts to get nervous or freak out.
However, I've done plenty of both medicines myself and have conducted many, many sessions with others, and have never encountered a medical problem of any kind, even in the most challenging circumstances.
My preference is decidedly for 5-MeO. It's direct energetic expansion into full God consciousness - no messing around in imaginary visual spaces (like with DMT) or visual elements to distract from the infinite feeling of unitary being.”
For more details related to the 5-MeO-DMT experience:
James Oroc - 'DMT The God Molecule' - Part 2.
Some final remarks:
Robert Gable PhD: Psychologist
Neal Goldsmith PhD: Psychologist
IBOGAINE is a plant alkaloid found in the root bark of the West African shrub Tabernanthe Iboga. It has the unique property of removing withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings from substances that cause chemical dependence, such as heroin, cocaine, alcohol, etc. It has a long history of traditional use as a medicinal and spiritual tool in West Africa. For the last 40 years, it has increasingly been used in western society as a tool in addiction therapy and psychotherapy.
IBOGAINE is not a maintenance drug and it can't be owned as it is a naturally occurring molecule. Enough reason for the pharmaceutical industry to turn their back on IBOGAINE.
With our documentary we try to educate as many people as possible on Ibogaine's potential as a tool in the treatment of drug-dependence. The more people share this information, the more people will be able to choose for this alternative if they need it and the more professionals worldwide will be informed about Ibogaine. Interest and funding is needed for its further development and until the day it is officially accessible, more treatment-providers outside of the official medical world are needed, as well as more education towards drug-users. Ibogaine is legal in most parts of the world, except for Belgium, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and the US.
Watch the documentary now!
An organisation working with these issues
En mycket intressant föreläsning på Google University av grundaren av MAPS
Naturally in nature occurring psychedelic substances are non-addictive and rarely abused.
Psilocybin mushrooms (also known as 4-hydroxyl-dimethyltryptamine or 4-HO-DMT):
They do create short term increases in tolerance of users, thus making it difficult to abuse them since the more often they're taken, less effects take place. Poisonous (sometimes lethal) wild picked mushrooms can be easily mistaken for psilocybin mushrooms, but true psilocybin mushrooms are non-toxic, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a branch of the Center for Disease Control, rates psilocybin less toxic than aspirin. When psilocybin is ingested, it is broken down to produce psilocin, which is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects, which then acts as a partial agonist at the 5-HT and 5-HT serotoninreceptors in the brain. The mind-altering effects of psilocybin typically last anywhere from 3 to 8 hours; however, to individuals under the influence of psilocybin, the effects may seem to last much longer, since the drug can distort the perception of time.
As with many psychedelic substances, the effects of psychedelic mushrooms are subjective and can vary considerably among individual users. The mind altering effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms typically last anywhere from 3 to 8 hours depending on dosage, preparation method, and personal metabolism. However, the effects can seem to last much longer due to psilocybin's ability to alter time perception.
Increased energy, increase of heart rate. Feelings of well-being and heightened perceptions. Pupil dilation, dissolution of stress, feelings of freedom. Loss of appetite, coldness in the extremities, muscle relaxation.
Noticeable changes to the audio, visual, and tactile senses may become apparent around an hour after ingestion. These shifts in perception, visually, include enhancement and contrasting of colours, strange light phenomena (such as auras or "halos" around light sources), increased visual acuity, surfaces that seem to ripple, shimmer, or breathe; complex open and closed eye visuals of form constants or images, objects that warp, morph, or change solid colors; a sense of melting into the environment, and trials behind moving objects. Sounds seem to be heard with increased clarity; music, for example, can often take on a profound sense of cadence and depth. Some users experience synesthesia, wherein they perceive, for example, a visualization of color upon hearing a particular sound.
As with other psychedelics, the experience, or "trip," is strongly dependent upon set and setting. A negative environment could likely induce a bad trip, whereas a comfortable and familiar environment would allow for a pleasant experience, although neither side of this binary is without exception.
Psilocybin mushrooms are regulated or prohibited in many countries, often carrying severe legal penalties (for example, the US, The UK and in Canada).
Psilocybin mushroom
The American banker and amateur mycologist R.Gordon Wasson and his wife Valentina discovered that the ancient religious practices of the Indians in a remote village of Mexico included ingestion of mushrooms. In 1957, they published an article in Life magazine (Seeking the Magic Mushroom), where they described the occurrence of hallucinatory experiences during these rituals. They were accompanied on a later expedition by the French mycologist Roger Heim, director of the Musée national d’histoire naturelle, when it was possible to identify several of the fungi as Psilocybe species. Heim was able to successfully cultivate the mushroom in France, and sent samples to the Swiss chemist Albert Hofman for analysis. Hofmann, who had in 1938 created LSD in his Sandoz laboratory, was the first to recognize the importance and chemical structure of the pure compounds he called psilocybin and psilocin. Leading a research group that was able to isolate and identify the compounds from Psylocybe Maxicana, Hofmann was aided in the discovery process by his willingness to ingest mushroom extracts. He and his colleagues later synthesized a number of compounds chemically related to the naturally occurring psilocybin:
These were essentially the same molecules except that: (1) the phosphoryl or hydroxy group at the top of the indole ring was moved around to other ring positions, and (2) different numbers of methyl groups (CH3) and other carbon chains were added to the side chains and to the nitrogen on the indole ring to see how these changes would affect psychoactivity.[
Two diethyl (two ethyl groups in place of the two methyl groups) analogs of psilocybin and psilocin were synthesized by Hofmann, 4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-diethyltryptamine, called CY-19, and 4-hydroxy-N,N-diethyltrypyamine, called CZ-74. Because their effects last only about three and a half hours (compared to roughly double that with psilocybin), they proved more manageable in European clinics using "psycholytic therapy"—psychotherapy in conjunction with the controlled use of psychedelics.
In the early 1960s, Harvard University became the testing ground of psilocybin, through the efforts of Timoty Leary and his associate Richard Alpert (now known as Ram Dass). Leary was able to obtain synthesized psilocybin from Hofmann through Hofmann's employer, Sandoz pharmaceutical (now Novartis). Although a number of experiments in the early 1960s demonstrated positive results using psilocybin in clinical psychiatry, the LSD hysteria of the times swept psilocybin along with it into the Schedule I category of illicit drugs in 1970. The 1970s would witness the emergence of psilocybin as the "entheogen of choice". This was due in large part to a wide dissemination of information on the topic, which even included fictional works such as those by Carlos Castaneda, and several books that taught the technique of growing one's own psilocybin mushrooms. One of the most popular of these books was produced under the pseudonyms O.T. Oss and O.N. Oeric by J. Bigwood, D.J. McKenna, K. Harrison McKenna and T.K. McKenna, entitled Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide. Over 100,000 copies had been sold by 1981.
Ayahuasca (ayawaska pronounced [aja’ waska] in the Quecha language):
is any of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the Banisteriopsis spp, vine, usually mixed with the leaves of dimethyltryptamine-containing species of shrubs from the Psycotria genus. The brew, first described academically in the early 1950s by Harvard ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes, who found it employed for divinatory and healing purposes by Amerindians of Amazonian Colombia, is known by a number of different names see below). A notable and puzzling property of ayahuasca is that neither of the ingredients cause any significant psychedelic effects when imbibed alone; they must be consumed together in order to have the desired effect (it should be noted, however, that as B. Caapi contains a MAOI, it does have some psychoactive effects.) How indigenous peoples discovered the psychedelic properties of the ayahuasca brew remains a point of contention in the scientific community.’
N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT):
This drug is found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body, where its natural function remains undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) and other hallucinogenic tryptamines such as 5-MeO-DMT, bufotein (5-OH-DMT), and psilosilin (4-HO-DMT). DMT is created in small amounts by the human body during normal metabolism by the enzymetryptamine-N-methyltransferase. Many cultures, indigenous and modern, ingest DMT as a psychedelic, in either extracted or synthesized forms.
5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine):
Although similar in many respects to its close relatives DMT and bufotein (5-OH-DMT), the effects are typically not as visual. Some users report experiencing no visual effects from it even at very high doses. The onset of effects occurs within seconds after smoking/injecting, or minutes after insufflating, and the experience is sometimes described as similar to a near-death experience. Peak effects last for approximately 5-10 minutes when smoked. When insufflated, the peak effects are considerably less intense, but last for 15-25 minutes on average.
(also known as bufotenine and cebilcin), or 5-hydroxy-dimethyltryptamine (5-HO-DMT), is a tryptamine related to the neurotransmitter serotenin. It is an alkaloid found in the skin of some species of toads; in mushrooms, higher plants, and mammals. The acute toxicity (LD50)) of bufotenin in rodents has been estimated at 200 to 300 mg/kg. Death occurs by respiratory arrest. Essentially non-active (entheogenically/psychedelically speaking) in humans, but in many animals, functions as a nerve toxin. Bufotenine is sometimes present in some extracts of N,N DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, but I believe it breaks down in the smoking/vaporizing process and is not taken into the body.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule Documentary
For release October 2010
The DMT Body
Magic mushrooms on CNN - Long lasting positive effects
Video - DMT - The Best All Natural Drug On The Planet
Several speculative and yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurological states. DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brain and other tissues of humans and other mammals. Some believe it plays a role in mediating the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences, religious visions and other mystical states. A biochemical mechanism for this was proposed by the medical researcher J. C. Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain DMT levels are periodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind. A new hypothesis proposed is that in addition to being involved in altered states of consciousness, endogenous DMT may be involved in the creation of normal waking states of consciousness. It is proposed that DMT and other endogenous hallucinogens mediate their neurological abilities by acting as neurotransmitters at a sub class of the trace amine receptors; a group of receptors found in the CNS where DMT and other hallucinogens have been shown to have activity. Wallach further proposes that in this way waking consciousness can be thought of as a controlled psychedelic experience. It is when the control of these systems becomes loosened and their behavior no longer correlates with the external world that the altered states arise.
Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the theory that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments where the subjects were 'carried', 'probed', 'tested', 'manipulated', 'dismembered', 'taught', 'loved' and even 'raped' by these 'beings'.
Writers on DMT include Terence McKenna, Jeremy Narby and Graham Hancock. In his book Supernatural McKenna writes of his DMT experiences with less skepticism than most and often presume that the drug's "intoxication" is indicative of realms of consciousness equally as valid as waking-life if not more so. In his writings and speeches, he recounts encounters with entities he sometimes describes as "Self-Transforming Machine Elves" among equally colorful phrases. McKenna believed DMT to be a tool that could be used to enhance communication and allow for communication with other-worldly entities. Other users report visitation from external intelligences attempting to impart information. These Machine Elf experiences are said to be shared by many DMT users. From a researcher's perspective, perhaps best known is Dr. Rick Strassman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Strassman speculated that DMT is made in the pineal gland, largely because the necessary constituents (see methyltransferases) needed to make DMT are found in the pineal gland in substantially greater concentrations than any other part of the body.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences
In Tryptamine Palace, James Oroc shares his personal experiences with 5-MeODMT, which led to a complete transformation of his understanding of himself and of the very fabric of reality. Driven to comprehend the transformational properties of this substance, Oroc combined extensive studies of physics and philosophy with the epiphanies he gained from his time at Burning Man. He discovered that ingesting tryptamines unlocked a fundamental human capacity for higher knowledge through direct contact with the zero-point field of modern physics, known to the ancients as the Akashic Field. In the quantum world of nonlocal interactions, the line between the physical and the mental dissolves. 5-MeO-DMT, Oroc argues, can act as a means to awaken the remarkable capacities of the human soul as well as restore experiential mystical spirituality to Western civilization.
Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO-DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad
5-MeO-DMT, the God Molecule with James Oroc
Tryptamine Palace, An Interview with James Oroc
Interesting view where Oroc argues LSD longer term results in an inflated ego as well as the CIA involvement in the LSD 60ies movement.
Terence Mckenna - 5-MeO-DMT & nnDMT
The experience in short:
Psilocybin 4-HO-DMT – audio
N,N-DMT - Visual
5-MeO-DMT – light, feeling
Bufotenine, 5-HO-DMT - ?
How psychedelics in fact could have had a very significant role to play in the evolution of the human species.
The Stoned Ape theory
Graham Hancock on natural drugs & consciousness
Graham Hancock - DNA, LSD & Francis Crick
A personal Conclusion
There sure are risks associated with the intake of these the above mentioned naturally occurring psychedelic substances (NB: I’m in this discussion not including chemically by man produced substances like e.g. LSD, MDMA/Extacy etc.). However these risks are not as most people today assume related to addiction or brain damage. In fact these above mentioned substances all are non addictive as well as naturally and since several thousands of years present in nature as well as our biology. DMT is produced in our body and it is assumed to be associated with our dream REM state at night as well as other natural phenomena related to very emotional or severe stress related situations. Possibly the phenomena of becoming “enlightened” could one way or the other be related to the body producing DMT. Clearly one important aspect related to these drugs is the radical reduction of the individual ego and the experience of “oneness” with the creation without individual limitations.
For these naturally occurring substances there really are no restrictions as such related to how much of the substance one is recommended to use. Abuse of these restrictions may as is the case related to 5-HO-DMT be lethal. However as this essentially is a non-active (entheogenically/psychedelically speaking) substance in humans, but in many animals where it functions as a nerve toxin, this isen’t really an issue. Bufotenine is sometimes present in some extracts of N,N DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, but it’s believed to breaks down in the smoking/vaporizing process and thus is not taken into the body.
For the other in humans active naturally active substances however there are no upper dosage limits as such. In many cases the general rule is that one starts to intake a particular volume and the following that experience one then from time to time reduce the intake levels so that then smaller and smaller volumes are needed over time. Psilocybins however do create short term increases in tolerance of users.
It could therefore be argued that the single most important issue and risk to consider when taking DMT substances more is related to the general setting and environment as well as individual, purpose, intention and mood of the participant. Thus a stressful environment as well as fear and anxiety in the person taking the medicine will result in a negative experience. As such then it’s in fact the participant him/herself that to the largest part dictates the outcome and stipulates possible risks associated with the experience.
It’s interesting to note that society allows for the usage of chemicals and drugs such as alcohol and psycopharmaca that all has in common it diminishes or numbs our sensing and awareness abilities. Drugs and unnatural chemicals such a Prozac and psycopharmaca are sold in huge quantities and generates huge tax incomes to the state while naturally occurring substances used for thousands of years with the sole purpose of expanding awareness and our consciousness are deemed illegal and banned.
Here a comparison and some insights from an experienced user:
“N,N-DMT is a highly visual medicine: probably the most radically visual out there. 5-MeO-DMT is actually a far more powerful entheogenic agent, but is less visual, by comparison. At high doses, it is definitely very visual, but it is more of a pure, clear crystalline/refracted rainbow light, whereas N,N-DMT is super high definition hyper neon colors and spectrums.
Really the main danger with taking really high doses of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT is that one, inexperienced users will have no idea what is happening to them or where they are, so it should always be supervised by a sitter, and two, there is a danger of heart/respiration difficulty if someone starts to get nervous or freak out.
However, I've done plenty of both medicines myself and have conducted many, many sessions with others, and have never encountered a medical problem of any kind, even in the most challenging circumstances.
My preference is decidedly for 5-MeO. It's direct energetic expansion into full God consciousness - no messing around in imaginary visual spaces (like with DMT) or visual elements to distract from the infinite feeling of unitary being.”
For more details related to the 5-MeO-DMT experience:
James Oroc - 'DMT The God Molecule' - Part 2.
Some final remarks:
Robert Gable PhD: Psychologist
Neal Goldsmith PhD: Psychologist
IBOGAINE is a plant alkaloid found in the root bark of the West African shrub Tabernanthe Iboga. It has the unique property of removing withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings from substances that cause chemical dependence, such as heroin, cocaine, alcohol, etc. It has a long history of traditional use as a medicinal and spiritual tool in West Africa. For the last 40 years, it has increasingly been used in western society as a tool in addiction therapy and psychotherapy.
IBOGAINE is not a maintenance drug and it can't be owned as it is a naturally occurring molecule. Enough reason for the pharmaceutical industry to turn their back on IBOGAINE.
With our documentary we try to educate as many people as possible on Ibogaine's potential as a tool in the treatment of drug-dependence. The more people share this information, the more people will be able to choose for this alternative if they need it and the more professionals worldwide will be informed about Ibogaine. Interest and funding is needed for its further development and until the day it is officially accessible, more treatment-providers outside of the official medical world are needed, as well as more education towards drug-users. Ibogaine is legal in most parts of the world, except for Belgium, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and the US.
Watch the documentary now!
An organisation working with these issues
En mycket intressant föreläsning på Google University av grundaren av MAPS
söndag 15 augusti 2010
torsdag 12 augusti 2010
IBOGAINE is a plant alkaloid found in the root bark of the West African shrub Tabernanthe Iboga. It has the unique property of removing withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings from substances that cause chemical dependence, such as heroin, cocaine, alcohol, etc. It has a long history of traditional use as a medicinal and spiritual tool in West Africa. For the last 40 years, it has increasingly been used in western society as a tool in addiction therapy and psychotherapy.
IBOGAINE is not a maintenance drug and it can't be owned as it is a naturally occurring molecule.
Enough reason for the pharmaceutical industry to turn their back on IBOGAINE.
With our documentary we try to educate as many people as possible on Ibogaine's potential as a tool in the treatment of drug-dependence. The more people share this information, the more people will be able to choose for this alternative if they need it and the more professionals worldwide will be informed about Ibogaine. Interest and funding is needed for its further development and until the day it is officially accessible, more treatment-providers outside of the official medical world are needed, as well as more education towards drug-users. Ibogaine is legal in most parts of the world, except for Belgium, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and the US.
Watch the documentary now!
IBOGAINE is not a maintenance drug and it can't be owned as it is a naturally occurring molecule.
Enough reason for the pharmaceutical industry to turn their back on IBOGAINE.
With our documentary we try to educate as many people as possible on Ibogaine's potential as a tool in the treatment of drug-dependence. The more people share this information, the more people will be able to choose for this alternative if they need it and the more professionals worldwide will be informed about Ibogaine. Interest and funding is needed for its further development and until the day it is officially accessible, more treatment-providers outside of the official medical world are needed, as well as more education towards drug-users. Ibogaine is legal in most parts of the world, except for Belgium, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and the US.
Watch the documentary now!
tisdag 10 augusti 2010
Energy expert Simmons dies in North Haven
Energy expert Simmons dies in North Haven
BP är en av de maktstrukturer som i något avseende "kontrollerar" Obama ex är ju mer och mer uppenbart. Inte minst då bolaget har fått hållas i sina göranden gällande läckan. Simmons denne oljemindustrins senaste decenniers nestor å sin sida krävde att BPs gulf fyndighet nu och omedelbart skulle sättas 100% under statligt inflytande.
Obama biggest recipient of BP cash
Här vad som nu visade sig kanske blev Simmons sista intervju. Lyssna på det han här säger om allvaret i Gulfen.
Matthew Simmons' Excellent Presentation On The Coming Oil & Water Shortage
Read more:
Then Simmons book highlighting the chocking real situation regarding Saudie Arabian production and booked oil reserves:
Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy
BP är en av de maktstrukturer som i något avseende "kontrollerar" Obama ex är ju mer och mer uppenbart. Inte minst då bolaget har fått hållas i sina göranden gällande läckan. Simmons denne oljemindustrins senaste decenniers nestor å sin sida krävde att BPs gulf fyndighet nu och omedelbart skulle sättas 100% under statligt inflytande.
Obama biggest recipient of BP cash
Här vad som nu visade sig kanske blev Simmons sista intervju. Lyssna på det han här säger om allvaret i Gulfen.
Matthew Simmons' Excellent Presentation On The Coming Oil & Water Shortage
Read more:
Then Simmons book highlighting the chocking real situation regarding Saudie Arabian production and booked oil reserves:
Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy
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